Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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A Picnic, oh my! (open)

Postby spaz » 11/27/2007 7:31 PM

(A-fore we start, let's introduce the pets, yes?)
Teal Dream


Sky Child

A young woman mounted on a Cavllier entered. She looked sporty with her brown hair up in a ponytail and her tank top and khaki shorts. On one shoulder perched a Cobalt Match, a Jewel Fenling on the other. They were here! Abbie slid of her Aqua mount and patted it's hide. She had three Cavallions, but Teal Dream was the most stable. Abbie had ridden bareback, but rested a curious affair on the rump of the mount, right behind were she sat.  It composed of many sturdy leather straps that formed a kin of harness. One encirling the barrel of the creature, another the base of the neck. More leather connected the two on the top, botton, and both sides. Where the straps met on the side of the back part of the harness were hung picnic items. The makeshift item had been clumsily made by Abbie herself, to ensure the maximum comfort of Tea. As rough as it looked, it held.
Quantum, the Fenling, and Skychild, the Match, both exited her shoulders while she detached the harness and all of her picnic goodies. This was her first expedition out, so she had only taken her most loyal pets.
Quatum scurried around her feet, and Sky flew circles around Abbie's head, both making a ruckus. But two entirly different types of noise.
Quantum smile his foxy smile as he hissed. "Food. I want fooood." Repeatedly. But she could hardly hear him because Sky was filling her head with noises. And bread! I like bread! Maybe some of those little purple things, yes, grapes. And so much food! Feed Skychild, Abbie, Skychild is hungry! She smiled as she spread out the blanket, leaving Tea to graze nearby. Some couldn't understand why these noisy friends made her happy, but she smiled because even without humans, these extrordinary pets ensured that she needn't be lonely, ever again.
She laid down on the blanket with her two little friends and spread out the  food. Crumbled bread and rasberries for Sky and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a piece for her and Quantum. She checked in the basket. Good, there was plenty of food left incase anyone dropped by.
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Postby robopup24 » 11/27/2007 8:46 PM

Baron Friedrich von Steuben 1.1/Liliuokalani 1.1

It was so annoying. Here they are, in the middle of a 'peaceful' haven and left out of the war. Baron Friedrich von Steuben (called Baron for short) was rather unhappy at the turns of events. There was a war going on and...they left him and his sister out of it!

Lili shared the same feelings as her brother. The very thought of it all! They should be out there in the ranks, fighting...but no...they were sent here to 'relax'. Relax in this time? Ha!

Comically, the older one, Baron, was shorter than his sister, Liliuokalani. The two had taken on their human forms and were wandering about, bored out of their wits.

Baron in his human form was rather imposing. His black hair is streaked with red highlights and his bangs cover most of his thin, pale face. He had three streaks of red on his cheeks, similar to claw marks. His large, pale white eyes frowned at the sunny park. He was overall thin. He wore his usual long, black trench coat and red bandana tied around his neck. The only Gallizar part of him visible is his tail. His tri-corn hat was comically titled on one side.

Lili in her human form can be called...cute. She wore a black beanie hat and her large, round glasses made her look a bit chibish. Her eyes was also a pale white, like her brother, and her long, silky white hair that hung down her back, gently caressed by the breeze. Lili's clothes was a bit odd: she wore a long, black dress, with white spots sewn on the hem. If one was to look closer, there was a long scar down her arm. She was quite pale. Also, like her brother, the only thing that gave her away as a Gallizar was her tail.

"I'm bored." Lili complained. "You're boringness isn't helping, Baron!"

"Shut up." her brother snarled back. "It's bad enough to be here without you whining!"

Lili was about to answer with a scalding retort when she noticed some pets in the distance. "Look, Baron! Others! They're having a picnic! I wonder if they'll let us join in too!"

"Lili, don't..."

It was too late. The Jester Gallizar was already running toward the strangers. Baron sighed and followed her.

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby spaz » 11/27/2007 9:16 PM

Abbie saw the two people approaching her picnic spot, and perked up. She raised herself from her lounging position into a crosslegged sit.
"Look Fengling, there are some people to come join us." She remarked to the strange purple darling.
In his rough, snake-like voice he asnwered. "No."
She looked at him questioningly, but he didn't say anything more. Quantum could be strange like that sometimes.
Sky trilled a greeting to the newcomers and Abbie set out some of her choice snacks. She produced some cold sparkling cider and glasses, plates and silverware. She had made pasta salad, tossed with oil, mixed with fennel, and diced tomatoes. There, everything was ready.

(very short, apologies.)
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Postby Asrya » 11/28/2007 2:04 AM

Wood Rexxel

A young woman walks out onto the park grounds, followed ( a bit reluctantly) by a Rexxel that seems much more interested in passing tufts of grass than in the jean-clad woman. She's dressed in jeans, a black tee-shirt with a pink butterfly on it and a jean jacket that falls to her hips comfortably. A jean hat tops her casual outfit off.
Asrya's long brown hair is plaited down her back. Even braided it still falls to her hips. Her bangs frame her roundish face and wisps float over her hazel eyes.
"Moriko, come on. We can always see what's going on around here." She turns toward the wood Rexxel and smiles lightly. The feline looks lazily toward the woman before turning her eyes back up at a drift of thistledown that floated past. Her tail flicks lazily.
The rex turned back and padded past the woman, who only smiled and followed the feline.
Moriko padded along the grass ahead of the woman. Both seem content to simply walk and enjoy the sights of the park and the other occupants.
<center>*A young woman steps up in jeans and a teeshirt. Grinning widely she adjusts her hat in a polite nod and walks past, accompanied by the soft sound of bells*
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Postby robopup24 » 11/28/2007 8:10 PM

Baron 1.2/Lili 1.1

Baron had finally caught up to his sister who was busy introducing herself. "...I'm Liliuokalani, you can call me Lili...and this is my brother: Baron Friedrich von Steuben-"

"Just call me Baron." He snapped. Ah crud, why did they have to interefere with others? This was too...what? Peaceful? He just hated this place. "Lili, let's go now."

"You take the fun out of everything, Baron." Lili pouted. "Let's just stay a little longer! They have enough food for us."

"We can't just take their food!"

"We're not taking it: they offered it to us."

"Liliuokalani..." Baron's voice was dead serious.

His sister, however did not seem intimidated. "C'mon, just sit down! Relax!"

Relax? Was his sister mad?

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby spaz » 11/28/2007 8:33 PM

Abbie agreed with Lili.
"Yes, come sit down. I have more food than I kniw what to do with .So please, come eat with me, I could use the company."
She patted the large blanket.
"Let me intriduce myself and my pets. I'm Aberdeen Abbie. My Fenling here is Quantum, this little fluff ball is Skychild, and that aqua Cavallion over there," she pointed to the next hill over, "is Tea."

She spotted a brown haired girl wandering down the path. Leaning to the side so she could see past her oddly pale new friends she called to the other.
"Hello there! Care to come join us for an afternoon snack?"
While she waited for an answer she turned back to the pair.
"Baron, you said? I insist, please partake in this excellent meal with me."
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Postby robopup24 » 11/28/2007 8:43 PM

Baron 1.3/Lili 1.3

He was trapped. Baron couldn't leave without Lili...and she knew it. Curse her! Baron reluctantly sat down, his tail twitching with annoyance. Lili, however, was perfectly happy to have a picnic with the others.

"It's really nice to meet you all...right Baron?"


Lili frowned at him and pushed up her glasses with one finger. "Why do you have to be so moody?"

Baron burst out. "There's a war going on, Lili! We should be there, helping the Imperials! And all you ask is why I'm so moody?"

His sister answered almost immediantly, her tone equally sharp. "We can't be fighting all the time, Baron! Just relax, 'kay? It's good for the soul."

"Good for the soul my-"

"Watch your tongue!" Lili cheerfully reminded him. Baron mumbled something under his breath, watching the others carefully.

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Asrya » 11/29/2007 1:04 AM

Rya looked over at the voice. She blinks several times before smiling.
"Hey Moriko, want to get something to eat?" She turns toward the Rexxel.
Moriko lets the flower she'd pounced on spring back up. The Rexxel then moved up to Rya's side, silver bells tinkling softly.
The girl reaches down to scratch the feline's ears with a loving smile. "It'll be alright." She smiles again as she steps toward Abbie and her pets as well as Baron and Lilli.
"Hello." She smiles brightly. "I'm Asrya." She smiles again, motioning to the Rexxel. "This is Moriko. How do you do?" She speaks with a light accent
She slips her hands into her pockets, The Rexxel watching the grouping of others cautiously.
<center>*A young woman steps up in jeans and a teeshirt. Grinning widely she adjusts her hat in a polite nod and walks past, accompanied by the soft sound of bells*
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Postby spaz » 11/29/2007 8:51 PM

Abbie smiled. "I'm Abbie, I'm fine, it's a wonderful day. Well come have seat with us, would you like some brownies?"
While her two other guests had been fighting, she had tactically buired her head in the picnic basket, only emerging once the two were done. One they had finished, she popped out with a plate of brownies and now held it out to the newcomers.
Quantum had other ideas. He jumped over the plate and snatched a brownie in the process. With his treasure he quickly made of to the tree overhead. Abbie could hear him chuckling from a branch abover her head.
"Quantum, that was very bad manners, come down here now."
"No." A hissing voice replied. "Quantum likesss heesss brownie. I not came down."
Abbie faced her guests and explained. "He is quite intelligent but some times he gets tenses mixed up, as he's still rather young. Apologies for his rude behavior."
Sky dispensed justice to the theif, pecking his head and mentally screaming. Theif! Thief! Bad no took Abbie food, very bad, get peck head!
"And Sky takes her job as Inquisitor and general rule-enforcer very seriously. Tea over there just doesn't seem to care."
Tea snorted and went back to grazing.
"So as I was saying, who wants a brownie?"
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Postby robopup24 » 11/29/2007 9:12 PM

Baron 1.4/Lili 1.4

Lili smiled. "Thank you!" She took a brownie and nibbled at the chocolate treat. "This is delicious! Where did you learn to bake?"

Baron remained cold and unmoving, glaring at the others with hateful eyes. He tilted his hat slightly down, covering his face. "No thank you." His tone was incredibly cold. It was so harsh that it made Lili wince.

"Baron, you can't be that rude! Take a brownie!"

"I said," His voice began to take on an impatient tone. ""

Lili sighed and turned to Abbie and the others. "I'm really sorry, he's just mad that he couldn't participate in the war."

"We should be out there instead of sitting here." Baron sharply pointed out once more.

"Oh shut up!" Lili snapped back. Her brother sank back into a dark silence.

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Asrya » 11/29/2007 11:36 PM

"Personally I'm glad to not have the war at my door." Rya says quietly. She takes a treat with a smile and nod before sitting down, offering half to the Rexxel. Moriko sniffs it before taking it carefully.
"I'd be happier if it didn't happen at all. I don't like war. It never makes people happy, and itcauses pain everywhere it touches."
She reaches up to brush a bit of hair from her face before shifting to kneel beside the blanket. She grins at Quantum and Skye. "They're adorable."
Moriko seems completely content ignoring the others there. It wasn't moving, nor was it bothering her. So she sits primly on the grass, once and again she'll nibble the brownie she's been given.

(post total-3)
<center>*A young woman steps up in jeans and a teeshirt. Grinning widely she adjusts her hat in a polite nod and walks past, accompanied by the soft sound of bells*
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Postby Asrya » 12/01/2007 8:21 PM

Moriko leapt up and darted off after a puff of thistle.
Asrya blinks and nods shortly toward the group. "I apologize. Excuse me." She rushes after the Rexxel. "Moriko! Come back! Don't! No! Moriko!"
She leaps over a Cuniflare in her pursuit of the Rexxel.
"Mooooriiiiko!" Her long hair flies behind her as she rushes after the much faster creature. "No! Come back!"
Moriko leaps nimbly between a pair of legs belonging to a larger human, bells tinkling and ringing musically. Fortunately even if she got out of sight, Asrya could still track the feline.
Rya is almost not as lucky, just avoiding the man. "Gomen Nasai!" She calls out behind her, only to slide in the grass and land flat on her rear. Cursing under her breath she starts to get up, listening to the sound of silver bells get softer and softer.
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Postby Asrya » 12/01/2007 10:19 PM

Rya finally got to her feet, only to take two steps and land once more on her rear. Dirty and grass-stained she just shakes her head. She brushes her hands over the grass-stained knees of her jeans and sighs.
Moriko's bells tinkle and jingle softly as she returns, peering around the brush at her downed mistress. In her mouth is a large flower, slightly chewed, but lovingly brought to the fallen woman. A prickly  purple peace offering made in a pleasant place of peace. (beat THAT! hahahah!)
Rya blinks in suprise. "Aki...Domo Moriko." She scritches the Rex's ears, getting up and taking the prickly flower in hand tenderly. She stands up. "Let's go find something to eat, hai?" She smiles at the feline and steps for the exit with her Rexxel trotting a bit closer to her than she was when they entered.
(level up, post 5 yay)
(leaving the area too)
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Postby spaz » 12/01/2007 10:49 PM

Abbie stared after the girl. "Well that was strange." She remarked, rather suprised. This was turning into an interesting day.
"Yessss." Said Quantum, nodding his head hyperactivly. He jumped down from the branch and started chasing his tails. Everytime he got close to catching one, another of the three distracted him.
"He gets very hyper after having sugar." Abbie explained. Sky chirruped in agreement. The blue bird had come down and was taking crumbs of bread from her owner's hand.
Tea was done grazing, and came slowly back to the party. She whickered and nudged Abbie with her head, nearly toppling the girl over.
"Yes, yes, I brought apples." She said, giving the Cavallion one.
"So, you said you wanted to join the war. for which side? And why?" She inquired politly.
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Postby endermage » 12/03/2007 8:38 PM


As Demeter began to walk through the edges of the forest she saw something in the distance. It was shiny and reflective,  and was a bright red. As she moved closer she noticed it was a slide. As she walked past it she saw a group of pets sitting together having a picnic. They had joy in their eyes and were discussing...something...she couldn't tell. Demeter hated to be rude and disturb the group...but she needed to be around other beings.  "Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt your conversation but do you mind if I sit with you?"
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