These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/17/2010 12:58 AM


The large wolf lay underneath the fallen tree, patiently waiting behind the screen of brambles and branches for suitable prey to pass by. His nose had been the first thing to alert him to the well-traveled deer trail that ran parallel to his hiding spot, and thus alerted, it had been simple for his eyes to find the path - a thin line of dirt that parted the lush grass. He'd followed it for a few paces until he'd run across a pile of deer scat. A sniff told him it was fresh, laid within the past several hours. His nose, so much more sensitive than that of a human, told him even more than that. The scent spoke of a healthy prey that lived on a diet of berries and leaves. It was male, and from the indentation of the hoof print further up the trail, it was a large one. Even a pup would have recognized the potential of this find.

The wolf's head lay upon his paws, yellow eyes half-lidded. Although settled in a relaxed pose, he was completely aware of his surroundings. His nose twitched, sampling each breath for the scent that would mark the arrival of his prey. Black-tipped ears swiveled as his mind automatically filtered through the normal forest patter for pertinent sounds.

And there it was, a delicate snap as a carelessly-placed hoof fell upon a twig. The wolf's head raised, every muscle of his body tensed and quivering as adrenaline coursed through his veins. The wind shifted, delivering the scent to him several long moments before the deer moved into sight. It was a buck, as large as he could have hoped. Its large racks stretched upwards, eight points nearly brushing the branches overhead. From its body language, it seemed the wind had shifted in time - it hadn't yet caught his scent.

Step by step, it moved closer to where the wolf had hidden. It took every ounce of discipline he had to keep himself from dashing prematurely from his hiding place - but impatience could result in an empty stomach. Instead, he held still, not even twitching when a fly landed upon his nose. Then, when it was impossible for the deer to get any closer, the wolf burst out from under the dead tree, brambles tearing ineffectually at his thick fur. The buck danced back at the sound, lowering its antlers, but it was just a little too late. The wolf had already closed the short distance, slipping beneath the buck's chin and twisting around to grasp the throat.

Warm blood slipped through his teeth, wetting his throat and painting his muzzle a deadly shade. Hooves struck out at him as they both tumbled to the ground, but the wolf simply gripped tighter until all struggles finally ceased. The wolf surveyed his kill, licking his muzzle absently. The carcass was too large for one wolf to drag back to the village on his own, so after tearing a few bites off for himself, he marked the area around his prize and set off for the village at a run.

A few of the wolves who had chosen, like him, to live in the village with the elves were standing near the perimeter. It wasn't hard to convey his message; they could smell the blood on him. Two of them came towards him, ready to assist in bringing the remainder of the buck back to the village to be shared amongst the others. When it seemed they might come too close, his ears flattened themselves against his skull, and a warning growl vibrated deep in his throat. This, too, was a clear and easy message: You may approach me, but do not touch. Knowing his tendency to snap at those who ignored his warnings, the two followers were only too happy to remain several paces behind him.

They had nearly made it to the kill when another scent, just as interesting to the wolf as the buck had been, caught his nose. He skidded to a stop, ears alert. The other wolves circled him, careful to stay out of range of his teeth, questions in their eyes. With a yip and a twist of his head, he sent them off in the proper direction. Then, alone again, he honed in on the new scent. With hardly a second thought, he padded silently towards the source of the smell.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/18/2010 4:33 AM


There it was again.

That ever familiar scent of her second shadow. Maweya rumbled softly, a low growl rising in her throat at the thought of being tailed by an ever-constant, yet wholly unwanted companion for another day. Beside her, Iikran shifted uncomfortably, tossing his head as he sensed his master’s discomfort. The massive beast snorted darkly, hooves hitting the ground heavily as it fidgeted. Maweya reached out one dark hand and placed it on the beast’s ivory neck, feeling the muscles tense and relax beneath her touch. She closed her eyes, sending a wave of calm over the bond she shared with her mount, before she sidled to it’s belly, and swung up onto it’s back.

The fiery mane was as much a handhold as a real mane of hair might have been, and she gripped it as easily as she gripped her spear in her other hand. She gave a gentle squeeze with her legs, her head turning to the side as her fingers knotted in the flame-like mane ahead of her. Iikran dutifully turned, performing a graceful pirouette, it’s body moving far more fluidly than a beast that size might seem capable of. Maweya clicked her teeth, and Iikran was off at a slow trot, mount and rider moving as one, graceful, synchronized being. It was times like this when Maweya felt truly free and at home; this was what she was born to do. A Rider among her people, the leader of her sect; she was powerful, proud, and she was happy.

Or at least, she might be, if she wasn’t constantly being shadowed by a nearly leech like annoyance. Maweya’s nose wrinkled slightly as she recognized the scent of her ‘stalker.’ Iikran’s pace slowed, and he snorted, nickering softly as though concerned by his rider’s discomfort. Maweya patted his neck once more, and turned in her seat, her bright eyes boring down on the trail. She could see the shadow moving silently amongst the brush, and a low growl ripped form her throat as she practically tore herself from the back of her mount, and leapt down. Iikran made to turn and follow, but Maweya sent him a sharp command over their shared link. The Frightmare halted and stilled immediately, eyes flashing dangerously in the direction of the following shadow. In a flash of shimmering light, Maweay was wolf, her fur rising slightly as she spoke. The spear lay forgotten on the ground beside her.

“Little shadow,” Maweya called, a note of annoyance in her voice. “You can stop following me. I have only one shadow today, and when the clouds cover the sun, I expect it to be gone. I am not in the mood to deal with you.” She jerked her head towards the brush, a frown on her lupine face. “Go and run with your brothers, silent warrior; they need you more than I. Forsake your solitude…I can smell the blood. Do you not have a kill to help bring in? You are a member of the pack; you have your part to do.” She turned back to Iikran, who had shifted a few feet off to munch lazily on some grass, her tails waving languidly behind her, fur still standing on end as she tried very hard not to turn tooth and claw to her 'stalker' for the hundredth time in a single week.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/18/2010 10:33 PM

Maweya's 'little shadow' had only followed her a few paces before she had scented him. He could tell when she became aware of his presence, her body sending him a thousand little clues. As she dismounted, he paused, just barely visible through the trees. His fur warmed as sunlight brushed his black-and-tan snout, a pleasant feeling after the coolness of the shade.

He watched her, intensely aware of her movements, yet he avoided meeting her eyes directly. She needed no sign of aggression from him, no hint that he wished to challenge her. Maweya barely suffered his presence now; any excuse to drive him away would quickly be grasped, as she had done again and again ever since he had come to the village.

It was both pain and pleasure, trailing her. Something about her called to him, made following after her less of a choice and more of a necessity. Her scent, even when mixed with the mount who so often carried her away from him, was tantalizing and only enhanced the physical beauty of her wolf form. Instinct drew him to her; he could not stay away, any more than the moon could choose not to ripen its form. And yet...

And yet being with her made the hidden part of him stir, caused his thoughts to awaken and to run in paths that were not safe to tread. Thinking in ways that were not of the wolves led to pitfalls, sudden memories that drenched his mind with pain and regret. His tails, flags of his emotional state, drifted lower to the ground as he struggled to dull his quickening thoughts. Although he didn't retreat from her approach, he shifted his weight to his hind legs, one front paw raised in uncertainty. His whole body told him to stay, even though he desperately wanted to retreat.

He listened, silent and motionless, to Maweya's lecture, the long months of embracing his four-legger heritage making it relatively simple to pick out key words and fuzz out the rest. Body language was half the story anyway. As she continued, his ears flickered. He had done his duty to the pack today; the buck he had brought down would be halfway to the village by now, and would serve as a meal for the elders and pups. He had no intention of going anywhere unless she were going too.

As she turned back to her mount, the male wolf took a tentative step in her direction. He wouldn't follow her closely; if it was so difficult to keep his thoughts shallow at this distance, it would be even more so the nearer he came.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/19/2010 12:44 AM

Maweya could sense his eyes on her. He did not heed her heavily veiled warning, and it frustrated her. He was constantly dogging her footsteps, always there when she turned around, staring at her with those large, doleful eyes. It angered her, though it stirred something in her heart that lay long dormant and forgotten. It was an ancient, primitive instinct, a desire to run and to live with her own kind. But she was a Rider, and she could not forsake two legs for four; her kind did not choose that life. Iikran stomped one hoof lazily, it’s mane of flame flaring ever so briefly as it eyed the sleek, purple wolf.

Maweya yipped softly, a sign that told her mount she was fine, and that it could move on a bit without her. Iikran tilted his head, looking skeptical as one ear flattened, before he seemed to give the equivalent of an equine shrug and moved off into the brush to munch on some leave. Maweya lifted her head, and turned to look over her shoulder, ears flattening flat against her skull as she snarled at the male. His tails were too high for her liking, his body language saying he would not run, but instead, foolishly follow her. Her hackles raised, fur standing on end as she turned in a slow circle.

Her own tails were high above her back, bottle-brush straight as she lifted her lips over her fangs in a clear warning: don’t come near me or I will rip you apart. Yet, even as she did this, it was she who was closing in on him, shoulders rising ever so slightly with each growl that rumbled in her throat. “You don’t learn,” she yipped, eyes narrowing.

“Go on,” her words came out as more of a bark than actual words as she suddenly leapt, coming nose to nose with the male, her lips still lifted over brilliantly sharp canines. “-Take another step. Why is it you follow me, silent warrior? Why not someone else? I have better things to do than babysit some lovestruck pup who has no sense of self-preservation!”


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/19/2010 1:30 AM

The wolf stiffened as the purple-furred female advanced slowly on him, unsure of what his reaction should be. Life as a lone wolf had faded his memories of what it was like to live in a pack, to be a social creature. His first instinct was to send a snarling warning right back at her as he had done with the other wolves. He was not comfortable with closeness, not even if it was Mawaya.

And then she leaped, too quickly for him to retreat. For a split second, survival instinct took over, and he settled into a stiff-legged stance. A threatening sound rumbled deep in his throat as white teeth glinted between his lips. He was just as large as she was, and just as muscular. With the considerable time he spent in wolf form, he might just have the advantage in a fight.

Then his mind voiced its opinion; this was Maweya, possibly the only being he had found an attachment to since his arrival in the village. To alienate her even further than he already had... With difficulty, the male pulled his tails down, curling them between his hind legs. Lowering himself several inches, he whined and stretched upwards with his muzzle, posturing beneath her gaze. His eyes briefly sought hers out - not as a challenge, but rather as an attempt to gauge her reaction. His muscles quivered, his body filled with tension at this unfamiliar and vulnerable position.

And while his body automatically fell into the posture that would make him a less-than-threatening figure, his mind had begun to quicken yet again. This obedience to another who had not earned it through battle was unfamiliar. It ran against his wolf-thoughts and instincts, creating a friction that sparked more thoughts, setting fire to the veil across his mind. He wanted to explain himself to her, wanted to do this with words, not yips and whines. And as his intelligent mind rose slowly to wakefulness, sentences began to form in his mind, things that must be formed with human lips.

Her nearness threatened to be his undoing - even though he closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to collect himself (another non-wolf reaction), her scent refused to go unnoticed. It flooded his nostrils at each breath, a unique collection of wood, grass, and something only describable as Maweya. His breathing became shallower as, for the first time in over a year, he struggled to retain his wolf form.

With this realization, the wolf felt panic rising in his chest. The memories of the last time he had been human assaulted him, and he whimpered, a sound more befitting a pup than a full-grown wolf. The sound, although it issued from his own throat, startled him, and his eyes opened once again. This is weakness, he thought, yanking his mind back to the present. This does not befit a hunter.

His focus returned to the threatening female in front of him, and he began to pull the veil back over his non-wolf thoughts. It was with a sense of loss that he did this, for concealing his human heritage was to be limited, blinded in a sense. It was less painful, though, than opening himself wide for the past, and it was not necessary to think 'human' to contribute to the pack. And so he continued posturing, hoping that she'd give him enough time to fully compose himself.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/19/2010 4:37 AM

Maweya flashed her teeth, staring down her nose at the male. For a moment, her entire body had tensed, ready for the fight that was sure to come. Her gaze narrowed even more, if possible, and she snapped her teeth closed, moments away from sinking them into the male’s face. His body posture had relaxed momentarily, and then he sunk to the ground, submitting to her as the higher ranked wolf. He was smart; Maweya could not only use teeth and claws, but spear, arrow, knife, and Iikran. Should this male ever choose fight over submission, he would be torn to ribbons. Maweya had no sympathy for a creature who not only tested her patience to the very limit, but also dared to disobey her direct orders.

She had told him countless times to leave her be, yet countless times he ignored her, and followed her regardless of her rising temper and her fraying patience. She knew very well that he understood exactly what she was saying; every wolf could understand the members of the tribe, and vice versa, though communication did not happen often. Although carefree, and often very easy-going, the Rider, as all Riders were wont to be, had little patience for disobedience, and an even shorter fuse. Her time spent with the Keepers had done little to maintain that hard, and wholly unrestrained edge that she, above all others, seemed to hold. She was a Leader, and regardless of who she dealt with, she expected to be treated as the leader she was. This wolf was no different.

But she could not attack after he had shown himself to be vulnerable and unwilling to fight. Her lips sheathed over her teeth, a low, frustrated growl rumbling in her throat as she raised her head over his, ears pricked forward and tails still straight over her back. They gave a short, experimental wag, and she half whined- and half-sighed to show him she was no longer ready to fight him. She took a step back, grunting in slight annoyance. “You should watch yourself, little warrior. That split-second reaction nearly ended your life.” She was referring to his immediate response to her advance; if he had continued in that manner, it might have been the end of him. She tossed her head triumphantly, snorting and smirking a wide-wolfish grin.

“I may not be your leader, but I am a leader. And I expect to be treated as such.” She gave a little ‘hmph’ and a canine roll of her shoulders. “Go back to the shadows.” Maweya shook her fur, the celestial coloring of her pelt glistening in the sunlight. “ It is where you belong…not pining away after something you cannot have.” She turned to wink coyly in his direction, an odd thing to see any canine do, before she gave a short yip, and pranced a few feet down the path. Her animosity gone, the true Maweya began to surface, showing her playful and whimsical side, the side that the world saw most often; she was used to dealing with males and suitors like him, although none so persistent as her determined ‘shadow.’

He intrigued her, angered her, confused her, and very nearly forced her to turn her teeth to him on an almost constant basis. He knew better than to get too close; he’d felt the bite of her fangs one too many times, but that never seemed to stop him from trying to get closer, and that baffled her. He was a mystery, but not one she felt inclined to unravel in any sense, especially at the moment. With a huff, she flopped down in the grass, rolling onto her back and letting her paws dangle in the air as Iikran looked on in amusement from a few feet away; his master was very odd when she took the four-legged form, especially now when she wiggled about like a fool in the grass. Iikran snorted; how degrading.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/20/2010 1:01 AM

The male wolf remained in his crouched position until Maweya receded, his ears flicking unhappily at the situation. It ran against his nature to submit to anyone, and it was particularly frustrating to have to submit so easily. Yet he endured her words silently, as always.

Even as she wondered why he followed her so persistently, he was pondering the same thing. Responsibility lay squarely on the wolfish nature that he indulged so freely - the wolf in him had found desirable traits in the female Rider, and the wolf in him wished to claim her. The part in him that was elf shied away from such contact - he had had too much ripped away from him to desire anything more than the basic bonds of a pack. But herein lay the conundrum - to keep his elf side locked away, he must allow the wolf to have full reign. And the wolf wanted Maweya. But, a small voice asked as he shelved all sentient thoughts one at a time, if your human side doesn't care for her at all, then why should this frighten you so much?

Then that thought too was shelved, and the last hint of anything other than wolfish intelligence in his eye faded from view. The wolf dared not shift his paws one centimeter in either direction as Maweya turned her back upon him. He watched as the tension fled her body, unveiling another side of her he had rarely ever seen. It seemed nearly impossible for him to catch her in a cheerful mood; any time he appeared, she held nothing more for him than sharp words and sharper teeth. He had the bite marks to prove it. This...this was curious.

He watched her roll on the ground, his head tilted slightly to one side. Released from her glare, he relaxed his stance, but still felt reluctant to approach her. With a slight huff of breath, the large wolf plopped down on his belly, crawling forward a few inches before stopping. Stretching his nose towards her, he let loose a whine that ended in a questioning yip! His black and brown tails, resting upon the ground, gave a minuscule wave. Perhaps this new, strange mood that had taken her over would cause her to permit him to approach on friendly terms this time.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/20/2010 8:22 PM

Maweya eyed the male out of the corner of her eye, still upside down in the grass. The blades felt cool against her fur, the sun warming her belly pleasantly. A low, warning growl reverberated in her chest, though she made no move to snap at him as he inched closer. She rolled over, her paws splayed out in front of her on the grass as she curled her tails around her back paws. She was still watching him steadily, though the only outward sign of aggression had been the growl only moments before.

She seemed almost willing to allow him to get closer than usual; perhaps it was too nice a day for her to constantly be upset or on edge. She seemed to tire of constantly having to chase him off. This might have been the first and only time she’d allow him near her. Her own tails gave a small wave in return, and she lifted her head, still watching him closely, before she grunted in answer to his question. The soft bark that followed was a clear indication: all right, but don’t try anything funny.  

Her ears pricked forward, head turned to the side to regard him steadily. “Little shadow,” she cooed, sounding faintly amused, no trace of annoyance in her voice. The male would do well not to get too complacent; like all females of the tribe, Maweya could turn from carefree and coy flirt, to angry and vicious warrior in a matter of moments. Her tails gave another wag, this time stronger, and she seemed to turn her head to indicate he could move closer.

“You don’t seem to care how deep you dig your grave; you seem all too happy to lie in it. I don’t know why you prefer following me to the love of the pack; with your skills and intelligence, you could be their leader, if you so choose.” She stretched her neck forward, and briefly pressed her nose to his, as though showing a sign of brief acceptance. “But you do not. Why, I wonder?” Iikran snorted in the distance, keeping an ear on his mistress; he did not like the male getting too close.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/20/2010 11:54 PM

He might have been a full-grown male (with several scars to prove it), but the wolf's reaction to her acceptance was one more befitting of a puppy, not a dignified warrior. In one quick, fluid movement, he was back on his feet, bounding around upon the grass. The fact that he kept his body out of nipping distance showed he was wary of her still, but the high position of his tails revealed nothing but pleasure at being allowed to approach.

Maweya's mount made a cautionary sound, and a single ear twitched anxiously towards the noise. The male forced himself to slow. It would not do to finally gain her approval to come closer only to have her mount chase him away. He settled on the grass beside her, as close as he dared. Maweya began to speak, and he felt his muscles begin to relax in response to her soft tone.

She had questions; even the wolf side of him could understand that clearly, but he had no answers to give, save the unhappy flattening of his ears against his head and a shifting gaze directed towards nothing in particular. Then she turned towards him and he flinched, expecting teeth or claws. Instead, Maweya pressed her nose to his, filling his mind again with her scent. That brief contact elated him, and his tails whipped back and forth on the verdant green, nearly touching hers in their movement. With a sound that held many similarities to a human sigh, he settled his head between his paws, looking up at her with expressive eyes.

Maweya confused him, both sides of him. At times, she completely ignored his presence, and at others she could be sharp and cold as a breeze during deep winter. There was never any pattern to her moods, none that he could find anyway. And right now? Right now she seemed almost friendly. Although the wolf was almost deliriously happy with this new privilege, he couldn't help but wonder how long it would last.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2010 12:31 AM

Maweya’s ear flattened almost instinctively, if only for a moment, at his exuberant approach. She made a lot, guttural sound in the back of her throat, warning him that it would not be wise to look on this brief lapse in her foul mood as an everyday thing. The she relaxed, laying on her side with her feet splayed out in front of her, her back barely brushing his ribs. She moved her head so that she was staring up at him, one ear flicking lazily towards Iikran, who made a displeased noise off in the distance.

She made a low, rumbling sound deep in her throat, though it sounded neither displeased or angry; it sounded content. It had been a long time since Maweya had let herself stay in her wolf form for more than a few moments. It felt good to have four legs instead of two, if only for the time being. She gave a lazy stretch, her paws curling as she yawned sleepily. She nudged him once more, ears now flicking back towards him as she looked up into his furry face, only a few inches from her own. “I have spoken to many other wolves,” she said slowly.

“And all have responded in kind. Yet, you speak no language of your own. Is it because you choose not to, or simply because you cannot speak, I wonder?” She rolled so her paws were tucked close to her chest, then reached out to gently push his head away with a yip, back legs wiggling in the air and tails wagging behind her lean body. She decided she’d let him enjoy this brief time with her; she did not always desire to be cruel. Besides, he had seen enough of her teeth for the time being; he did not need to see them again to know that the boundaries between them still existed.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/21/2010 1:43 AM

Limits. Always limits.

The male sighed again, pushing the air out heavily through his lips as she brushed against him. In the warmth of the sun, it was so easy to forget the tension between them. In his other life, something that seemed ages distant, a time like this would have been one for sharing tongues between packmates. He very much doubted Maweya would allow that, however.

And so he settled for leaning down and playfully nipping her ear with gentle teeth. It had been a long time since he had desired the nearness of any wolf, and the contact, however limited, was a balm to his soul. This was also something his wolf half desired. As a deeply social creature, the wolf needed physical contact from his pack mates just as much as he needed food or water. He'd starved himself of that for too long, as his raw enjoyment of even this little bit showed.

His brow quirked at her question, even as he leaned away from her reaching paws and growled in playful irritation. Placing thoughts into words was too human, too dangerous. It was yet another limit he had set upon himself, but with her so close, it was difficult not to respond to her questions. His eyes clouded in thought as he wondered - would it hurt too much to speak just a few words? If that was what she wanted?
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2010 1:59 AM

Maweya lowered her paw, tucking both against the thick fur of her chest. She rumbled contentedly, not seeming to mind the fact that he was crossing boundaries she’d never have allowed him to cross only a few minutes before. Her tails gave a slight wag, and she wiggled in the grass, paws reaching out to push at him, as if to brush him away, though she didn’t seem as though she intended to. “Very well, little shadow,” she sighed at last.

“Keep your silence. Perhaps it is not the only secret you have left.” She closed her eyes briefly, jaws clicking shut after she spoke, before she suddenly sprang to life, rolling over and leaping to her feet. She twirled her head, and gave a loud bark, her front end dropping to the ground. Her tails wagged behind her, front paws slapping the earth playfully, before she pranced off a few feet.

The desire to run, to be wolf again was overwhelming. The pull of the hunt, of the forest called to her. She missed running with the pack; she missed hunting with her brothers and sisters. She wanted to forget her Elven side, if only for a moment. She barked again, this time meaningfully, and pranced in a circle, tails wagging as she invited him to run with her.

Iikran, meanwhile, looked on in annoyance. He snorted, stomping his hoof angrily, and nickered a warning: harm one hair on her, and you die. Maweya growled softly, almost reprimanding, sending a wave of understanding through their bond, before she turned back to her ‘shadow,’ rumbling playfully.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/21/2010 2:30 AM

"Keep your silence. Perhaps it is not the only secret you have left.”

He grinned widely, tongue lolling out from between pearly white teeth as he wuffled in amusement. Both his elven and wolf halves found humor in her statement, true as it was. He was all too happy to do as she said, to retain his silence and communicate only as a dumb animal could. Ignorance was bliss, and he'd choose it any day over the remembrance of what he'd lost.

When Maweya rose abruptly, he tensed, unsure whether her motions precipitated a change in mood. He watched her prance and yip, nose twitching as he put together what she wanted. Elation surged through him as he stood. Spending time with Maweya had always meant separating himself from the woods, taking the time he would normally use to prowl the hills and using it to shadow her. It wasn't something he resented, but he relished the thought of connecting those two activities as they ran.

Then Ikran neighed, and the male spun towards the angry sound, legs splayed in a defensive position. Maweya growled before things could escalate, calming her mount and turning her attention back on him. His tails rose, beating at the air as he barked back at her and danced to her side. Her eagerness was contagious - he would let her lead the way, just as long as she began running within the next few seconds. He wasn't sure if he could wait longer than that.
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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2010 2:46 AM

Maweya watched in silent amusement as the male spun towards her mount. If he had taken another step towards Iikran, he would have felt both her teeth and Iikran’s hooves. But he was smarter than she had anticipated, and instead, returned to her side. She gave him a flick of her ears, her tails brushing his shoulder, before she quickly turned, prancing off a few feet. Maweya inhaled the scents of the forest, taking in the much missed home she had forsaken for seemingly so long. She had to admit, it was partly because of her ‘shadow.’ He intrigued her, and he angered her, and the forest was his domain.

She stayed as close to the village as possible, even if it meant spending days cooped up near the corral with Iikran. She stayed away from the forest, away from him, when she could, yet somehow, he always found her. Perhaps his persistence was admirable, and she was looking at this in the wrong light. Perhaps she should welcome him as a friend, or more. She wasn’t sure; she’d spent most of her time chasing him off with tooth and claw, she didn’t know if she could accept him just like that. She turned her head and yipped, muscles bunching beneath her pelt as she coiled like a spring.

In the next moment, she had made an impressive leap. The second her paws touched the earth, she was off, racing down the path and through the forest, not sparing a thought or a glance as to whether he was following; she knew he would. Her tongue lolled shamelessly, heart racing happily in her chest as her paws matched it’s rhythm with her speed. The forest soon began to thin, and her paws met thick grass as she raced across a wide meadow, birds and bugs and flowers stirred up all around her as she ran, leaping through the air with the ease of a true hunter.

She paused only momentarily, her chest heaving as her tongue lolled form her mouth; her eyes were trained on the spot she had just come from, waiting for that familiar pelt of brown and black to appear. She yipped, almost afraid he might not have followed, and her tails gave a momentary, questioning wag.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: The Return of Reason (Closed / Millie and I)

Postby Jessari » 06/21/2010 3:42 AM

Her 'little shadow' had followed her through sunlight and rain, had followed her even after she'd drawn blood to frighten him away. There wasn't the slightest chance that he'd forsake her now. The male dove into the woods after her, feet making soft pattering sounds as they hit the ground.

It was here, surrounded by the scents and sounds that he loved, that it was easiest to allow his wolf side to take full control. They sped through the forest, bits of sunlight glinting off the glossy black and brown that dominated his pelt. Bright colors flashed by, red berries, yellow flowers, yet the only thing that drew his attention was the dark-pelted female ahead of him. He drew up beside her, his shoulder jostling against hers for a brief moment before dancing aside to avoid a tree.

A tantalizing smell made him pause briefly, the aroma of something small and tasty, and he paused briefly to sniff the ground. A small hole at his feet shouted rabbit den, and he mentally marked its location in his mind. It would make for a good snack later.

Then the male turned back in the direction Maweya had headed. She was no longer in sight, but he'd had much practice in following her scent trail. His paws churned up twigs and bits of dirt as he chased after her. In only a handful of seconds, he burst from the treeline at the same point she had, intrigued by the fact that she had waited for him. Instead of slowing as he neared her, the male picked up speed, breath coming from him in quick pants. When it seemed that he would crash headlong into her, he leapt, flying over her and skidding to a stop on the other side. Then it was his turn to flop in the grass, rolling over on his back and wiggling as an expressive whine of pleasure came from his throat.
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