These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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.:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/28/2012 11:02 PM

'A snowdrop... a rare flower used in strong alchemical potions as a defensive ward. She was asked by the oddest customer to mix up this potion."
Hecate ventured through the silent forests, blanketed white in the thick layers of snow. Most of her pelt was blended into the pristine ivory frost, while her blood red markings ghosted over creating an illusion against the snow. She sniffed at the ground searching for this herb, but knew it would be hard to locate amongst the cold ice.

Silence had fallen over the forest, many of the animals sought refuge in trees or in caves away from the harsh winds. Hecate lifted her head feeling the breeze run through her fur. She knew she wasn't alone here...
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:21 PM

Hecate continued her search, whether someone was here or not they shouldn't pose much of a problem to her anyway. She was well guarded, and could attack if necessary, even though she preferred staying out of such confrontations. She didn't want to be like her brother and sister, always so violent and wanting to destroy. There was more to life then that...

The sharp caw of a raven caused her body to jolt, 'stupid birds... always making noise at the worst time possible" she looked up just in time to watch it fly away. 'A Raven... I resemble you in demon form...'
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:26 PM

A blizzard had kicked up, obscuring her view of the rest of the forest. She lowered herself to the ground to hide herself from the harsh icy winds. When the winds passed she could make out the silhouette of a figure amongst the snow drifts. Another lucain.

The figure approached her, making her back away just a little. His pelt was pale and almost washed out, he almost appeared ghostlike because of it. He wore a strange symbol around his neck...  no wait, a cross? Hecate flattened her ears against her head and growled back at him.

The figure stopped, examining her.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:33 PM

He had moved closer, bearing his teeth. Hecate only growled further in response. He came closer pinning his ears back, "Demon, why do you tread on this sacred ground? Your kind does not belong here."

'Was he serious!? What did he take her for? A savage demon like the rest?' "Judging people before you even know them. How immature!" Hecate spat standing back up on all four paws. She raised her tails up in an aggressive posture.

The male backed away from her, "What can I expect from a monster like you. Your kind are all alike, all against the light," he now moved closer to her, circling around her, "How can I begin to believe you're innocent?"
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:39 PM

Hecate threw her head back in laughter, so he was one of those was he? One of those who believed in the Light so strongly that they would pass judgement on anything that remotely aligned itself with Darkness. "I don't know how you even found me, zealot."

"It was easy for me to track down Demon taint in a holy forest," he stopped circling her, returning to see her face to face, "It is my duty to cleanse evil from any foul creatures who venture here."

Hecate paused... was he really that delirious? She shook her head with a sigh, "So you would rather pass judgement, then actually know the person behind the mask of shadow," ignorant fool, he chooses his opinion and ignores all logic. It felt like all of his type was just like this.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:45 PM

The man paused, he had expected this demon to attack him sooner but she was still holding her ground, watching him intently. He sighed back, "Tell me why you are here, then maybe I will go easier on you."

Hecate stared at him blankly, relaxing her tails back down and resuming her ears to an upright position, "I am only here for snowdrop. It is a plant I need for a defense potion that a client had ordered in," she didn't expect him to change his opinion on her just because of that. He seemed ignorant enough to think she was lying.

"Snowdrop?" he cocked his head to one side and stared at her, "You are here for an herb?..." the man seemed shocked actually. "I know where they are, and from what I know they pose no benefit for malevolent potions or rituals..."
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:51 PM

Hecate smiled flashing her razor-sharp teeth, "See, if you had only asked nicely before I would have told you. There is no reason to think ill of me..." he turned away from him looking out towards the rest of the forest, "The name is Hecate, and yes I am a demon...partly.."

He grunted at her sarcastic remark, although she did have a point in asking nicely for things. He really wasn't a bad person... towards non demons anyway. "Father Phoebus... and what do you mean by partly? I wasn't aware demons would breed outside their species unless they were a succubus or incubus."

"Oh no no no, they are pretty notorious for creating half demon spawn. That much I know," he smile faded, she was briefly reminded of her father from all this demon talk but she shook those thoughts from her head, "I am also half reaper, if you would believe me."
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 12:59 PM

Phoebus chuckled, "What do you mean half reaper? You know the two races hate each other, in fact prejudices run quite strongly. You mean to tell me your parents actually came to love each other, or was it from rape?"

Hecate snarled back in response. Boy he sure was bold to spout his mouth off like that about her parents, she stayed where she was at though. She didn't want to be proving his point about aggressive demons anytime soon. "I'll have you know that my mother held no prejudice when it came to my father. Some people actually look past what someone is..."

Phoebus frowned, he knew her remark was a direct shot at him. Still, she didn't attack him even though she was provoked. For now he believed her, but still not willing to fully trust her. "Well... for now I will believe you are telling me the truth."
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:03 PM

"Good, now can I please resume my hunt for the Snowdrop so I can fulfill this order?" Hecate replied starting to walk away from Phoebus. She could hear the snow crunch behind her as the man followed. 'Great, now I have this man following me now? After all that shit he said about hating demons?'

"If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you do for a living? It's not often I see a demon who has a job in the Human Realm," he kept himself following close behind Hecate who was obviously trying to ignore him at this point. "If you want to know, I am a Priest of the Light."

"Good to know," she replied completely ignoring his other question. She really didn't have the patience to put up with this man right now. She needed to make this potion by tomorrow and have it ready in time, and with this 'priest' tailing her it would end up taking her longer to locate the Snowdrop.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:07 PM

Phoebus ran up so he was next to her, "You know, some Demons have actually taken up very odd jobs for themselves. I have heard of some being cooks, librarians, teachers... butlers... the list could go on," he looked at her hopeful that she would reply.

"... I see..." she stilled her movements for a moment, her father matched one of those. Whatever, it wasn't like she would be able to find him, or her mother for that matter. All she knew right now is that this Phoebus would keep heckling her to reply. Hecate resumed movement, "I am a witch, I also brew potions for people. Happy?"

Phoebus chuckled, he had gotten some other reaction from her at least, and an answer at that. "A witch and a demon? Now that is a new one on me."

'A Priest and an idiot, that isn't a new one on me', she thought to herself with a smirk.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:12 PM

The two Lucain had walked side by side through the dense icy forest, not speaking a word to one another for some time. Hecate tried to keep quiet as much as she could, but little could be said for her traveling companion at the moment. He seemed busy pointing different things out in the forest, much akin to a child who was in a place he or she had never seen before.

Finally Phoebus had spoken up again, "I know where the Snowdrop is located, if you are having problems finding it."

Hecate stopped with a low growl, "You knew this entire time where they were? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Phoebus laughed back at her, he did expect her to get angry at him. Although he didn't think she would use such a harsh swear on him, "I did.. but remember I wanted to trust you just a little first beforehand," he replied. He held his head high in triumph, earning an annoyed groan from Hecate.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:18 PM

"Look here priest, I need to find the Snowdrop as soon as possible or I will get lousy pay from my customer, not forgetting bad feedback I could receive, now where are the Snowdrop?" Hecate snapped back making Phoebus jump a little.

"Okay, okay, they are located in a frozen cave due North of here. I can lead you to it, since it shouldn't be too far from here."

Hecate finally smiled back, "At least you are good for something. Now come on, lead me to the cave I haven't got all day you know."

Phoebus nodded and smiled sheepishly. "Follow me then, I promise I'm not pulling your leg on this one, I don't wish to bring down the woman's wrath upon myself."

"Funny, earlier you were going on about hating me and wanting to chase me off, and now you want to help me? Why? Is it because I yelled at you and didn't attack? Or is it simple curiosity you have for me?" Hecate moved a little behind Phoebus to begin following him.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:23 PM

Phoebus began to lead Hecate in the direction of the ice cave, twin tail waving back and forth, "Maybe it is curiosity, it's not every day you see a Demon and Reaper hybrid. Or maybe it's because you have proven yourself to be a reasonable demon who didn't try to kill me right away."

"Good enough," was the only reply Hecate gave. She still didn't like this man, but was desperate to find the Snowdrop as fast as possible. It would be evening soon, and she needed the potion done by tomorrow afternoon. There was still time to hunt and find the herb, but she still feared the thought of being late on the order.

"So, would you like to tell me about yourself on the way there? Or are we going to keep to ourselves the whole time?" asked Phoebus still carrying his head high.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:28 PM

"I would rather not talk about myself thank you, my past isn't something I really like to bring up around strangers," said Hecate keeping her head low to the ground to sniff out any potential threats on the way to the cave.

Phoebus nodded,"Well, alright... I could talk about myself instead then? I mean if you are interested in knowing anything about me... you know, to try to make up for earlier?"

Hecate thought on it for a moment. Phoebus did seem like an interesting fellow, and the way his opinion changed on her was refreshing. "That sounds... amusing. I wouldn't mind hearing about someone else," Hecate actually enjoyed listening about others life stories. She found the lives of humans fascinating, so many different things could happen to them in this realm, which made up for some good stories for her to listen to.

"Well... where to begin. Ah I know, how about when I first got into Priesthood?"

Hecate only nodded in reply with a small smile on her muzzle.
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Re: .:Winter Sonnet:. [Self. M:LV]

Postby Middy » 01/29/2012 1:36 PM

"Well, most of what started it was me wanting to learn more about the Light. My parents were always into the art of healing and purification so inherently I began to grow interested in the art myself. I was a healer at first before taking up residence in the chapel to learn more about the Light, and healing. It was a nice place to live, and I was accommodated with shelter, food, and training while I stayed there," he chuckled, "Am I boring you at all?"

Hecate shook her head, "No, I just know little about the Light and their practices. The most I know is that they don't like my kind or what you seem to call 'the black arts'"

"Well, we all aren't like that you know..." he wagged his tails and looked back at her, "I am sorry for before, for being so judgmental. Just.. the last time a demon set foot into holy ground he destroyed most of the area around him."

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