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Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/19/2010 3:03 PM

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For the past three months, it had done nothing but stormed all around Miahome castle. Storm a few days, sunshine to soak up the rain, and storm a few days more. It wasn't even Monsoon season, but surely, you would think it was. Her troops were getting sick, her children from previous couplings had all taken a trip to leave the rain. Leaving her to fret over her troops. Of all of them, she had expected Kamen to stay. But much like she was when she was his age, he wanted nothing to do with the Miahome troops or their problems.

Another thing worried her. That rowdy, yet beautiful samurai that she had rescued at the start of these storms... He had been drowning in the nearby river, red eyes filled with fear bathed in the moon's light. How was he now, she wondered?

"You hadn't even given me your name..." Tsukiya whispered, gazing outside at the rain. She spent her days in the castle, for the protection from the rain. It was painfully lonely on the higher floors. No one from the army came to see how their leader was doing, only keeping to themselves, warm and huddled together. It was too cold to really send them out to train, on top of all this rain. Soon it would turn to snow, or worse, ice storms.

Tsukiya drew her lips into a thin line, brushing back a strand of black hair. She had lived in this area her entire life, yet not once had she seen weather like this. It was troublesome. Were the gods angry with her? Had she done something wrong?

Again, her thoughts turned to that man. She had rescued him the night before the first storm. Mere hours later, the rains had started. Was he someone the gods wanted dead? She chewed on her lip. No. Nonsense. The man seemed like a fine and worthy noble, the type of man she would even take as a lover or as a partner.

...Partner...? No. He might have been good to have strong children by, but that would be it, she was sure. Yet, she found a twinge in her heart as she worried.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/19/2010 3:14 PM

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That woman was something else. Praying for the storms to stop, even now as she sat up in her castle. Susano'o could not help but chuckle as he watched, hidden by the trees close to the path by the castle. Such compassion, she would surely make a good woman. Excellent children, as well.

Upon meeting her, he had discovered the urge deep within. Seeing how she was with her own children, how... Happy they made her. He wanted that. Even now, the glint in his red eyes softened as he watched her.

Moonlit. That was what her name meant, but spelling it with different kanji would give it the meaning of moon rain. How she ever came to be known as Tsukiya, he would never understand. Perhaps it was in the ethereal way she moved around, or the quality of her voice. But she was so much stronger than that. He could tell, just from seeing her that first time.

Susano'o closed his eyes, remembering the cold of the rain. What force had attracted him to the river? What had pulled him in, throwing him down the current? He, the mighty Susano'o! Whatever had caused it pushed him to this woman. This elegant piece of a human being...

Tying his long black hair up, he set in the pins and moved swiftly from the trees to the door of the castle. Closed doors posed no threat to him, no obstacle could push him from what he wanted. With a mere flick of the wrist, they were thrown open.

Guards swarmed him, but after a few choice, debonair words, they backed off. He explained he was their Lady's newest suitor, coming to wish her well and see if she was ill, and if she was, swearing to take care of her. It seemed like none of them would do it anyway.

A sly smirk played on his lips as he traveled up the stairs to the top floor. It was chillier up there, noticeably. She would catch cold if left alone... With that in mind, and no care to if she was in any state of undress, he opened the door to the room she rest in.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/19/2010 3:49 PM

Tsukiya's whole body tensed when she heard the door open. One hand on the floor, sliding across to her other side as she pivoted her body to look and see who it was. Mixed emotions flooded her. She was happy to see him, undeniably. Excited even! But so suddenly? Like this? She wasn't even properly dressed! A lady's yukata, lazily tied with no weapon to give the appearance that she was well protected... Even her hair, unkempt and all over the place, was not fit for his gaze.

"You... What are you doing here?" she asked, pulling the yukata tight over her chest and resting on her knees. His red eyes made her stop. They drew the fear away from her heart, enveloped her whole being into some cocoon. A cocoon wrapped in delusion and mystery. Who was this man? He had such a hypnotic charm to him, such power to him...

He was alluring in the way he moved, startling in how those eyes seemed to trap her. No words could escape her anymore, no movements would be encouraged by her body. Nothing. She just remained, wrapped in that figurative cocoon those eyes provided.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/19/2010 4:41 PM

"I came to thank my savior. I heard that miss Lady Samurai lived near this castle..." Susano'o said smoothly, his voice coming out sweet and young like a peach not yet ripe. The kind of voice that could sway a lady samurai like her. He had done this whole swaying and persuading business before, but not like this.

He had to admit, the lady was very... Innocent dressed like she was, until he met those purple eyes with his own red ones. He had the eyes of a "demon". Hardly a demon himself, however. And she was hardly an ordinary woman. Those eyes shimmered with the design ingrained into her very soul to protect those that she loved. To lead them to safety and victory. Something you rarely saw in a lord or lady. They wanted land and power. Nothing more, nothing less. She had different reasons...

Unaware of his own feet moving, he made his way over to her and knelt before her, hand rising to tilt her chin up just ever so slightly. Such a stunning creature sat, sprawled before him, eyes now slightly dazed. If only she knew it was a god who was taken by her.

"I don't remember my savior being so lovely..."

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/19/2010 6:21 PM

Tsukiya was stunned by his motions, his words, his everything. This man was not the same she fished out of the river. Oh, but if he was not such a mysteriously attractive thing! The way he pulled her in... Was he some sort of magic man? She had heard of those in the past. Perhaps now she was encountering a real one.

This man was smooth in his motions, quick in the way he acted, calm in his tone. Whoever this man was, he was something else. Breaking free from his gaze, she focused her eyes past him, on the door. She would not allow him to wrap her in that mystical cocoon again.

"What is your name?"

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/21/2010 7:55 PM

"Kisayaki Hiroto."

Lie. It was a lie. He had no heart to confide in her that he was Susano'o, known for crimes childish. Susano'o, a flirtatious tyrant. Besides, how would a humble leader react to meeting someone such as himself? An honorable woman such as herself would never sully her name in association with his...

Wait. Why did he care? She was just a woman! A pathetic little human! But the hidden weakness behind those eyes... The compassion he could feel radiating from her very heart, from the very moment she pulled  him from the river. Something about it compelled him to care, for once.

"I never learned your name, Lady Samurai. Nor had I the chance to thank you. Properly." he said smoothly. A simple thank you would not suffice. That river was cursed by his siblings in an attempt to end him. Primarily, his brother. Tsukiyomi. This woman shared part of his name, for reasons he could not understand. She did not have to say her name, he already knew it. He knew plenty about her, already.

But he knew there was still so much more to learn.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/21/2010 8:20 PM

A Kisayaki man in her land? That was strange. As far as she knew, that clan made their home in the southern part of the country. And they certainly were not known for such suave, attractive men. Crude brutes who thought that the gods should kiss their feet made that clan.

"Miahome Tsukiya." Tsukiya said softly. It felt strange saying her own name to someone. Everyone in her domain knew her name. And how would he have found her without a name? A description surely would not have been enough. Maybe it was safer not to question it.

She turned away from him, looking back out at the storm. There would be no getting home tonight. Not in this mess. Which meant Hiroto would be staying as well. She would not let him go out and nearly drown again.

"You don't have to thank me formally, but do stay the night. The storms are getting horrible again..." she murmured. "I just... Don't get why."

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/21/2010 8:45 PM

"Perhaps the god of storms is distracted from his duty!" Susano'o laughed. He had forgotten his job to control the storms, and as a result, they did what they chose. It would be difficult to gain control again. They were taking a toll on the world, including this moonlit samurai in front of him. Even in the dim light offered by the sun as she tried to peek through the clouds, Tsukiya still looked like a woman lit by the moon's disgusting glow.

But she made it something beautiful. Like a rose, opening her petals to taste the rain waters. Delicate in beauty, strong in dexterity, but still a lady in form. That described her quite perfectly.

"Perhaps," he began, taking her hand for a moment. "He seeks for a woman to give him an heir to take his place."

That was no lie. He wanted someone to help him control the storms, but he already knew the woman he wanted. And she was right in front of him. She stirred his heart towards something good, commanded him without a word to lay down all ill will towards her or any other mortal being. This woman would be something good for him, by far.

He just had to win her over without giving away who he was.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/23/2010 9:13 PM

Tsukiya opened her mouth to speak, but when his hand met with hers, she found her words sing to the bottom of her stomach. His touch, his eyes, they cast a spell over her. Her heart fluttered madly in her chest, almost as if it had been replaced with a butterfly. A butterfly having a panic attack, to be more exact.

"Why..." The word escaped her in a breathy tone. It was hardly a whisper, but not yet silence. She was not even sure why she was saying it. Was it directed at his touch? At his words? She could not tell what she even meant anymore.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/24/2010 2:36 AM

"I'm sure even the gods get lonely!" Susano'o laughed, releasing her hand. Her reactions were perfect. She was falling into his spell without hm even having to try.

As his laughter faded to a mere smile, pleased to see the same look on her face, he knew he was falling under her own spell. A female samurai was not uncommon, but one of her caliber, her determination, her quality... The last time he had seen one was over a hundred years ago. The woman died before he could work up the chance to grace her with his presence.

It was the first and only death he had ever mourned. That woman, with eyes of steel, and a heart of pure love. He watched her from his domain, blessing her land with good weather even during the monsoon season, falling more in love with her with the passing of the days. It stormed for the better part of a year after her passing in that area. The pain had never truly left him, but looking at the lovely samurai before him, he felt it escaping him. The pain, the anger...

His expression softened considerably. This woman had to be her reincarnation. A soul recycled in front of him, the same feelings behind each move. He would not let this one slip away.

"Maybe there's an emptiness he even wants to fill... With a woman who has caught his eyes, so brave and bold." he whispered, looking past her at the rain and the trees that swayed so violently in the wind. With just the smallest bit of care, the rain began to let up. He would have to keep the storms calm, for her.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/24/2010 2:44 AM


That was what she wanted to say. But the mournful look in her companion's eyes as he spoke told her he knew something she did not. His words when referring to the god of storms were filled with almost a personal knowledge. Perhaps, in secret, this man paid tribute to him? Worshiped and fought under his name, even! She would not judge him for it.

"Perhaps you are right Hiroto, but does such a woman exist?" Tsukiya commented, a light laugh escaping her. As far as she knew, brave and bold women were hard to come by. Even female samurai, such as herself, were hard to find.

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/29/2010 5:04 PM

Susano'o merely chuckled, letting his gaze fall back onto her sweet face. She had not pushed him away, or tried to run from him. This was wonderful. It meant he stood a chance, with this woman under the moon's powerful light and protection. This would show his brother that he could get along with children of his beauty.

"My Lady!" A sudden shout turned Susano'o's attention to the door. A man, hardly middle-aged by not young, burst into the room, drenched head to toe from the rain. Water formed a small puddle around him, his brown eyes exhibiting his exhaustion. "In the main hall... An envoy, from Susano'o!"

Susano'o went tense, eyes wide as he gazed at the poor man. An envoy of his own, to see the lady? Nonsense! He never arranged this! His hand balled into a fist lightly, a snarl threatening to emerge from his throat. Something was up, and he didn't like it.

"Be wary, Lady Miahome." Susano'o said carefully. "The lord Susano'o never sends an envoy to do his dirty work."

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 12/30/2010 3:05 PM

Hiroto knew something she did not. The concerned, mistrusting look in his eyes spoke volumes. If such an envoy was here, then he would have to come to her. After all, the weather was making her bones achy, right? That's what it did, right? It was hard not to chuckle at such a thought.

"Tell the envoy he must come to me. And bring some sake for myself and our guests, would you?" Tsukiya commanded, finding strength returning to her voice. The playful look in her eyes lit up her whole face, a smile dancing on her lips to accentuate it all.

The messenger nodded and scurried off as she requested.

"Now, Hiroto, start explaining..." she said cautiously, looking over at him. "Who are you really?"

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Re: Guided by a Storm in the Moonlight (Myself)

Postby Tsukiya » 01/08/2011 8:42 PM

Susano'o froze slightly and watched her. Her whole body was tense, overcome with possibly anger and concern. There was even a bit of fear in her eyes as her hand reached for a weapon that was not there.

"You would not believe me if I told you." he said carefully after a few moments of tense silence. Any minute now, this fake envoy would be up, and there would be drink. If he could hold her off until they showed, there was still a chance.

At least, he hoped there was still a chance.

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