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[_//Requiem of a wish: Humble Beginnings

Postby Pulse » 12/01/2008 8:10 PM

Invitational RP

Humble Beginnings

Spectators gathered around the world, flocking to high peaks, countrysides, and the roofs of their homes or the highest accessible building in town to watch the event. Astrologers and their supporters petitioned to have all but the traffic lights and other necessities shut off, and for anything stronger than a lantern, flashlight, or candle to be but off by eleven.

Festivals, beautifully lit by paper lanterns were being held around the year as the lions and the lambs acted in harmony to behold the spectacle on its first miraculous night.

But in the heart of the Tengel Rainforest, the most spectacular celebration of all was unfolding. All of the crystal trees, from the very core, created the warmest indigo light. All of the prisms refracted the light into a million dancing rainbows as the rays were thrown every which way by passing wildlife, and there was not a dark corner to be found. It shone like a shining city, it shone like the very center of the world's focus right now, so no one would notice this light against the forever-twilight skies.

All had gathered to see the Kindling Comet, and watch and celebrate as it passed overhead for fourteen days and nights. So many legends were centered around this magnificent comet, but none so fantastical as the one of Hashal, who set out a millennium ago. People since have sent out expeditions, but they all came up empty-handed, and those were the lucky ones.
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Postby Pulse » 12/01/2008 8:10 PM

"Awake, awake! It's good to be awake! ♪~" Childlike giggles rang through the forest, echoing in the minds of any creature in range. Those too young to know, scattered and ran, afraid of the foreign voice in their heads. Those with old souls that understood chimed in, welcoming the fair lady and bidding her good evening without a single spoken word.

"Hello forest, have you missed me? I missed you." She darted up into the air, not breaking the canopy as she did so. Here in the safety of the forest, she was free to be herself, letting golden ribbons billow along behind her as she flitted between trees, skimming the air like a dolphin does the ocean.

She played with anything that would have her company, such a wondrous time, and she relished it, knowing that she wouldn't be awake and able to enjoy the world for long before she'd grow too exhausted and have to hibernate once more in order to recover.

She knew this, and wanted it otherwise, but she couldn't change it. That was the one wish she could not grant. So she did the best she could while she was awake. Every time she woke, though, her friend from the last waking period was long gone. She mulled on this for the longest time as he played before she floated up onto the top of a crystalline tree, staring up at the comet as it passed overhead to bask in the light that felt warm against her steel skin.

"I wish, I wish, I wasn't so alone..all the animals and people with their friends, where is mine?" She sighed and grabbed her feet in her tiny little hands, rolling back and forwards a bit out of boredom as she extended her consciousness from the very heart of the Tengel Rainforest to the farthest reaches of the world.

In her mind's eye, she could see a very small light in the expansive darkness, the light of her new best friend, but it was so very hard to reach that light, it was so far, but she still tried, prodding at the Relowockee's consciousness, gently so. "Hello? Heloooo~ Won't you come play with me? I'm so lonely, I want a friend! Would you be my friend? ♪~"

Such a childish voice, such an innocent one, that truly just wanted to play, for how could such a sweet voice lie? "My name's Belle! What's yours? I bet it's a pretty name~ Where are you? I live in the Tengel Rainforest. Maybe we can play together! "
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Postby Pulse » 12/01/2008 8:11 PM

Neowockee form

Trigger padded nonchalantly up to the grand old fountain, watching the sprays of water reflect the colors of the comet that passed overhead before looking down into the depths of the fountain, staring at all of the keystones in there. Had he eyebrows, one would be cocked in a most unimpressed manner.

He was told this would be the place to be during the show, that the fountain here, older than most people care to even fathom, would be where miracles would take place.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one that had heard this. There were homeless people here, some using their last few keystones to wish while others stole them from the depths(and those were the smart ones, he thought). Families were here, throwing in Keystones by the bushels to wish for selfish and selfless things alike. There were students, children, elderly, siblings, widows, sickly, and the wealthy..such an odd assortment, the like only seen at rare occasions.

But, if so many people tried, he decided to give it a shot himself, just for the sake of doing it. Besides, if all else failed, he could join in with the other homeless people and snatch up some free Keystones. So, he threw the keystone he had been carrying in a curl of his tail into the water, made his wish, and sat and waited, taking up space at the edge of the fountain, all the while watching the comet. Since it was dark, it was easy for him to see with his charcoal black eyes, and he didn't have to rely of echolocation, and he could watch with perfect, expectant clarification, waiting for his wish to be fulfilled.

"Rediculous.." He muttered to himself with a roll of his eyes after sitting there a short while.
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Postby Lunasa » 12/01/2008 8:34 PM

Relowockee Form

Ciranda moved through the crowds, moving towards the fountain. Shehad heard whispers of its "magical" properties. She snorted delicately at this. A magic fountain. Just as likely as that "Wishing Well".

But something else also led her through the streets. A crystalline, bell-like voice still echoed in the Wockee's large ears. First, Ciranda had been suprised. Where did this strange voice come from? Then, she came to trust its childlike innocence. My name is Ciranda, Belle. Who are you? Sadly, the beautiful voice hadn't replied yet. Maybe Ciranda had imagined it. Most pets in the Pens knew of Ciranda's antisocialness. Haiku was basically her only friend. Had Ciranda made it up, from sheer loneliness? Well, she didn't know.

Soon, Ciranda was at the fountain. The comet's light was beautiful on the tinkling water. She tilted her head up, to look at the violet streak of light racing across the sky. Ciranda walked around the fountain. However, something was in her way. She had walked right into a Neowockee. Hey! He had just thrown a Keystone into the fountain. A waste of Keystones in her opinion. She glared at her "cousin".

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Postby Pulse » 12/01/2008 9:26 PM

Belle rolled around atop the crystal leaf that she perched upon, giggling ecstatically as she got a response, able to hear the thoughts sent back to her over the mental link. "Hi, hi! That is a pretty name, Ciranda!" She hovered up into the air, swirling around so quickly that it sent the golden ribbons that flowed from her back to fluttering in the wind, spiraling around her before finally resettling and hovering by her sides.

"Where are you? Is today your birthday? What is today? I bet it Wednesday, I like Wednesdays, cause it's the very middle of the week, yup yup!~ ♪" A bombardment of questions and curiosity, but she wanted to know when she had woken up this time. Last time she was awake, there were wondrous castles and such folklore, she could have listened to it for years..she wondered how many people there were that she could have talked to and helped, but she had to go back into hibernation before she could find out.

"Do you like Hide-and-Seek? We should play! That way you can find me, and we can play other games together!" She liked how friendly this voice sounded, thus since she wouldn't mind answering so many questions for a friend that sounded so nice, Belle thought that maybe, Ciranda wouldn't mind, either. It only made sense, right?

As Trigger was so rudely bumped into, his state of being went from holier-than-thou nonchalance, to a cocky defensiveness. His fur bristled, and the white stripes of his body, as well as the black stripes on his tail, began to flicker with different hues of red and orange as though those bands on his body were on fire, and a shrill sound, so shrill, that only those with ears attuned to pick up pitches near the extremes of the soundwave spectrum could hear, screeched from the headphones around his ear.

He hissed at the other Wockee, disliking the loud and obnoxious colors of that species' pelt. "Watch where you're walking, spark plug!" He didn't take kindly to being bothered, but the nickname he gave the other off the top of his head was amusing, and rather fitting, even if the other didn't use electricity, the fact that he looked light a living night light was funny. Thus, as quickly as he took offense, a devilish grin spread across his face and he started to giggle in a rather..frightening way. Simultaneously, the reds and oranges that flashed on his markings started to turn into alternating hues and shades of yellow, ranging from the other's neon yellow to a dark golden color.

"I'd try dying something that loud or they might shave you once it strikes eleven.~"

Trigger: 2
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Postby Lunasa » 12/01/2008 9:43 PM

If Ciranda could have, she would have narrowed her eyes. Her headphones boomed with subsonic anger. As the other tried to deafen with high pitches, she would rattle him with with baritone booms. The other Wockee wouldn't last long. The ground beneath her paws rumbled slightly at the pitch and volume of the sound issueing from the yellow headphones around her neck.

Suddenly, her concetration was broken. The sweet little voice was back. I think today is Tuesday, actually Then the music coming from her headphones changed to an odd, questioning tune. How did you know it was my birthday? Ciranda sat down suddenly, her mind filled with pictures of ancient castles and lands of folklore. Hide-and-Seek? Well, I'll try and find you, then. She smiled slightly.

Then she looked up at, what was his name? What is your name, dark one? Her voice had the sound of starlight now, cool and bright. Who was this person that was yelling at her. She pricked her ears as he insulted her colors. A shrug rippled across her shoulders, she didn't particuliarly care for his opinion. Her colors helped her stand out in a crowd, and that was how she liked it. She snorted. Let them try and shave her. She didn't care for what ever rules there were about lights on this night.

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Postby Pulse » 12/03/2008 2:06 AM

(( Oh, and sorry if I implied this. x3 You don't hafta go along with everything I say, I'm just posting Belle's reasoning to herself for being so childlike. Feel free to take any direction you want as long as it ends up getting you to the forest. ))

Trigger's ears layed back as he pawed at a booming ear with one big paw. He could feel the earth tremble under him, and under normal circumstances, he'd be bouncing off the walls, but this wasn't of his cause, and was thus a bad sound.

"Hey, hey, hey! Cool your jets, neon!" His tail lashed at the air as a medley of colors flashed upon his markings, noting to his mixed feelings at the moment before the stopped flashing all together, and went back to being the stripes traditionally seen on neowockees. She seemed not to be put off by his insults, which were only half insults. As easily as he changed from one emotion to the next, it was more of a playful thing at the time, but his voice can come out harsher than he wanted sometimes.

He snorted at the female, rugged heavy metal melody belting from the headphones around his neck before she asked his name. He looked away a moment, with a 'holier-than-thou' expression on his face, but he faced her again, the music softening to a more contemporary song. "Trigger." He grinned at the female, bearing his pearly white canines at her. Why he grinned over just giving her his name, no one knew. It was probable that Trigger didn't even know. He just felt like grinning like a frightening idiot.

"You got a name? I bet it's something witty like Firefly or Sparkplug." With a flicker of his tail, he forgot about the fountain, and paced a slow circle around her, for curiosity's sake, of course.

"Tuesday? That's okay, one more day to go!~" She smiled, doubtful that the other could see it, but nothing but innocent bliss and playfulness were radiating from her.

She gasped out loud as the other admitted it was her birthday. What luck! Maybe she could grant a proper birthday wish to Ciranda, and then they could be best friends forever! "Wheee!~ It is your birthday, how lucky! Happy, happy birthday! Now concentrate real hard, and make a wish!" She did a loop-de-loop in the air and skidded to a stop across a very large surface of crystalline leaves, not feeling a thing given the density and strength of her skin.

"And maybe when you get here, you'll get it! He he he~ ♪ But you have to try real hard, yup!" She hated being lonely, it was boring, and there was nothing to do, but at least talking would suffice for now. "And I'll even help you find me! Here's your first hint: In the oldest forest where the trees grow into giants, look for the pyreflies~" She liked games like this, they were so full of suspense and excitement, and you got to solve riddles! She liked riddles, too.~

As she stated the riddle, though, images of a vast rainforest, alive with the sounds of nature, went through her head, as did the image of floating orbs of light and color. They looked like the fairy-tale version of a pixie, except the center was just as soft and fuzzy looking as the outter part. There was no concentration of light where a being would be.
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Postby Celtic » 12/03/2008 3:12 PM


The khalmer crawled angrily over the ground. He hadn't found Quail a single thing at his hunt! And then he was pulled to do this hunt wonderful. But, knowing that Quail would not want him to arrive angry. So the khalmer halted, and steadied himself, turning into a light calm prescense. Then he moved on.

It seemed that the Jirachi had already arrived, but he couldn't seem to figure out how it was speaking. Didn't it speak aloud? The relowockee was speaking to it, so Henri kept a respectful distance. from hearing the relowockee speak, he heard Birthday and whish, but that was it. Hmmm...


((Excuse the shortness of my post. I ust can't figure out what to do XD))

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Postby Lunasa » 12/03/2008 6:50 PM

Ciranda watched as Trigger circled her. This Neowockee didn't put her off in the least. Name's Ciranda. She stood, her headphones playing a scintillating harmony to Trigger's song. He had good taste, she'd admit it. Then Belle replied to her thought. Ok, Belle. I'll make a wish Ciranda concetrated really hard on what she wanted, then made her wish. Maybe it'd come true.

Ciranda pulled a Keystone from a pouch buried in the fur her chest. With a cool detatchment she flipped the coin into the fountain. For a brief moment, it caught and reflected the indigo light of the comet as it flipped in the air. Then it landed in the sparkling water making a quiet plop. Only the most attuned ear could probaly hear it. It couldn't hurt to reenforce her wish.

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Postby HunnyBun » 12/03/2008 10:33 PM

[center]((>,< sorry it took me so long to post))


Lyze ran through the streets as the comet went by.
How beautiful it was streaking through the air.
He wasn't paying much attention to where he was going when he bumped into a Neowockee.
Falling to the ground he looked up.
"Oh, I am so sorry." He said in a light tone, rubbing his nose.
He climbed to his feet and padded himself off.

((Ah, small post, don't know what to say @,@))

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Postby Pulse » 12/04/2008 1:23 AM

(( No need to worry about short/delayed posts. xD And thanks for chaning your font, Ciranda. Oh, and celtie. Does Henri have anything over his tentacles? x3 Just curious, so I'll know how to respond to him at all. ))

Trigger cocked a brow at the other Wockee. Typically, he delighted in other's reactions to his own shifts in emotions and actions, but she seemed to be taking it in stride. He didn't know if he should be amused, or frustrated. So therefore, he sat back on his haunches, hing feet lazily splayed and his tail curled around him, the furry tip thumping the ground lightly in tempo with the rhythm of the harmonious music.

"That sounds like a disease--" And just like that, he went from calm, to bursting with laughter. Not just any laughter, but a wild, howling cackle of a madman that caused plenty a random passer-by to make a face and shuffle elsewhere. "'Makes me think of Syphilis! Oi, I bet that's what your mom got when she got knocked up!" He swayed as the cackling started to die out, but then came to a sudden stop as the mane around his neck and chest stood on end. He heard something coming straight for him. It should've been established before that he liked his personal space. Apparently it wasn't.

He jumped to all fours, hackles raised at the new Wockee. He snorted and clicked his teeth at the new Wockee, but did no more for now. "Jeeze, where's the bloody target on me?!" (Trigger = <____< )

He snorted and kicked dirt at the other Wockee after he brushed himself off just to tick him off.

"Happy birthday! Now don't tell anyone, or it might not come true! You never know, you never know!" Belle chirped and raised herself high in the air, holding her little feet in her equally small hands again as she stared over the vast horizon of glowing trees, wondering when her friend would get there.

"Do you have other friends? They can play hide-and-seek, too! They should play, the more the merrier!" She giggled and swayed in the air, imagining all the fun they could have together. In her merriment and happiness spawned from the idea, she didn't once think of the sadness it would bring her to have to go back into hibernation in fourteen short days.

Trigger: 3~
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Postby HunnyBun » 12/04/2008 1:33 AM

[center]((T^T poor Lyze))

Lyze coughed as the dirt flew around him.
"Hey!" He yelled.
Why was he being so mean?
He fell to his haunches and coughed loudly.
Waving a paw to try and stop it.
"Why'd you do that for?!" He asked in an annoyed tone.

We're waiting every night
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Postby Celtic » 12/04/2008 2:46 PM

((Yupp, he does~ I just didn't describe it XD))

Finally, Henri decided to go over to the group. His tentacles were swathed with bolts of tightly wound silver and purple embroidered cloth, an early gift from Charlie.

He moved closer to the grouping of wockee's and out came a smooth refurbished gentlemanly voice, If you wockee's would quit argueing, I would like a chance to ask what the Jirachi and the Relowockee are speaking of.

His voice was hard and cold, as a machine's is, but strangely a calmed and authoritized voice was leading from it. Odd to hear such a voice from nothing but a artificial being.

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Postby Lunasa » 12/04/2008 6:13 PM

Ciranda's song slid into a dissonant chord. She didn't mind the teasing. She was rather used to it, actually. She simply pulled her head phones up over her ears and turned the volume up. Soon his childish, and, to her mind, rather unimaginitive, taunts were drowned out by some classic rock singer.

Then yet another Wockee came and hit Trigger. Poor guy. Actually, she wasn't sure who she felt more sorry for, Lyze or Trigger. She shrugged indifferently. He's always like that, get used to it. Now the music leaking from her headphones was soft and soothing.

Ciranda smiled gently at Belle's childlike, not babbling, but bubbling. That was the word, bubbling. I promise not to tell The little creature that was bespeaking her had endeared herself to Ciranda. I'll try, I'll try. Ciranda supressed the thought that she didn't have many friends. She'd find away.

The quiet swish of cloth against the road alerted the Relowockee. She quickly pulled her headphones. A rather large, metal creature had come up to them. A Khalmar, was it? What suprised her more was gentlemanly, almost kind, voice that issued from it Jirachi? What's a Jirachi?

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Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/04/2008 9:19 PM

Tale sat near the edge of the crowds, her tails curled around her feet. She as in her anthro form, a form she used often. It was the best one for medical emergencies. She stared up at the sky, her eyes large and bright as the stars shimmered and danced overhead.  Arms crossed over her knees, which were pulled up close to her chest, the green-eyes Lucain watched the crowds mill about near the fountain.  The ears on top of her head twitched, and Tale sat up straight as a strange sensation washed over her. Was that a vice on the wind? It sounded like...Laughter. The Lucain woman flicked her ears in annoyance. No, it couldn't be. She was just hearing things.  

What a day to lose your mind, Tale, she thought to herself, green eyes shutting to the world. She leaned back against the brick wall, sifting through the smells of the courtyard. There were so many different scents, so many different people and pets. Her nose twitched, and she frowned, opening her eyes as she leaned forward a bit to catch a particular scent that floated towards her. Wockee. She didn't know what kind; whether it was Relowockee, Neowockee or...what was the other one? Oh, who cared. The woman sighed and heaved herself up off the ground, growling at the cold that pierced her skin. The woman weaved and bobbed through the crowd, dodging people and larger creatures with a graceful ease. She glanced up as a particularly large and loud Torken shoved past her, knocking her over and...She cried out, but it was too late. SPLASH! The anthro woman landed in the fountain.

"Agh!"she yelped out, offense and indignity written all over her angry face as she brushed her wet bangs out of her eyes. A few people snickered and pointed, but Tale's glare soon sent them scampering away. She stood up shakily, wringing out her shirt with an annoyed growl, and glanced down. "What's that?" she wondered aloud, forgetting her situation for a brief moment. Keystones littered the bottom of the fountain, the wishes of many locked deep inside them as they were tossed to the waters. She sighed. Great, she fell in a wishing well too. And everyone had just seen her. With a sigh, she went to step out, but her foot slipped on one of the keystones, and she plunged back into the cold, icy water. With a frustrated snarl, she lifted her torso out of the cold fountain and sat in the knee deep water, unwilling to even move out of the fountain or stand up for fear of making it all worse.

[1, 28]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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