As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Blood is my thing! ((Private))

Postby Rushfeather » 04/25/2008 11:20 PM


Kyonshi had decided to come out of the house. It was one of those day that most hates. It was raining. Even if it wasn't a big rain, the clouds were thick enough to make Kyo feel good even if it is the middle of the day. She wasn't usually out during the day because she was a vampire, but when she could, she was doing it. Her father was teaching her all he knew, but she wanted more than that. She wanted to become a real killer. Not a little vampire that hunts for blood when hungry. Her father was nothing that great. He was always saying that he was a great vampire, but in fact, he was weak. He was a weak vampire compared to her. She knew that she could become way stronger than him. He was too kind. She wanted to kill and drink the blood of all her enemies. She wanted to do anything to have what she wanted. She wanted to kill anyone that would get in her way, but right now, she mostly needed to learn how to do all that.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/26/2008 1:27 AM


'Just out for a stroll' was quite the understatement when in regards to a certain Gallizar. Sure, Jakerz was just strolling around casually, not seeming to be doing anything in particular, though he actually was. He was searching for his next victim, or that's what he'd planned to do. Of course, his careless travel made him wind up on the volcano. Eh, he still really didn't care about that. Wherever he ended up, that was that. Not like he wasted any time by wandering aimlessly. Living forever kind of made you loose any reference of time, unlike those beings that could so easily die at any moment. His time was endless. More then enough to waste, wouldn't you say?

One might have thought that his clothes, not fit for the rain, being an outfit that made him look like a psycho-killer jester, would be bothering him as they soaked through with water. What kind of volcano was this? It was raining, at a volcano. Definitely not a normal one, or, better yet, it was just a very strange day today. It was like a omen, wasn't it? Something bad for one person could be very good for another though. It was sort of a guideline this male considered when going about what life he had. He was very greedy, in that of himself. What he wanted, he'd take it, with little care for what happened to anyone else. Of course, to those who he willingly bad deals with, they got benefits. What sort of morals did this guy have? Oh, he really didn't appear to have any...

He continued on through the rain, completely silent, save for the ringing of the bells dangling from the points of his obscure hat. In all the quiet here, it was likely that someone else would easily hear him. Frankly, he didn't care about that either. Should someone hear him and come to him, it made his job all the more less complicated.

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/26/2008 9:07 AM

Kyonshi was finding it weird to reain at the volcano, but she didn't cared. The only bad thing was the fact that her clothes where getting soaked. It wasn't bothering her that much though. Her clothes... They are red and blue. Or should I see, they were blue. All the red on her shirt was blood. The blood of the few victims from eho she had drink blood. The sent of the blood wasn't really there anymore so she could easily smell everything around here. She couldn't smell that much because of the rain, but she knew that someone else was around here.

She began walking toward were she thought there was someone. It would be her next victim. It was the best time to find someone, she was hungry. Of course she had eat a few hours ago, but her victim's blood tasted bad. She hoped she would get something better this time.

As she was walking, she found the smell of blood. It wasn't from a wound, it was from inside a living being. A quite big leaving being. She couldn't see it and that was perfect. She hided behing the first rocks she could see. The rain should be hiding her scent enough to let her hide long enough to be able to attack from behind. She was sure that it was coming toward her. The scent was getting stronger in her nose and she could feel the blood in her body boil. Asking for food.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/26/2008 11:44 AM

The vampire girlie wasn't the only one aware of a second presence in the vicinity... After continuously wandering around as he did, the motley jester eventually picked up on the hints of another being in the direct area. He focused in on that presence. If one didn't know any better, they would say that Jakerz himself wasn't supposed to be a creature of this world. He was unusual enough not to be, and it was very unwise to think him the same as the petty mortals that he toyed with for his own sick and twisted amusement. He might very well kill you, should you make the mistake. Then again, he was type of guy who would kill you just for a short moment of entertainment on his part...

He could feel her coming closer and closer, hyper sensitive toward just living, or should we say animated, bodies. Rather the body was alive or not, if it was moving, he could usually see it with a second vision...What vision? Well, being a collector of organs and spirits, you could say that he had a sixth sense. While he wasn't aware of the gender or the motives of whom was coming to him, he was thinking the same as her- victim. He needed to find one fast. He had...things, he had to do, and found himself in a bit of a hurry, even if he far from acted like it.
What odd thing did he do? He sat down. Right there on a rock, on the side of a volcano, in the rain. If the person was coming for him, this just made his life a whole lot easier for him.

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/26/2008 11:55 AM

Kyo waited until she saw the man coming before slowly coming closer ans closer to him. When she saw him sat on the rock, she thought it was the best time to go. She was just behind him. It was just perfect. The scent of 'blood' she had smelled eariler was a different than everything she had scent in her life. 'It must be delicious!' She thought. She was even more happy. It was an easy catch.

She got closer to him until she was close enough and she quicly jump on him. Then, she bit his neck. 'Yes!' She thought. Then, she quickly jump away, spiting on the ground. "Yuck! What's that? It's disgusting!" What was that? It looked like it was blood, but it was different. Like... blood that had dried long ago. It looked like it wasn't blood at all.

((Kyonshi: 33 ))
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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/26/2008 12:17 PM

Oddly enough, the Gallizar gone human didn't so much mind being a temporary victim for the vampiric Kuhna-human. Was it just coincidence that he made himself so easily vulnerable to her? Not exactly. The ways his twisted mind worked, this plan would work out perfectly. He couldn't say that he knew that she was a vampire either, but there was something usual about her, he could see something was off, just by scanning her over with that sixth sense of his, whatever it was.

Closer, and closer she crept, coming up behind him. He was aware of that too, yet did nothing to move out of the way. From her point of view, he still looked as clueless as ever. As clueless as the mortals, yes.
When she bit down into his neck, he hardly even flinched. Actually, he was amused that she would bite him like this. So she was a vampire. Whatever was left of his dried up blood, he could feeling her attempting to drink it in. Not to even mention that he probably didn't taste very good to her in general, him basically being a living dead. While he may have looked to only be about twenty years of age, maybe a few years more or a few less depending on who was looking at him, his body was at least fifty years old. Old mean probably didn't have a very good taste to their flesh.
As she pulled back and spat, he chuckled with bitter amusement, the bells on his hat jingling again as his head moved a bit. He didn't even care to give her an answer just a, "You should choose your victims more wisely."

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/26/2008 12:29 PM

Kyo was looking at him. She blinked. Why was he saying that? Did he knew she was there? How could he? "M-mind your own busines!" She spat at him. It was true though. She didn't knew at all how to chose her victims. That was probably the only thing left that she would need to ask her father.

She was angry now. She had gotten a bad victim for the second time in less than 24 hours. It happened only once in the whole time she stayed with her father. At this rate she wouldn't be able to live by herself. "If only I could kill you.." She said quietly. She had tried with the other earlier and she found that she was weaker than the normal adults. She was to young for now. She needed to train and to know more things.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/28/2008 4:25 PM

Jakerz shifted in his seat casually, facing the younger vampire like it was nothing at all. In his whacked out mind of his, he was coming up with some meager use for her, just like that. It was in his nature to give one being a glance and figure out how they could be made of use to him. That's all he ever did: use people. Albeit, he usually gave something in return to the being he used. Yes, he was 'kind' to his pawns or, rather, pretended to be. A lot of his toys actually ended up dying. Oh well. At least he got his fun.

He toyed with one of the bells on his hat, rolling it between his thumb and index finger. "Isn't it my business? You just tried to make me your meal."Yes, yes it was. He seemed bitterly amused, still. He laughed at her again. "Good luck with that one, girlie."He couldn't be killed.
After a brief pause he added, "You just need to learn, is all..."

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/28/2008 8:17 PM

For some reason, Kyonshi couldn't move. It was as if something was keeping her glued to the ground. Something she couldn't explain. There was something with that guy that was forcing her to stay there. It was as if they both had a big magnet and that he was using his to keep her there even thouhg she wanted to leave.

She blinked. Had he heard what she said or no? He was scaring her. She was too weak. She wouldn't be able to win a fight if he decided that was what he wanted. She would die. "Please give me some explanations." She asked. "I'm a bit lost now." She wasn't sure about what he was talking. And what he exactly meant by 'learning'. Learning what? Had he really heard her?

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/28/2008 9:30 PM

The Gallizar-human let go of the bell he was toying with, it bouncing a jingling softly from the edge of the jester hat before settling down. From there, his eyes shifted up and down Kyonshi. She was definitely a young one, only appearing as a little girl. Funny that such a young one would think to attack him, someone so much older then herself. But, even then, she had to do something to survive, did she not? She just wasn't very good at selecting her targets. Apparently, she needed to be taught what do to. He may not have been a vampire, but there was enough similarities....Sort of. Enough for him to decide to act on.

"You're a very poor vampire." Jakerz stated plainly. Not to be rude, but to get to the point. Being rude didn't get 'toys' being more charming, that did. And so the man did his best not to come off hostile, for fear of her running off. "You cannot even choose proper victims." Clearly, seeing as she selected him. "So you need to learn. And, you have a lot to learn, might I add."

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/28/2008 9:43 PM

Kyo was looking at him. "I have nothing to learn from you!" She told him in a rude tone. It usually was normal for a vampire to be rude, no?Even if she knew that he was probably way too powerfull for her, she was going to stay no matter what. She was not the kind that would run away. "I already know a lot and I can show you how much I've learned!" That was only speaking. In fact, she only knew how to fight while being in animal form. That was the only thing her father had thought her. She only wanted to make him think that she was strong. She wanted him to respect her. Respect... one of the reason that was making her wanting to become a good killer. She didn't cared usng anyway to kill. She really liked swords and guns, but she couldn't get any. There was no way anyone would let a little girl like her get some weapons. "And anyway, don't call me little girl." She hated that. The only one that she was not going to say anything about that name was her father. And maybe a lover, if she was to get one.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/28/2008 9:59 PM

Did she ever pick the wrong man to meet then. Jakerz just laughed again, laughed not quite at her, but just about everything she had said. It was just like him to laugh at someone else. He did it all the time, even at his own so called lover, which he'd left sleeping in bed, still recovering from handing over his lungs and adjusting to having a body that no longer required oxygen to live. Rein had been giving a forewarning that, with selecting a man like him as a lover, there would be periods of time in which he'd vanish. Truthfully, the Gallizar could care very little. He just did what he had to in order to get what he wanted.

Abruptly, he stood up, flicking some hair out of his face. "I'd tell you to show me, girlie, but I know better then to think you can." Her threat of not being called a 'little girl' had went ignored. Besides, he didn't call her little, just girlie, which was fact. She was of the female gender, obviously. He'd probably call any female he met 'girlie' that was just Jakerz for ya, nothing bad meant by it.
He started to turn away with a shrug of his shoulders, "I guess you don't want my offered help then..."

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/28/2008 10:06 PM

Kyo looked at him. He had called her 'girlie'... It wasn't exactly the same thing, but... she still didn't like it. "I don't know what a guy like you could teach me. You are not a vampire or anything of the like." At least, she could tell he was different from her, but that was obvious. If he had no blood, he couldn't be a vampire. She was feeling like letting him go just like that would be a big lost for her. "If it really is something interresting, I would consider the help, but I'm sure you will not be doing this for free. What do you really want?" She didn't know if he really wanted something from her, but something was telling him that there was.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/28/2008 11:36 PM

Jakerz stopped, smirking to himself before glancing over his shoulder at Kyo. She was nibbling the bait, a very good sign. Yep, he was pretty good at this. "Maybe I'm not, but I may be the best thing you're gonna get." While he didn't know anything about her yet, he felt that statement was pretty much true. Even if it hadn't been, he would have said it anyway just to get her attention. While he wasn't a vampire, he could sense everything of the body, blood included. He needed that skill for what he was, himself. Aside from that, he knew all the other needed skills, anything to do with killing.
Turning all the way around, the corners of his mouth pulled up just a little, into a very slight smile. "I can grant whatever request you may have. If you'd like a teacher, I can assure you that you'll have one. Tell me, what do you want to learn, and I'll tell you what little thing I want in payment."

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/28/2008 11:43 PM

Kyo was thinking. Would it be a good idea to trust that guy? She didn't know him at all, but her father wasn't doing anything to help her. What was best? Waiting until her father decides it is time she learns, or asking the guy that is offering her help? The answer was obvious for her. "I want to know everything about killing." She told him. "I want to be able to kill anyone that I don't like." She almost added 'Like you' but se retain herself. She didn't want him to say no to her request because of that. "I told you what I wanted. Now tell me what you want from me? Blood? hairs? I won't accept anything that has something to do with taking off my clothes." She hated everything along those lines. Probably like any young kid would. She didn't mind the kissing part though.

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