Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/10/2016 4:11 AM


In the dark of night, the sound of wingbeats--- a soft thump, a muffled groan. A shadow, quivering in the night wind, unfurled itself upon the roof of an old abandoned building. It moved, staggering, to the edge, wings outstretched, but barely managed to slow its own descent enough to soften the fall. It lay still there for a moment, unmoving, but eventually it rose again to make its way inside. The figure moved slowly, as if each step was painful.

The dark interior offered no comfort from the cold, but the depth of darkness was shelter enough. The figure's cloak fell away, revealing a young man, no older than his early twenties, slender and fine-featured. He lurched toward one of the walls, but his legs, having carried him thus far, failed him at last. He collapsed to the ground with a sharp hissing gasp, and this time, he stayed.

Prosper was dying.

It had been a long time coming, and he knew it, much as he had preferred to deny it. He had seen first-hand what happened to those who stretched themselves beyond their bodies' capacity. Even now, in the near-absolute dark, the touch of faint starlight through the gaps in the ceiling burned like a brand. The bitter cold of the floor was almost a relief against the unbearable heat in his body. Everything ached. It came and went in waves that left him sick and trembling.

He was empty now, so there was no outward sign of his affliction, but it had been growing increasingly difficult to disguise in the last few weeks. The light would break against his skin, leaving glowing trails that forced him to don darker and darker clothing. He could not bear even the most casual touch, for fear of upsetting that fragile barrier. A few lights had escaped him on this last trip, a herald that the end was nigh.

He remembered an old saying about how beasts crawled away to die. He supposed that was what he was doing. There would be no one to mourn him anyway; the least he could do was find someplace quiet, so that his passing might be in peace. He had wanted... His thoughts turned to his place on the mountain, where he used to sit and watch the stars in the few moments of idleness he could spare, but it was too far. This would have to do.

And it was--- It was good, that this was the end. He would be free soon. But even as he thought that, he felt something clench in his chest. His throat closed, dry and tight, tears springing unbidden to his eyes. He was too weak to wipe them away.

Please... Someone, he thought, anyone. But even in this last futile prayer, he could not quite bring himself to ask for salvation, beyond a desperate wordless desire. And he knew better than anyone that there was none to be had.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/10/2016 5:45 AM


Leaving in the dark of night was one man's signature move. With a different partner almost every night, he was already long gone when they woke up in the morning, a deterrent for them forming a lasting attachment. Even those that he'd slept with repeatedly were given the same treatment. They weren't special. None of them were, good only as food and for shallow pleasure. Still, he'd eat them all up until he couldn't stand the taste.

As he exited the stairwell of one apartment building in a very human way, Ryo was met with the brisk, night air. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, as if wiping away any remnants of the woman's mouth having been on his. He adjusted his coat, reaching into the pockets to retrieve his gloves, and donned them, one at a time. The cold didn't particularly bother him, it never did, but he always dressed appropriately for the weather. The different seasons gave him the opportunity to adjust his style accordingly.

He was going about business as usual, making his journey home for the night, when he slowed and came to a stop.

Those words. Of all the words that endlessly hummed in the back of his mind, a few, simple words stood out among them. He actually heard them. How long had it been?

He stood still in the night. It seemed as though several minutes had passed, but time had slowed down all around him. He could no longer feel the cold, the air didn't move, the light that illuminated the sidewalk didn't flicker. But that strange tranquility was shattered when his wings appeared and unfurled, he taking off into the skies with an unnatural, incredible speed. He blinked across the night sky, vanishing and reappearing a great distance from his vanishing point, covering ground with ease.

When he finally touched down, he was in an unfamiliar place, outside of an old, unkempt building he'd never seen before. Ryo stared at it for a moment, before moving toward the door. Someone had called out for him, and a vague, almost fleeting curiosity drove him forward. His actions were dictated by little more than a whim, but it lead him inside.

Met with the sorry form of someone lying limp on the floor, a smirk found its way onto his face. Not because they were dead, no, dying, not quite dead, but because of what else he saw there. It wasn't recognizable to mortals, but he could undeniably sense another a god. And they'd left him for dead. Ryo chuckled at the thought. "How fucking tragic." Although he said it, his tone of voice held no sympathy.

It seemed an idea came to him, though, and his smirk became more defined, an amused glint in his eyes. Stealing another god's play thing could be entertaining. "I guess I'll help you out." He approached them, his eyes being drawn to the face, the face of a young man. For another moment, he stared, before kneeling down beside him. Each of these moves were slow and, continued to be so, as he leaned over him. Without warning or any evidence on the outside, he bit down into the flesh of his own cheek, biting and tearing at it until his mouth filled with his own blood. He then leaned all the way in, hands on either side of the other man's head on the floor, and closed his mouth over his. The blood transferred from one mouth to the other, Ryo feeding it to him.

The blood acted as a catalyst and, in the moments that followed, the man's body was restored. He was no longer dying. In fact, he was in far better shape than he had been in. Ryo didn't waste time, though. Immediately after pulling way, swallowing down the stream of blood that still flowed, he'd scooped up the man up in his arms and carried him away from the place where he had gone to die.

He brought him home.

He brought him home, to his bed. And joined him there.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/11/2016 12:35 AM

Prosper's consciousness was already fading when he heard the sound of footsteps on the stone floor of the church. He opened his eyes, but it didn't do him much good; his vision swam, refusing to focus. He glimpsed shoes--- a voice, dripping with contempt--- but then the darkness claimed him. His last thoughts were a blur of half-impressions, nothing more.

He did not expect to wake at all.

His first thought was that he had been found, somehow, by his master, and brought back to serve once more. His entire body tensed before he was even half awake, and he was already struggling to sit up before he registered the presence of something wrapped around him. He seized them, still in the throes of panic, only to find his fingers sinking into flesh. Arms--- they were arms.

Only then did he register the softness of the surface beneath him, the easy painless sensation of being in his own body. The inside of his mouth tasted of--- of blood, he thought, but he wasn't sure. All the details were wrong. He wasn't with his master, this much he realized, but beyond this, he knew nothing. Prosper was wholly out of context, and he had no idea what to do with himself.

Then, slowly, the situation began at last to sink in: he was in an unfamiliar bed with a stranger--- and it must have been a stranger, for there was no one with whom he would have... His eyes traveled down unbidden to the figure at his side, but he found no answers there, only further cause for concern. The face of a man, unknown to him, and... He was suddenly aware of how little the man was wearing. He could feel a blush of mortification creeping up the back of his neck, but he was too stunned to do more than sit there, with the man's arm still in his hands, and stare.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/11/2016 4:40 AM

It seemed as though, even while in his sleep, Ryo sensed that his brand new companion had regained consciousness and awoke. He could feel the eyes on him. Slowly, the god began to stir, too. Before even opening his eyes, he instinctively squeezed that man he'd brought home with him just a little bit tighter. Apparently, he'd latched onto him while asleep, which he realized only after holding him even closer. This was news to Ryo; he had no prior knowledge of being a night time snuggler, as he'd never just slept beside another person.

Up until now, he'd never brought anyone into private life. In spite of his track record, he strictly didn't bring people home. That was out of the question, no matter how many women begged for it.

This guy was made to be special, and that made him an exception to the rule.

Finally, his eyes opened, and the smirk that he'd worn before came back. "Ah. Look at that. You're not dead after all."

His tight hold loosened, finally releasing the other man from his grasp only after speaking. This was followed by him sitting up in bed, yawning. Ryo was perfectly at ease, even in this situation. The god wasn't the least bit embarrassed by the fact that he was wearing so little, either. Everything he'd been wearing when he came home was unceremoniously discarded on the floor beside the bed. It was the norm for him to be seen without any clothes on at all. He wasn't ashamed. By most standards, he was physically attractive and pleasing to the eyes.

The long, cloth curtains of his room were drawn shut, with little light leaking through, but it was more than enough to see by. His bed room was large in size, with a massive closet and full bathroom attached. The very bed they were in was incredibly plush, and far too large for just Ryo alone. Even with the two of them, they could have easily fit another person, even two, before things could get too uncomfortable.

That in mind, there wasn't any obvious reason for Ryo to remain so close, but he made absolutely no effort to give the other man his space.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/18/2016 8:16 AM

Prosper, caught by surprise, couldn't quite stifle the small startled noise he made when the man holding him tightened his grip. The reality of his situation was rapidly beginning to sink in, and with it came a wave of confused self-consciousness. His heart rate was rapidly accelerating to some sort of crescendo, and it was hard to breathe for any number of reasons. He was clothed, still--- a small blessing--- but all the same, he was coming to in the embrace of another man, in what Prosper could only presume was his bed.

A part of him was still in denial--- not that this was happening, but that it was happening to him. Not even in his scant handful of dreams had he ever... Perhaps his soul hadn't ascended when he died, and had simply resettled itself in the body of another person? But his hands, when he held them up, were his. Hale and healthy, but his.

It was only when the other man spoke that at last, something registered with him. He remembered the voice... That was right, someone had found him just as his thoughts were fading. But neither the man's words nor his tone were reassuring, and Prosper was immediately on guard once more.

Prosper twisted around so he could better study his--- his savior? His captor? It was impossible as of yet to tell. His every nerve was screaming at him to lean back, away from the uncomfortable proximity of the strange man, but his years of servitude to Elouan had taught him well the evils of showing weakness. "Who are you?" he said, his voice as level and flat as he could make it. He cut right to the chase, no theatrics or formality. "Why am I here?" He could worry over the details later. Right now he had to figure out what was going on.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/18/2016 8:06 PM

Ah, so he was all business.

When the other man finally spoke, his tone intentionally not expressing any of his thoughts or feelings, Ryo stared at him, looking him right in the eyes. His own eyes narrowed, as he did. He was quiet for a moment, attempting to read more into it, before seeming to find it not worth the effort. What he felt, what he thought, it made no difference to the god.

"The name is Ryo." At least he began to answer his questions. "But others might just call me 'God.' You asked for 'someone, anyone,', and I guess I answer to that, too." This man had prayed, desperately, but not whole heartedly, and was met with these results. It was someone like Ryo that saved him.

"You're here as my wife." He moved onto the second question without missing a beat, hardly giving the other man time to process his first answer before dropping the bomb on him. Ryo had no intentions of beating around the bush; he wasn't going to end up like his idiot brothers that spent their lives half-dead for saving someone useless. No, this man would know his new lot in life from the get-go. "You see, my saving your life, that's the price that came with it. A price we both had to pay, since I'm stuck with you now. I can only ever have one, and that's you." Never once had Ryo imagined that his wife, should he ever take one, would actually be a man. But here they were. "So, you'll be useful to me, wont you?"

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/18/2016 10:43 PM

Prosper could feel the dread flooding through him at Ryo's words. He cursed himself for having been such a fool. He should have known better; he, of all people, should have known the evils of partaking in anything like a prayer. He had thought, if he didn't specify a name, that he would be safe... But it had been an unreasonable assumption in retrospect. And the more desperate the prayer, the greater the imbalance of power when it was granted.

His eyes widened slightly at the word 'wife', but he schooled his face back to impassivity even as he listened to the rest of Ryo's scant explanation. The god had said they were both bound to one another, but Prosper wasn't sure if he quite believed it. The thought that anyone would choose to bind themselves to him upon discovering what had very nearly been his corpse. But this was how Ryo had chosen to present the situation to him, and Prosper was not about to challenge him on those grounds. He merely said, "That depends on the nature of what you require of me... But I do not think my master will be pleased about this." He said it with almost an air of resignation. He was not particularly interested in being bound to another god, but the thought of returning to his former servitude did not hearten him either. Perhaps if Ryo's demeanor had been gentler or more welcoming, he might have dared to hope... But it was just as well. Hope was a dangerous notion, a thing to be stifled.

His gaze sharpened as he spoke his next words. "You are aware, aren't you? That I have already been bound." It wasn't more than a hunch on his part, but he felt certain that it was true. Though Elouan held no affection for his servants, he was unyielding on the fact that they were his.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/19/2016 12:06 AM

Prosper could have said almost anything, and it wouldn't have made much difference in Ryo's response, but he immediately brought up his relationship with the other god, the one that left him to die, and that was his mistake. Hearing those words, it elicited an audible growl from the god, and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm well aware," he assured him. Without any further warning, he changed positions, roughly pushing the other man back down into the bed with both hands, onto his back. He swung his leg over, straddling him, sitting comfortably on his crotch. Luckily for him Ryo at least knew how to sit there without causing him pain; he didn't put his full weight on him and add too much pressure. "But the fact is, I don't give a fuck. You're mine now."

Before he could protest, or even if he had begun to, Ryo leaned in closer, supporting his weight with one hand now on the bed beside the other man's face. Ryo's other hand slid behind the back of his head, as if to hold him there, and his mouth closed over his partner's once more. This time, it was different, as the god forced his tongue inside. With it came the familiar taste of blood, which still lingered in Ryo's mouth from before.

This lasted several seconds, before he pulled away, grinning. But he only leaned in again, Ryo's lips nearly brushing against Prosper's ear, his hot breath able to be felt, as he whispered to him. "And I don't like to share."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/19/2016 5:09 AM

It came as no surprise to Prosper that Ryo knew, though it did compound the question of why the god had chosen to save his life anyway. The best he could come up with was that there was a grudge of some sort between the two gods, which was not wholly improbable. Lowly servants such as himself were not privy to Elouan's dealings, though Prosper had served long enough that he had seen more than he ought.

This was as far as his thoughts could go before he found himself pinned against the bed. His mask of impassivity faltered again, revealing a look of shock. Their proximity had been something he had pointedly avoided dwelling on, but with Ryo straddling him, his mind went blank, able only to focus on the sensation of another body pressed against his own.

Claustrophobia--- or something like--- closed its cold fingers around Prosper's throat. Before he could think, he found himself twisting in Ryo's grip. But it was to no avail; a moment later, the god pressed his lips forcefully to Prosper's own, and---

--- he couldn't breathe. The taste of blood, the weight, everything pressing in around him--- Prosper froze. His heart hammered against his chest; he wanted almost desperately to break free. That desperation railed against the restraints he had built up around his own will these sixty long years. He tensed, fingers curling into white-knuckled fists, but try as he might, he could not break away.

And then, as quickly as it had come, the fight drained out of him all at once. No... What difference was there? He had never managed, after all, to win against the will of a god. Foolish. He went limp, letting Ryo's tongue sweep through his mouth, bringing the metallic tang of blood with it.

He felt nothing--- was nothing. This, this was no different. Still, he had to swallow hard as Ryo's breath ghosted his ear, and then again before he could speak. "You will have to take that up with him yourself," he said, in the same quiet dispassionate voice he had used before. There was more he wanted to say, but he hadn't missed the shift in Ryo's mood at the mention of his master, and he had no wish to incite the god further.

For the first time, he found himself seriously wondering how his master compared to the power of another god. He wasn't sure he wanted the answer. The evil he knew, or this... new, unknown avenue of servitude? It shouldn't have made any difference; he certainly wouldn't have any say in the matter. All the same, he found himself feeling uneasy in a way he hadn't felt in decades.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/19/2016 5:35 AM

Only for brief, fleeting moments did this man's disinterested composure falter. It was both interesting and terribly boring for the god, all at the same time. Ryo would enjoy pushing him, seeing when that mask of indifference would shatter, but if he managed to rein himself in so well each time, it wouldn't be much fun for him.

Ryo sat back up right, but didn't move from his position, looking down at the other man. "He left you for dead," he reminded him. "While I can no longer live without you, my dear wife, so I can't let you die, and I can't give you back. So don't concern yourself with him anymore." At the very least, he would be cared for, that way. Ryo would not be able to push him to the brink of death. Endangering his own source of energy would be reckless. And, that included protecting him, if the other god came calling.

Finally, with these words, the god moved off of him, and off of the bed, entirely. It didn't seem like he was going to give further explanation, at the moment. Moving toward his closet, he only stopped once he'd opened the door to it. Without looking back, he asked a question that, if he had been polite, he might have asked sooner. "You have a name, don't you? What is it?"

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/19/2016 10:22 AM

Prosper closed his eyes and breathed the quietest of sighs as Ryo eased up and moved away. This reprieve, if he understood his situation correctly, was but a temporary one, but he knew from experience that it was possible to live off only those stolen moments of respite. He thought of his first night, when the lights had been branded into him, hot as coals; he had been shaking and sick then, both from pain and homesickness, weeping for a mother he would never see again. Very well, he thought, at least I am not as naive as I was. There would be fewer hopes to disappoint, the second time around.

He sat up, slowly, and took stock of himself: the upturned palms of his hands, the tendons in his wrists. Everything intact and painless. He wanted more than anything not to have to think, but Ryo's words tugged at him. Left him for dead... And Ryo was presenting himself as a better alternative, though Prosper had his doubts. At least when he had been among many objects, there were others to share the brunt of the god's casual cruelties. To be fixated on alone, without compatriots...

But he was as good as stranded here anyway, until Elouan came to fetch him. If Elouan came to fetch him. Given his lack of options, it was best to follow along for now. He was at the whims of a different master here, after all.

"Prosper," he said, by way of answer. The name tasted bitter on his tongue. It hadn't seen use in years; Elouan didn't bother to remember the names of his servants, and the servants themselves were too fearful to know one another. His gaze followed Ryo around the room. Something the god mentioned had caught Prosper's attention, and despite himself, he found himself asking: "You... can no longer live without me?" It sounded absurd, just as the word 'wife' sounded absurd. If it wasn't for the mounting tally of outlandish things that had already happened since he had awoken, he might have believed he had misheard.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/19/2016 4:37 PM

"Prosper," he repeated the name, getting a feel for it. What ironic sort of name was that? It seemed as though he was far from prospering, based on his death. He could not help but to chuckle once, thinking that way.

Ryo had long since acclimated to the way of humans. It wasn't perfect, while in his own home, but he used names, as humans found them so very important, he collected and dressed himself in physical clothes, even ate the food, although there was no point in it, other than to simply to indulge in it. Most aspects of human behavior, was them indulging themselves. If they were able, they surrounded themselves in good food, shiny bobbles, decedent fabric, anything with a brand name name and hefty price tag. They surrounded themselves with other people, too. It was all just to show off, and little more. Still, Ryo mimicked much of their customs and behavior until it became habit.

He moved out of sight, slipping inside the closet, before answering Prosper's question. While busying himself with browsing through his extensive collection, he spoke up, loud enough to be heard in the room. Explaining things would be fit, if he wanted the other man to know his place. Now was a good of a time as any, he supposed. "I need the energy that is created when we share physical intimacy. The more I have, the more powerful I become. If I run out, I'll fade out of existence." It was a horrible fate. The fact that his survival relied on someone else was not something he particularly enjoyed, but it was lot he was dealt in life. The way Ryo spoke, it certainly did not seem that he had any concerns. He'd accepted what he was.

"I can grant nearly anything that you can imagine." His voice seemed smug, saying such a thing. "But I cannot create intelligent life from nothing and I cannot raise the dead. Those are my two limitations. You're an exception, because your now my wife."

Holding his selected clothing in his arms, he emerged from the closet. "I fed you my blood, so that you would live. Doing so, that made you my wife, and the only person whose energy I could use. Without it, I would cease to exist, and I have no intention of dying over someone like you, or anyone else."

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/21/2016 3:14 AM

It felt strange hearing his name spoken again after so long, and by someone who was very nearly a stranger at that. Something in his chest tightened, which surprised him. He hadn't expected to have any attachment left to something that had lain discarded for so long, and with so many bitter memories attached... But then there had been happy ones too, ones he never allowed himself to dwell upon.

He thought perhaps the god might comment on it, but nothing came. The god's next words were of the nature of his needs. Prosper listened in silence, though the corners of his mouth tightened ever so slightly at the implications. It felt like the negotiation of his new contract--- or rather, a presentation of the terms, as there was no real negotiating involved. Physical intimacy. Ryo had demonstrated exactly what kind of intimacy he expected; now, with the reason behind it drawn out clearly for him, Prosper counted himself fortunate that Ryo did not see fit to go further than that. Mortifying as it was to think, that forced kiss had been Prosper's first. Briefly, for no more than a fraction of a second, he imagined himself killing a god, and felt his heart jump at the thought---

... No. No. He was getting ideas again. There was no room for anything like mortification in the mind of a slave; and something like murder was certainly out of his reach. Ryo had already demonstrated his willingness to take what he wanted by force, after all. And he still refused to believe that he had any sort of monopoly on... this energy, that Ryo described.

As long as he was asking, he supposed he might as well work out the finer points. "What do you wish to be addressed as?" he asked. Elouan had preferred 'Great One' when he allowed them to address him at all. "Do I have any duties, aside from... awaiting your arrival here?" As he spoke, Prosper took stock of the room. In all likelihood this would be his prison for at least the next little while. But the more he looked, the more he realized that it had been too long since he'd been inside a residential dwelling. It was luxurious, he could tell that much, but much of what he saw felt familiar only in a vague and distant manner.
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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/21/2016 4:17 AM

In the moment following Prosper's brief consideration of killing a god, Ryo's bright yellow eyes locked onto his face, meeting his gaze, while a knowing smile tugged at his features. It was fleeting, but he made the mistake of bringing up, "god." And, loud an clear, the god in the room could hear thoughts. Once more, Prosper could be heard over all the rest of the voices. Now, it made perfect sense, though. He was made special, so it wasn't just coincidental this time.

Prosper was spared Ryo's gaze before long, though, he averting his gaze to the bed, itself. But, he did speak, as he approached the bed again. "Killing me wouldn't be so easy, but I might like to see you try." His words didn't have any tone of concern in them, confident that he would get his way, no matter what he had to do to get it.

Ryo was hardly concerned with the conversation, as he dropped the clothes he'd carried out onto the edge of the bed. He then proceeded to pull down the boxers, the last scrap of fabric he'd been wearing to cover himself, and discarded them on the floor. "Ryo. That's my name, so call me that." There wasn't the slightest hint of reservation about being entirely naked in front of the other man. He didn't bother looking up at Prosper, either, as he then went about getting dressed. First were the fresh, replacement boxers, followed by pants.

He was buttoning up his shirt when he finally looked back toward his companion. "You don't have to stay in this room," he told him. "There is a whole house. You can wander." Sure, Prosper was needed for sex, but who could survive staying in a single room for the rest of an immortal life? If he stayed confined to one room, he would become boring, possibly even ill, and sex wouldn't be fun. "If I need anything else, don't worry, I'll tell you." Ryo was used to living a solitary life. He was capable of taking care of all personal matters himself. And, quite frankly, he had no idea what this guy might be useful for, otherwise, so nothing immediately came to mind.

"You should get dressed. That was a start. Ryo would have to have the damn sheets washed, after Prosper slept in them in all of his clothes from before. "Grab anything you want out of there." He gestured toward the walk-in closet that he'd just came from.

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Re: God, Are You There? It's Me, Prosper [P] [L]

Postby crow » 10/21/2016 5:19 AM

Prosper had been tracking Ryo's movement only absent-mindedly, but his blood froze in his veins as the god spoke again. It was only decades of conditioning that kept him from showing any outward sign of terror. No, terror he was used to; having others privy to his thoughts, as this god seemed to be, was a thoroughly unpleasant novelty. He wanted desperately to ask if Ryo could hear everything--- didn't want to think about what his life was going to be like if the answer was yes. But terror went hand in hand with silence, and he found the words would not come.

That he was not executed there and then was... almost a surprise. But perhaps Ryo was merely drawing things out for his own enjoyment. A god who deliberately chose to bind the servant of another to himself was already likely a little perverse.

Prosper's eyes had already been averted by the time Ryo discarded the last of his clothing, so he was spared that much, at least. In that moment, he couldn't imagine ever calling this man by name. He focused on the rumpled pattern of the sheets, using the tangible nonsense of it to tide his troubled mind back to calmness. Having been given an order, he gave a soft subservient, "Yes." His legs unfurled stiffly, but he ignored the sensation of pins and needles when his feet hit the floor. After the incessant aches of the past few months, this was nothing. He was not tall even when he had risen to his full height, and the cloak hung loosely about him, edges grown tattered from a series of falls. The rest of his clothes would have been serviceable still, once washed, but they were uniformly dark in color and devoid of shape, nothing like what an ordinary person would have worn.

He pulled the edges of the cloak tighter about himself as he entered the closet, having taken care to avoid Ryo on the way there. It was... overwhelming, to see everything laid out in front of him. He had no idea where to begin. He reached out with a hand and let it ghost past the various articles, coming to a stop at something grey. It felt incredibly soft to his touch, and for the first time, the dull look in Prosper's eyes abated a little. He pulled it carefully off the hanger, and hesitated, but only for a moment. He hadn't exposed his body in ages, but any hesitation would serve no purpose here beyond giving the god more leverage. He shed his cloak and his upper garment, slipping the shirt over his head. Pants were more difficult to find, but he eventually located a pair that were almost as soft as the shirt, if a little thicker. Neither fit very well, which he had expected. Ryo was taller than him by enough for that to have been the logical conclusion, so he didn't bother with trying to find anything that fit better.

When he was decent, he stepped out, his own clothes gathered into a neat bundle.
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