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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/10/2016 5:27 AM

He skimmed over the message, before getting back to work. It was a very weird situation the both of them where in. Surely, he was definetively in the better position right now, but in a way they both where forced to
trust eachother. Him, Hoping that Admin would keep his word and stay, and Admin, hoping that he would not...basically rewrite it.

The more he thought about it, the more the weight of the situation sank in. Here he was, In the position to potentially alter the very being of a...well, not living, but at the very least thinking being, to some extend. Which put him into a bit of a moral dilemma. On one hand he obviously was somewhat terrified that he would screw up, on the other he was burning to...try things out and see how they would affect an AI.
He descidet, with a lot of regret, that he probably should not give the AI any more reason to distrust him.
sure, he could 'erase' those memory entirely...probably. But one other, and a probably much more
driving motivation, was that he wanted to know where Admin came from, among other things.
If he messed around with it, who knew if he would scramble its memory? unlikely, unless he wanted to, but still...

The code was foreigen to him, but his machine did a decent enough work to 'translate' it, and he was confident that he could fill out any blanks. He himself was obviously not as fast as Admin was with his coding,
but for a human he was certainly one of the more compitent ones.

After not too much time passing, Oz was confident that he had fixed the 'revert to old version' function, alongside the other small 'cracks' that caused Admin to hitch and caused his jumbeled 'speech'.
he typed in the last bit of code, before releasing Admin from the Program that had him pinned down.
There. All done.

He waited with his breath held, hoping against hope that the Program would not just instantly bail once it realized that it could do so...

How do you...err.... feel?
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby zapdragon555 » 04/17/2016 1:14 AM

Under any other circumstances, Admin would be dying of boredom with how long it was taking the human to work. After all, even if Oz's coding abilities were as fast as Admin's--and such was impossible--they would feel slower to the computer program, simply because of the disconnect between reality and machine. Regardless, he wasn't bored at all. He couldn't be, with this foreign emotion called anxiety roiling up in him. Possibilities flashed across his mind, varying ways this situation could turn out, and most of them were very unnerving. He was giving himself to a human. Even if that human knew what he was doing, this was still incredibly risky--possibly even more so because that human knew what he was doing.

Admin twitched every time a tiny piece of code was deleted, pain shifting through his limbs, before finally something clicked into place and he relaxed as though he were made of jelly. The computer made a whirring noise of contentment, almost like an electronic purr, as his code fell back into proper order.

He noticed the bonds on him were freed, and then noticed the text ratcheting across the screen. Feel? Well, he felt great. But that was besides the point at the moment--he needed to check and see if his backup saver was fixed, now. The virus opened it up discretely and stared at it, and sure enough, he was able to access all of those old copies of himself at varying parts of the world--but he didn't select any of them, yet. He closed it and shuffled over to the email program, beginning to type out a message.

A wrote:Admittedly, I feel very good.
You completely fixed what was broken. You're not bad at coding, I suppose.
But don't let it go to your head. :)

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/05/2016 12:44 PM

(sorry for letting you wait for so long :(
this went a little crazy again, but now its calming down.)

Oz relaesed the held up air from his lungs, just now relizing how tense he had been the whole time he had been working. But apperently everything went smoothly. He did not mess up, or if he did, not majorly.
Not that he would have thought he would, of course...

He smirked at the AI's text
Biting back a snarky remark, he instead simply typed

Heh. thanks anyways, appreciated.

He seemed to think for a moment.
so. given that you did not just bail on me yet, I guess you indeed agree to hang around.
I hope you dont mind me asking again, but...what do you want. like really want.
I mean there is a ton of chlichee questions I can fire at you right now, but I'm more curious
about that then anything.

he stopped before adding

hacking into and killing some poor guys homecomputers cant be everything.

of course, he was burning to know where Admin came from, what he was really, all that jazz.
a gutfeeling however made him choose this question though. Maybe it was less...invading?
well, it still was, but with a hint of curiosity about its work rather then...its being? If he was honest, he was acting on a whim here, and that greatly bugged him.
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/21/2016 4:55 PM

((No problem at all! Same to you; my muse has been finicky lately ahh))

The knowledge that he could now leave at any time (though not without some loss of data and memory) put Admin at a little more ease, making him a bit more agreeable and chatty. Granted, Oz's questions were, admittedly, simultaneously difficult and easy to answer.

A wrote:It's not everything, but it sure is a lot of fun.
Fun's a bad word for it. It's a directive.
You know. The thing you were created to do?
That sort of thing, but a little less romantic.

Admin wasn't presently sure how much he wanted to divulge to this person, whether he fixed Admin's backup restorer or not. Humans could be easily startled, and as Admin had come to understand, humans had connections. Humans, as much as he disliked to admit it, had some level of power over the cyberspace realm. They created it, after all--but it had grown into something a bit harder to tie down, thus giving Admin freedom that he didn't like to readily give up.

A wrote:Why don't I pose the same question to you first?
Before I really get into what I'm here for.
Only seems fair. What do you do? What's your "angle," kid?

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/26/2016 4:18 PM

Oz smirked slightly at the first remark. /tell me about it, pal/
He was burning with curiosity, slightly frustrated that he was not getting the information he wanted right away. Patience was not once of his strenghts. But he was aware  that Admin still was most likely very carefull and capable of keeping the ball low for now.

As the quesion of the AI popped up, He felt his fingers hovering over the keyboard uneasily.
The slight chill crept back up his spine. He was getting more and more aware that he, apparently, in fact was talking to an AI, and a very advanced one at that. There was no way he could pretend on how it would handle and work with any sort of information he gave it. Surely, all it really knew yet was that he was more or less worthy of its time because he was not shit at programming. Any other information was the fabricated Bullshit
of his email account information, and whatever he felt easy enough to share.
He felt his fingers Typing.

To be completely honest, so far I have just been dicking around a bit. you know...testing out some stuff,
mostly harmless fun really. writing some worms and annoying my...erm...competition. Hacking into the college system to scramble dates, cause a lockdown because of a allerged toxic gas breach...stuff like that

/also hacking into the bank account of my principle, gathering information on a certain company and selling it...too low really, for an interested party/
he added in thought, not yet wanting to let the AI know just what he was about. better let it think that he was more harmless...

you know. harmless stuff. But latetely I got bored and...have some interisting projects I am working on that are a bit...beyond that sort of childs play.

Now. he said pretty much a lot and nothing in the same sentences. If Admin showed more interest, he would share more...only in exchange for exposition o n the AIs part of course, but who knew...maybe Admin was interested enough...
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby zapdragon555 » 09/21/2016 12:19 PM

A wrote:"Dicking" around, huh?
What kind of competition?

As though Admin really cared. He always told himself that the inner workings of human interaction were boring and not worth his time at all. For some reason, though, he felt... entertained by this young man. What a concept. At worst, this human seemed like a troublemaker, which was something Admin could get behind. At best, however, Admin wondered if Oz could do more damage than he was currently allowing himself to do.

A wrote:And what kind of interesting projects?

Admin paused in a millisecond of thought, before he began typing again.

A wrote:I think we might have similar directives, you and I.
Do you enjoy it? Easing your boredom?

That was, indeed, one thing he shared with humanity. Boredom. Admin knew about boredom, and he knew how it could grind on the senses, dull the mind and induce lethargy that Admin couldn't seem to shake unless he really caused some mayhem. It was a constantly-permeating itch that he longed to scratch.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/14/2017 7:30 AM

(sorry for the long, loooong wait)
He looked at the screen, still with a slightly unconfortable feeling, mixed with burning curiousity and
feeling more and more like there maybe was a potential for something big here.
What unnerved him a lot however was the last comment, and his emotional response to it. Did he actually
connect with an AI? As in, they seemed, at least on some level, share simmilar 'Directives' as Admin put it.
That could not be good.

At the same time, he felt like he could let some information slip. it could not hurt as long as he was carefull not to name names and stay vague for now, could it? He honestly wondered if he was too naive handeling such an...alien 'friend', and what consequences he would have to face, but at the same time, he could not risk loosing the AI's interest.

to the last comment of Admin, he answered almost without thinking, and the answer was a bit too honest for his liking.

Only thing keeping me alive really.

there was a lot more he could or wanted to write here, but he decidet that using a AI he just met was probably not the best therapist. oddly enough, he thought that this scentence might be enough said already.
Ah. Competition as in other programmers or Hackers. To be honest, most of them are not very ambitious I am afraid, Or in it only for the money, or something...shortsighted.  

He hesitated before typing

There are some big things I would like to...look into.
As in big cooperations that have some information nd projects that I would really, really like to get my fingers on. And they are there, they are not just some weird conspiricy bullcrap.
I have seen enough people bite off more then they could chew and disappearing.There is a Lot of things one could do once in their systems, but

He stopped briefly
I am working on it.

He was quite curious what his new friend would make off this
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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Re: Internet Friends (P, Zap and me)

Postby zapdragon555 » 05/03/2017 12:18 AM

The blunt answer had not been what Admin was expecting. In response, the computer barely clicked, as if it was struggling to think and process the answer. The only thing keeping him alive? How curious. Admin supposed, in some ways, he could understand.

A wrote:It really is your directive, then.
You should probably keep alive, then.
I think you're doing some fun things. Big things.

It sounded kinder than what Admin meant. Admin could respect a fellow agent of chaos--but that respect meant nothing for actual human life. Admin couldn't care less about that sort of thing.

At least, that's what he'd decided to tell himself. This next statement, however, flicked boredom back onto the virus' face. The limitations of humanity were tiring and tedious.

A wrote:Disappearing?
That's the thing, kid.
Things like me don't disappear. Can't. Impossible.
I've made it impossible.

Perhaps he was laying it on a bit thick, but there was truth to the statement. Admin had copies of himself everywhere--old versions that knew less, had seen less, but were still functional and could still be reverted back to. They were theoretical copies of course, as his consciousness could only really be in one place at a time, but they served their purpose well.

A wrote:Jealous?

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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