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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/23/2009 11:23 PM

SPECIES: Joker Gallizar
BATTLE Traits: Blinding Speed , Arterial Strike, Deft Opportunist, Great Rend

Led snapped at Moofius who narrowly dodged and shoved the gallizar sideways; keeping her role as master was tough when Led was this mad.
"You'll do FINE! Look! It's your match now get out there!" Moofius pushed the angrily gallizar again who hissed and snapped but started walking towards the arena.

A khimera? Led hissed, the sharp blade-like protrusions on her neck flattened as she tried to read her opponent. Looked pretty weak... disoriented... confused and sleepy. Seeing this Led lifted her head, pulling herself up proudly. She'd have to be a pathetic kuni not to be able to fight this sad excuse for a lab pet! Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she'd originally thought.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Jaykobell » 12/24/2009 12:03 AM

Draiz's Faye:
Element: Metal
Toughness: 32 (+6 Crowd Tactics/Great Rend)
Exploration: 12
Endurance: 23 (+8 Battle Hardened)
Intelligence: 18

Pursue - Opponent cannot escape, negates Improved Diversion.
Poison Immunity - Halves damage from Poison attacks.
Stoneblood - -3 damage from every enemy attack.
Clever Wrestling - Opponent misses second attack.

Moofius's Led:
Element: None
Toughness: 23 (+4 Great Rend)
Exploration: 31
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 12 (Blinding Speed)

Arterial Strike - +50% of doing double damage.
Deft Opportunist - Opponent will automatically receive an extra 4 damage if the attack of the same turn brings Endurance below 6.

Led goes first.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/24/2009 12:37 AM

Well the match had started and the khimera was still, for the most part, still. Led was happy enough to start this match with her renewed confidence. Led was not the type who looked for a fair fight. She wanted to win and if her opponent needed to have some sort of disadvantage for that to happen, well, all the better for her chances, right?

Long, powerful legs brought the gallizar closer to her opponent *cough*victim*cough*. She circled the khimera, clicking and hissing softly to herself. The khimera continued to act non-threatening which was sort of throwing Led off; a khimera would be considered an enemy threat for the most part, not... prey-like. This khimera was acting prey like; it was very confusing!
Enough of this nonsense! They were both here for a fight and if the khimera was going to be disoriented and non-responsive then it was the khimera's own funeral. With that thought in mind Led jumped suddenly at Faye, attacking from the khimera's right side. Her movement was rather sudden and, hopefully, unexpected.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2009 1:05 AM

As the fairly large reptile circled around her, Faye's amethyst eyes did the best they could to follow it. She seemed to almost trip over her paws a few times, trying to turn in a circle without using much movement if possible. Why... was it circling her? Maybe it wasn't sure what she was? Well, she was pretty sure she had never seen a creature like this one, whatever it happened to be.

Barely seeing the Gallizar lash out at her in time, she tried her best to stagger out of her way in hopes that any attack would either miss her completely or it would only meet with metal. It was hard to tell if it was on purpose or not, but as she staggered her tailed whipped toward Led.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Jaykobell » 12/24/2009 1:12 AM

Moofius's Led:

Rolled a 10 - MISS

Draiz's Faye:

Rolled a 8 - MISS

Led has 12 Endurance.
Faye has 23 Endurance.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/24/2009 2:56 AM

Led felt pretty confident until the thing moved. The movements were awkward and uncordinated, some what like the "drunken monkey" technique. It didn't seem to have rhyme or reason (maybe it really didn't) but either way Led missed. Snapping her jaws she moved to attack again, only to narrowly miss a clumbsy attack pulled off by the opponent.

This was annoying and frustrating, these sentiments expressed in a rather angry hiss towards the khimera. Stupid tournament; stupid Moofius for signing her up for the stupid tournament! Again Led lashed out at her opponent, unsure how to approach this. Normally Led would avoid a khimera and because this one was unavoidable and unsteady it was hard to know just how to approach the beast. She couldn't under estimate it (which was harder then you might realize) but she couldn't wait around for it to regain it's senses, either; Led was no match for a khimera who was actually aware.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2009 3:25 AM

Why did that thing try to attack her?! What was this place? What was going on? Well... She didn't want to hurt it. She didn't like hurting anything. She needed to find some way to keep it from attacking her though, and since she was so wobbly that didn't seem like it was going to be easy.  Once she was clear of the first attack Faye turned around to face the Gallizar once again. Maybe... Maybe if she pinned it down? Then again, it had a rather long neck and might still be able to snap at her.

Deciding to give it a go, the Khimera lunged for the beast. Though she didn't realize it, her claws were stretched out as well and wouldn't treat the reptile kindly if they came across it.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Jaykobell » 12/24/2009 3:31 AM

Moofius's Led:

Automatic miss due to Clever Wrestling.

Draiz's Faye:

Rolled a 5 - HIT

Faye does 10 (9 + 1) damage!

Led has 2 Endurance.
Faye has 23 Endurance.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/24/2009 3:52 AM

Moofius sat up straight and actually looked concerned about Led. She could tell Led was hurt by the obvious, you know, blood chilling screech she'd just let out.

You couldn't read this beast! It didn't seem to have any sort of expressions at all. Well there was "dopey" which was similiar to "confused". There was no body language so when the khimera lunged at her the gallizar had expected, well, not to be lunged at! At was a basic fact that a gallizar would easy be creamed by a khimera in a fight, at least for the most part. Even though the thing was less then in good shape it's claws found Led and they struck hard and fast.

The pain was unreal, Led had never experienced it before which had he screeching at her oppnent while kicking and tearing at Faye's unguarded and in reach belly and neck region.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/24/2009 4:08 AM

The screech that Led let out was horrible on her ears. It was bad enough that her sight was blurry, but now her ears were ringing too! Thrown off balance even more than before thanks to the noise, the Khimera stumbled to the side. Had she been struck by the Gallizar, she didn't seem to notice it. It was possible that whatever was blurring her vision had inflicted her sense of pain as well though.

As she stumbled to the side, Faye shook herself off, trying to regain some of her senses. In doing so, one of her tails lashed toward Led once again.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Jaykobell » 12/24/2009 4:11 AM

Moofius's Led:

Rolled a 7 - HIT

Arterial Strike activated; double damage!

Led does 0 (1 + 0 [x2] - 3) damage!

Draiz's Faye:

Rolled a 9 - MISS

Led has 2 Endurance.
Faye has 23 Endurance.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/25/2009 12:06 AM

Led rolled over to the side and struggled to stand up. The khimera's tail missed her by mere inches and purely because Led was still struggling to stand, had she been standing up she would have been taken out easily.

But she hadn't been and she'd apparently hit the khimera but there didn't seem to be any affect. Led seemed to be but a fly to the beast, and even in this state. She dropped to all fours, as she was bleeding thickly from multiple wounds now she couldn't very well risk falling over in the middle of a fight. It seemed to Led that taking the defensive would be the way to go, at this point. How had her attack not even fazed the khimera...?
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Postby Kyrit » 12/25/2009 12:36 AM

It was possible that when Led lashed out at the Khimera, her claws had been deflected for the most part by the metal tubes running under her neck. What damage had been done wasn't bad enough to make her bleed, let alone feel any pain.

Looking at Led, Faye staggered one more time before running at her. The plan this time was not to hurt her, but to simply knock her out. Well, that had been what she was aiming for. Possibly she didn't realize that ramming in to something with her head, which was covered in metal protrusions, would at least hurt some what.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Jaykobell » 12/25/2009 2:45 AM

Moofius's Led:

Rolled a 2 - HIT

Arterial Strike failed.

Led does 0 (1 + 1 - 3) damage!

Draiz's Faye:

Rolled a 8 - MISS

Led has 2 Endurance.
Faye has 23 Endurance.
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Re: [* Seasonal Tournament: Winter

Postby Moofius » 12/25/2009 6:39 AM

Head down and watching Led wasn't sure how to approach this. The things fur was thick and she wasn't entirely sure if fur meant that the khimera was biological there or if there might be some tough metal beneath it somewhere.

The khimera suddenly ran towards her, head down, as if to head butt her. The gallizar hissed, but didn't move, not until the khimera was only a few inches from her. She scrambled forward trying to run up and, hopefully, onto the back of the khimera' where she could do damage (maybe) and avoid getting hurt (maybe).
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