These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Code Chaos » 06/05/2012 11:45 AM

After he said he would beat anyone up that hurt Celsius Arrow felt her bury her head into his back. Arrow looked at Arrike with a disgusted look and said, "Celsius isn't the kind of person who would boss me around or fight with me she is sweet and kindhearted. The reason you aren't in a relationship is because you suck the women who love you dry." He punched Arrike in his side and kept walking forward knowing Arrike couldn't hate him for it since they shared a bond no one in the whole world did. Besides he deserved it after insulting Celsius like that.
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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Kitsumi » 06/05/2012 1:34 PM

It felt good to have Arrow stand up for her. But at the same time, Celsius just kept feeling more guilty about her secrets. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay, listen up boys. Arrow, what you said is really sweet and all, but there's something I really should tell you boys. I'm...I'm not a mortal." She averted her eyes, waiting for them to freak.

Arrike's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything. After all, she was Arrow's girlfriend now. It was up for him to decide how to handle the situation.


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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Code Chaos » 06/05/2012 1:42 PM

Arrow was a bit shocked when Celsius said that she wasn't mortal. He looked at Arrike and it seemed that the news didn't even phase him. Of course it didn't Celsius wasn't interested in him anymore so he wouldn't even be phased if Arrow told him that she died. "What do you mean your not mortal," Arrow asked curiously? He wondered what kind of immortal his new girlfriend was.
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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Kitsumi » 06/06/2012 7:36 AM

Well, at least both males seemed to be taking the news rather well. Neither of them were yelling or cursing at her, so that was good. Taking a deep breath, she looked in Arrow's eyes. "Well, I'm half mortal, actually. But I'm also half...demon." She blushed, looking away. And now, here would come their shocked reactions.

Despite being shocked, Arrike acted fairly naturally. "Damn, so you're actually even more sexy than I thought! A sexy demon, who would have thought? If you're really as hot as all that, then I can't let you date this oaf over there." He gestured to Arrow, but grinned to show that he was kidding. He was actually just trying to keep the mood light - he didn't know how Arrow would react to finding out that his girlfriend was half demon.


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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Code Chaos » 06/06/2012 7:44 AM

Arrow was a bit surprised on the news of Celsius being half demon it didn't matter though he still loved her and she is still the same person he's known since she first started working for his friend. Besides he was a vampire a soulless bloodsucking demon. "It doesn't matter what you are I still love you." He smiled at her and brushed back a strand of her hair. Arrow then grabbed her dipped her and kissed her passionately.
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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Kitsumi » 06/06/2012 8:28 AM

As soon as he heard the word 'love' Arrike was fake gagging. Celsius, on the other hand, was blushing and smiling and feeling that warm fuzzy feeling coming back. When Arrow dipped her and kissed her, she squealed at first, but then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When they were done, she giggled. "I love you too," she said. "And damn, but you really know how to treat a woman."

Arrike made a loud gagging sound, and then coughed. "Now can we go to the waterfall and cliff dive?"


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Re: S3 - Chaos and I {Roraldi Forests} Very Mature

Postby Code Chaos » 06/06/2012 8:43 AM

After Celsius kissed him back Arrow blushed which is kind of funny for a vampire since normally they were always pale. "Well if I didn't know how to treat a lady then what kind of gentleman would I be?" He smiled at Celsius and picked her up and put her on his back. "Alright I guess we should start heading to the waterfall since this idiot won't stop talking about it," he said towards Arrike. Arrow looked at Arrike and laughed jokingly and punched him in his side.
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