Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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-A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/14/2012 3:16 PM

((Brief rules rundown before we do this thing:))

((1. This is OPEN, all the time, any time. Just pop in if you want to join.))

((2. No posting order! It's a party thread!))


Lya Pointa Cathedral was, simultaneously, the best and worst possible place for a party. It was rundown. It was grimy. It smelled faintly of garbage. But the party in question was a Halloween party, and no place was creepier or more Halloweeny. Most of the lingering odors and traces of real demonic possession had been driven away by the psychic purification of the Lavalamp-Ja family.


Lucinda Lavalamp was the more party-minded of the family, but she had gone all out on the planning on this party. She had personally psychic-hand-sewn all of her family's costumes, and had spent hours working on the party's ambient soundtrack. Her son, Armin, had prepared all of the refreshments himself--ghoulish green crackers, cocktail weenie "maggots," melon "eyeballs," and several bowls of candy alongside a few handmade and hand-shaped pumpkin-shaped truffles. Armin had come up with every gruesome treat possible, right down to the red velvet skeleton-shaped cake. His sister Ofelia had put her most devious designs into the decorations, with flapping bats and dangling spiderwebs and drifting ghosts made of real (but un-undead) ectoplasm, conjured up by her psychic powers. The littlest of them, Minty, had been sent off to have a sleepover with her friends while the big kids partied all night.

Alek was not quite as social as his family members, but for the sake of appearances, he was out, dressed in a farmer's outfit that contrasted with his stern appearance and prescription sunglasses. "Have any guests arrived yet?" he asked Lucinda. Out in the main dance area, where spooky lights flashed in time with the pulsing music, Armin and Ofelia mulled around putting the finishing touches on the decorations and arrangement of the treats.

"Not yet," Lucinda said. "But I've invited so many people! And told them to invite their friends! We should have a big crowd tonight!"

Alek shuddered at the thought.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Akida » 10/14/2012 8:29 PM

Were those ghosts?! Scarletti watched as a few beings floated about the old cathedral rather listlessly. She adjusted her costume a bit before continuing in to the party. She had been back and forth in her decision to attend or not and it was a pair of hydrokuhna who had convinced her to go. She questioned the costume they'd picked out for her as it was far from what she would have chosen for herself. She adjusted the mask on her face. It was a sparkly and feathery thing she was sure would draw attention to her. The wings covered her blades and sparkled even in the lighting. They called it a butterfly goddess and she supposed it was somewhat fitting.

Scarlet stood near the doorway observing the decorations that covered the cathedral, the tables of many different spooky snacks and foods and the fitting music for the occasion. She noticed four lucain in the midst of the party, two brightly colored and two more subtle. She had no idea which to speak to. In the middle of her thoughts she heard something like metal clanking behind her. When she turned around, she noticed the two kuhna that had convinced her to come...or she recognized one of them at least.

Ra'ire was dressed up from head to toe in metal. His helmet had a large red frill running from front to back and a fake sword hung across his back.
On the other hand Kitani was dressed in a simple white robe with cute feathery wings on her back and a golden halo that swivelled back and forth when she moved. The pair saw Scarletti and walked up to her, Ra'ire clinking and clanking with every step. Kitani had a smile plastered on her maw and was about to greet the lucain when suddenly Ra'ire bounded off toward the spread of treats. She shook her head and greeted Scarletti.
"You look spectacular Miss Scarlet!"
She smiled down at the kuhna, "Thank you Kitani. I like your costume."
"Its a little plain to me," the kuhna replied. "Ra'ire is quiet most of the time but he never hesitates to approach a table full of food!"
Scarletti laughed at this and turned, "Come along. Let us go and greet our hosts."
As she walked alongside the lucain, she continued the conversation. "Did you see those ghosts?"

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/14/2012 10:22 PM

"Guests! Let's go get 'im," Ofelia said. Her grin was devious. With her psychic powers, she urged a few of her ghosts over towards her. A black, light-stealing aura surrounded them, the color her psychic powers usually manifested as.

She and her brother approached the ghosts; a matched set. While their parents had a farm theme going on--Alek was a farmer, and Lucinda was a Yingshee--Armin and Ofelia had decided that they were going for a "magic versus science" theme. Ofelia was a mad scientist (she was always a mad scientist), but this year, Armin offset her by dressing as a wizard. His blue cape sparkled with golden stars.

"Hey! Welcome to the party. Nice mask," he said to Scarletti. "Feel free to help yourself to goodies--ooh, like your friend there!" Armin immediately adhered himself Ra'ire. His face was split wide with an expectant grin. "How are you finding the treats? You should try those mummy-hotdogs. They're awesome!"

Ofelia chuckled. "There's my brother for you; forget names, he wants to know how you like his cooking! Since I have manners, unlike some people, I'm Ofelia. Who are you?" she asked of the remaining Kuhna and Scarletti.

Ever the gracious hostess, Lucinda glided over to her daughter's side. As much as someone swathed in wool and wearing plastic horns could glide. "Welcome, welcome to our humble party! There's a costume contest in a few hours. For now, please enjoy some of our yummy food and dancing, darling!"

Alek swallowed. Only a few people showing up so far... he could handle this, right?

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/15/2012 6:48 AM

Gabriel shuffled in, morose as always, awaiting the questions he knew would be forthcoming, but was dreading. His nose wrinkled in disgust as the fellow beside him smirked, and made a beeline for a group of females in the corner of the cathedral. He hadn't expected Lloyd to stick to him, but it would have been nice if he hadn't just ditched him to run after...

He sighed, and took up a seat in the corner, sipping on a glass of punch and nibbling on a ghost-shaped cookie as he examined the room. The decorations were breathtaking, the atmosphere was awesome... It would have been just his thing, were it not for the thought that these people would go home, and remove their costumes, whereas he...

He spotted what he presumed to be the hostess, as she was flitting from group to group and appeared to be welcoming them. Sighing, he stood and made his way towards her; after all, it wouldn't do to be impolite to his hostess.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/15/2012 6:55 AM

Lloyd smirked as the females he was approaching scattered, then dropped it when he noticed the ghost. *Really? They're afraid of a fake ghost? I wonder how they would have dealt with the phantom*. He strolled over to the table, purposely walking through the ghost, and poured himself a bowl of punch, not forgetting to take a pumpkin truffle. He glanced to where Gabriel sat, obviously uncomfortable, and his smirk returned. Though Gabriel hated the reactions he got when people found out what they were, Lloyd basked in it. It wasn't his fault the damn chandelier had fallen on them in the theatre, now was it?

Undaunted, Lloyd sought out a fresh target, and spotted what he presumed to be the hostess, hob-nobbing with the other guests. He sauntered over to her, not noticing Gabriel was on his way over, and proceeded to introduce himself. Bowing, he spoke with a low, silky voice: "Good evening madam, I am Lloyd, and it is a pleasure to be here tonight."
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Kylo » 10/15/2012 1:18 PM

It hadn't taken long before Talcen had heard news of a Halloween party and once he had, he had set to work on dressing up and procuring several bagfuls of candy to take with him. While he usually wasn't one for parties, he usually took any and every opportunity to dress up and eat copious amounts of candy. This was no exception.

He smiled as he entered and looked around the cathedral with a childish grin. It seemed they had cleaned it up much since he had last been here, though he could still spot a few tell tale signs of one of his puppets having been there previously. The damaged floor and broken pews were a dead give away of the rather violent bat's previous presence. He waved sheepishly at the hosts and immediately scampered off to a more vacated part of the cathedral to observe the other guests before deciding to talk to them. The last time he had gone out to an event he had made of a fool of himself by not exerting self control. He had been an annoyance and an overly hyperactive pest. He hoped the people he was with had forgiven him by now.

He scouted out the snack table and creeped over to take some food before going back to his hiding spot. He wasn't quite sure if he would get along with anyone yet. He pulled his hat down further and chewed on his prop pipe as he pretending to be Sherlock Holmes by himself. Maybe someone would like his costume and he could start a conversation from there. Or he could just not be noticed and have fun by himself. He did that often already so it wouldn't bother him at all if things went that way.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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{8} {38}

Postby Akida » 10/15/2012 2:08 PM

The ladies broke off their quiet conversation to greet the hosts who'd approached them. The male's starry cape glittered whereas the young lady indeed looked like a scientist.
Scarletti dipped her head slightly as this is how she is used to greeting anyone, "Thank you kind sir. My little friend here picked it out for me." Scarlet smiled down at the kuhna beside her. "I love your décor and cannot wait to taste your food, but unlike our little friend over there, I can curb my apetite long enough to greet our hosts." She laughed quietly at the mention of Ra'ire.

Speaking of which, the iron-clad kuhna had managed to stuff quite a few eyeballs into his mouth just as Armin approached him. He looked up and smiled, a few eyes looking up at the lucain. He quickly chewed them for a moment and swallowed with a big gulp.
"This stuff is great! Did you make it? I'm Ra'ire by the way."
When one loved food as much as he did, shyness was a thing of the past. Being quiet wasn't an option when there were so many compliments to give. At the mention on mummy-dogs Ra'ire smiled once more. "You can bet before this night is over I'll have tried everything." He looked over at the girls chatting and waved, his armor clanking as he did so.

Kitani giggled at her friend and the lucain at the food table.
"Ooh! That's a pretty name! I am Kitani, this is Miss Scarletti and over there sampling everything is Ra'ire."
"You may call me Scarlet in short," the lucain added with a smile. At that moment a woolly lucain joined the small group and welcomed them.  She was quite energetic and cheery as opposed to the gentleman who'd kept his distance thus far.

Scarletti thanked the hosts again and turned to see a few others had joined the party by then. A diosol  was was introducing himself as they were turning away. He was handsome in his all black a half mask of white. Kitani smiled at him before joining Scarlet. They smiled at another diosol who seemed to be on his way to greet the hosts. The party was picking up as the guests trickled in one by one. Scarletti helped herself to the first slice of red velvet cake. Kitani picked up one of the ghost cookies and no sooner than biting its head off, one of the ghosts floated by. She stared as it moved listlessly by without any sound then proceeded to finish the cookie and help herself to another.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/15/2012 2:19 PM

Lucinda noticed the group of people approaching her and gave Alek a nudge in his side. "We have guest approaching, love! Look alive, and do try not to grimace so much."

Alek would disagree. He was not, as his lovely wife put it, grimacing. He was being pensive, which was a feat in and of itself when the music was so loud and people were starting to really chat. But he would not disappoint her, so he followed her.

"Welcome to our party! We welcome you, one and all," Lucinda said with a sweep. "My, you all look so terrifying tonight! I encourage you to carouse tonight, and really live it up!"

Alek noticed, however, that the drab-colored Diosol fellow looked like he'd rather not be there. Alek smiled at him. "Don't worry," he said with a slight smile. "Even wallflowers are welcome here. My son made enough food for all, and if people enjoy it, that makes him happy, too."

The son himself was clearly rapt with Ra'ire's praise. "Oooh! Yes! Try everything you can! I mean, I have obvious reasons you want you to, but please! I love compliments. Those eyeballs are a favorite of mine! Especially the 'bloodshot' watermelon ones!"

Ofelia slunk behind Scarlet, chuckling. With a giggle, she pushed one of her ghosts on by the Lucain as she grabbed a cookie. "Hee hee! The ghosts like you, Scarlet... they want you to join them!" It was hard to tell whether the cackle came from Ofelia or the ghost itself. Probably the former. Ofelia might have been a bit TOO into the holiday.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Akida » 10/15/2012 2:42 PM

Ra'ire was reaching for one of the mummy-dogs when he noticed Scarletti being followed by  a ghost and a host. He nudged the lucain beside him to encourage him to watch the scene play out. Ra'ire was terrible with manners but he was a whole-hearted sort. He bit into the hot dog and said, "This'll be fun."

Scarletti and Kitani had continued their conversation from earlier when suddenly Scarlet felt a chill run up and down her spine. Her fur stood on end as the ghastly voice spoke to her and when it cackled she let out something between a squeak and a yelp. She turned quickly to see an amused Ofelia behind her then blushed as brightly as a lucain possibly could. Kitani had dropped to the floor in a fit of giggles at this.
"Miss Scarlet you should have seen your face!"

Ra'ire had finished his hot dog and was laughing at her. He looked up at the magician beside him, "This'll be a great party alright." He popped a truffle into his mouth and savored the sweetness of it.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Thunder » 10/15/2012 5:13 PM

(OOC: Fun fact, when my friends were trying to come up with a name for another friend's Halloween/birthday party, "hootenanny" was one of our considerations xD But it ended up being the "hanky pank" for...reasons. All my characters are going to be in quad~)

The party, it seemed, was already underway, but there were still more guests to come!


The first of the newcomers was a very, very bright and psychedelic looking Lusikross. There was a turban wrapped around her head, and she was draped in sparkling black robes. The guise had the look of a fortune teller. Odellia, as the Lusikross was named, strolled into the party quite energetically, smiling at all the lovely decorations. Some would say that she was too old for such parties- she was about thirty-one in human years, after all- but there was a mischievous part of her that simply loved Halloween and trickery in general.

"Hello, hello!" she called, beaming at all in her vicinity. "The fortune teller is in! If you would like advice on anything in your life, please feel free to talk to me, and I shall tell you what to do!" It was not entirely an act, for there were some very interesting powers that the Lusikross actually had...

The next guest to walk in was a young Apokain Kuhna, Azrael. He had on a black cloak, hood down, and carried something in his tails that quite alarmingly looked like a real scythe. It was clear that he was being very careful with the blade, however, moving it out of the way of people and objects. He gave respectful dips of his head and charming grins to everyone he passed by. Azrael made his way to the refreshments, where he grabbed a cup and filled it with punch. He took a little sip of it and nodded in approval before glancing around. There were quite a few people here...not that he minded, but it was sure hard deciding who to interact with first.

His eyes finally landed on someone in a quieter section of the room, someone pretending to be a very famous literary character. Azrael smiled and walked over casually. "Holmes, I presume?" he laughed, trying to spark a conversation.


Last but not least came a cute, green Lucain with a shimmering pelt that looked like it had the stars in it. Her costume was quite obviously a witch; she had a pointed hat on her head, a cloak around her shoulders, and a wand in her moth. Jade absolutely loved Halloween, and when she heard there was a party going on, she was quick to prepare for it. She would have gone with a few of her friends...but she had no idea where they were right now.

Jade skipped into the party cheerily and waved at everyone. She gasped in awe at the sight of the ghosts and sniggered to herself, "Oooh, I bet John would love these!" Overall, she found the decorations to be very pretty, and she decided that she'd go and tell the hosts that everything looked great. She saw two other Lucain that seemed to be greeting everyone who was coming in, so she approached them with a bucktoothed grin. "Hi!" Jade chirped. "Are you two the hosts? I just wanted to say that this place looks great!"

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Kylo » 10/15/2012 5:56 PM

"You would be correct, sir." Talcen tried to keep from grinning, wanting to stay in character as much as possible. "It seems you are a grim reaper today." Wow he sucked at being Sherlock Holmes. Like really sucked, but at least he looked the part, mostly. "So, how are you this fine evening?" Yeah he was going to give up pretty soon. After he stuffed some more candy in his mouth so he'd sound less stupid.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Akida » 10/15/2012 6:50 PM

Scarletti's blushing died down soon after the prank. It was indeed a good one and she decided to get herself some punch..er..blood. She watched quietly through her sparkling mask as more guests joined the fun. When a vibrant lusicross announced her arrival, she put down her cup and strolled toward the fortune teller. Her wings seemed to pale in the lusicross' presence even covered in her black robe.
"Good evening madam. May I have the use of your services?" Scarlet was quite fond of fortune tellers and employed their talents once in a while.

Kitani was wiping the tears from her eyes as she approached Ra'ire.
"Save some for the others silly!" She giggled but there was such an abundance of foods so it might be alright. She had to hand it to the chef. He did excellently on this spread of ghoulish feasts.
She looked up at the lucain, "This is the greatest feast I've ever laid my eyes on. Ra'ire obviously agrees since he's still eating. Im sure he already told you his thoughts." She smiled and decided to mingle with others.
She spotted a Reaper and Sherlock Holmes talking and decided to try there.

She glided as angelicly as she possibly could towards the two. "Hi! Sorry to interrupt. My name is Kitani. I love your costumes." Her makeshift halo bobbed back and forth as she smiled at them.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/16/2012 12:17 AM

With a yank on his overall straps, Lucinda lead Alek towards the head of the cathedral. Guests were flowing in now, and Lucinda wanted to make herself front and center to greet every one. She wove with her paws in a princess-like manner, and shouted honest greetings to everyone who past. "Welcome! Welcome to our gala event! Welcome, one and all!" Among the more outgoing guests, Alek stayed quite quiet. But when someone walked through the door who looked a bit unhappy, Alek smiled at them, too. "Hello. Welcome!" His faint accent made it sound a bit like "Velcome"--very vampire. Lucinda smiled at him, for, in his own way, he did help the wallflowers feel more comfortable. Not everyone there was a social butterfly!

Ofelia giggled at the reaction to her prank. "Heehee! Don't worry about the ghosts. They're not really alive. Err, dead. They're just manifested psychic power is all." Ofelia dismissed one with a wave of her psychic hand, as if to prove a point. "Oooh! And speaking of psychic power!" The easily distracted Ofelia wandered over to the psychadelic Odellia. "Cool! You a real psychic, too, or is that just a costume? Can you read Tarot cards? Oooh, that'd be the BEST thing to add to this party!"

Armin seemed to have found a new best friend in Rai're. "The mummy dogs took me a while! Some people would use canned croissants, but I make my own pastry dough. But I draw the line at making my own ketchup! The blood ketchup and bile mustard are store-bought, I'm afraid."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby FrostyRae » 10/16/2012 12:18 AM

With a cape flapping slightly due to the wind that had been outside, the man walked into the party unseen, quickly headed for the punch bowl for a drink. Quickly adjusting his mask, this phantom sighed, having been forced to come by the woman who gave him a place to live currently, Mademoiselle Raven. She refused to come herself, of course, or at least not until the party really got started.

Just when the man was about to turn and go hide within the shadows of the area, he noticed another party member in the same attire as him. At first, it surprised him to the point of scoffing, then he remembered that before he was brought to Evelon, there were...many children and adults alike whom would find pathetic copies of his outfit to wear during the holiday of Halloween. So, for the moment, he decided to stay by the punch bowl, attempting to be sociable for once considering how he went out of his way to alone when within Raven's castle beyond that labyrinth of hers.

(( OOC: Cue to Lloyd and anyone else who wants to bug my Opera Ghost here~ CB< ))
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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Indigo » 10/16/2012 12:40 AM

They sent Queenpin in first, ostensibly to scout and report back, but actually because Monk was having trouble with her tails getting caught in her skirt. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, because the Anera, in the pirate costume they had very carefully fashioned for her, took several leaps across the room and right into the punch. Shortly afterward she jumped out again, probably to climb a wall and watch the goings-on from there, but by then Monk had sorted out her costume and she and Daz were on their way in.

It was a good costume, Monk thought, although some effort had been required to allow free movement of all her limbs. She had gone with the pirate theme as well--it seemed appropriate, even if they weren't technically pirates--and she was wearing enough of what Daz kept calling "bangly things" to jingle when she walked. She grimaced at the mess Queenpin had made, but they could deal with that whenever it became necessary, and in the mean time she wanted to mingle. She made a note of which refreshments looked the most interesting and headed toward the Lucain and Hydrokuhnas, since they looked pretty lively. "Hey! Got room for one more?"

Daz trailed. It wasn't that he didn't like parties--he did, and this was even a Halloween party, those were always the best! But he didn't feel quite right. He hadn't been able to throw together much of a costume, since all they'd had to work with was whatever had been lying around on the ship, and he'd ended up in a brown coat as long as he was and an aviator cap the captain had let him borrow. He also had a wrench, but that was mostly out of habit. Note to self: next time you have money, go buy some good costume stuff, and then find excuses to wear it. But for now this would have to do. He made his way toward the food, and it had to be hoped that someone would distract him relatively soon, because otherwise he would eat until he ran out of options. Of course, Monk would probably come and bother him if she saw he wasn't busy.

What are you looking at?

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