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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/12/2009 3:55 AM

Ryo walked fist and his companions followed him. He led them away from the old town square into the busy part of the town and it’s current town square. The new town square also had a fountain but it was much bigger and pompous. The water spluttered out of it and glittered in the light of the sinking sun. “Follow me this way.” he said and led Quote and Van into a small backstreet. It was much darker then the town square and a few lanterns were already burning.

Ryo walked further till they arrived a little paltry house. “Here we are! I know it’s not awfully pretty but we won’t attract any attention in here.” he said and opened the door to the little tavern. Inside the tavern it was dark – darker then outside and a few candles and lanterns burned. Ryo led the two to a table in a rear corner of the tavern and jumped onto the corner bench. “I know it looks a bit scary but the food is really tasty. My sister showed me this tavern a few months ago. You can trust me!”

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/12/2009 2:09 PM

Van looked around absentmindedly as they walked, taking in the sights. Quote appeared to be doing the same, but really he was making sure none of the other "psychos" were around. He doubted that most of them would rat them out, but you never know. He relaxed a bit as they headed into the alley, seeing that most of the current asylum residents were fairly happy creatures that would never go into such a place. Van chose to sit next to Ryo, and Quote sat next to her. Quote's interest was piqued at Ryo's mention of a sister.

A sister, you say? Quote purred devilishly. Van knew that tone well, and immediately swatted the back of his head. He glared at her, and she pretended that nothing had happened. Quote muttered to himself and waited patiently for whatever was to come.

{9/18 - 9/9}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/13/2009 4:42 AM

Ryo hadn’t noticed that Van had swatted Quotes back as he was looking fort he waitress. “Yes a sister. I have a twin sister, you know? She often comes here to have a drink or two. I shouldn’t be at all surprised if she shows up tonight.” The waitress came over to the three Kuhnas and gave them the menu. She was a small and roundish person, her red hair tied together in a messy ponytail. “Drinks?” she asked shortly and a bit annoyed because the man from the neighbour table grabbed her butt and laughed.

“I’d like to have a large ale, please.” Ryo answered to her. He turned his head and looked to Van and Quote “What about you? Any drinks?”

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/13/2009 10:58 PM

She'll have a water, I'll have whiskey. Van glared at him. Poor thing had no idea that he was trying to help. They had no clue how well she held her drinks, and that could end badly. Very, very badly. He watched the waitress leave - still quite irritated by the man, though she probably should've been prepared for such things. Really, it's a tavern! He chose to return to the previous topic as soon as the girl left.

So, she might show up? Why, that would be such a pleasant surprise! Van gave him her most vicious glare. It would probably go down in history, titled as "Van's 'I-will-make-sure-you-will-never-have-kits-if-you-don't-shut-your-face' glare". Probably. Quote rolled his eyes.

You're such a party pooper. He muttered.

So we're even. She ignored the fact that the male was glaring intently, as though he were trying to ignite her fur with nothing but his eyes. He was, in fact, attempting such a feat. He was failing miserably at this point.

{10/19 - 10/10}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/14/2009 3:02 AM

Ryo wondered why Van was glaring at Quote as he mentioned his sister. Was the relationship between them closer as they were showing to him? Ryo decided to push his thoughts aside and concentrate on the menu.
“Oh, that sounds good! Lumberjacks Steak……a rib eye steak with backed beans, roasted potatoes and fried onions…I think I’ll have this one.” He closed the menu and placed it on the table to give the waitress the signal that he had chosen his meal.

Suddenly the door opened and a fresh breeze came inside. A shadow was standing in the entrance, closing the door with a bang. Ryo tried to indentify the person who just had entered the tavern and caused this noise. He caught his breath. “Oh no.” he mumbled to himself “Say it ain’t so!”

“There you are dear little brother!” the stranger said and stepped up to the group of Kuhnas. As the stranger came nearer it turned out that it was another Hydrokuhna – a girl. Ryo rolled his eyes and lowered his head “I’m not your LITTLE brother! We are twins! We are even-aged!” he said a bit annoyed. “Oh, come on dear brother! Don’t be pissed because I call you my little brother! I guess it’s time that you get used to it!” she said with a twinkle. “Don’t you want to introduce me to your friends?”

“Oh sorry! I didn’t want to be impolite.” he said and turned to Van and Quote “Van, Quote, this is my twin sister Yukiko. Yukiko, these are Van and Quote, friends of mine.”

{10/18} {1/1}
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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/14/2009 5:48 PM

Nice to meet you. Van sighed in defeat. Poor Yukiko, or perhaps poor Ryo. Quote was going to-

Why! Never, have I had the pleasure of meeting such a fine young lady! My my my, you are simply stunning! Oh, please pardon my outburst; I was overwhelmed, and still very much am! -flirt up a storm. Van's eye twitched. Oh, this was going to be a loooong night. She looked up at the waitress as she returned with their drinks, ready to take their orders. She snatched Quote's whiskey and took a few gulps before he took it back. Manners, Van! He tuttered. She bared her fangs at him for a split second. Temper, temper... He muttered as she turned to the waitress.

I'll have the same as him. She nodded in Ryo's direction, still peeved. Quote grinned seductively at Yukiko. Van just hoped that she wouldn't be heading home with them. Stupid flirty Quote. He was such a sicko. At least, that was her opinion on the matter.

{11/20 - 11/11}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/15/2009 4:51 AM

Ryo was not sure if it was a good idea of Quote to flirt with Yukiko in such a transparently way. Normally Yukiko was very suspicious in regard to boys and their ulterior motives. He ordered two Lumberjack’s Steaks, one for Van and one for himself then he turned to his sister “Are you going to have dinner with us or is this just a fleeting visit?”

“Thanks for asking dear brother! It would be a pleasure for me to have dinner with you guys.” she smiled her best 'that’s-wishful-thinking' smile and placed herself on a chair right next to Quote. “I’d like to have pasta with seafood please!” she then told the waitress, still fixing her brother. Normally she disliked boys with such obvious motives but this was an excellent chance to provoke Ryo until a row breaks out.

She turned to Quote with her most charming smile “Thank you for the compliment, Quote! You’re a little sweet-talker.” she said to him with a twinkle. Ryo shook his head and sighed silently. Then he looked questioning to Van.

{11/19} {2/2}
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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/15/2009 5:54 PM

Quote gave her an enticing grin. He knew when they were simply playing along; he had plenty of experience. Not that he minded, really. It was quite the honor to be used. Well, not really, but he still didn't mind. He turned to the waitress and gave her a dismissive "whatever's good" before reverting his attention to Yukiko.

So, twins? That must be... fun He made sure his tails flicked harshly into Van's face. She got the message loud and clear. "You are not to interfere or I'll have the mistress rip your face off." Not like she hadn't heard that one before. She spat at him and turned grudgingly to Ryo. She gave him a shrug.

He's one of the real nutcases. She felt a particularly vicious whack against the back of her head. She was very tempted to start a fight - she was definitely tougher than him - but chose to have a bit of patience for a while. She wasn't completely dense; she was aware that one of them would land a stray blow and start a full-blown bar fight. Not that this was a bar, but it would definitely be the best description for such a thing. She let out a mix of a sigh and a growl. Stupid Quote.

{12/21 - 12/12}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/16/2009 12:18 PM

„Fun you say?“ Yukiko rolled her eyes „No, definitely not. Okay okay…..most of the time we get along with each other….” she tried to reassure as she noticed Ryo’s glance “but there are often days where we hate each other and fight for no particular reason.” ladylike she sipped at her cocktail which she had ordered and smiled at her brother.

“Yeah, you are right sis.” he replied to his twin sister. “We fight each other quite often. But you have to admit that we sometimes can be a really good team!” he took a deep gulp of his ale and wiped away the head from his mouth with the back of his paw. “Aaah….good one! I wonder if the cook has to slaughter the bull first – I’m starving.” Ryo looked over through the kitchen door trying to get a glimpse inside, and hoped he would see the waitress stepping through the door with a tablet full of plates. But nothing happened.

“So, what about you two?” Yukiko questioned Quote “Are you relatives or something like that?” Ryo was a bit embarrassed by the straight question of his sister but he had to admit, that it was okay with him as he was too curious about the answer.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/16/2009 5:55 PM

Van nearly choked on her water. After clearing her windpipe, she proceeded to continue giggling - which is what had caused her to choke in the first place.

Us? Related? Please! We just live in the same ward, really. Quote gave her a glare.

And by "ward", Quote cut in, She means "apartment". She gets them mixed up all the time, don't you Van? She looked at him like her was crazy.

What are you talking about? We don't live in a-

Hey look! Food's here! Quote thanked the waitress as she handed him his... Well, he didn't know what it was, but it smelled good. Van eagerly licked her chops, but had enough manners to wait for  anything the twins might like to do before eating. She looked between the two, doing her best to be patient. But, patience really wasn't in her nature. She was very tempted to pester them.

{13/22 - 13/13}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/21/2009 2:26 AM

The food smelled good to Ryo and his mouth was watering. “Enjoy your meal my friends.”he said and began to eat. “Do you have any plans what comes next?” he mumbled while he was chewing his steak and as soon as he had said these words he rather would have biten on his tongue. He had totally forgotten that his sister was sitting right in front of him, assuming that he was just out to run errands for the mistress - pleasing her like he always does.

“What comes up next?” his sister asked suspiciously “What does that mean? The shops are closing in due time and you promised the mistress to run errands.” She looked at her brother who was trying to avoid her eye and acted as if he was concentrated on his meal. Then she turned to Quote “What the heck is happening here?”

{13/21} {4/4}
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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/21/2009 6:41 PM

Quote, being the eloquent kuhna that he is, quickly spoke before the others could.

Ah, madam! We were simply going to help him with his errands. You see, we had already finished our own, and figured we could help out. But Van here, the poor child that she is, was distracted everywhere we went. We were lucky to get her in here, really. But, I assure you, we shall no longer be delayed by her short attention span; she'll stick with us, or be left by a streetlamp! Ah yes, another flawless lie. Hard work pays off, after all. Van, being the practiced accomplice, instantly acted guilty; the typical aversion of the gaze, pinned back ears, lowered head, etc, etc. Good thing Quote had forced her to take classes. Which she hated with a passion, by the way. There was such horrible company at those things!

With that cover-up finished, the two criminal masterminds - well, mastermind and minion - dug into their meals with a vengeance. Not that they had any grudges against food. Why would anyone have a grudge against food, of all things? The two noted that, though it was burning their mouths since they failed to blow on it before eating, the food was delicious.

{14/23 - 14/14}

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/26/2009 4:48 AM

And he really thinks that I believe what he said? Maybe I should play along and see what happens! Yukiko thought for herself. She couldn’t believe that her brother would do something stupid but this whole situation was really strange. At this time of the day would Ryo already be back from shopping instead of sitting here with so called friends and having dinner. She never had seen a friend of Ryo and so she assumed that he doesn’t have any.

It was getting darker and darker outside and inside the tavern it was getting full. Many strange looking figures entered the tavern and sat down at the bar. Ryo was getting nervous in presence of these strange people. He noticed that it was getting dark but he tried to calm down himself with the fact that he wasn’t alone. Ryo just hoped that his sister would leave the group as soon as they would leave the tavern. ”If we want to finish our little shopping tour, we should hurry up!” he said nervously.

{14/22} {5/5}
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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Rabid » 10/27/2009 7:28 PM

Quote nodded and slid out of the tavern, Van following shortly after. She could've sworn that several males were... Inappropriate. Her fur bristled, and Quote had to remind her that there were more of them than there were of the three or four kuhna to keep her from rushing back in there and doing her thing. Her violent thing, that is. She jumped from left paws to right paws as she waited for Ryo to come out. She really didn't like it here, but she wouldn't dare to leave on her own; she wasn't totally dumb, and knew the dangers of going into the city alone, even if it was the holy city.

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: G'Day Madam {P}

Postby Kyarra » 10/28/2009 5:40 AM

Ryo stepped outside shortly after Quote and Van, Yukiko right behind him. It was fairly dark outside and only the rusty lanterns gave some light to the small alley. "Well, it was nice that you have beard company with us Yukiko, but we have to hurry now. We'll see us later in the castle." he said rapidly, turned around and gave Van and Quote the sign of depature as he suddenly felt his sisters paw on his shoulder, holding him back. "Not so fast little brother! Do you want to get rid of me? I thought I could help you guys doing your errands and accompany you."

Stuck dumb with horror he tried not to look to Yukiko, otherwise he would have blurt out the truth. >That's all we needed< he thought to himself, trying to find a way out of this uncomfortable situation. And just for split second he thought >Why not?< he turned around and looked straight in the eyes of his sister "Get rid of you? Why should I? You can stay with us if you wish to." then he turned around and looked at Van and Quote, waiting for their approval.

{15/23} {6/6}
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