These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Pyrus, my fishy! (Open/Self RP)

Postby Rainpelt » 12/28/2010 11:16 PM



"Pyrus!" A girl, her brown and black streaked hair bouncing in a playful manner, ran not so playfully after her twin brother, though he was already so much bigger than her. Klip was not a human, but a Magistry in human form, and her brother was the same way. Likewise, the eleven year old girl trotting behind her was an Arkuhna "in disguise", as the saying goes.
"Pyrus, that was my fishy!" she moaned again, prodding him repeatedly in the arm once she'd caught up to him.
"He was already dead."
"Was not! You ate him alive you mean thing!"
He rolled his chestnut colored eyes and kept walking. All this fuss over a little fish they'd found in a river. Nothing unusual, just a fish, swimming in a river. They were piscivores for goodness sakes! They couldn't keep a fish as a pet when you're a trio of three piscivores.
"Fish are food. You don't play with food." He muttered. Gosh, they were exactly the same age and she acted so much younger than him. Well, that was not
entirely true. She was older than him by about five minutes, but that was only because the shell on his egg wouldn't crack open.
"Tell 'im Vellan, that was our fishy friend!"
The paint covered girl opened her mouth to comply but Pyrus threw a pale hand over her mouth,
"Don't you drag Vellan into this, you know she'll agree with anything, right Vellan?" He asked, removing his hand as he tried to prove his point.
"Right!" She called out with a smile, frightening several birds from their perches. Klip stuck her tounge out at him, but at least she'd stopped trying to strangle him with his scarf.
A couple minutes later, they'd stopped among a fairly clear spot in between the trees. Pyrus leaned against a tree trunk, watching Klip and Vellan annoy a squirrel in their Magistry and Arkhuna forms. He bit into what he assumed was an apple, letting the juicy flavors seep into his mouth. Klip had now progressed from annoying the squirrel to torturing the squirrel with a witchlight.
"Hey Klip." Pyrus called, a rare smile on his face, "Your tail feathers are on fire."
She screached and chased herself around in a circle, like a dog trying to catch its tail, only difference being that, not only was Klip trying to put out the fire, but Vellan was trying to "catch the pretty colors". Pyrus chuckled to himself then waved his hand and the fire went out. He loved element manipulation, the one thing he could truly hold over his sister's head. Aside from his height of course, that was a given. He laughed as Klip changed into a human and glared at him, proceeding to chase him around the small clearing, quite ready to claw his eyes out, Vellan laughing and running behind them.

Human images from Subeta HQ's avatar generator

Merry Christmas


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Re: Pyrus, my fishy! (Open/Self RP)

Postby Rainpelt » 12/30/2010 2:50 PM

"I hate you." Klip muttered, trying to remove the sleeping Arkuhna from atop her stomach.
"Well, I've never heard that one before..." Pyrus muttered to himself, feeding twigs to his small campfire. The easiest way to get someone to stop chasing you is have Vellan sit on them untill she falls asleep. She's a deep sleeper, and pretty heavy for a kuhna too, which basically sums up to them being stuck under her for a couple hours.
"You ate my fishy, and now we're lost."
"Forget the fish already!" he groaned, "And it's not my fault we're lost. We all know you're grounded, and I can't fly up and take a look around, because that would mean leaving you two by yourselves.
"We can take care of ourselves."
Pyrus rolled his eyes, "Not your safety, it's everyone else within a thirty-five foot radius who I'm worried about."
Klip resumed her muttering, poking Vellan in the side repeatedly, trying to wake her up. Her brother glanced over and shok his head, "You know how startled she gets." Klip merely shrugged and continued to poke her.
A few minutes full of poking later, Vellan screached in protest, finally awake, and slapped Klip with the flat of her paw.
"Oh!" Vellan laughed happily, "It's Klippie!"
"Told you." Klip narrowed her eyes at her brother, it always upset her when Pyrus was right.

Merry Christmas


Happy New Year!

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