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All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/19/2015 4:35 AM

((Whoops more DA2 stuff referenced, so spoiler warnin'. RP to just... vent. Get some shit off my chest. Korinne is a good baby to abuse for that, poor thiinnggg))


Blood dripped down the brick walls, mingling with filth and grime. Rats darted in between crates and barrels, and insects writhed, drawn to the scent. Korinne Hawke gagged and doubled over, the scent of decay becoming too much to bear. Her companions stood behind her, impassively watching. She recovered, hauling herself up by using a nearby crate for support, and wiping her mouth but it didn’t help. Fear and adrenaline left an unpleasant metallic taste in her mouth, and no amount of water would stop it.

We need to keep going.” A voice came from behind her, but she didn’t look back to see. Anders probably. The voice felt off though, hollow, uncaring. Almost urging her to push forward.

She took uneasy steps, boots moving through filth, sending the sewer animals fleeing. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a full view of another rat, this one blighted and its skin peeling and blistering, boils developing right before her eyes. She gagged again, but stopped herself from falling down. A crow alighted nearby, it’s body ravaged by the blight, feathers stripped bare, skin revealed and covered with bleeding wounds and pus and eyes glowing unnaturally. More and more creatures started to emerge, each one touched by the blight, cutting off her path. She coughed and spluttered, as the stench became unbearable. It was a bitter burning acid mixed with decay and rot. From behind them, she heard a scream, one of pure terror.

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Re: All That Remains [Self | M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/19/2015 4:38 AM

No.” She cried, tears springing to her eyes.
She leaped forward, twin blades sinking into a blighted dog. Around her, the animals exploded, familiar forms ripping open and twisted black shades rising from their fallen bodies. Some were inky black, some boiled like molten lava, others had slimy pallid skin and all had triumphant, wicked teeth and sharpened claws and all descended upon her with the intent of tearing her to shreds. Again Korinne screamed, flailing against her assailants in a hopeless battle. She felt the monsters barrage against her mind, seeking control, possession, and pure hot pain ripped across her skin. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by a bright light and searing flame, and even though she could feel it burning away her skin and eating into her armour, the monsters were incinerated on the spot.

She blinked and drew her hands away from her face, uncurling from her fetal position. The smell was worse now, and she coughed and spluttered more, gasping for air. After some few minutes, she turned around to look at her friends, expecting one of them to be the cause of the flame and she was shocked to see what she saw. Anders was there, staff pointing at her, the end of it burning with a hot flame but… something was very wrong. His eyes were burning white-blue, his skin was cracked with the same white-blue glow blue glow. Beyond that, his face was gaunt, skin bruised and sallow and boils were forming on his hands. Behind him was Emery, and he was faring no better, though his transformation into a ghoul was far more obvious. His eyes were clouded white and his skin blotched dark purple against sickly green. His weapon was not drawn however, and he stared on, eyes blank and emotionless. A Ghoul. Oh no. Korinne realised, the nature of the first two companions dawning upon her. An incurable affliction caused by contact with darkspawn blood.

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Re: All That Remains [Self | M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/19/2015 4:40 AM

On the other side of Anders, Korinne had forgotten who originally had been travelling with her and the monstrosity that now stood had no physical similarities to any of her party members. The monster stood tall above the rest, a once human face now melted into a mess. Unnatural growths had rendered the entire body unrecognisable, and had spread over the creature’s mouth and left eye. It’s body was misshapen, clothes ripped and armour buckled in order to make way for these growths. An Abomination. Korinne thought in a panic.

Wha-what is going on?” She stammered fearfully, eyes flicking between each member. “What happened to you, where is-

ENOUGH.” Anders commanded, bringing his staff down and sending out a shockwave. Korinne was knocked back and hit the wall, letting out a small whimper, and felt blood trickle down the back of her neck and sink into her leather armour. No, not Anders. The spirit, that’s who was talking. “Move. Now.

Korinne coughed and spluttered, tears streaming down her face, hands scrabbling for anything to help pull her up. Her fingers touched the wet, sticky wall and she pulled herself up, and let go staggering to one side and dry-retching. She felt the butt end of Ander’s staff jab her in the back and she stumbled forward again, but this time she didn’t fall. She walked forwards, wiping her hands on her clothes, trying to get the blood off it but as hard as she tried, it clung to her and was drying fast.

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Re: All That Remains [Self | M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/19/2015 4:42 AM

Hawke, it is good to see you.” A loud, echoing voice caught Korinne’s attention and she looked up in surprise, her face turning into a snarl when she recognised the owner.

Quentin.” She hissed in reply, eyes darting about. “Where is my mother?” Korinne caught sight of something, a shape of a body dressed in a white silk. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped in horror and she sprinted over, hands reaching out and turning over the body.
No! Mother!” She cried, the familiar face rolling uselessly over, her eyes blank and stitch seams around the neck indicated cause of death. “What have you done?” She deplored, tears freely flowing down the side of her face.

I could ask the same of you… sister.

Korinne froze, and tensed up. No… it couldn’t be. “… Carver?” She said timidly, carefully letting her mother’s body rest and turning around. Before her was Quentin and behind him stood her brother, Carver. He was staring at her, body shattered and broken, bones protruding through the skin and he was clutching his side, in an attempt to stop the blood flow.

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Re: All That Remains [Self | M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/19/2015 4:43 AM

It… it was your fault. Why did you not stop me?” He said coughing. Blood came up dribbling down his chin. “You were ahead, how did you not see that monster, how could you let me die?

Korinne sank to her knees, settling into the muck. “I am… so sorry.” She said, desperately trying to wipe tears from her eyes, but only succeeded in getting dried blood on her face, partially blinding herself.

You’re not sorry Korinne.” Another voice, again familiar. Through the haze, she could make out Bethany, in the same state as Emery. Her eyes were white and glazed over, black veins standing out against sallow skin and she was clutching her chest, a dagger sticking out of it. “You could have helped, you could have saved me. You could have left me at home to protect Mother. Instead you turned on me, and killed me.

N-no. I.” Korinne wept, leaning forward and cradling her head in her lap, her entire body convulsing as she sobbed. “I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” She repeated the words over and over, the tears streaming so steadily she had given up trying to wipe them away.

No. You’re not.” Quentin said, his voice sharp with amusement. Korinne looked up to squint at the man with bloodshot eyes. Behind him, her family gathered, her mother rising up and moving as if possessed, her party, her boyfriend moving to the murderer’s side. She knew she needed to so something… anything. She needed to kill him but she was paralyzed with fear and sorrow. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t do anything and worst of all, she hadn’t been able to protect anyone. She had failed everyone.

Kill her.

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Re: All That Remains [Self | M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/20/2015 12:37 AM

Korinne jack-knifed out of bed, eyes wide and flailing at the sheets. Panting she stopped and realised she was safe, she was… home. Her eyes glanced to the empty spot on her bed and initially fear took her, but she took in a deep breath and exhaled.
Anders wasn’t coming back tonight, there was an issue at the clinic. She briefly entertained the notion that maybe that was the reason she was having nightmares, but dismissed it. She had always been strong enough to deal with things without him, and alone. Why should she fall short now?

Korinne sighed and with some difficulty she got out of bed, shuffled towards the fire and crouched down in front of it. She picked up the poker and gently prodded the embers, watching sparks jump around, before brushing the ashes away taking some small logs and set them up behind the embers and tried to coax a flame out of it. The process was simple but it cleared her mind a bit and she felt instantly better for it, the fire warming her hands and the act of performing a task numbing. She had half a mind to sit in front of the fire for a little while and absentmindedly watch the flames, but she reluctantly pulled herself up and shuffled out of the room, still waking up.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/20/2015 3:45 AM

As she parted the curtains, she was relieved to see daylight had broken and people were moving on the streets. Had she woken up any earlier, there probably would have been some amount of cursing and invoking both Andraste and the Maker’s various privates. At least she had slept some amount, the insomnia was getting better.

Korinne sighed and leant to one side on the stone wall, staring out the window. It had been a month, give or take a week, since the… incident happened. She grimaced a bit at the thought, not exactly enjoying that she still couldn’t refer to it as anything else. On the outside, life had gone on. She had killed people, helped people, smacked a few heads in, kept up the jovial cheerful act for her friends, attended fancy parties and had drunken nights out with her friends. Though she half suspected the last one happened more frequently as a result of the incident. On the inside however, she was still hurting. Korinne had attempted to talk to her uncle, but seeing him and hearing him only made it worse. On the other hand, she very well couldn’t mention it to her friends. All of them had enough trouble to worry about, especially Anders. So the act continued, and she focused on making jokes and attending the social gatherings and pretending everything was fine.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/20/2015 4:04 AM

Things, of course were not fine. The nightmare had proven that, and it hadn’t been the first one she had. In fact, she had assumed they were getting better. ‘On second thought though, that may just be because I’m not actually sleeping’ she briefly considered. Insomnia had been a demon plaguing her, for who would actually want to sleep and experience vivid nightmares every night? It didn’t help that Anders was increasingly distracted with who knew what, so he wasn’t home at nights to ease and fears, and he created more for her at the same time. She had banged on the door and threatened every contact she knew to keep people off him, but she was still worried.


A sharp bark from behind caused her to jump and spin around. “Oh.” She breathed out, hand on her chest. She looked down, and placed her hands on her hips and gave Wrex a furious look. The canine immediately dropped its ears and lowered its posture, well aware that it had done the wrong thing.
Seriously? You don’t sneak up on people and bark. It’s just plain cruel.” She snapped, causing the mabari to whine softly. “Oh don’t be like that. Come one, I’m going to put tea on. I’m going to need it to calm my heart, you know. I would have gone looking for those treats you like, but after that little misbehaviour, I think you don’t deserve it.

She scowled at Wrex, before turning and walking off down the stairs and into the kitchen. She took the kettle, checked it for water and then put it on the hearth, which was thankfully still lit. She then fished a teacup and a tealeaf strainer out of a drawer and set them to one side.
Ugh, you’re still expecting that treat, aren’t you?” Korinne rolled her eyes, as she didn’t need to turn around to realise that the mabari was still tailing her. She went to another part of the kitchen and rummaged through a drawer, her hand closing around a bone shaped treat she had bought from the markets last week. “You only get this if you don’t bark like that ever again. Unless I’m in immediate danger, okay?

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 7:10 AM

The animal tilted his head and slowly wagged his stump of a tail, and Korinne rolled her eyes, throwing the treat on the floor. It barely clattered against the tile before it was snatched up, and Wrex whisked it away to gnaw at somewhere else. Not losing momentum, she prepared the strainer and fished the now whistling kettle off the hearth and poured it into the cup, before walking back into the lounge area and curling up on her sofa in front of the fire.

Now she was finally alone with her thoughts, and her tea. Though it was not a safe place to be, generally. ‘It’s daylight… I should… do something.’ She thought to herself with a grimace, coming to the conclusion that alone was not the best place to be right now. ‘But… where? I can hardly be bothered doing grocery shopping and I don't really need to either. I don't fancy weapon shopping... maybe I can visit someone.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 7:11 AM

It was a very good question in its own right. She was not in any mood to fight, so visiting Anders was out of the question. The Slums was a dangerous place to travel through, even in broad daylight and she would be a literal walking target, due to enemies she had made, her wealth and her status. Plus she wasn’t exactly pleased by the fact that he wasn’t around. It was a petty thing, and she knew she was being petty, but it was quite late in the morning and she still hadn’t heard a word from him.

Ashe was out of town, back at her estate so she was out of the question. If she had the energy to hunt down Fiora, then she would have just gone to see Anders in the first place. The damn woman could have been anywhere in this city. Varhel was equally elusive, but mostly due to his work. With her luck, he was probably out of town on mercenary work and she didn’t quite understand him well enough to be on a friendly level with him either. Quinn was… admittedly an option, but she brought her own trouble.

Her eyes fell on a letter on her desk. Her last option was Emery. Usually she wouldn’t have considered him an option, but he had always been there for her, and they had weathered this shitstorm right from the start. The note in question was an offer for her to come by if she ever needed anything. It was sent the day after her mother died, and she hadn’t taken him up on the offer, but she had been touched by it. Yes, perhaps she needed to talk to him. At the very least, she had an excuse and she could just watch the guardsmen train with Wrex if she didn’t feel up to talking.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 7:12 AM

With that thought in mind, she finished her tea, and set the cup on a side table and returned to her room. She parted her wardrobe and started flicking through her clothes, and shortly after she heard Wrex enter the room, interested in the noises he had heard.

Wanna go chew on some guards for Emery?” She called out, as she selected a set of black leathers out of the closet and started to swap her soft tunic out for it. The Mabari gave an excited bark and started bouncing around, before swiftly bolting out of the room and presumably down the stairs. Korinne had barely put on the chest piece when she heard a crash from downstairs. With a flurry of angry cursing, she ran to the top of the stairs, trying to stuff her hands into vambraces at the same time. She came upon a scene of the Mabari cowering in the corner, ears lowered and across from him, her side table had been knocked over and her teacup had smashed on the floor.

Seriously?” She scowled at Wrex. “Ugh, you’re a nightmare. Just… stay there. We’ll deal with it later. I’m not in the mood now.” She rolled her eyes and strutted back into her room, where she quickly slipped into the rest of her armour. She then rummaged around, finding her two blades and a hooded cloak, which she quickly wrapped around herself and pinned into place with some ugly brooch bearing the Amell crest that she had found in the basement after some looking. She then stowed her blades under the cloak, on her lower back. She didn’t feel like she’d be attacked but it was worth always being prepared for it.

C’mon mutt. We’re leaving.” She called, opening the door and drawing her hood over her head.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 8:12 AM

The trip to the Barracks was uneventful and the informal armour and hood did the trick with keeping people off her back. In the years that she had lived in this city, this place never changed. There were always guards pacing its cold stone halls, the bird statues always had that cold glare that never failed to unnerve her and for all it was worth, the place was spotless. Just how Emery liked it.

She scowled at one of the bird statues, ignoring the suspicious look a guard gave her. She knew it would turn to understanding when they finally made out her face. She had always been interested in the city’s obsession with birds and why they had to stick the damn things on everything. Even her family crest was one. Back in her homelands, it was dogs, but that was arguably not much better. Not that much in her homeland had been much better, with Templars hunting them constantly, and living just above the poverty line due to her grandparents cutting ties but at least she had family.

Wrex barked, bringing her back to the present day as he took off at full speed down the hallway. Korinne allowed herself a small amused smile, at least he knew where he was going and he was going to have fun with it. All the guards seemed to like having the animal around, even if he was a war dog, and the Lieutenants were grateful for the ‘assistance’ that the overexcited Mabari provided them. In all truthfulness, Korinne just let him chase the guards around so she didn’t have to exercise him herself.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 8:15 AM

Emery?” She called out, knocking lightly on the door to his office. From within, she heard some noises, mostly papers being shuffled and then a chair scraping across the floor. The door inched open, and a familiar face peeked out. “I… uh. I can go if you’re busy?

No, no. Sorry, I was just… checking… um.” He genuinely looked a little embarrassed as he opened the door fully to invite her in, and she noted that he quickly swept the halls with his eyes before shutting it. “What’s the occasion Hawke?

I… ah. Guess I wanted to say… hi?” She said weakly, biting her lip, trying to fumble through her words. She felt Emery’s eyes glaring her down, as if he was trying to analyse the situation. Of course he would be suspicious, when was he ever. She gave a sigh and began searching through pockets, eventually pulling out the note he had sent her last month. “This. I’m here because of this.

Upon seeing the note, his eyebrows shot up and his eyes softened with sympathy. “Ah, do you… want to sit down?” He said, looking about his office. Thankfully it had been designed with long hours in mind and a daybed had been installed by one of the windows. Korinne gave a slight nod, and took her daggers out of their holdings and put them on a table, so they didn’t stab her in the back and took a seat. “Are… you okay?

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 11/23/2015 8:16 AM

Honestly?” She gave a small huff of amusement. “Things are hard. I can barely even get myself to talk about it. Feels like I’m admitting defeat.” Definitely, coming here was a big thing for her. It felt like a sign of weakness. She had to be the rock for her party right? She had to be the one making sure everyone was okay.

No, you’re not.” Emery replied, with a dark frown. “Look, no one can hear us through that door. It’s just you and me, so let’s talk. I promise I won’t tell anyone else.” Korinne made to talk but hesitated, shooting a concerned glance at the door and bit her lip again. Emery gave a small sigh and sat down on the chair next to her. “Come on Hawke, get comfortable. Put your legs up. Sitting perched on the edge like you’re about to run isn’t going to do you any good. Do you want anything? Food, drink?

Korinne shook her head at the question, but allowed herself to be commanded to move. She pulled herself closer to the window and further onto the daybed, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. Emery frowned again, another defensive, closed off posture, but he made no further comment. At least she didn’t look like she was going to run any more. “I’m no Anders, but you know you can talk to me about anything, right?” He paused, pursing his lips as a thought crossed his mind. “Well… almost anything. Illegal things and your sex life, I’d rather not.

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Re: All That Remains [P|M:E]

Postby Redd » 02/13/2016 12:06 AM

Korinne pulled a disgusted look at the thought. “Trust me, I won’t.” She replied, pulling her knees in closer and propping her head on them. “No… you’re not, but I guess that’s the reason why I’m here and not hunting all over the slums for him. He… I don’t want him to know. He’s got enough problems. I’m worried that the possession will just get worse if I burden him.

Emery tilted his head a little but his expression was one of sympathy. “Personally, I feel like if you opened up to him about your problems, maybe you’d feel differently. But that’s not my decision to make and you know yourself and him better than I ever could.” He said, with a light shrug. “But maybe I’m not the best person for relationship advice, all considered. No one would want to touch this dull boring guardsman with a ten foot pole, and all considered it’s probably a bad idea to begin with.
Don’t be so hard on yourself Em. If you want it, one day you’ll find it I’m sure.” Korinne replied with a half-smile.
The man just chuckled at that and shook his head. She hadn't been lying though. He was still young, athletic, and didn't have a bad looking face. If he wasn't Mr. Uptight-Stick-In-The-Mud, she probably would have gone there. Then again, where hadn't she gone.
She gave another sigh and sank her head onto her knees again. Korinne had come over to get some things off her chest and ended up turning it around on her friend. This was so typical of her.

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