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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/15/2008 11:43 PM

Bakugan came a bit closer, almost nose to nose with the little creature that had now perched itself on the yonyuu's head. He made a few "tch tch" sounds as he sniffed the Bleeder's nose. What was that dripping from its head? It smelled like blood, but blood would mean that it was injured. It didn't act injured or in pain, so why would it be bleeding? Bakugan tilted his head, an utterly confused expression on his face. Harpie slowly came up next to the chaos, sniffing at Myre and nudging Bakugan, clicking for an answer.

Vylor couldn't help but laugh. "Seems yer little parasite has maneged to confuse thoughs two." He hoped calling Myre a 'parasite' wouldn't offend Irywa, it just seemed from the way she acted toward the Bleeder, she really didn't want it around. "Naw, Happy Tuskow is the big farm that farmers take their pets to harvest them. Eagle Eye Ranch is my place." Beo was watching Bakugan and Harpie intentily. Myre seemed to be distracted. Yes! Now the nasty thing couldn't drive him away. The albie got up and slowly krept a wide circle before coming up behind Irywa. His tail thumbed the ground in a happy, steady rhythm.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/16/2008 4:38 PM

Myre clicked at Bakugan, rustling his spikes; not in a threatening manner. It seemed that the Bleeder was almost getting fond of Bakugan's attention. Playfully, he butted his head against the Gyrraptor's beak when his nose was sniffed, the blood slipping from his jaws accidentally staining the Bakugan's feathery fur somewhat. As the other Gyrraptor approached, Myre practically purred. This was fun! He clicked his spines, imitating the sounds that the Gyrraptors made.

Parasite? Irywa raised an almost amused eyebrow at the description. "Parasite; that's a very accurate description, if you don't mind me saying. Don't they understand what Bleeders are?" Her eyes flickered, as if someone behind them had closed a shutter. "I wish I didn't." His explanation about the farms really did interest her; therefore, she was unaware of Beo's precense when the Albie came behind her. The thumping of his tail made her jump.

"Beo, right?" Irywa smiled at the Albie, feeling a bit upset at Myre's actions. Why did the Bleeder have to go violent against every single male they ever met? She stole a glance at the Bleeder, who was currently still sniffing back at the Gyrraptors. Good; he'd hopefully be distracted enough for her to actually get to talk to the Albie.

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/17/2008 2:12 AM

Bakugan emitted a friendly growl at the beak touch. The blood that dripped on his fur didn't seem to bother him. The gyrraptor raised his head slightly when Myre started clicking. How'd it do that? This little thing had just made a gyrraptor noise, but it wasn't a gyrraptor. Bakugan began sniffing the Bleeder all over, lightly nosing the spines experimentally. Harpie whistled through her nostrils as she watched her companion investigate.

Vylor was having trouble holding the leads, as he was almost doubled over in laughter. He had to pull himself together when his emergency cell rang. The eagle reached into his pocket and answered. "Y'ello? ...Yeah it's Vylor...Really now....Yeah I been waitin' to hear about that...Just ship him to Eagle Eye Ranch in the farmlands and put him in the dog houses...Thank ya, ma'am." Vylor hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket. "Yeehoo! I got me a treasure albie on the way home now." It had already been clear that he'd win the auction. He was the only bidder, but he was still excited. Now Beo would have a canine companion back home.

Beo's tail instantily picked up speed when Irywa spoke to him. "Beo, yes me." he replied, keeping his voice low so Myre wouldn't hear him. "I-I-Ir-Irywa." he said, slowly sounding out the yonyuu's name. "Irywa prettyprettypretty." the albie panted, looking quite pleased that the 'pretty yonyuu' was finally talking to him without the 'mean lizard' getting in the way. "Why stay mean lizard?" Beo lowered his voice a bit more, still hoping that Irywa would be able to understand what he asked.

{post count mark}
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/17/2008 4:56 PM

Myre made more clicking sounds with his spines as Bakugan seemed to enjoy hearing them, growling a high-pitched little growl back, a friendly growl. He stood still as he began to be sniffed and nosed, trying to imitate Harpie's whistling nose by hissing in his high, sibilant tones. It didn't sound particularly right. Clicking his spines again, Myre gave a small purr of amusement.

Irywa, herself, had to suppress a grin. Myre seemed to actually have the capability to make friends, or as close as friends as one could get if one was a Bleeder. She jumped when the cell rang, close by, but she politely smiled at the eagle's excitement. "Treasure Albie - they're the golden-type ones, right?"

At Beo's voice, she turned back to the Albie. "Beo. That's a very nice name," she said, smiling at his eagerness, and his attempt to say her name. "Thank you, Beo, thank you very much. That's sweet of you." A slight affectionate touch entered her smile, a kind of tenderness. He was so innocent, willing to protect her from something she had created unwittingly...she jerked herself out of thoughts. What was that he said? 'Why stay mean lizard?' "Well, Beo, do you know what Bleeders are? When someone's in love with someone else, and they're rejected, a Bleeder is made. It stays with them until they fall in love again. That's why they bleed, you see? It's because of the sorrow from their creator. In Myre's case, that's me." She spoke carefully, trying to make it sound as if it was nothing of great importance.

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/17/2008 5:52 PM

Harpie nosed her way closer, lightly nudging Bakugan over. The chaos lightly nipped at her, but let her through. The venom began doing her own investigating, sniffing the glowing marks on the creature. She experimentally lapped at the strange liquid oozing from it's head. Her head shot up and began shaking, toung lolling out as she tried to get the foul taste out of her mouth. Bakugan sniffed a bit closer at the blood, but didn't bother tasting it.

Vylor was enjoying this. He'd never seen these usually nasty two gyrraptor look so curious and confused. Harpie's reaction made the eagle crack up again, but only for a few moments. "Yup." he replied to Irywa, "Them shiny gold creatures go for alot these days. Luckily, nobody else was interested in buyin' 'im."

The white albie tilted his head slightly as he listened to the yonyuu. "Bleeder sad lizard yes, then why bleeder mean lizard?" He motioned to Myre with his nose, hoping Bakugan and Harpie would keep him distracted for a wile longer. "Beo want bite mean lizard. Keep pretty yonyuu from love why?"
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/18/2008 4:37 PM

Myre purred happily. This was fun! He watched curiously as Harpie and Bakugan exchanged places, and now the Gyrraptor began to investigate him all over again. Placing one claw lightly on her beak as she sniffed at him, he inspected her feathers as well. How odd, for a reptile to have feathers! Myre couldn't understand it, but he was much less obvious in his confusion than Harpie was. As her tongue came out and took away some of the blood slipping steadily from his maw, a small giggle evaded the Bleeder. Didn't she know blood was bitter? Her reaction told him she knew, now.

Irywa smiled, amused at Vylor's reaction. "Well, I guess that's good, for you," she said brightly, "but I feel kind of bad for the Albie. I mean, I'd feel bad myself if nobody wanted me." She shrugged. "It's confusing, I guess."

She smiled softly at Beo. He was so sweet. "He's mean because...well, if Bleeders' creators," making it more generalized, "fall in love again, they die. He doesn't want to die, you see? But," she added conspiratorially, "I wouldn't mind if you bit him, believe you me."

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/19/2008 1:14 AM

Harpie licked at the grass for a wile, trying to scrub off the nasty taste. Once she'd finally gotten it out, she leaned back down to the creature's level. Bakugan was right. It was bleeding, but it didn't seem wounded or in pain. What was with this thing? It was so confusing. A small, questioning growl escaped her throat. How was it possible for something to bleed constantly if it wasn't wounded?

"Yeah yer right." Vylor said, stretching. "Least now he's got a good home. I'll take right good care of 'im." His phone rang again and he answered. "Y'ello? Kitsune! Been a wile, ma'am...No buyers, huh? Oh! Well thank ya kindly, ma'am...Oh yes he'll be taken care of...All right, bye bye." The eagle hung up, a bit of surprise on his face. "Well I'll be darned. Kitsune just sent one of her Biolune albie to be one of my farm canines."

Beo sent a sly look in Myre's direction. He'd just been given permission to bite the mean lizard, but he decided to let the little creature 'socialize',if you could call it that, with the Gyrraptors a bit longer. "But Beo not I-ry-wa's first love. Bleeder live if not first love love again?" Beo was clearly confused. If bleeders were created when love was rejected, shouldn't they live even if they fall in love again as long as it wasn't the same person? Weren't they basically like offspring? "Confused." the albie said, scratching under his chin thoughtfully.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/19/2008 12:36 PM

Myre chattered at Harpie, clicking his teeth together as he watched the Gyrraptor in amusement. Funny, didn't any of them know what he was? A Bleeder. Why did they seem so confused? He purred in amusement. He was having as much trouble coping with reptiles with fur on them anyway, so they could be confused together.

Wrinkling his scaly nose, Myre tilted his head. In all accounts, reptilian creatures did not have feathers. How did Harpie and Bakugan defy this law and yet be perfectly normal-looking to Irywa? He hissed sibilantly, his words barely understandable for the hiss in them as usual: "Birdssss? or reptilesssss?"

"That's good," Irywa agreed. She waited in silence while Vylor held another phone conversation, and then smiled at the surprise on his face. "See, she knows you take good care of them, right?" She turned her head to study Beo. "Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you," she said softly, slipping into a lying position and folding her wings delicately. Irywa found the Albie appealing in a childish kind of way; he amused her. "No; even if it's not the first love, the Bleeder will still die...fortunately for me; unfortunately for Myre." She spoke with more grimness than before.

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/19/2008 9:44 PM

Harpie and Bakugan finally decided they needer a better angle to study this crazy little thing. Bakugan grabbed it as carefully as possible by the loose bit of skin on the back of his neck. The chaos crained his head and set him on Harpie's fluffy back. It had been sitting on the yonyuu after all. What was the difference?

Vylor heard the creature speak and decided to clear up a small bit of the confusion between them. "Them's both, Myre." the eagle said. He'd almost forgotten he was holding the Gyrraptors' leads. They'd been so quiet and distracted since he'd yanked them for a loop. He just hoped they wouldn't attack whoever did the trimming at Happy Tuskow.

Beo was beside himself when Bakugan lifted the thing from Irywa's head. His tail sped up, but he still kept his voice hushed. Yes, he wanted so badly to tear into that little demon, but he wanted to talk to the pretty yonyuu more. "Yesyesyes, mean lizard go away for this time. Thank lizard-birds later, yes." A goofy smile was spread over his maw. He darted up and licked Irywa's cheek playfully before hopping away, play-bowing.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/20/2008 12:10 PM

Myre began to squirm as a beak clasped around the nape of his neck, as gently and carefully as Bakugan did carry him...it was annoying! He squealed indignantly, but, as Vylor spoke and he registered his answer, he fell silent, wonderingly, as he regarded the Gyrraptors with something approaching awe. He clutched at Harpie's feathers, twisting one around one paw in case the thing decided to go wild on him.

Irywa smiled at Beo's enthusiasm. He was so simple and friendly, and - innocent. "Yes, we will have to thank Harpie and Bakugan, won't we?" she asked. Which was when he ran up, licked her cheek, and jumped away again. His tail was going like a little motor. She grinned; he was so puppyish, like a breath of fresh air after so long in a strict community. Irywa pounced after him, trying to overturn him playfully.

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/20/2008 11:37 PM

Vylor watched as the Gyrraptors allowed the small creature on their back, yet didn't loose their tempers. "Well dang. I've never seen them two so calm a'fore." he said, scratching his head. It was a bit of a relief on him now. He could hold both leads in one hand without having to worry about getting his arm snapped off. "I'll have to clean that blood off later, but I was plannin' on washin' these two anyway. Just hope they keep their calm attitudes during bath time." Bakugan's head came up at the two words at the end of Vylor's sentence. Truthfully, he really didn't mind bath time. It felt good on his skin.

Beo yipped happily. The pretty yonyuu was playing with him! He panted and darted away, avoiding her in a game of chase. The albie took a moment to look back, and that was all it took. Irywa landed on him, leaving Beo on his back, tail wagging a mile a minute. His white face was turning a hint of pink, but that playful expression remained plastered on his face.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/21/2008 5:24 PM

Myre, in hearing Vylor's comment about his blood dripping, gave an annoyed hiss, glaring at the eagle and drawing one clawed paw across his jaws, disposing efficiently of about half of the crimson liquid dripping from his maw. It wasn't his fault that he was a Bleeder, for Evelon's sake, was it now? His eyes narrowed malevolently for a minute, but then he lost himself in an inspection of Harpie's back, skittering cautiously from one end to the other and then back again, chattering to himself eagerly, although he murmured, "Bathtime issssss no fun..."

Irywa smiled to herself at Beo's joy of playing, before one flap of her wings took her nearly to him; another pounce and she had him overturned, one paw lightly on his belly as she tilted her head at him playfully. His tail was going faster than her eye could follow; was he really that happy just to play? The yonyuu leaned down and licked his cheek teasingly, noticing the soft shade of pink he had already turned, before bouncing away as lithely as any pup, taunting him to try and catch her, if he could!

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Postby clackno1 » 07/22/2008 2:32 PM

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Glacial Serraptor

Blossom Serraptor

A trainer is running through the tall grass, suddenly she bursts into the open followed closely by a screeching Glacial Serraptor. then the girl trips and the Serraptor is upon her. Then the Serraptor moves over to let the trainer get up. The girl takes out a bottle of water and takes a big gulp and splashes the Serraptor a little to cool him off."Ready for round two Frosty", she says, and then suddenly takes off with the Serraptor on her heels. Then out of the tall grass the trainer and Serraptor appeared from a Blossom Serraptor appears and jogs after the trainer and the Glacial Serraptor.
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/23/2008 6:09 PM

((I suppose not, but I was getting ready to head out.))

The eagle stretched, feathers spreading out from behind his arms a moment before settling back down. "Welp, I think it's time I get back. Gotta get the new pooches settled and I just had a batch of Chimerantula come over so I gotta get their area ready." He wasn't too keen on having to lift the bleeder from Harpie's back, so he whistled a few times to the two Gyrraptor. Harpie's head came up before gently lifting the creature and setting him on his feet on the ground. Beo tail had slowed down, but he returned the lick, this time on the yonyuu's nose. "See pretty yonyuu again, yes. Soon play again." The albie got up reluctantly and made his way over to Vylor's side, stealing a growl and light nip on Myre on the way. "It was real nice meetin' yall, ma'am. See ya around." Bakugan and Harpie whistled and screeched their goodbyes as they were led away. Beo yipped in that playful tone to Irywa, promising to see her again.
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Postby SweetDisaster » 07/24/2008 5:11 PM

It was only then that Myre noticed that HIS Irywa had been playing around with that little thing. The Bleeder turned from the Gyrraptors with a hissing shriek, but Irywa and Beo had already parted ways. Snarling and chattering to himself rudely, the Bleeder hopped to Irywa's head again, biting gently and warningly at her ear. His teeth didn't pierce skin, but Irywa added an extra jerk of a nod to her head as she smiled at the parting Vylor, Beo, and Gyrraptors. "Right. Well, Myre and I'd best be going, too. See you, hopefully?" she asked, tilting her head playfully at Beo and earning a poisonous look from Myre. She was tempted, briefly, to say hello to the two animals she saw vaguely in the distance, but dismissed it. It was time to go back anyway.

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