These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Forgive us Our Sins

Postby Kylo » 11/17/2021 11:16 PM


Shoto wasn't like many of the shinobi in his village, not due to anything special per say so much as he was just more likely to try to solve things through negotiations than fighting.

So when his friends fought he was usually the one to break things up and get them to simmer down. Unfortunately it sometimes back fired and he'd end up being used as a verbal punching bag by his more rowdy friend.

Things never got to the point of physical violence towards him but seeing the two grown men scuffle int he dirt like preteens again had he sighing.

Of course things couldn't be easy for him. Of course they had to be fighting, again, over something stupid he was sure of that.

Shoto sat down in the dirt next to the two shinobi wrestling each other and sighed before reaching out to grab them both by the scruffs.

The one yelped in confusion before growling at him while the other just glared daggers at him.

"What's the reason for pummeling each other into the dirt this time?"

He let go of them and they sat down and rubbed the backs of their necks.

"Buzz off relationship police." Obito grumped.

"It's nothing," Kakashi said nonchalantly.

Sure, and he was secretly a dog. Yeah right.

"If you two don't want to talk that's fine but stop beating the piss out of each other. If Rin sees you like this she'll have both of your heads."

"Rin won't see this and you won't tell her. We can take care of ourselves." Obito grumped once again.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and brushed Shoto off with a wave of his hand as he stood.

"I mean it you two. I personally don't care if you two decide to fight like children but it hurts her when you do and I happen to like her best when she's not ready to smack you both into submission."

"Fine, fine. We'll stop. Mah, Shoto, you need to relax," Kakashi said as he brushed the dirt off of himself.

Obito muttered to himself under his breath as he stood and proceeded to dust himself off.

"You know I only say these things as I care about you two."

"I'm sure you do, but we can handle ourselves."

Shoto stared at them both.

"Fine we can mostly care for ourselves, happy?"

"Not really, but you're improving."

Shoto sat up quickly and walked closer to them to inspect them for injuries.

"We're fine, We don't need any medical attention."

Shoto just nodded and circled them.

"Maybe I was just admiring the view, Obito." Shoto joked as he stopped circling them and smirked.

Obito choked then glared at him.

"Aren't you married?"

"I'm sure Imari would understand. Besides you do have an admittedly cute butt."

Obito blushed and muttered obscenities under his breath while Kakashi smiled behind his mask.

"Shut up, Bakakashi. I can hear your lewd thoughts from here."

"Mah? I was just admiring the view too, Obito." He snickered.

"You two are a menace." Obito said as he adjusted himself and began to walk back to the village.

"Where are you going?"

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Forgive us Our Sins

Postby Kylo » 11/17/2021 11:42 PM

"Away from you two. Preferably someplace with food."

Shoto laughed and jogged up to his side and Kakashi followed.

"Like we're going to let you go that easily."

Obityo sighed and shook his head.

"You both are killing me."

"Mah, Obito, I thought we were menaces?"

"You're both."

Shoto laughed again and slung an arm around both fo them.

"What if we get dinner? My treat?"

Kakashi grinned and Obito eyed him suspiciously.

"What kind of foood?"

"Whatever you want! I'm not picky." Shoto replied happily, trying to lighten the mood.

"Even tempura?"

"Especially tempura."

Obito grinned and nudged Kakashi.

"This fool is going to treat us to all you can eat tempura."

"Sounds heavenly to me."

"You two are going to drain my wallet aren't you?"

The two shinobi laughed and Shoto sighed but couldn't help but keep smiling.

At least they weren't fighting anymore and he could relax with them. Food was he secret weapon when words didn't work. Nobody could resist the temptation of a good free meal. But especially these two gluttons.

It made him wonder how much they were going to put him in the hole for the month.

"So...what was the fight about?"

Obito huffed,"Bakakashi rearanged the kitchen and threw out my favorite mug."

"It broke Obito. It was an accident."

Shoto sighed and shook his head.

"That's all?"

"It was my favorite! It had a cat on it!"

Shoto laughed and drug Obito closer.

"I'll buy you a new one." he said as he ruffled Obito's hair.

Obito huffed again and shook Shoto's hand off of him.

"You wont do it. I want Kakashi to do it. He's the one that broke it."

"Mah, I'll get you a new one then."



Obito nodded and then went quiet as they walked the rest of the way to the tempura joint.

They sat down and ordered a literal feast wortth of food while Shoto sighed at his wallet.

The poor cat shaped wallet looked awful thin now, when before it had been round and plump.

"You two better enjoy this," he muttered to himself.

Obito laughed and with a sparkle in his eye scooped up a piece of fried eggplant off of Shoto's plate.

He munched on it while Shoto glared at him. Eggplant was his favorite and Obito knew it.

"Thief." he pouted.

"Mah, Shoto, you going to eat that?"

"Yes! You two are greedy. You have your own plates."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Forgive us Our Sins

Postby Kylo » 11/18/2021 12:20 AM

Kakashi laughed and tried to sneak a piece with chopsticks only for Shoto to snatch the piece and pop it into his mouth.

"So that's how you wanna play."

Shoto grinned and popped another piece of eggplant into his mouth.

Obito put down his chopsticks to watch the other two intently.

Soon the great eggplant battle would begin.

Kakashi's sticks dove in for a piece as Shoto moved to block him almost instantly. He parried and dove at Kakashi's plate for a piece and Kakashi easily batted his sticks away.

Both froze as they stared each other down with a fierce look of competition.

"Whoever wins gets the last piece."

"You're on."

Sticks flew right and left as they began to dance around each others' plates. It was no holds barred. Each man was determined to grab as much eggplant as possible.

They were nearly evenly matched and the battle was fierce. Obito didn't know who to cheer on. His partner and lover or his friend.

In the end he choose neither. Instead he picked up his sticks and snatched the last piece out from under them and swallowed it up.

"That's how's it's done."

"OBITO!" they both shouted at him in unison.

He merely smiled innocently and batted his eyes.

"What? You guys never made rules, or said I couldn't play."

SHoto stared him for a beat then laughed. Of course he'd pull a stunt like this. Kakashi smiled and just shook his head.

That was their Obito all right.

"So, Obito, when we get home we need to try a new recipe."


Kakashi looked at him pointedly.

Obito just stared back completely missing the innuendo.

"I want you to suck my eggplant."

"Can we not talk about eggplants at the table guys. I'm trying to enjoy my food coma."

Obito blushed and nearly yelled at Kakashi.

"If you're not careful you get any eggplant for a week."

"Obito, you wound me."

"Again. No eggplant talk. Trying to be happy here."

"Fine, Shoto, we'll stop talking about eggplants. Besides everyone knows you're more of a peach guy."

Shoto blushed and groaned.

"You're insufferable."

"You're telling me, I have to live with him."

"Either you live with me or you live with them."

"Like that's a real choice Bakakashi!"

Kakashi just grinned and Obito reached over to shake him.

"Hey hey! No fighting!"

Kakashi just laughed as Obito shook him before leaning in and pressing a dirty kiss to his lips. Obito froze and glared at him.


"Oh you love it. Don't lie."

"Uh huh. And you love my eggplant."


Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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