Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Kylo » 05/15/2012 4:57 PM


Ren had no idea what had compelled him to be among other living beings that day but here he was stuck in some dumb park. To make matters worse his rock pigeons had gone off to "play" with the real living breathing pigeons leaving him all alone. He glanced up just in time to see a kid curiously approach one of his birds and he got up and shouted at the kid who ran off screaming and crying. Smirking in satisfaction he went over and roughly snatched up one of his birds and went back to sit down.

He doubted any being of interest would show up, so far all he saw was a bunch of kids and couples running around making far too much noise. Maybe he wanted company earlier but now he just wanted all the other humans to shut up and ship out. He sighed angrily and stroked the pigeon in his grasp for a moment before grinning savagely and smashing it onto the winding sidewalk cracking it and sending tiny pieces of cement rock flying. The pidgeon screeched in pain and desperately tried to fly away only to fall back down to earth and to its demise. Ren found it's death to be satisfying and did not care about the strange looks he had just recieved. He got back up to search for the others. Maybe their untimely deathes would cheer him up.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Middy » 05/16/2012 2:41 AM

Why had he ended up here out of all places? A happy little park, filled with happy little people, going about their happy little lives. Vester spat at the ground at the sickenening thought, then noticed a child looking up at him wide eyed. The boy tugged at his coat, "Mister? I lost my dog... can you help me---" the child's question was cut off by Vester growling at him raising his hand, "Get away from me brat, before I decide to give you a good reason to cry!" the child cried and ran away to his mom, pointing back at him. He could see the terror in the woman's eyes when she noticed the Nazi band he wore on his arm. She appeared to be telling her child to stay away from him. Good, the more people left him alone the better.

Back in the days of war he was at least happy, now years later after making a pact with Lucifer, the Demon Prince of pride and becoming a demon himself, he found his life dull and boring. Vester passed by another group of people who were having quite the interesting conversation with one another. From what he could hear from the jumble of voices and those yelling over others to be heard, there was a man who had been a strange man in the park smashing... stone pigeons? Scratch that, living stone pigeons. He mused to himself that such a thing seemed so silly, and put it aside that these folks were making up stories to amuse each other.

He went on his way not caring about anyone else he ran into, even if he bumped into someone on accident he would shoot them a threatening glare and continue on. He got to sidewalk and heard a loud crunch beneath his boots. He frowned thinking it was just another beer bottle that had been carelessly thrown from a car by a worthless drunken fool. When he looked to see if that was it, he was met with a surprise. It was... a stone pigeon. He scratched under his chin before inspecting it further, noticing a faint twitching in the joint of the rocky wing that would have been otherwise connected to the bird. He stood back up with a mad cackle and looked around to see who had done the deed.

This kind of brutality and finesse reminded him of his earlier days of carving into living flesh of neighborhood dogs and cats and ripping their hearts out to see how long they would live. This was before he moved on to do the same to humans in his later years. Including other heinous and unspeakable acts against man. He stuck the tip of his thumb in his mouth and began to chew on it mindlessly, feeling the small tinge of pain of extended fangs against his skin. Normally he would have felt the high of feeling such pain, but his mind was too focused on finding the genious who killed these living statues. He could have so much fun with him... or her indeed.
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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Kylo » 05/16/2012 4:04 PM

Ren had captured another one of his pigeons and brutally smashed it against a tree cackling all the while. his theory had been correct, killing the other pigeons did improve his sour mood. He did not seem to notice the other odd man that had stepped on the remnants of his first victim until he spun around and noted the bright red arm band. A look of awe went over his face and he grinned. While Ren ahd never been known for beign discrimate against certain races he did indeed fidn the Nazis to eb of interest to him. No Ren hated everyone pretty much equally. He did not care what one was.  He looked down in time to soptt another bird and snatched it up before walking over to the 'Nazi'.

"I see you like my art!" he called out cheerily. Maybe he finally found someone who could appriciate his tastes in art. "You can smash this one if you want!" He thrusted the pigeon towards the man and smiled expectantly up at him. He hoped he was judging him correctly, or otherwise he could get himself hurt again.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Middy » 05/20/2012 1:46 PM

Vester frowned down at the man who had apparently made the statues he so admired. To be honest, he was dissapointed in the man's apperance. Maybe he had expected something... more. This was just how Vester was, he always expected something spectacular even when it came to people who randomly approached him. Then again in his boredom he would take whatever he got, and since he was offering him a chance to torture another living creature, he accepted. He snatched the stone pigeon out of his hands and forcefully threw it on the concrete with all the strength he had, shattering the poor creature into hundreds of pieces. The pained cry it made had Vester smiling, he couldn't imagine how this would play out if the statue were human.

" I zhank you on zis oppurtunity, but are zhese the only ones you have? Pigeons?" he frowned again hoping for the other to respond in saying he had more. Vester would take his chances with him for now, but would leave or destroy him if he found him too boring later on. He was always known for being a dangerous person to hang around with, many of his past 'playmates' would have said to avoid him... but they really couldn't speak now could they? The dead can't speak, and even if they could they wouldn't have their tongues to do so. He made sure to keep those as trophies.
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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Kylo » 05/20/2012 3:29 PM

"Oh no I have far more exciting creations...including humans." he grinned happily as he watched the man throw the pidgeon with such force that it shatter. It's scream sent shivers down Ren's back and he smiled widely. "I keep them back home as they would turn far too many heads if I destroyed them here. I don't want to deal with the authorities. It's bad enough they poked their crooked noses into my business before. Accusing me of art theft. Those scum!" He felt anger rise up in him at the memory of his first art show. They could not seem to believe that a child was capable of such beautiful creations.

"Anyway would you like to see them? They are due for destruction anyway..." He hoped this man would come with him. He had never found someone who appriciated his artwork like this before and would love to speak to him more. Even if he got the feeling that he should run from this man Ren just could not pass up this oppertunity. Maybe he may have even found...a friend. No he could go so far as to think that. After all he still was too odd for real friends.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Middy » 05/20/2012 5:31 PM

Vester mused on the man's offer, he could go back with him to see more interesting creations he had in store, he did mention human subjects, the thing that he was the most skilled in tormenting. He let his pride drop for now just to see what other creatures this strange man managed to capture and morph into statues, there was no telling how much of a menagerie he managed to collect. Plus the added thought that he could destroy some of them, just to let out his pent up anger and aggression. "Hmmm... sure, vhy not. It's not like anyzhing is going on here..."

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes, and grabbed one putting it to his mouth and breathing a small wisp of fire to light it. He put the cigarrete stick in his mouth and crossed his arms, not really caring who saw his fire breathing stunt. In his mind he was a Demon now and could do whatever the hell he wanted, if someone gave him trouble he would just have another soul to torment before devouring them. "So vhere the hell do you live, kid? I'm getting bored out here," he spat at the ground and looked back down at him.

((Also, Vester do swear... a lot o.o Kinda like Cid Highwind XD))
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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Kylo » 05/20/2012 8:34 PM

((That's okay. I'm used to swearing~ *atcually swears a lot in RL* I just hope Vester doesn't get too bored with Ren. :| ))

Ren watched the man light his cigarette with a breath of fire in mild awe. Either the man was a mage or he was something far more, well, sinister. Again pushing the nagging sense of self preservation to the back of his mind he smiled at the man happily. "I live several miles off of the Sa'fir coastline. Less people to bother me that way." Ren hoped it was not too far that the man would ditch him. Then again Sa'fir was all the way in Barakka. He sighed inwardly.

"I can maybe make a new one somewhere more close by though if Sa'fir is too far away." He hoped maybe this idea would save him from losing the man. "Oh and I never got your name by the way. My name's Ren." He breifly considered extending his hand but decided against it. The man didn't seem like the kind of person who enjoyed physical contact with strangers, or anyone really.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Smashing Pigeons in the Park[P:Me &Middy][M:E?]

Postby Middy » 05/23/2012 3:32 AM

Vester stared at Ren quizzically for a moment then gave out a soft chuckle, "If you are vorried about travel then don't be. I have travelled so much that I have become vell accustomed to it. I really don't care if we have to go clear across this continent to see your creations..." he drifted off thinking he was starting to ramble on. He actually found himself growing more and more interested in these living statues, because the simple thrill he found from smashing a simple pigeon was a new kind of high for him. He licked his lips in anticipation, he couldn't imagine slamming a human statue against the wall just to hear the wails of torment and pain. It was just the thing that got him off. That simple fact was also something that worried him, he didn't want to become so worked up that he attacked Ren in that way.

Vester tossed the butt of the cigarette on the floor and stamped it out, reaching in his pack for another one to light. "tch, my name? It's Vester Metzger. My surname means buther. I find it quite... fitting,' his lips curled into a devious smile. "Well since we have introduced ourselves, how about setting off to see your.... collection shall we?" He hoped Ren would say yes and lead him right away, he was growing impatient, but not enough to actually do any harm to this interesting fellow he had bumped into moments earlier.

((Posting on sleep meds yay))
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