Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/28/2016 1:34 PM


I never once considered that my powers were something I ought to be more careful with. I was born with them, as much as I was born, and my skill was innate. It never occurred to me that something could go a different way than I intended. I was reckless and selfish. Though, it was lesson that I may have taken to heart, even though I could not say that it changed me. Besides, the outcome, though temporary, was fascinating.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/28/2016 1:38 PM

Sitting all by herself on a park bench, little Yanora ignored all the other children running around her. A few kids had approached her, here and there, in an attempt to invite her to play. However, she turned them down each time. By now, the other children had all given up and didn't bother her. While they ran around and played, she had her head down, much of her face veiled with her long, black hair, nose in a book.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/28/2016 1:55 PM

Many children were in the park today. They were on some sort of field trip, although it wasn't all that exciting. They called it a field trip, but it was really just a way to get them all outside to play. They were just let loose in the park, free to run around and play as they wanted to. It could have been called an extended recess. Either way, taking a break from the class room was always nice, so thought the teachers.

Yanora didn't mind, one way or another. In fact, she actually didn't like being out in the sun, so the artificial lighting of the class room was more suited to her tastes. But she enjoyed being able to read freely, instead of being stuck doing boring classwork first.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/28/2016 2:31 PM

[Human Form]
[Retains Ears, Tails]

Unlike Yanora, there was a child that was incredibly popular with the others. Well, young Zelosis was popular with a lot of girls in the school, but not all of the other boys. Unlike many of the other boys, he was nice to the girls, and didn't chase them around with bugs or other icky things that they didn't like. He even humored them. When they asked, he'd play house with them, and other games that a lot of the boys said were too girly. The young prince had been told from a very young age to always treat women with respect, so he never thought it was strange to be nice and play with the girls.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/28/2016 2:38 PM

Some of the boys actually made fun of him for playing with the girls. But, more so than that, some made fun of him for his long, bright pink hair. He often heard something like, "Pink is for girls! Your hair is pink, so you must really be a girl!" Zelos didn't usually let it bother him, though. He had already realized that you just couldn't  get along well with everyone. Ignoring their comments made his life easier.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/30/2016 7:13 PM

The boy had been surrounded by a number of the girls, five or so, all begging him to come play with them instead of the others. Zelos smiled at them, but finally shook his head. "I'm sorry, everyone!" He had to speak loudly to be heard over all their voices, but they all went quiet when they heard his voice. "I can't play with you today. I can't leave my best friend all alone today."

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/30/2016 7:16 PM

His words were shortly followed by disappointed sighs from all the girls around him, but he quickly slipped between them. He practically made a run for it, before any of them changed their minds about letting him get away so easily. From the distance, though, he heard at least one of complaining about his choice of best friend. "Why does he like her?" She said. He didn't turn back to look at them, although he could easily tell who said it. It wasn't worth his time.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/30/2016 7:19 PM

Yanora hadn't noticed the girls loudly chattering away not all that far from her, nor had she noticed it was Zelos that they were bothering. Even with him running right for her, she didn't look up from her book, not once. One might have been surprised that she could ignore something so blindingly pink in her peripheral vision, but it was simply just how talented she was. The young girl was marvelous when it came to ignoring the outside world and, anyone and anything other than herself usually fell into that category. When she was distracted by a book, it was all the more likely that she did not give any regard to her surroundings, unless she sensed something dangerous.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/30/2016 7:23 PM

When he was but a few steps away, she did notice him approaching, but chose to ignore him. As he stepped in front of her, almost too close, and didn't look up. Yanora simply kept reading, turning to the next page of her book.

Zelos wasn't the sort to stand for being ignored so blatantly, though. He suddenly reached out, grabbing her wrist, and giving it a gentle pull. "Come on, Yanni!"

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2016 6:58 PM

Once he'd reached out and tugged on her arm, the girl sighed. Lowering her book and looking up at him with sharp and stunning golden eyes, Yanora stared. Her expression didn't belay her thoughts, all while his face was alight with a vibrant grin. They seemed to be exact opposites.

After glancing back down at her book, to take a look at the number of the page she had been on, she settled it neatly in her lap. She would get back to reading it later.

"What is it?"  

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/16/2016 6:42 PM

"Let's go on an adventure!" Zelos beamed at her.

"An... adventure?" The girl's voice sounded terribly unexcited, especially in comparison to the boy.

"Yes! We haven't been to this park together before. Let's go have fun! You can't just sit here all day."

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/16/2016 6:46 PM

"Why not?" the girl asked. "That is exactly what I intended to do." After a moment of silence, she added, "Besides, all the other girls want to play with you."

Listening to her words, the boy's gaze shifted into one of knowing. "Yanni, you're my best friend. I'd rather spend time with you."

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/18/2016 12:11 PM

Another moment of silence fell over them as the girl stared at him once more, but she couldn't help but to smile, just a little. A lot of the other girls didn't like her very much since she and Zelos were such good friends. Not that she minded so much if she was liked or not. It was just annoying when they approached her to complain. Outside of him, she usually kept to herself, but he was the exception. He had made himself the exception, by always sticking his nose into her business.

"So let's go," the boy urged, when little Yanora still didn't move.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/18/2016 12:14 PM

This time, when he pulled on her arm, Yanora rose to her feet. She held the book that had been on her lap in her free hand, and neatly put it on the bench. "All right, all right," she agreed. "I'm coming. Let's go."

Zelos beamed at her, and suddenly broke into a run, dragging her along a step behind him. She wasn't as enthusiastic, but she was a good runner, surprisingly.

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Re: Children For A Day [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 09/18/2016 12:18 PM

Being pulled along, Yanora didn't really look at her surroundings. She kept her eyes on her friend. If she had looked around, she might have noticed some of the other girls scoffing at the sight of them running off together, her hand in his.

"Where are we going?"

"This way!" Zelos' response didn't exactly answer her question. He pointed to a path, though, that was ahead of them. It seemed to lead into a part of the park that was dense with trees.

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