A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby Kitty » 04/03/2012 9:10 PM

What is that??

Snuffling as she leaned, Jami's nose inched closer and closer to the slick, sparkling surface. Underneath something sparkled. She'd seen it yards away, and she'd gone straight for the thing. It was always like this. Walk a few meters, see something interesting, go running after it. A minute later she would be off again, trotting along the flat, grassy pains, the item she'd been so interested in long forgotten.

She slipped a paw forward, trying to get a better look. The image wobbled and wiggled, messing with her sight. She sniffed and pulled back, paws slipping about on the shore and causing water to fly everywhere. In seeing the droplet, her eyes widened. Next moment, she'd leaped from the shore to the very middle of the small river. The force of the current was much stronger than she'd expected, and within the next moment, she was holding her breath, watching the fish shoot by her head. Her paws flailed around and she pulled her head above the surface. It didn't seem to phase her that she was moving at a reasonably quick speed down river.

"You need any help there...?" a voice caught Jami's attention. Her ears swivelled before her head even moved. She managed to catch site of a small cat...a Doom Kitty - how cute! She flailed about once again, flipping herself back on to her stomach and spun herself around so that she was facing upstream. She dug her claws in to the rocks below the surface and it slowed her speed quite a bit. Glancing back at the cat, she noticed it had followed her.

"I'm just having fun!" she said. The cat tipped its head.

"Right...are you sure?"

"Er.." Jami's paw slipped and she started downstream again. This time she began paddling. The cat seemed more interesting than the water now. It only took her a moment to reach the shore and when she pulled herself out, she noticed that the cat had followed her once again. The cat sat and glanced up at Jami curiously. Jami shook herself off thoroughly, spraying water everywhere. The cat leaped backwards and hissed loudly. She too shook herself now.

"What was that for?"

"My fur was wet from the water." Jami said innocently. "What's your name?"

The cat rolled her eyes but answered calmly. "All That Jazz. Well, that's what my owners used to call me. Just call me Jazz." she lifted a paw to her mouth and licked it a few times, and then paused. "What's your name, sweetie?" she asked as if an afterthought.
"My name's Jami!" Jami jumped to answer. She didn't see too many creatures around here, so this was exciting!
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Re: Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 04/04/2012 6:30 PM

Myuna (Click image for human form)

Quite some distance from the lucain and Doom kitty was another Lucain by the name of Myuna, strolling along the plains as if it were perfectly natural to be in the middle of nowhere. Munching on a giant pretzel, she hummed to herself, seemingly unaware of the fact she did not know where she was. In moments, a few crumbs were all that remained of her pretzel. Absentmindedly, she reached down to her hip as if to grab something. After clawing the air for a moment (which probably would've looked quite ridiculous had anyone been watching), she stopped with a frown. Myuna then proceeded to pat her hips as if searching for something that obviously wasn't there.

She was in fact looking for her bag, which she seemed to have left behind at the last town (or perhaps just somewhere between there and here). Turning around, Myuna stared at the distance until she was sure that she couldn't make out any town on the horizon. In fact, she had no idea if that was actually the direction she'd even come from. Walking in a straight line when one is not paying attention is actually alot harder than it sounds. By this point, the lucain had finally realized that she was lost...again. Then she shook her head and chuckled to herself.
"No, I know where I am. Smack dab in the middle of nowhere, that's where. The middle of a nowhere that somewhat resembles the Vast Plains, it seems." Yes, I understand that what she just said makes very little sense and is a completely ridiculous thing to say when there isn't anyone but yourself to say it to. But she said it, and she apparently has no problem with the fact that not only is she in the middle of nowhere, but that she's in the middle of nowhere with no food.

By now, she'd struck out in some random direction, unable to stay put in one place for long. It was then that she noticed that there was someone else out here. She came up to the river and looked downstream at the two on the other side. It appeared to be a Doom Kitty and another lucain who was quite wet. Well now, look what fate threw at her this time.
"Hello!" she called. Deciding that it wouldn't do to talk over the river, the woman shifted form and expertly doggie paddled her way across the water, allowing the current to take her down to the exact spot the other two stood. Only then did she climb out and shift back into her human self, retaining only her three tails. Plopping down cross-legged on a large rock, Myuna smiled at her new companions.
"What's up?"
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby MythicDusk » 04/04/2012 6:49 PM

"Innocence! Get back here!" The woman barked, her dark blue hair streaked with red and black tied back, a hoodie tied around her waist, a pair of old jeans and running shoes spattered with dried mud, her black t-shirt clinging to hwere she was sweating from. "But mo-om!" The obviously younger woman whined, her dark brown hair streaked with black was tied back with a white ribbon, two crimson streaks down her face originated from her sky blue eyes. "I'm not your mother! You're a little horror!" The older of the duo scolded, marching towards her now halted daughter. "Sorry, mom." Innie muttered, kicking at the floor with one sneakered foot, her jeans speckled with mud, muck like her mothers, her white shirt showing no signs of swea stains. It was obvious her mother wasn't used to the dryer climates. "It's alright, sweetheart." Paranoia muttered into her daughter's hair as she pulled her close.

Glanging up, Paranoia's emerald green eyes saw the trio sitting, around the same time Innie did, and try as she might, when that girl got something into her head, there was no stopping her. "Hey!" She shouted, splashing through the river, quickly followed by her taller mother. "My name's Innocence, and my mom's called Paranoia, who're you guys?" She asked excitedly, by the time Paranoia had arrived at her side, she was doubled over, panting. "I'm way too old for this." She coughed, throwing herself down and leaning back on her hands, her daughter following her example.

((Sorry it's so short D: ))

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby Kitty » 04/06/2012 12:53 PM

Jami's eyes slipped back and forth between the cat, Jazz, and this new creature who seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Thin air. She sat her butt down and tilted her head. She wasn't confused about where the person had come from. She was too distracted with the tails waggling back and forth behind the person. A human person. Who had become something like her, then back again in an instant. Her brain just didn't comprehend this.

Ignoring the welcome and question that followed, she jumped back to her feet and danced around the newcomer, sniffing her up and down in excitement. "How'd you do that?" she asked, leaping back to the front of the human and snuffling at her face before pulling back and dancing around the girl again. "How'd you get the tails? And and and the human then animal then human then--oh my goooodness that was amazing! How'd you do it??" she bounced around for a few more seconds before pausing as her eye caught something else.

Another figure appeared, followed closely by a fourth person. Jami bounced away from the girl with the tails and landed at the edge of the stream, splashing water everywhere once again. This was the middle of nowhere, wasn't it? She didn't really care. One of the people were ahead of the others, and she reached Jami first.

"Hey! My name's Innocence, and my mom's called Paranoia, who're you guys?" the girl said excitedly.

"I'm Jami!! That's Jazz-" she flicked her tail towards the cat who'd been sitting to the side, trying not to be seen. "And I don't know her name yet! What is your name??" Jami asked the girl with the tails.
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Re: Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 04/06/2012 1:24 PM

Myuna raised her eyebrows at the other lucain's confusion. Once the circling had started, it seemed like they rose even higher. By the time Jami had started asking questions, Myuna was quite amused with a cross between a smile and a smirk on her face. How did she transform anyway? She never really thought about it...it was just something she just picked up along the way.
"Well, I-" she started, only to be interrupted by Jami dashing off to meet some new arrivals. Despite this being the middle of nowhere, Myuna wasn't all that surprised. Destiny had a funny way of doing things, and Myuna had seen much odder occurrences happen. Y'know, like the time...nevermind.

She watched the two chirp at each other (at least, that's what it looked like to Myuna - chirping), and chuckled at their similar behavior. She only faintly heard Jami chatter as she watched Paranoia drop onto the ground.
"You don't look too old," she said before returning her attention to Jami's question.
"Ah, my name's Myuna. Nice to meet you all." With that, she smiled and settled into a more casual position; leaning back on her arms with one leg outstretched onto the ground. Behind her, the three tails twitched in amusement.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Not Much Here, But Still Fun! [P]

Postby MythicDusk » 04/06/2012 1:46 PM

Snorting and tossing her head, allowing Innocence to bounce excitedly and then spring to her feet, she glanced over to Myuna. "You ever have a kid?" She glanced to Innocence, to make sure she was safe, and simply smiled. "They add another thirty years onto you, but it's all worth it, I say. To watch this little gal-" She nodded to Innocence, who was currently kneeling by the stream, washing dust from her face. "Be happy. She's the light of my life, as i'm sure other parents will tell you about their chil- INNIE, DON'T GO SWIMMING!" the last outburst was directed at her daughter, who was currently trying to wade into the water. "But mo-om!" Innie cried, stepping away from the water. "Don't mom me! That may work with your father, but it won't work for me, missy!" Innocence snorted, then found interest in Jami and Jazz. "Why're you two here? Is Myuna your friend?" She asked, almost bouncing with a large grin.

Paranoia couldn't help but smile gently. "As harsh as I seem with her, she's the light of my life. without her, I'd be lost." She gave a soft sight and a smile, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, watching as Innie attempted to make friends, throwing herself down into a sitting position before Jami.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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