Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/01/2011 6:49 PM

Don't be sorry! It didn't hurt as badly as it did when the thing was pinching me on it's own. She smiled gratefully before dabbing at her nose again. And looks like it's stopped bleeding already, but thank you for the offer. Dutifully, she stood up and gingerly put her nose back to work, circling the area around them, making sure they didn't miss an egg while dealing with the crayfish.

Now it would be twice as wonderful if we could find an egg. She sigh chuckled, momentarily looking up at Yura before going back to work. Idly, she wondered how many eggs they were going to find, and if it would be like hunting for wild creatures.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/01/2011 6:58 PM

Well, at least it had stopped bleeding. Atayura would have felt terrible if they couldn't get Beltain's nose to stop bleeding. She was pretty sure that most canines felt as though their sense of smell was probably the most important sense, and if her nose kept bleeding that would probably mean she wouldn't be able to use it for quite some time. She'd either smell nothing but blood or something would be damaged enough that she couldn't smell at all.

"Alright. If you say so. I'm still sorry it happened..." Not to mention she was feeling pretty useless. She hadn't spotted a single egg herself, so it felt like Beltain was doing all the work, even if she hadn't found one yet either. "Maybe we'll find some eggs in a cluster at some point. Or maybe all the eggs in this area have all been found already... We are pretty close to the entrance still."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/01/2011 10:53 PM

Heh, I am too. She shook her head, while she may not have been bleeding, her nose was somewhat sore from the injury and the constant movement caused by her snuffling only compounded the problem. At mention of their proximity to the entrance, Beltain sat down and looked further out into the park. Hm... well, if Terry was throwing them, then they could be anywhere. I guess we should keep doing what we're doing, but head further into the park. What do you think? It was rather strange, to throw eggs instead of carefully hide them. But then again, there was enough grass and natural hiding places that she supposed hiding them would end up being too much work.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/01/2011 11:08 PM

As Beltain sat down in the grass Atayura paused as well, eyes gazing out in to the vast expanse before them. "Yeah... I think moving further inward before getting down and really searching would be a good idea. There have already been a few groups through here, so I'm willing to bet that if there were eggs in this area they'd be taken already. Compared to deeper in it's a lot more open. Mostly grass, whereas if we go deeper I'm sure we'll get in to areas with a lot more hiding places for people to have missed."

She wasn't sure if Terry had thrown all of them or if the one that hit her had just escaped his grasp and somehow ended up flying through the air. Still, he did seem odd enough to have done that. It meant a lot more places for them to be, since otherwise he'd probably have a hard time getting them in to tree and whatnot.
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/01/2011 11:59 PM

She remained sitting for a moment more, surveying the land. Finally, she shrugged and got to her feet again, putting her abused nose to work again. Well, won't do any good to sit and talk about it, will it? Let's get to finding us some eggs! She was keeping a brisk pace, searching for a hint of a scent from Terry. If the cuniflare had simply thrown the eggs, she wouldn't find a good trail to follow. Instead, she was looking for brief snatches of his scent, in the hopes that an egg had landed and either rolled or bounced.

If she had been brave enough, she would have asked Atayura to change to her corbine form to see if she could see an egg from the air. But, she hadn't seemed too thrilled about her own species, and always one to avoid causing trouble, she kept silent.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 12:11 AM

The moment Beltain started walking again Atayura was at her heels, basket swaying back and forth in her grasp. "Have you been able to catch any hint of Terry's scent at all? I imagine it took him a long time to hide all the eggs if there really are that many out here. Maybe the scent trail has faded away already..." She added on the second and third sentence after she realized that asking such a question might be thought of as poking fun at Beltain for not finding anything yet when she meant nothing for the sort.

Meanwhile, a few meters to their left lay a cluster of speckled eggs, which looked almost as if they had been painted. They were relatively large, at least bigger than a Roosken egg, and speckled with light blue spots covering the entire thing. The only thing that kept them from being very visible were a few branches from a nearby bush covering them up. A small patch of yellow fur had gotten caught on one of the branches though, probably from a certain Cuniflare passing through the area.
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 1:30 AM

No, I haven't; I'm sorry. Beltain's ears flattened and her tails momentarily drooped in shame. Her nose wasn't helping them much at all, and she felt useless. I don't know if it has or if Terry was just throwing them around like he was when I got smacked in the face. I bet everyone else that's out here managed to duck...

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bit of fluff caught on the branch, and she instantly turned around, not waiting for Yura's response. Look! I bet that belongs to Terry! She began to make her way through the grass toward the branch, totally focused on the fluff so that she missed the eggs.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 1:41 AM

At first, Atayura was completely fixated on the tuft of fur as well, overlooking the eggs tucked away under the brush. After the two were close enough she bent down to pull the fur free, looking over at Beltain. "Maybe with this you'd be able to get a fresh sniff of his scent and work from there. If it's his that is. I mean... he's probably not the only thing with yellow fur that's been through here. But it's at least possible that it might be his, so it'd be something to work off of."

When she was turning back to look where the fur came from again her eyes finally caught sight of the cluster of eggs tucked away. Without a word she put down the fur, back where she found it so it wouldn't be blown away by the wind, and started to pull away the branches and vines that had been covering them. "Look. Maybe he did actually hide a few without throwing them after all. It looks like there are actually a few right here. The fur must have gotten caught when he was putting them here."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 1:48 AM

Alrighty! She sniffed the tuft of fur, but it didn't smell anything like Terry. She was about to apologize and break the news to Yura, when she spotted the eggs. Alright! That may not be Terry's fur, but eggs are eggs! I wonder how they- OW!

A female polly had dove to peck at Beltain's head, and she was turning around to aim at Atayura. Oh, I wonder what I could have possibly done now. Beltain ducked, ears flattened and tails once again tucked to her belly as she crawled away from the nest. She wasn't brave enough to grab an egg with this new attacker coming at them. Yura, can you ask her what's wrong? In her haste to get away before she was injured further, Beltain never thought that the eggs they had found were the polly's. She had never seen one of their eggs and thought they must surely be the easter eggs they were after.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 12:05 PM

By the time the Polly had started to dive at them, one of the eggs had already been in Atayura's basket. She was reaching for a second one when she felt the sharp strike of a beak against the back of her head, causing her to drop the entire basket. Luckily since there was slight padding in the basket the egg didn't break, otherwise the two of them would probably be in far more trouble with the Polly than if they just simply put them back.

There were a few more pecks before Atayura put the egg she had been holding down and turned around, waving a hand around to keep the Polly away from her face. She started to ask it a question but quickly stopped as the avian was already squawking at the two of them, mostly Atayura who was still too close to the nest for comfort.

"Oh!" Turning around, she took the egg out of her basket and gently put it back with the other two that were in there before looking back at Beltain to speak, "Apparently this is her nest, not a bundle of easter eggs. I never knew Polly eggs were so colorful before." She brushed the vines and what not back over the nest before moving over toward Beltain as to show the Polly that she was not after the nest at all.
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 8:38 PM

Oh! Raising a bit out of the grass, and unsure if the polly would even understand her, Beltain shouted at the avian who was now re-arranging her eggs before sitting on them, I'm sorry! I hope I didn't do too much damage to your babies! Happy parenting!

Ducking back down into the grass, Beltain smiled sheepishly at Yura, I didn't either, but I wish she'd have just screamed at us instead of pecking. Embarrassed, Beltain looked down at her paws, unsure how to proceed. She'd upset a crayfish by destroying it's home, frightened a polly by disturbing her nest, and quite frankly, she wasn't sure if she was brave enough to risk upsetting another creature. But on the other hand, she wasn't brave enough to quit and risk disappointing Yura. Unsure of herself, she looked up at Yura to see if her companion would have an idea.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 8:55 PM

Moving further away from the Polly to ensure that she didn't do anything to further upset it, Atayura gave a nod and rubbed the back of her throbbing head. She was pretty sure she could feel a tiny bit of liquid even. Not like there was a gaping hole in the back of her head currently, but it still hurt like heck. She could've gotten the message if the dang bird had just yelled at them instead of attacking. She guessed it was probably in the Polly's best interest to do so though just in case they had been after them as a meal or something.

"Sorry for causing you trouble, Beltain... I should've thought better than to believe that Terry would put more than one egg per hiding place. That would have been too easy for people to find a lot of them if he had done something like that..." She looked down at the ground, disappointed in herself, and continued on, "I can understand if you'd rather not continue searching with me after that."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 9:14 PM

She jerked up and forward so fast, she almost pulled a couple of muscles. Standing before Yura with her tails and ears standing straight up, she gasped before she began on one of her long winded apologies. No! No, no no! I don't blame you, Yura, it was an honest mistake! I thought they were easter eggs too, and it an honest mistake, especially since they're so brightly colored! If anything, I should have realized they weren't the eggs we were looking for when I realized the yellow fluff didn't belong to Terry. I'm sorry I got you attacked from my own carelessness! Please don't blame yourself though, honestly, I don't blame you at all!

She would have continued on like this for some time, but thankfully for Yura, she ran out of breath.
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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2011 9:23 PM

The longer Beltain talked the more confused the human form corbine became. She was not typically one to over-apologize herself, but she knew that she should apologize when she had done something wrong or idiotic. Beltain had done nothing wrong when Atayura had grabbed one of the eggs, so she saw it as there should be nothing for the Lucain to apologize about, yet here she was running herself out of breath doing so.

She waited for her to stop and then gave a small shake of her head before saying, "You don't have to say you're sorry. I probably would have grabbed them anyways. So it's not your fault that I was attacked. Plus you were the one that she hit first."
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Re: Slot 4: Draiz and Mojave

Postby Mojave » 05/02/2011 10:09 PM

She hated to say it, but in all honesty, her next words were the truth, as much as she'd like to be able to blame herself. It really wasn't anyone's fault, just a mistake. You don't have to apologize, and if you insist that it's not my fault either, let's just keep looking for more eggs. She smiled uncertainly at Yura, but got up, tails wavering behind her as she once more put her nose to the ground. Certain that Yura would follow, she began following a trail that had a trace of Terry's scent. Possibly an egg that landed and rolled? She hoped so. I think I found something! She exclaimed before picking up her pace. Once again, she wasn't paying much attention, and failed to notice the terrain changing underfoot.
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