With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Shieba » 11/25/2010 6:55 AM

While Hakai looked certainly unimpressed by being trapped all of sudden, Ashur was at least slightly worried. He, as a creature of the sky, didn't like enclosed spaces too much and he was also rather concerned with what would lie beyond them now.

Then again, he was also slightly amused when he saw how quickly the rest of the people stuck with them decided to walk through the doors and left Hakai with a very unpleasant decision: Hakai hated people and traveling in groups. But he also hated pink.

"Well, what now?" Ashur asked, masking the humor in his voice rather well.

"I am not happy right now", Hakai informed him. "But whatever. It's just a stupid door and I'm not getting stuck here with a bunch of idiots. One idiot with me is enough."

Ashur just chuckled gently, not letting the insult phase him at all - he was used to it and Hakai had long lost the snide in his voice when he uttered them. "Very well then. Shall we proceed?"

"Yeah, let's move." Hakai stood up. "This goddess is already begging me to punch her." Together with Ashur, who had, as always, problems to fit through doors, no matter if pink or otherwise, he made his way deeper into the temple.


I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AnimeTheia » 11/25/2010 6:31 PM


Behind the yellow door is a nondescript tunnel, no different really from the one Kira had just come from, barring of course the fact that it is devoid of life, or at least it seems that way... As the door swings shut behind the Lucain the ceiling stones flicker into life, giving off a sun-like light that warms the air, perhaps this tunnel was the best one to choose after all?

The tunnel stretches ahead of Kira, with nothing more than random heaps of sand to the sides of the path to differentiate from the seemingly endless walls of stone.



The door closes behind Rowan and Squig with a squelchy sound like wet sand. In fact the wide tunnel floor is covered in sand, unlike the flagstone floor of the previous tunnel, and all of it is wet,  because of this it is even stuck in wet patches on the walls. The passageway before the duo is quite dark, no lights here, but not pitch dark. There is a definate sound of dripping echoing from further away and the floor of the tunnel declines gently down it's length.



The red door leads to a small pitch black room. Most normal creatures wouldn't be able to see anything here, but those with special sight would be able to see the unadorned walls and floor, the small hallway directly opposite and the strange being that is sat squarely in the middle of said halls entrance. The strange being stretches her wings briefly and gives Adi an small smile whilst making it clear that she will not be allowed to move on without her say so.




This door, much like most of the others, leads to another tunnel, but unlike the others this tunnel has stairs going upwards, they go up for quite a way before the tunnel levels out again. A short distance beyond the top of the stairs the tunnel opens up into a very large room. High up open window holes mostly choked with sand illuminate the room with the early afternoon sun. The room is square, on the far side are two more tunnel entrances and all around the edge are stone troughs with another stone trough in the center of the room. If you were to look inside these troughs you would find old dry earth, dead plants and the odd half dead cactus, starved of enough sunlight. The floor under it's layer of sand is made up of chipped and broken decorated mosaic tiles, it seems you have found the temples gardens.

What do you do next? Choose the left or right tunnel or spend some time exploring the garden?



It is indeed dark inside this passage, the air smells strangely of oil here, how odd. As the door swings shut it strikes a flint stone and fire suddenly whooshes down the tunnel. Don't panic yet though, the fire is contained in oil filled gutters built into the floor that run down each side of the path, both illuminating and warming the tunnel, though you might want to take care that nothing flammable goes too near the hungry flames.

This tunnel slopes steadily upwards and is straight as far as you can see (which considering the flames is pretty far).



The door bangs shut behind this unfortunate duo, the reverberations cause the ceiling directly in front of the door to partially collapse, sand and stone debris now block the door from opening again. Odd how the door seemed to bang itself shut like that...

The way here is wide and dark and low, to both sides of the tunnel white objects can be made out laying in swathes of dust on large stone shelves. Further inspection would reveal these objects to be skulls and bones. Body after body, bone after bone, skull after skull placed neatly onto their stone shelf, their final resting place for all eternity. This is the temples catacombs.

Short flights of steps are spaced out every twenty feet or so, all of them lead further down into the depths of the temple and desert.

“Heheheh” was that just me or did I hear someone or something chuckle?...



After a short tunnel that leads away to the right, Hakai and Ashur come across a large room. Dotted around the room are wooden doors, or what's left of them, and behind the doors are smaller rooms with spartan stone furniture in them, each room is identical in their layout (a large slab for a bed, a smaller slab next to this for a table, the odd bit of wood that suggested it was once a stool and each room even has a candle stub with tinder and flint nearby on each table). One room is bigger and more lavish than the others, a dusty mirror still hangs from one wall and faded shreds of farbic, once a tapestry, hang from another.

There appears to be no other tunnels or doors leading out of this place, a search will find no trace of other doors, not even a trapdoor. However, in one of the small rooms an odd square hollow is cut into one of the walls and next to this hole a riddle has been chisseled into the rock, though the writing is faded  and even more archaic than the writing on the plaques, it can still just about be read:

A spirited jig it dances bright,
Banishing all but darkest night.
Give it food and it will live;
Give it water and it will die.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Postby Remedy » 11/25/2010 7:51 PM

Hm, perhaps this wasn't too bad after all?  The light was warm, but not deathly hot like the normal air outside.   In different circumstances she would curl up and go to sleep, but at that moment she decided it would be better to find a way out.  Hoping this wouldn't end up as some sort of death trap, Kira cautiously continued.  It was all so odd, how the ceiling automatically lit up and the symboyls above the doors did too.  She wasn't one to believe in magic or this goddess that was supposedly the cause of all this, so she decided that it was just a trigger or something that caused the door to close that one of the other animals had stepped on.  She wondered how they were doing, whoever- or whatever- they were.  It was just like her to have a sudden concern for strangers, even if she was just acting as if she were deathly afraid of them.  Right now she had her own troubles to worry about, so she tried to focus on finding a way out.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AuroraSky » 11/28/2010 4:58 PM


Rowan and Squig turned around in shock, their feet floored to the ground as their only hope of escape was taken away from them. They exchanged worried glances and Rowan bit her bottom lip, knowing that once again she would have to use a spell. She gripped her wand tightly in her hand, which was trembling under the circumstances. Squig buzzed next to her comfortingly, and she allowed herself to take a deep breath. She raised the wand slowly and pointed the tip at the door. With a little wave she spoke the words of the spell, trying hard to remain confident.

"Enfermés dans une porte de pierre nous aider à trouver le chemin du retour accueil buste la porte à broken bits et laisser notre passage être allumé!"

There was a small flash of light and a bolt of electricity shot from the wand towards the door...but alas there was no success. Something was wrong. Rowan wasn't very experienced in magic but she was sure that she had been doing it right. What was wrong with this temple that was weakening her way to get out? Squig landed on her shoulder and rubbed his fur against her cheek soothingly. "Squig...we're stuck." She said softly. "We need to go down the pathway and see if we can find some way out!"

Squig buzzed in agreement and Rowan gripped her wand again, this time deciding to go with just a simple light spell so it wouldn't be so dark around and they could find there way through. "Lumière." She whispered softly, and this time a small bead of light appeared above her wand and danced around, happy to be free. "Please lead us down the passage." Rowan commanded, and the ball of light happily obliged to its master.

Rowan and Squig exchanged another glance and slowly made there way down. "It's wet." Rowan whispered in distaste, trying to lift her feet extra high so her robe wouldn't drag too much. "And we're going down at a slant...where are we Squig?"


I know you
I walked wi
th you once upon a dream
I k
now you
That look in y
our eyes is so familiar,

a gleam...

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Nyxia » 11/28/2010 6:31 PM

Adi watched the creature move from where she'd entered, her red eyes locked on the creature within the stone walls. Though it seemed friendly enough, more it wasn't attacking or taking up any aggressive stance with her at that moment. Still she wasn't taking chances with anything inside this place, and it showed in her approach towards the creature. The room itself gave her no clues to what she would face in this creature as she passed into the hall way. She could assume many things, about its purpose here, about its status but thinking it over would yield her less clues than it already had.

A good length from the creature Adi stopped, arms crossed over her chest as she summed up the beast. "A servant to this goddess, are you?" In a relaxed manor she leaned her left shoulder against the stone wall, the toe of her right boot touching to the floor as she crossed her legs in a four shape. "And what is it you would wish of me?" She wasn't actually to worried about any trials this goddess or her servants could throw at her, amazingly she was far more worried about invoking the wrath of some unseen being. Still she doubted there would be any resulting curse from her actions. Idly she watched the creature waiting for some sign of what it would be this goddess could want from an old war hound as she.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby HunnyBun » 12/03/2010 11:42 PM

(( Sorry sorry, curse my job ))

This place was scary, it gave Creet goose bumps. He didn't like the feel nor the looks. Death all around just didn't agree with him. His fur stood on end as he slowly walked towards the back pathways. Stopping for a moment to think over his choice.
"Which to choose? Which to choose?" He asked his self, tapping his chin.
He pointed to each one: left, right, left, right. Then with a snap of his finger, he made his choice. Taking the left path, whistling lightly.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby jobiehanna » 12/03/2010 11:47 PM

While Grace was still looking around the fire sprang up and startle her. She wasn't expecting that. The initial shock of the fire springing up from nowhere wore off almost instantly though when she saw that it was contained. The fire crackled around her and she welcomed the warmth. At least she wouldn't be cold. She took a step forward to walk down the seemingly endless walkway. The fire sparkled in her eyes and she watched the walls for engravings of any kind as she walked.


And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Jessari » 12/06/2010 12:54 AM

Although Viktor himself suppressed any reaction to the miniature cave-in, Kisa jolted upright in his arms. Her skin, normally a rich mocha hue, had lightened as much as it was able, and although she couldn't possibly see anything, her head twisted from one side to the other. "Vitya, I'm scared," she whispered into his ear. "Let's go home."

Viktor scanned the rocks that had fallen, knowing there was no way for him to budge some of the larger ones. He was beginning to regret bringing her along, endangering her after all he'd done to keep her safe, but it was too late for that. "There is no way to go but forward, Kisa." The mysterious goddess must have something planned for them.

Then came the chuckle. His eyes narrowed as one arm tightened protectively around Kisa. The other dangled down, fingertips brushing against the hilt of the knife hidden at his waist. Slowly, he venture further down the steps, alert for any sign of the hidden jokester. "No sense in hiding," he called, his voice firm. "Show yourself, and explain the joke so that we might enjoy it together."
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


This is the way...

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Shieba » 12/06/2010 1:23 AM

The smaller the rooms got, the more Ashur was struggling with his size. At first, he stayed in the large room and only peeked into the smaller ones while Hakai went to explore, then he settled for examining the largest of them, ckecking behind the mirror for a hidden door. When he found nothing out of the ordinary, he returned to the middle one, but then spotted the odd square hollow and squeezed into the room to get a look at it and the riddle written besides it. Humming softly to himself, he then waited for Hakai.

The Lucain returned not long after. "Nothing. Not a damn door anywhere! Is this a joke or something?! All the rooms look the same!" Hakai raged.

Ashur chuckled softly. "Just look at what we have here, then. It's a riddle."

Hakai glanced at the barely visible writing and the hole. "I hate this crap", he growled. "I want a fight, not to get stuck in here with cryptic messages!" He then paused and looked at Ashur, who seemed to have a good time. "But looking at your smug face tells me you probably solved this already, right? Spit it out then!"

"But it's not all that hard", Ashur gently said. "Just think about it and then look at the strange things in the rooms. Did you not find it odd that, besides old furnitures, there were just three more things there, but these in all the rooms? The candle stub, the tinder and the flint. The solution to this riddle is, obviously, fire. Now that you left all the thinking to me, please gather all of it here, will you?"

Hakai mumbled something which sounded not very nice at Ashur's display of intelligence, but obeyed and went to gather all the candle stubs, tinders and a flint. It was a task meant for human hands which he did not have, really, and he had to walk quite a few times, which didn't better his mood, but at last everything was gathered in the hole and, with more effort, they managed to create a small fire and light all the candle stubs.

"Now let's hope something happens and we won't die of smoke poisoning", Hakai commented dryly.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AnimeTheia » 12/08/2010 11:51 AM


Behind the Lucain a pile of sand began moving, as silently as possible a little figure pulled itself out of the pile. The creature grinned happily and began following the Lucain as she searched for a way out. It made no footstep noises as it hovered, flying through the warm bright air and thanks to the overhead lighting it's shadow was concentrated directly below it. The only way this Lucain would know it was there was if she randomly decided to look back.

The tunnel continued on for a long way, before coming abruptly to a dead end... Hmm how curious, what is the point of a tunnel that goes nowhere?



The floor became increasingly wet the further down the slope the duo went. After a time it they came to a area that was more water than sand. The light from the dancing light bead revealed a large cavern opening up before them. The walls were rough natural rock and the entire floor was water, it would seem they had found a hidden lake. The lake filled the entire floor, there was no way of simply walking around edge. Water dripped from the stalagtites into the lake, the sound echoed around the cave.  The waters edge that they were stood by and that had been still moments before began to ripple, there was something in the cavern with them, something in the water...



The strange creature chuckled at Adi's first question, "La'a, I am not a Devotee of the Goddess" she spoke with a deep, rich voice and had a strong and unusual accent. She smiled again, amused at Adi's questions, the world had changed so much that here was a normal mortal being impertinently questioning a Goddess. "I wish to welcome you" she said in response, "Salaam aleikum, Ismi Amunet, I wanted to thank you for your kind offerings, I haven't felt so strong and powerful in years" as she said this Amunet stretched her wings out again, she flexed the muscles and with a playful wink at Adi she began growing in size. She started off as medium sized and by the time she was finished she was definitely large and definitely blocking off the tunnel "Shukran, but I cannot let you pass just for giving me your blood, you must answer a riddle". Amunet Settled herself back into a seated position, her wings neatly folded, she looked noble indeed.

"Each morning I appear
To lie at your feet,
All day I will follow
No matter how fast you run,
Yet I nearly perish
In the midday sun.
What am I?"

Egyptian Arabic
La'a = no
Salaam aleikum = hello
Ismi = my name is
Shukran = thank you



From the right tunnel a pair of keen eyes watched Creet head for and enter the left tunnel. Curious the creature to whom the eyes belonged crept out of their own tunnel and, keeping to the deepest shadows, followed discretely behind Creet. They hadn't seen another living being in this cursed temple for so long.

The left tunnel was short, it led to another room full of plant troughs, but this time the room was circular and much smaller. The troughs were mostly full of vibrant green plants, ranging from hardy cacti to delicate little flowers, some of the troughs were half empty as though someone was still in the process of bringing the garden back to life. The mosaic floor was swept clean and had clearly been washed, although many of the tiles were broken or in some cases inexplicably missing. There was no exit to this room.

The little creature following creet darted inside the room and clambered quickly into one of the troughs by the entrance, it hid behind the plants inadvertantly rustling the leaves as it arranged itself so as to leave only it's eyes visible. The creature peered out at Creet, wondering what he was going to do next.



Finally, after what must seem like forever the tunnel abruptly ends. It opens out onto a huge chamber, the ceiling seems to be miles away and is held up by pillars that are bigger than the biggest trees. Near the tunnel giant stone steps lead up to an oversized stone throne. Behind and above the throne is a statue presumably of the Goddess Amunet, it looks very similar to a Suncheeka. This chamber seems almost untouched by the ravages of time and destruction, the floor is clean and undamaged, the ceiling is intact, the grand temple entrance is also in perfect condition, though it is completely blocked by sand drifts and broken rubble. There is a faint feel of magic in the air to anyone that can sense such a thing. As Grace steps into the chamber stone braziers flare up into life, filling the previously deathly silent room with a gentle roaring sound and lighting up the key points of the temple. There is no obvious exit to this chamber, other than the front entrance that is blocked. Over the sound of the fires a strange scuttling sound is suddenly heard, it seems to be coming from up near the impressive throne and it doesn't exactly sound like the kind of noise made by something cute and fluffy...



The chuckle came again, louder this time, a cold air rushed through the catacombs. In the distance a skull jumped off of one of the shelves and flew through the air for a brief time before sitting back on it's shelf again at a jaunty angle. Stones and sand rattled and blew about around Viktor and the girl. The noise or rattling chains sounded right by their ears. Then everything fell silent again "Heheheheh".



For a while it seemed like nothing was going to happen. Then a grating sound of stone against stone could be heard coming from one of the other rooms. A search would quickly reveal that an entire wall of the bigger and more lavish room has opened revealing a large hallway with steps leading up. The steps lead to an ante-chamber, stone pegs line one wall, small stone shelves line another. A few small stone knives lay on the shelfes along with hand-held candlestick holders. Strips of material still hang from several of the pegs, they look like they may have once been white robes. Almost in perfect condition and hanging in prime postiton is one elaborate set of robes, a pale golden colour with a vibrant yellow sun-like symbol on the robes' back, exactly matching those symbols above the original tunnel doors. It is clear you have just come from the Devotee's Quarters, the larger room must have been for the Head Devotee, and these must have been their robes, stored in an ante-chamber, suggesting that maybe if you could find your way out of this room, you would come to the Main Temple. Again though it seems like you have come to a dead end. Other than the robes, fragmented robes and bric-a-brac on the shelves there seems to be nothing else...

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Postby Remedy » 12/12/2010 12:09 PM

Kira continued along the path, completely unaware of the creature following her as she went.  After a while, she finally came to the dead end and just sort of sat there, puzzled.  "Surely,"  she said to herself, "there would be some sort of exit?  Perhaps this wasn't the best path to choose..."  She racked her brain for some sort of solution.  Perhaps there is a trap door in the sand or something, she thought.  After digging a bit she decided it was no use, since to really find out she would have to shovel out the entire tunnel.  Getting up, she decided that the best thing to do now was to just head back.  Turning around, it took her a moment to focus on the little creature that had been following her.  It gave her a bit of a start but she quickly calmed down.  Maybe it could help?  
"Um... uh... Excuse me... Do you happen to know a way out...?" She asked, a little hesitant.  This was so strange...

((Sooo sorry for the late reply.  D8))

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby AuroraSky » 12/12/2010 12:56 PM

"Oh." Rowan breathed, the mere sight of the underwater lake taking her breath away. The way that the light bead reflected its rays onto the lake water and then the natural rock walls...despite her current predicament it was all so stunning. She heard a small buzzing noise near her ear and turned to smile at her companion. "Squig, isn't it wonderful?" Rowan started, turning her gaze back to the lake.

In response, Squig shot away from his master and over the lake, enjoying the less constricting space. He sped around, buzzing echoing all over the cave, chasing the light bead. Something about this lake just made them forget about all of their problems.


At just that one sound, it seemed like time itself had stopped. Squig brought himself to an abrupt halt, the light bead directly in front of him, seemingly shocked as well. He glanced at his master, who's eyes were wide and her wand was in her hand, very shakily he noticed. Something was not right. "SQUIG! COME BACK! NOW!"


I know you
I walked wi
th you once upon a dream
I k
now you
That look in y
our eyes is so familiar,

a gleam...

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby Nyxia » 12/12/2010 11:20 PM

Adi understood her strange tongue from the many lands she'd wandered in these long years, a sort of mixed blessing she guessed. "So you don't belong to her, interesting indeed." She felt more at ease with the creature, amused with Amunet comments to her. “Yes, guess hound blood is useful after all.” She mused with her own smile, not having moved at all from the pose she’d taken up. Adi wasn’t as dim as her kennel mates had been, quietly she listened to the riddle and the sway of the rich voice that spoke it. “You would be my shadow, wouldn’t you?” She asked more than answered; the tongue came easily to the fiery hound, it was her ability to grasp concepts that was shaky. If this was the worst she would see of this place, then she could assume this goddess was more a trickster than she was a threat. The slender hound shifted her legs so her right supported her weight, while the sole of her left boot pressed against the stone wall where she stood; glowing magma colored eyes gleaming in the dark as she watched the mighty Amunet before her to see what would next come.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby HunnyBun » 12/16/2010 12:53 AM

(( I have to switch Creet out, I have talked to Anime about it <3 ))

A shady looking man slowly walked up behind Creet. His cowboy hat shading over his face, and an old bent fag in the corner of his lips. He stopped about a foot from Creet's back and took a long puff from the cigarette before pulling it away and holding it in his hand.
"Time you be heading home." He said, in a low voice.
Creet spun around, almost jumping out of his skin.
"It was you!" Creet shouted.
The shady man looked at him confused.
"Your the one I just heard rustling around here."
The man shook his head, he didn't know what he was talking about.
"Whatever, just you need to head home, your old lady is looking for you."
"So she sent you Code to get me?" Creet asked confused.
He nodded.
"She knew I was going to be headed for the Wilt'no next, so I was headed your way." Code replied, taking another puff from the death stick.
Creet tapped his chin, thinking for a moment, then nodded.
"Yeah, it's been some time since I've been home, better go and check in before they worry." Creet said, shouldering his bag.
He walked past and back down the way he had come. He would have to find some way to get out before heading home.
Code shook his head again, what was Creet doing here anyway? He sucked at the cigarette again before looking around the round room.
"What is so interesting here?" He asked out loud, wondering what Creet was even doing in a place like this.

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Re: !Temple of Mysteries - Contest!

Postby jobiehanna » 12/16/2010 9:38 PM

As Grace looked around she admired the handiwork of the pillars. How had they built them to big? Perhaps some kind of magic? She didn't know, but it was mesmerizing to finally be in one of the throne rooms that she had only examined the outsides of. Alistair and Damon had always stopped her before, but now... there was a whole new world down where she was.
As the fire spread up once more, it reflected in her eyes, making the brown a gold-ish blaze. Suddenly she heard a noise, like something threatening. She wasn't sure what to do, having always been protected by Alastair from such creatures. Why had she wondered off from him?
She sighed and crouched behind a pillar. It hid her well, as the pillars were much thicker than her body. "Wh-who's there?" She called into the darkness, hoping she wouldn't face her death in the beatioful throne room of the Goddess Amunet.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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