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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/14/2009 4:29 PM

The rough shaking jolted the light Slynx all around in the back seat.  She whined with uneasiness and dug her claws into the tough leather seat.  She tried to dismiss the uncomfortable bumps of the ride and listened intently.

Her eyes lit up with shock as they mentioned the Nu'san Temple.  She had visited there once before.  She had been so close to such an exciting and wonderous place and hadn't even realized!  Granted it was hidden, but still...

"Snakepits, broken bones, and falls to your death!?  Sounds ... " she paused, unable to produce quite the right word to describe it all.  Sure the thrilling escapades and priceless treasures would make it all worth while, but with such a great risk to your own life ... was it truly worth it all?  It was hard for the Slynx to grasp, even though (unrealized to herself) she pretty much did the same things, though not as risky in nature perhaps.

"So ... this legacy thing ... ?" she asked a bit shakily as another jerk and bump made her sway and knock against the seat in front of her.  Her tone implied that she wished to know more about it.  Truly this stuff amazed her so.  But if they didn't wish to tell her more, for whatever reason, she wouldn't push it.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/14/2009 6:29 PM

Chester grinned in a little mean way "Sounds great, dos'nt it? Seriously, best job ever."
Layla was annoyed, but she knew better then to fight with him. She knew all too good that,
even if he did not admit it, Chester couldnt live without this lifestyle or the Team, just as the
rest of them.  Ovir cleared his throat, and began to tell "Well. The Story is a little complicated, since
it is very very old. there are 2 official interpretions, and a thousend unofficial. The 3 fallen Seraphin
where powerfull enemies of the triviumnate. One story says that they got banished to the shrine,
and died there, the other one tells that they simply had, and still have, theyr resting places there.
That might or might not be true"
"I dont really believe in it" "But" The Imuet continued, completely
unphazed by Layla "We assume that the old storys might be interpreted wrong,
that something else then those 3 seraphin lies down there. Hannah, our expert for old languages
and codes tries to dechifer the old writings for days now...well we'll see if we where right or wrong."

He soundet  very down to earth while telling all this. Just when Ovir stopped his little tale,
the car made a new bump, this time heavier then anything before. Layla's head smashed against the window, causing her to hiss at the Driver "Ches!!! Could you please stop driving like a homocidal maniac?!
The seatbelts arent matching for Kuay, do you want to get her killed?"
Chester hissed through clenched teeth, looking at her over his shoulder. "It's not my fault that the sand is...bumpy." "well you could at least..." "Enough, please people...relax. And chester look at the stree...er...sand." Ovir snarled, anoyed by the young ones. After a short moment of silence, Chester suddently hit the breaks, looking stunned.
"Whoa...please dont tell me the village is somewhere behind THAT thing..."
After they  drowe through passages of dunes, wich blocked the sight, they suddently had an
surprisingly flat piece of sandy land. And behind that, an enourmous dune towered, shielding the sigh tfrom what lay behind it.To both directions, it seemed to have no end. The Driver turned in his seat, looking
at the Slynx insistently.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/14/2009 7:31 PM

Kuay actually began shaking her head in agreement after a few seconds of thinking about it.  "Yes it does!" she mewed with some uncertainty behind her voice.  

As Ovir was talking, her eyes grew even wider.  Her interest was officially piqued.  Now she wanted to hitch along with them to this place.  But ... she doubted that they'd ever let her.  That sounded too good of a chance for someone like her.  Still ... it wouldn't hurt if she asked, would it?  

She opened her mouth to say something, but was tossed against Layla as the jeep hit another bump.  Indeed, what Layla said was true.  These seat belts weren't fashioned for anything other than a human.  The long strap rested loosely across her paws, certainly not holding her still against the seat.  "N-no wor-r-ries.  I'm gr-r-eat-t-t." she mewed as clearly as she could being rocked back and forth.  The sudden stop smashed Kuay against the front seat again and she yowled lowly in almost a growl.

She moaned as she raised her head above the seat and looked past Chester.  Her ears drooped at the sight.  Oh she remembered that thing.  She did her best to avoid having to go straight over by trying to walk around it instead.  "Ah-ha, yeah ... I had forgotten about this monster." she laughed nervously.  "But yes, we'll have to go around it in order to reach the town." she mewed softly.  She wondered how such a huge dune had come to form...  Perhaps it wasn't even a dune at all ... but then what could it be?

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/15/2009 2:43 AM

"you forgot about it." His voice did not sound angry, but rather tired. He leaned back in his seat,
and closed his eyes for a moment. //great...just.Great.// "I need a little time to think..." he mumbeled,
opened the door and approached the huge dune, envestigating it from afar.
Layla leaned foreward and Ignored Chester completely, pointing to the Dune. "Ovir. Is that...Natural?
I mean that thing is the biggest dune I've ever seen."
The old man layed his forehead in furrows, then respondet. "There are a lot very big dunes. But this one looks like something is beneath it, and the sand only covers ist." Layla's face lit up, but before she could say anything, he cut her short. "No, I dont think that the
temple is beneath there. the temple we search is small, and the dune is too...symetric. It most likely once
was a small mountain rage, before the sand covered it."
Layla looked disapointed.

The door opened again, And Chester hopped in, looking very worried.
"Okay guys. Two options, both dangerous. Either we try to drive arround that thing.
My  apprehension is that the car will make it to the end of the dune, but maybe not the whole way
back to the village. I really have to know how far we would have to drive to get arround the and
back to the village"
He looked at Kuay again "OR we could try to get over the dune. As insane
as it sounds, I think the car could make it to the top. It would be completely broken up there, But all we would have to do then is to get it down and hope that the town lies close to it. The breaks work even if
the engine is dead, so down the hill is not aaaaaas dangerous as it sounds. But I guess it really is up to you,
I'm just the driver..."
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/15/2009 5:32 PM

Kuay was saddened by the tone of his voice, thinking this was once again her fault for such an obstacle.  She slowly raised the forgot canteen from her chest and struggled with trying to screw the lid off.  She took a few reserved sips as she listened to Ovir talk to Layla, enough to satisfy her growing thirst for a few more minutes.

When Chester returned to give them their options, she didn't fancy either one...  Both could essentially leave them stranded again.  She had attempted to climb over before but was quickly deterred as the slope was too steep and the sand was too loose for her to get a grip on to climb further.  But maybe, just maybe, the tires of the jeep would fare better against the task.  

"I'm up for whatever you guys decide, though I too think we could go straight over and make it.  If we could, it would certainly save us some time and gas." she purred, having more faith in the up-and-over option.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/15/2009 6:50 PM

Layla looked at the Slynx concerned "Please, dont let Chester talk down on you. It
really is not your fault. And are you shure you dont want any water? We have...enough"

Chester nodded slowly "That would be my choice too. What about you." Ovir shook his head,
"I'm against it...I say we try to circle the dune." Layla smirked already "You know that I'll always
take the more exiting option. Besides, We'll be much faster."
"Okay, thats 3 against one, sorry
with that, Chester hit the gas, driving towards the dune. //Hey...He accepted the descision
of her like she was one of the Team//
Layla looked at Kuay thoughfull, thinking that she might
fit into their little round. She could prove usefull, at least in the artic environment they would go next.// She seems interisted. And she looks like she could handle the job... well, I'll just have to ask the others. Or maybe she does'nt even want to...//

Her thoughts where interupted when they hit the Dune. The car drove up a few meters, before the wheels
began to slip on the sand. The engine howled angrily when Chester added even more speed. Suddently, the wheels gripped, and the Jeep shot foreward, before it threatened to slip again. The driver began to navigate the vehicle in a sort of zig-zag course, wich seemed to be the best tactic. At least, they got forward somehow.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/15/2009 10:32 PM

Kuay smiled at the kind Rexxel then glanced down at her open canteen.  She jiggled it, splashing the water around inside.  Maybe she should accept the offer - if only to be on the safe side.  "Um ... sure, I'll take you up on that offer." she purred at Layla.

Kuay felt a little bad for Ovir, who wasn't on board with the idea.  She hoped, if they made it over in one piece that is, that he wouldn't be so upset.  Unannounced to Layla, Kuay would jump at the chance to accompany them in their travels if they so wished or permitted.  The lingering urge to ask them hung heavily over her thoughts, but she just couldn't get it out in words.  Her attention was drawn to the dusty window as they hit the dune.  Sand flew up and hit the side of the jeep, making her inch backwards from the glass.  

As the jeep zig-zagged, she rocked easily along with it.  A terrible image of the jeep sliding the wrong way and in turn flipping over back down the dune popped in her head and the worry returned.  'Don't think about it, don't think about it ... happy thoughts!  Think happy thoughts, Kuay!' she screamed inwardly in her thoughts.  She pawed at the loose seatbelt and slid it over her hind legs into a position as secure as she could make.  She swallowed hard and looked over to Layla.

"H-how skillful of a driver is Chester?" she asked in a soft voice, trying not to be overheard by the Fenling and Imuet.  This driving tactic was beginning to make her somewhat nervous.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/16/2009 4:23 AM

Layla reached behind her, seraching blind in the equipment and luggage, untill her hand finally
closed arround one of the waterbottles. She opened and handet it over to Kuay.

"He's been driving since. phew. forever. I would say he even drove before he had a license...
He grew up with cars, so I think he is one of the best drivers I've seen so far. What he is doing right
now however, I dont understand."
Even Layla looked a little pale arround her nose. While she talked back in a low tone, she now raised her voice so he could hear her.
"Ches...could you please tell us why you're drinving as if you where drunk?"

"If I'd try to drive straight up, We'd shurely slip. The sand behind us of course is
looser then before, and the car would get no grip at all, causing us all to slip down
backwards at rapid speed, wich would end in a desaster. The way I'm driving now
is better, because the weight of the jeep is more balanced on the sand, plus if we indeed
beginn to slip, I still can turn the car so we drive back down again forwards."

The fact that he told all that without any silly comment made Layla and Ovir nervous.
If even he was focused and tense enough to keep objective, The situation
was critical, and he really was doing his best to get them all out of it unharmed.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/16/2009 9:31 PM

Kuay gratefully took the bottle and tried to poor it into her canteen, though most found it's way onto the seat.  "T-that makes sense." she mewed.  She wouldn't complain.  It was working - they were moving closer to the top.

Unlike the others, Kuay wasn't concerned about Chester's unusual tone of seriousness.  What really concerned her was the other's reaction to Chester.  She didn't know the guy like they did, and wondered what was wrong.  

"Um, what's wrong?  Why did everyone get ... so serious all of a sudden?" she mewed with worry.  Her heart began racing in her chest as she tried to keep from rocking so hard.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/17/2009 4:42 AM

Just when Ovir wanted to calm her by saying that everything was perfectly fine,
the car slipped 3 meters sideways down the hill. Layla made a small 'eep' sound,
digging he fingers into the seat. Luckily, they didn't slip far, wich made it more
or less easy for Chester to get the vehicle back under controll and proceed
up the dune.

After another nerve wrecking 5 minutes, they finally where at the top of the Dune.
The top luckily was flat and wide enough for a car to stand on it. "Hey, I can see the village from here!"
Layla said exited, pointing at a small buildup of shacks and small houses, deep down under them.
Ovir looked over at the driver, shocked at how exhausted and done he looked.
"Do you need a break?" "Nah it's fine...It's just...." He looked down the dune. "That will be a hell
of a ride."
Layla finished his scentence. Ches nodded, then turned in his seat. "Ladys, is  back there enough place for Ovir? I need as much weight as possible at the back. Oh, and do find a solution for the seatbel of Kuay, I really dont want you to get tossed arround. Specially not now..."  

(it's fine, no problem^^)
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/18/2009 5:56 PM

Kuay spun around instinctively and wound up facing backwards, claws dug deeply into the headrest of the seat and body tensed.  Her eyes widened with surprised, she clenched her teeth to keep from screeching.  The next five minutes seemed like hours to the nerve-racked Slynx, and she was deeply relieved when they reached the top.  She turned with a weak smile and stared down at the village.  She couldn't help but imagine how the villagers would react if they were to see a speeding jeep sliding down the dune towards them.  Luckily, she wasn't scared of heights.

"I'm sure we could make enough room back here for one more."  Kuay did her best to scrunch up close to her window, making room for Ovir.  Then she was struck with an idea.  "Or ... if you prefer, you could have my seat and I'll sit in the middle?" she suggested, waiting for clearence from the others.

Then she begun to eyeball the floorboard.  She was long and skinny enough to squeeze down there.  That would probably be more secure than any seatbelt.  And she wouldn't mind at all.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/18/2009 7:16 PM

Ovir already was out of the car, standing next to Kuay.
"Maybe that would be a good idea, I think you're safer in the middle then
at the window."
He answered. Then his eyes followed her gaze. "The floorboard?"
he asked, looking surprised. Chester got ripped out of his thoughts,
wich where circeling arround the question if the jeep was equipped with airbags,
considering how old it was. "Well, it is the most secure place for her..." he murmered
"but also the most unconfortable. Are you shure?" Layla asked Kuay, looking at the
floorboard herself. "The bumps must be like...twice as intense down there."

(meh...bad post :P)
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/19/2009 7:42 AM

[[xD  We're all allowed them every now and then.  =P]]

She was a bit shocked when they actually approved of her suggestion.  "Oh, it's no problem at all!  I can squeeze snugly down there.  It's bound to be a little more secure than riding without a seat belt I would think." she purred with a smile.

Without a second thought, she hopped into the jeep and proceeded to hunker down in front of the seats.  She struggled with her position once she slid in between between the seats.  In one way, she felt awkward sitting with her front feet folded over onto the seat, but at the same time she had no choice.  Trying to stick her long forelegs anywhere else would only be more uncomfortable.  She bit her lip and refused to let her complaints find themselves heard.  She scooted as far into the middle as she could as to leave Ovir and Layla leg room.

'This would be the one of few times I hate having such a body.' she thought with an inward sigh.  Unlike this trio, she had no human form.  Unable to shift into a more suitable body was a bother, but she didn't fuss too much about it.  Her feline body suited her just fine.  She glanced at the two within her sight, seeing as her head could only turn so far, and nodded.  "Alright, I think I've settled in.  Hop in!"

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 12/19/2009 4:46 PM

It took some time untill everyone was sitting in the car again, but after
a little fussing arround, They figured out how it would be the most confortable
for all of them without kicking Kuay or being extremely narrowed with their legs.

After he ascertained himself that everyone was as safe and secure as somehow possible,
Chester drove the car to the border of the dune top, taking one last deep breath, and then
navigated the jeep over the edge. He couldnt drop the dreadfull feeling that something
could and most likely would go very wrong.

The first half of the ride was pretty unspectacular. They where fast, jes, but since the car at least got a little
grip, Chester slowed down now and then. Layla bit her lip,nervously drumming on the seat with her fingers and leaning back as far as possible //Jeesh...thats like a rollercoaster ride to hell...//

and then it happpened.there was a small 'bang' sound, the car 'hopped' and slingered,
and Chester cursed, sounding quite hectic. "Whats wrong?" Ovir asked, trying his best to keep calm."freakin breaks broke, thats wrong!" Chester hissed. The car now shot down the dune, still gaining speed. He managed to navigate the car into a slightly other direction, to avoid the car crashing into the village... that shurely wasnt a real solution. They coulnt possibly jump of the car, they where far to fast for that now."okay. I dont want to say that but we ARE going to crash into that small dune there. Put your heads down, stay low, hold on to whatever is in you reach and...uhm...hope for the best." Chester gripped the stiring wheel with both hands and braced himself for the crash...

(uh oh...Oo)
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/21/2009 7:26 PM

[[ Uh oh indeed  o3o;; ]]

Kuay was thinking much the same way as Layla as the jeep sped down the sand.  Her lower half was well wedged and unmoving, but her upper half couldn't quit shaking.  As much as she liked not being near the window, she was still nervous not even seeing the outside and what was going on.  Her claws dug into the seat with each small bump.

Her heart skipped a much needed beat when the car made some of the most unusual sounds.  Her, being no where near mechanic smart, feared the worse.  "W-what was t-that!?" she panicked, restraining from crawling out of her space to see.  As she listened to the guys talking, she became more panicky and threw her paws over her eyes.  

"Now I've done it!  I've went and jinxed us all!  I knew this would happen - I knew it!" she yowled loudly in fear.  As it was probably known by now by the others, she wasn't one to handle stress too well.  She buried her head into the seat in front of her, brushing against someone's legs but who's she couldn't see.  "Please let this be quick and painless..." she said over dramatically as she waited for the impact.

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[[ Sorry it took so long to reply - Christmas errands kept me busy   x3;; ]]
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