These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Return to Roraldi Forests

.:Keirn, Temple of the Voices:.

Postby Kyrit » 05/25/2016 5:19 PM

At the border between the Roraldi Forest and the Vast Plains lies a small temple, wrought of the same white stone that the buildings of Aldrect are constructed from. It is not as impressive in appearance as the churches of the city, but upon closer inspection is it evident that this temple was created with the same amount of care and attention. Stepping through the open entryway, one can see that the temple consists of a single main room divided into three sections by the patterns on the tiled floor. Rows of candles line the side walls, and almost seem to draw visitors to the back end of the temple, where five statues stand. Looking over the figures and the names inscribed in the base of each statue, it is evident that this is a temple dedicated to the demi-gods of the Holy Triumvirate. Turning back, one can see an inscription over the entryway:

If you pray with a sincere heart
the Voices of the Gods may whisper to you
and help you fulfill your desires

Underneath the first inscription, in a decidedly smaller and more worn typeface, is a second:

If your intentions be pure
then those of Light shall embrace you
Be your intentions dark
then those of Darkness you should seek

~*Here you may ask the demi-gods to bestow Traits with the "Shrine" label upon your pets. There is no limit to how many Traits you can ask for; however, each Trait has stat requirements that must be met before the Trait can be asked for. Stat requirements are listed under the Prerequisites section of each Trait in the In-Depth Battle Trait Descriptions topic.

Upon reaching a stat requirement, you may have your pet roleplay seeking the help of one of the higher beings. Their prayer will be answered with a quest that the pet will be sent upon, and once you return with a link to the quest RP your trait will be granted. A general list of what sort of quest your pet might be looking in to can be found below*~
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Postby Kyrit » 05/25/2016 5:19 PM

Selkat'aris, Keeper of the Silence
It is said that Zu'hai, upon seeing the destruction of an ancient species, took it upon himself to save the life of at least one individual. He took the creature in as one of his own workers, though never allowing her to take part in any war the heavens waged. To those terrified of death, she grants the powers to continue living by avoidance or healing. All of this is simply speculation though, as for some reason the demi-goddess will never speak a single word.
• Grants Damage Substitute, Foxhole, Hyper Healing

Lexol'lata, Heaven's Judge
A zealot and devout believer of Zu'hai's philosophies, Lexol'lata judges those seeking his god's favor. He's absolute in decisions, never budging once his mind is made up. With an ability to see an individual's past, he weighs the deeds they have performed, good and bad. Lexol'lata favors those who can see the world as he does, and who are willing to act as his agent to pass his judgement onto others. It is said that individuals with a dark or evil past should not seek out Lexol'lata unless they're willing to give up their life in exchange for redemption.
• Grants Berserker, Crush, Stubborn Ferocity

Kyros, Warden of Strength
Many tales exist of Kyros and his fearsome might. He is a firm believer in the survival of the fittest and chooses to test those who think they are strong. He has no sympathy or mercy for those who cannot back up their claims, though those who can are rewarded greatly. He will gift unto them a drop of the strange liquid in his translucent belly - said to be a manifestation of his life force - and grant the recipient powers like they have never seen before.
• Grants Death Throes, Snatch and Snap, Staggering Strike

Reythaniel, The Seer
Those who seek out information or wisdom from Yepha often tell tales of a brightly coloured Tali, with a piercing stare. Reythaniel is perhaps one of the more social demigods, appearing in literature far more often than any other, and is closely tied in with stories of self-discovery. The third eye on her forehead allows her to see the stored potential within an individual, and what they're hiding beneath the surface. It is said, to gain her favour that one must break down the mask or façade they're hiding behind and to reveal their 'true self'.
• Grants Elusive Foe, Foxhole, Staggering Strike

Lanatus, Celestial Cartographer
One of Yepha's more whimsical followers, Lanatus is known in fables as the deity who undertook the seemingly impossible task of charting the stars. The stars are slow to change, and eventually his patience prevailed. Having at last surmounted this challenge, he now wanders the lands, mapping and re-mapping obscure and remote locations as they change with the tides of time. Though reclusive by nature, he is a fond patron of those with a thirst for adventure and discovery, and will on occasion share with them his wisdom for surviving in the harshest of places.
• Grants Elusive Foe, Hyper Healing, Stubborn Ferocity

Van, Threads of Fate
According to the legends that sweep across the Lands, Van is a deity that will appear under many different circumstances. It is even said that he may be one of the most meddlesome in the affairs outside of the heavens. As the one that wields and oversees all the threads of fate for every existing being, he is tasked with steering others along the correct path or punishing those that stray too far from the path laid out before them. To aid those along their paths, he grants the ability to not only protect themselves, but others, as well.
• Grants Berserker, Damage Substitute

Unit 001740 Xilat'l, Clockwork Beast of Tuat
Very little is known about Xilat'l, as few stories even exist of him and few believe he even really exists in this day and age. What accounts do exist say that Xai're made him as a vassal to a land that did not understand the proper workings of time. Where this place was is unknown, consumed by time itself. Most believe that with the fall of the civilization he had aided, Xilat'l resigned himself to simply watch the passage of time on Evelon from afar with little intervention.
• Grants Crush, Death Throes, Snatch and Snap


Ithina, Divine Scholar of the Vaults
Legends say Ithina is a deity who rarely appears during combat. As a scholar, she seeks knowledge and peace instead of brutal violence. She is a peaceful soul and sees every pet as equal. She rarely interacts with mortals, often refusing to interfere in conflict. In order to save as many lives as possible, Ithina will always keep her eyes open for those in need of guidance. A legend says that Ithina drops a feather upon those who have lost their way, the sight of which is enough to give you hope. To those unwilling to shed blood, she grants the ability to avoid injury and escape from the horrors of battle.
• Serves Yepha

Sa'ouna, The Winds of Discovery
It is rumored that Sa'ouna was once one of Yepha's top information-gatherers. Silent and swift as the wind, she was assigned to monitor the activities of the Death God, Xai're. However, she was eventually found out and slain, her spirit held captive and tortured by the minions of the dark God. How she managed to escape and return to Evelon is unclear, but her compassion for the injured knows no bounds.
• Serves Yepha

Unit 3923112 Taxat, Sumpter of Difference
Taxat was one of Xai're's most loyal followers, until a wicked angel killed him. Bitterly, he roams Evelon as a lost soul, holding a grudge against anything living. His hate and bitterness can make plants wither, and he can kill a creature with one touch of his toxic hooves. Countless legends were born concerning Taxat - none confirmed - for fear of meeting the devil horse. He remains loyal to Xai're, hoping he will be given a second chance. To those who dare to meet him, he can pick their feelings apart and make their hate grow to a terrifying level, enough to frighten those who challenge them.
• Serves Xai're
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Postby Kyrit » 06/04/2016 11:13 PM

Quest Previews

• Upon being summoned, a demi-god will give you pet a quest that must consist of a roleplay of at least 10 posts made by the pet seeking a trait.
• You may have this roleplay take place with another user, though the other user's posts do not count toward your required post minimum.
• The quest previews listed below are brief and general. When sent on a quest, the demi-god appearing before your pet will choose one and tailor it to your pet based upon your prayer to them and what they believe would suit your pet.
• Upon finishing a quest, your pet may return to the shrine and present the Gods with their proof. If they met the requirements, your pet will be granted the trait it seeks.

• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to harness pain as power
• Discovery of a magical means of harnessing pain as power
• Situation where -name- is badly injured and goes in to a fit of rage to take down the attacker

• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to flatten opponents with immense bulk
• Discovery of a magical means to flatten opponents with immense bulk
• -Name- wishes to learn how to flatten opponents with immense bulk and trains to do so

Damage Substitute
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to protect themselves or an ally from damage
• Discovery of a magical means of protecting themselves or an ally from damage
• -Name- wishes to learn how to protect themselves or an ally from damage and trains to do so

Death Throes
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to control their actions despite intense pain
• Discovery of a magical means of controling their actions despite excruciating pain
• Situation where -name- is badly injured but can't allow its foe(s) to live, forcing themselves to fight

Elusive Foe
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to improve their dodging ability
• Discovery of a magical means of gaining the ability to dodge foes
• -Name- wishes to learn how to improve their dodging ability and trains to do so

• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to improve their dodging ability
• Discovery of a magical means of gaining the ability to dodge powerful attacks
• -Name- wishes to learn how to improve their dodging ability and trains to do so

Hyper Healing
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to heal themselves at expense of defense
• Discovery of a magical means of gaining the ability to heal at the expense of defense
• -Name- furthers development of natural healing skills, though the energy required lowers defenses

Snatch and Snap
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to crush opponents in their jaws
• Discovery of a magical means of crushing opponents in their jaws
• -Name- wishes to learn how to crush opponents in their jaws and trains to do so

Staggering strike
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- how to redirect strength into a single strike
• Discovery of a magical means of increasing raw strength
• Situation where -name- must deal a damaging blow to their opponent or else be killed

Stubborn Ferocity
• Discovery of a book/scroll/teacher/ect to teach -name- to fight after inflicted grave injuries
• Discovery of a magical means of continuing to fight for a short time after suffering grave injuries
• Situation where -name- is badly injured and finds inner strength to continue fighting for some time
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Re: .:Keirn, Temple of the Voices:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2016 2:03 AM


Robinson -------------------------------------------- Mary "Yelizaveta" Jane

The cool, moderate climate agreed with her. Yelizaveta looked upon the temple in silent wonder, and beside her, she could feel the steady breath of her mate. He looked to be in good health, despite the relative chill of the biting wind that blew around them. Yeli knew he could not stay here long; he was not made for colder climates, not like her. It made these moments that she spent with him all the more precious. Turning her head, the massive female Sauria gently nudged her mate behind one of his ear-fins. Robinson (So named by two young Fellox girls he’d met long ago) turned to her in silence, his face a peaceful, relax mask of tranquility. “This place-” he murmured, and she felt his steady heartbeat through his flank and shoulder, where it pressed up against her own. “This place is so peaceful. I can feel it in my soul.” Yelizaveta was not as spiritual as her mate; she did not believe in the afterlife, or souls, or any of that strangeness. Even going so far as to visit a shrine to ask a favor of a deity didn’t sit well with her; it wasn’t necessarily her faith, but she was determined to do this. Not for herself, but for her mate.

His steady breathing was a comfort as she lead him gingerly up the steps, careful to keep her bulk as well-packed as possible so as not to knock over any of the statues or alters. Robinson matched her step for step, surprisingly graceful and light even for his massive size. Yelizaveta had to admit that there were few places that could make either of them small, but the grandeur of the temple certainly dwarfed their size and stature by quite a bit. It was awe-inspiring, and she felt Robinson suck in a sharp breath beside her, his eyes glittering as he took in a sight he’d never seen before. “Which one are we looking for?” Despite pitching her voice low, Yeli was a bit surprised to hear how much it echoed in the cavernous temple halls, and she decided whispering would be far better than a normal speaking voice.

“We are seeking Ithina,” her mate replied, scanning the statues that lined the temple walls like ancient, stone guardians. “She is a deity of peace rather than bloodshed.” And that sat perfectly well with him; despite being hunted for his rare hide his entire life, Robinson abhorred bloodshed. He was even a vegetarian, preferring fruit to meat any day. His mate was a bit more ruthless, but he knew her ruthlessness stemmed from having to fight her entire life and run form those who pursued her. Deep down, he recognized the gentle soul she harbored, even if she didn’t believe in things like that. “Here it is.” Yeli turned her head at her mate’s call, gazing at a statue of an elegant, cat-like creature with massive, beautiful wings.

“This is her?” the female Sauria murmured, gazing up at the deity that dwarfed even her great size.

“Indeed,” her mate replied with a nod of his head. Yeli was at a loss.

“What do I do now?” Her long tail swished nervously, and she knocked over an alter of candles, which Robinson immediately righted with one of his clawed fingers.

“You ask her for her blessing, and you must give her good reason to bestow it upon you.” When Yelizaveta’s expression morphed into one of nervousness, Robinson gently nudged the back of her ear-fin in a tender gesture. “Do not be afraid, my beloved one. She is a deity of peace and understanding, and she will not harm you. Nor will she rebuke you with harsh words. Think only of her in a kind way; I promise you will be fine.” He stepped away from her side, and Yeli suddenly missed the familiar feel of his breathing next to her. She didn’t believe in Gods or souls or the afterlife, but despite that, standing in the shadow of the statue of such an imposing figure made her nervous. Maybe…maybe these Gods, these deities of this world she found herself in, were real.

Ithina,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper. “I…I come to you today to ask for your blessing.” She glanced over her shoulder at her mate, who nodded for her to continue. “I…will be honest,” she admitted after a long, deep breath. “I never believed in deities, or Gods, and I can say that I still don’t think I do. But even despite my disbelief, I am here today to ask that you grant me the ability to be an elusive foe.” She dipped her head, feeling slightly silly talking to a statue. “I have lived my life in fear, always running from those who would hunt and kill me for my hide, or put me in a zoo for the perverse pleasure of humans. I have spent a long, hard life running from the world, and it has become…more difficult as I become older. I cannot count the many, many hundreds of years that I have lived upon this earth, and there have been many times where I desired nothing more than to lie down and relinquish the fight. However, now that I have found my mate, I know that I could never do such a thing. I must continue to run, to escape those who would harm myself and my beloved. To protect him, and to protect his heart, I must be impossible to catch, not only in battle, but in life. I cannot allow my foes to hold me down and destroy me. Not for myself but for…”

She stopped, gazing back over her shoulder to where her mate smiled benignly, resting comfortably on the stone floor. His breathing was still even, if not a bit shallow, and Yelizaveta knew the cold was taking it’s toll on him. “…for the one I love most in this world.”

Species: Sauria Battleheart (Custom)
Posts: 170
Size: (H)
AP: 45
Level: 35
Diet: Carnivore
Element: Fire, Ice
Offense: 56/100
Defense: 52/100
Precision: 40/40
Endurance: 81/100
Speed: 80/100
Fame: 39/40
Battle Traits: Pyro, Tough Hide. Wingstorm
Personal Battle Traits: Combat Endurance, Lunge, Powerful Jaws, Sharp Vision, Frost

[Trait already granted]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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