Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 01/24/2009 12:57 AM

OOC: No I don't mind at all.

Sitara slowly nods her head no not wanting to scare off the Mr. Wilson. "Thank you though." She whispers as quietly as possible. When she sees that the bird has calmed down quite a bit she sighs happily and turns her head to the little girl. "Yes I can. You are in Terrace Park. Where do you live I might be able to give you directions home." She turns back to the Mr. Wildon who has come out of the bush and was wandering about outside. Kai smiled as he went around doing his birdy business. She hoped that eventually he would get used to her presence enough so that he would sit in her lap, but she would have to be patient and wait just a little longer for that to happen.

"Neo, why won't you let me see Eliot. I really want to." Neopolitain growls in the basket as her son began to nurse. "Quit asking me already I've told you before only Kai can see him. I want him all to myself for just a little longer." Lila looks at the basket confused "All to yourself? Didn't you have him all to yourself since he was born?" Neopolitain sighs. She knew this question would come from someone sooner or later, but she still had dreaded it all the same. "No not exactly. After I gave birth all the kits were taken away from me into a different room. Tanzanite and I tried to fight them off but they knocked us out. When I woke up Kai and Eliot were with me and the other kits and Tanzanite were gone." She stares down at the silver rose bracelet he gave her. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought about him and kits hopeing that they were alright. "I don't even know what happened to them. I just hope those awful doctors didn't do anything to them." She was openly crying now, wishing and hopeing for the safety for the family that she never got to have.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 01/24/2009 1:09 AM

Enerjetick knew that girl was not human."I live in the Slums." she said walking away. As soon as she saw the Mr.Wilson, she let out a bestial growl at it.As soon as it got far enough from the human it dissapeared and reappeard near the kuhnas and the leawolf. "Hello, you there.", She said to the leawolf she saw the cake kuhna. It had obiously given birth, it was very grumpy and crying.
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 01/28/2009 2:30 PM

The Mr. Wison, surprised by the growl, hopped and fluttered away directly into the girls lap.  Humans were sympathetic, unlike wild BEASTS! So here he remained.  Huh... She was rather... warm... Maybe he'd just settle down right here.  Yah, that sounded like a good idea to him.  He was tired of all these scary pets trying to hurt him.

(( Talk about forced taming! But good job, you er "win"? I'll send the code over ASAP. ))
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 01/28/2009 8:37 PM

OOC: I got a Mr. Wilson Yay! By the way this post is not going to be good. I'm pretty sick right now.

Kai held the poor scared Mr. Wilson in her arms trying to calm him down. Poor thing, with all the other pets and that awful girl (if she was even a girl) he must be terrified. "There there." She strokes his head "Don't you worry. I'll take care of you."

Lila is taken aback at her story. how could people do that to her. "Oh, Neo I'm sorry. That is absolutely horrible. I'm going to talk to Kai about this. I'm sure that she can fix this." Neopolitain sniffs as she tries to wipe away here tears. "Thank you." Eliot crawls blindly towards his mother not liking the noises that she was making. As he crawls up to her face he feels how wet it was. That wasn't right. Her face wasn't normally like this, he licks her cheeks trying to dry them off some. Neopolitain smiles at her son. Her son who no one was going to take away. Lila looks up as the newcomer arrives. "Hello there, who are you?"
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 01/28/2009 8:47 PM

OOC-Congrats on the Mr.Wilson.  :D

"My name is Scylla.",she said,she was trying to act as cute as she could, then she saw the kit."A beautiful kit you have there.", now she was actually being nice, she had a soft spot for babies. She remembered her and her brother as babies, back when they still cared for eachother. While she was thinking she tripped and fell out of the shadow, and her nails turned into claws, quickly she stood back up behind the shadow, and she went back to the form of the little girl. Hopefuly noone noticed.

Enerjetick sat on a log away from Kai. It was a cute picture, but he didn't want to go near, he might scare it away. He just sat there for a while, not doing anything.
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 01/31/2009 11:47 PM

OOC:Just so you know Neo and Eliot are inside a picnic basket. However we can play it out so that Scylla hears them in the basket, then opened the lid to investigate.

Kai strokes the Mr. Wilson's head trying to calm him down. "There, there. It's alright. No one is going to hurt you here." She couldn't believe that awful girl snapping at him like that. Actually she probably wasn't even a girl at all. No matter, she was gone. "You know you can't be scared of all creatures all the time." She thought about what would happen if she tried to bring him home to her pen. Most likely the little guy would have a heart attack. He would just have to learn the hard way. "Enerjetick, could you come here please?" Mr. Wilson was so comfortable in this human's lap he never wanted to leave. He even started to dose off listening to the girl's voice.

Lila watched the small girl with some apprehension. Human's stayed with their young for years and this one wasn't even old enough to be left alone. "Scylla, huh. An interesting name for a human." She gasps as she gets near the lid of the basket. "No wait don't go in there! She wants to be left alone." Too late the lid was open with Neo and Eliot exposed to the elements. Eliot cringes in the bright light, but within a second a shadow covers him. He cannot see who or what it is as his eyesight is still not fully functional, but he still crawls into his mother's stomach fur. Neopolitain hisses at the girl, something did not seem right about her. "You stay away from my baby." Lila turns just in time to see Scylla's claws turn back into nails. "Alright just what are you?"
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 02/01/2009 10:13 AM

Enerjatick walked over to the human and the cute bird. "Yes, what Kai?",He said.

"Yes, as you can see, I'm not human, I'm a Serraptor.",She admitted, and she transformed into her true form,"I'm not some kind of monster either,It's not like I'm going t eat you.",She stepped back from the basket, she let out a sigh, that was everyone's reaction to her being not a human.She leaned to the side of the tree, and scratched the bark.
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 02/01/2009 2:18 PM

Kai pats the ground next to her inviting him to sit down next to her. The Mr. Wilson goes wild. Another creature was here and was going to eat him. Kai sighs sadly. She knew that he was scared, but this is what had to be done. "You see I'm afraid that I will not be able to take him home if I can't get him used to being around pets. So I was hopeing that you might sit here with me until he understands that not every creature is out to eat him." The Mr. Wilson struggled to get out of Kai's arms, but she holds on to him tightly. "You know I haven't figured out a name for him yet. Do you have any suggestions?"

Lila is a little relieved when Scylla changed into her true form. She at least knew that they were not on the menu today. "You must understand, Neo isn't letting anyone come near Eliot yet. In fact the only being that can come near him is Kai." Lila looks over to Scylla as she scratches the tree. It seemed odd to her to be able to change into a humaniod form. If she had a choice she wouldn't do it. She loved her purple leafy self and wouldn't cahnge a thing about it. "Why do you choose to stay in a human form anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to stay in your seraptor self?"

Eliot wrapped himself in his mother's fur holding onto her tightly. "Eliot your going to suffocate if you stay there." Neopolitain nudges him out from under her moving him over to the side of the basket with the lid shut Eliot looks for where his mother went then starts to focus on the large blob in front of him. As works on trying to figure out what it is a pink spot starts to form soon some brown and white follow. He touches the pink and white area with his paw and they were furry just like his mother was, so this must be his mother. Neopolitain stuck her tails out of the basket letting th sun warm them up. She wanted to get out of the basket to stretch out for a little while, but was too afraid to leave Eliot alone. As he touched her nose and face she wondered what was going through her son's head. Was he seeing her for the first time?
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 02/03/2009 6:05 PM

Enerjetick sat down beside her, "Yes true he will never survive if he dosen't get used to other pets, and I've never been good at naming things....", Enerjetick said," You should think about it, just make sure it's something that both you and the Mr.Wilson like."

"I don't know why I do, I really do like being a serraptor more, just.....I have to change forms every so often, I get really bored easily.", She said. Sure, she was hungry but she wasn't going to eat the small little mammals. She smiled and jumped into the branches of the tree,"Want some apples, there are a lot up here.", she said as she impaled an apple with her claw and ate it.
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 02/06/2009 12:57 AM

Kai strokes the now frantic Mr. Wilson trying to calm him down. "Well, lets see. Maybe his name should be Bruce. I've always liked that name and I think it kind of suits him." The Mr. Wilson, now known as Bruce, settled down as he realized that there was no escape from his fate. His life was over and he was going to be eaten. What a horrible way to go. He heard the human call him a Bruce. He guessed that was her name for snack. "He seems to be settling down. I guess that this is a step in the right direction." She continues to stroke his back hopeful that he could become more friendly with time.

As Scylla asks about an apple Lila's stomach growls. She hadn't eaten in a while and she supposed that now would be a good time. "Yes, I would like one. Could you throw some down? I'm not the best at climbing." Lila can hear Neopolitain's stomach rumble from inside the basket. "I think that Neo might need one too." Neo sighed in the basket she did very much want to go outside and explore. That's what she would be doing if not for Eliot. Not that she resented him of course, but she was starting to warm up to the idea of leaving him in the care of someone else for a few minutes at a time. Eliot crawls back a little to find out what else he could see. When he looks at his mother he can see her light brown fur and pink eyes. All these colors were so amazing he wondered what other colors the world had to offer he just had to see all of them. Little Eliot is turning into his mother after all.
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 02/06/2009 6:34 PM

"Bruce, nice name.", Enerjetick said. He looked around and saw the Treasure Serraptor,"Scylla...", He whispered to himself. He knew it was her, the little shape shifting serraptor. She lived near his home, he wondered what she was doing here. He looked back at Kai," So how long do you think it'll be until he can learn to live with other pets?", He asked.

Scylla tossed down a few apples, and jumped down off the branch. She landed gracefully, and asked,"So how long have you been with that human, I think you said her name was Kai?" Suddenly there was a surge of pain in her head."Argg!!!!!!!", she cried in pain. She started to transform,"I must leave goodbye! I hope-Arrgh!! That we could talk again-Argh!!! another time!", she seemed to blend in with the scenery and disappear.
((Sorry I have to pull her out))
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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby Sitara » 02/10/2009 4:07 PM

Kai scratches Bruce's head. "You know I'm not exactly sure when he will become used to other pets. But, I have a feeling that if I just put him with my leawolves for a while he'll be fine. They are all very careing creatures. Not to mention that they all live out back in the garden so he will have many places to hide away when he wants." Bruce coos softly. Why weren't they getting this feeding over with already? Maybe they weren't going to eat him after all. Nah, they were probably waiting for more monsters to arrive. He coos sadly. "I wish I knew what he was thinking."

Neopolitain peeks out of the basket to stare at the departing serraptor "That was strange." Lila nods her head. "Indeed. Oh look Neo." Lila points the the ground around the base of the tree where extra apples lay. "When Scylla dashed off she knocked off extra apples from the tree. We should pick them up and bring them to Kai." Neopolitain laughs. "We? Oh no. It was your idea, you pick them up. I'm stay'n right here with Eliot to make sure that your apples don't hit him." Lila sighs as she walks around the tree picking up the few fallen apples and placing them inside the basket. Wasn't anything going to make her leave that kit for a few minutes. As she puts all the apples inside the basket she picks up with a great heave as it had gotten much heavier. "Woah, Lila what are you doing?" Lila doesn't respond as she would drop the basket if she talked. She slowly amkes her way over towards Kai and Enerjetick.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Family outing (Private)

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 02/12/2009 8:26 PM

"Well there are some pets that can read minds...", Enerjetick thought while pondering. It must get boring knowing what everyone is thinking, there would be no suprises anymore. He turned around to see the leawolf walking towards them with the basket in her mouth."Oh look your friend is coming.", he said pointing to the leawolf."Oh my, It's getting late, sorry but I must go.", he said."Maybe we can talk some other time, and maybe the Mr.Wilson will open up to other pets, by then", he joked as he run out from the park.
((I'm leaving this Rp now, see ya.^^))
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