As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 12:43 AM


Amina was flying for about 3 hours, to her it seemed like days. Her large golden wings where getting to tired to hold her body up. She looked around for a place to land, Amina spotted a long jagged path going up and down the mountain. Flying towards the worn path, She landed on it. Looking up the ragged path and down it. Which way should I go? Thinking to herself. The large Treasure Hollowheart didn't know to much about Nori Volcano but what others have to her. Amina started walking up the mountain's path. She was just hoping that she was going the right way.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 3:58 PM


Sappheara was walking up the path with her two Sheilupes. The lava was close, making her her sweat. Her black hair with blue strikes cling to her face. She pulled out a cloth from the back of her right pant pocket. "Hopefully we can get this Journey over with soon" Looking at both Sheilupes. Putting the cloth back in her pocket. Sappheara keep walking, none of the Sheilupes where talking to her. Are they mad at me? She looked to right side where a large Venom Sheilupe walked beside her.

Adohi just meet the Venom Sheilupe couple of days ago. After he came home from exploring Terrace Park with his large companion a Treasure Hollowheart. He didn't know much about the male next to his trainer, Adohi was keeping a close eye on him. Looking up the path "Do you know where we going Sappheara?" He just hope they didn't get in to trouble here. It didn't look like a good place, it wan't like they where going  to bump into fluff bunnies.

Insula looked at the Bleached Sheilupe when he spoke. Scratching the hard dirt in front of him, trying to tell the others to keep their eyes open. This wasn't a place to let your guard down. Pass events rendered him from speaking. Insula still had the long jagged scar cross his neck that his old tainer gave him. He tries to communicate with his new trainer.

Sappheara looked to the right of seeing that Insula was trying to tell her something. "Have you been here before?" Looking up the worn path. She looked a little worried.

Insula shook his head in agreement. He sniff the air in front of him, he could smell some kind of large creature was here not to long ago.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 5:10 PM

Amina saw a wired creature hiding behind a rock. She may be big, Amina wasn't crazy enough to look there. This was the first time out on her own and she didn't want to get hurt. Her golden wings clung to her body. The trainers where back at home watching over the others. She over heard them, she know that they where planning a journey out here. Amina wanted to help in any way that she can. She strench her wings to air them out.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 5:53 PM


Serenity and the little Cake Kuhna walked up the worn path. "Can there be a worst place than this?" She looked at the Cake Kuhna. Stopping she turned towards the flowing lava and kick a rock in it. The lava bubble up, the rock melted. Steam roused up in the air, getting the chills. Serenity started back up the path. What person would come here?

Angeni bobbed up and down, she watched when Serenity kick the rock into the lava. "Yes, there the Slums... You never want to go there" It was hot on the mountain, Angel didn't mind. She was glad that she had some company. Humming to herself, she just keep walking towards their goal.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 7:12 PM


Boinedal and Chanlyeya where at the bottom of the large mountain. The Treasure Roosken was not happy about being here. Flapping his wings "Why are we here?" Looking at the trainer. His thin claw foot scratching the ground. Pulling his wings closer to his body, he looked at Boinedal. "Well..." Chan started to travel off. The mountain was a little creepy "Want are we waiting for?" Looking back at the new trainer.

Sappheara just hired Boinedal a couple of weeks ago to help out with all her pets. He never been to Nori Volcano before. Boinedal was not at all happy, he rather be back at the house taking care of the other pets than be out here. "It's part of your training, I guess. I'm not to sure myself" answering the golden bird first question.  Boinedal looked around for a better path going up the mountain, there was none. He looked back up the worn, jagged path. "We not waiting for anything." Taking his first steps up the montuain's path.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 8:47 PM

Insula stopped suddenly, stepping in front of Sappheara. He lifted his head in the air. He pulled his lips back raveling white sharp teeth. He could hear something coming from a large entrance of the cave on right side of them. Insula started pushing his trainer back making sure that the creature inside the cave couldn't hurt her. Keeping his eye on the entrance.

The Bleached Sheilupe heard the sound coming from the entrance as well. He was glad that the Venom Shelupe would protect their trainer from danger. Moving form beside Sappheara, Adohi got a little closer to the entrance. He looked back at the other two "There something in there. Stay back Sappheara, Insula and I will check it out."

Sappheara stepped back, she didn't know want got them to be cautions. She just hope they could get out alive. Stepping a lot further from the cave entrance. "Do any of you know what is inside?" She was just hoping it was a feline or canine of some kind, both Sheilupe could handle that with no problem. If it was bigger than that, all three of them would be died.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/10/2010 9:24 PM


Cheyenne and Connecticut where walking the jagged worn path. Cheyenne was singing Nobody Wants To Be Lonely by Ricky Martin and Christine Aguilera. Not paying attention to anything around her, she trip over a small rock sticking out of the ground. Falling forward, she held both hands in front of her. Cheyenne landed on both knees on the hard dirty ground "OUCH!" I should be paying attention where I'm going.

Connecticut walked up to Cheyenne after she fell. "Are you okay?" Sniffing the ground around the trainers knees. She stretched her feather wings, the heat was getting to her. "You need to pay more attention to where your going." Grabbing on Cheyenne's sleeve, to help pull her up in a standing position.

The trainer was glad that Connecticut was helping her stand. "Yes, I know" Dusting off the dirt from her hands and knees. Her rainbow color hair stuck to her forehead. Pulling her green backpack from her shoulders. She sat it down in front of her, opening it up and she looked around for her water bottle. Cheyenne pulled out the large water bottle from the bag. "It's to hot up here." Taking a big gulp from the bottle. She started pouring some water in a bowl so Connie could get water.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/11/2010 12:39 AM

"You know what? Lets play a game while we're going up the path. What do you say?" Both her tails started to twist together. Angeni started to pounce at the shadows in front of her. I hope she says yes It was creepy up here on Nori Volcano, she never wants to come up here again. She stopped pouncing and looked at Serenity. "What do you say?" She was trying to get her mind off the Volcano.

Serenity looked around the Volcano, there where no trees. There where nothing but boulders and rocks of all sizes. "Humm... No right now Angeni, maybe later." Getting closer to the top Serenity got a chill down her spine. She turned in a circle looking around. What could be making me uncomfortable?
Serenity watch as Angeli stopped suddenly.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/11/2010 1:17 AM

Boinedal was getting tired from walking up the jagged path. Taking a deep breath "I don't think I can make it all the way up the mountain." He looked at the Roosken. They where already half way up the mountain.

The Treasure Roosken just laughed at the trainer. "We are almost there, don't worry. "
His feather was clinging to his body, stretching his wings so they could air. "The only thing I don't like about this place beside the creepiness is that it's so hot up here." Chan shook out his feathers again.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/11/2010 12:17 PM

Connecticut stretched her white feathered wings. "I'll take a look up head to see what we're up against." Looking back at the trainer. She didn't give Cheyenne a chance to respond to the question. Connie started to flap her wings, faster and faster her wings beat. Lifting her off the ground, she went a head, about a mile or two. Connie looked around making sure that nothing could harm Cheyenne.

The young trainer watched as the Sky Yonyuu flew off a head of her. Shaking her head and taking a deep breath. She heard all kinds of noises, looking around to make sure nothing was close by. She put the backpack on her shoulders and started walking forward fast. Cheyenne didn't want some kind large animal jumping out of no where and attack her.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/12/2010 1:17 PM

Amina came a cross a large cave at the top of the mountain. There where wired sounds coming from inside the cave. She looked around before going inside the cave, at the entrance of cave she could see cracks on the rocks. Hot steam where coming out of the cracks. Sharp jagged rock hang on the ceiling of the cave, the rocks where black, red and orange colored. Greenish brown vines growing up the cave walls, she wasn't sure what it was. Amina's eyes adjusted to the darkness. Taking a deep breath she stated walking inside the cave, a lot of noises where coming from inside the cave. What could be inside this old place? Amina was thinking a lot to herself when she enter the cave.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/12/2010 9:02 PM

Adohi entered the strange cave, he looked around. Greenish brown vines grow up the wall and where hanging down from the ceiling. The Bleached Sheilupe lifted his head in the air and sniffed, he could smell a large Hollowheart had entered not long ago. Adohi backed away from the cave entrance and looked at both Sappheara and Insula. "A large Hollowheart and other creature where or is still inside the cave." He looked back inside the entrance. "We going to have go inside if we want to continue this journey."

Insula started to make sound, he was trying to tell the others that there was a large creature that stay in this part of the mountain. Scratching the hard dirt cover ground, he started to make weird shapes. Lifting his head so he could see what Pheara thought, the Venom Sheilupe hope she could understand what he was trying to say.

Sappheara looked from Adohi to Insula, she stepped closer to him. Cocked her head to see what he was drawing on the ground. "What is it Insula?" Pheara got on both knees to look closer that the drawings. The drawing looked like some kind of alien. "Is that some kind of Alien?"

Insula shook is head no, scratching the ground harder. He started to make the drawing a little more clear. It started to look more like a large dragon.

"Is that some kind of Dragon?" She looked at the entrance of the cave and back at the drawing in front of her. "Does that thing live around here?" Looking at the Venom Sheilupe. Chills ran down her spine.

The Venom Sheilupe shook his head yes. Insula looked at the Bleached Sheilupe, a look pass between with understanding.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/13/2010 9:34 PM

Angeni the little Cake Kuhna just stopped when the where at the top of the mountain. She looked around her, on the Kuhna's left side was a cave entrance. "I think we have a small... Umm.. Large problem Serenity." Angel looked back at the trainer. Stepping closer to the entrance of the cave, she lifted her head in the air and sniffed. From what she could smell where one human, two sheilupe, one dragon and something else. "One human and three..." Trailing off to sniff the air again "...Three or four animals. I'm not sure if the four one is an animal." Angeni said as she looked back at the entrance.

Goose bumps went up Serenity's arms the minute Angeni told her about some unknown creature " Let head up" Not waiting for Angel to reply, she starting walking. She got all the way to the top of the mountain there was only a large cliff. Serenity walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, it was a long way down. She got scared and fell back on her butt. Standing up quickly, she ran down back to where Angeni was still standing at the front the entrance. There is no other way to go but back down. Thinking to herself. "How about we go back down?"

Angeni looked back at Serenity. "It took us about 3 hours to get here. We have to go in the cave. " The Cake Kuhna walked behind the trainer and started to push her into the cave.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/14/2010 12:29 AM

Boinedal's brown spiked hair was sticking to his scalp. Wiping the sweat off his face, Boinedal looked around for a place to sit. Spotting a good size boulder to sit on, he looked around the area. "We made it to the top so..." Trailing off from his sentence. Cold wind was blowing on his back, Boinedal had goose bumps running up his arms. "Where is that cold wind coming from?" Jumping up from the boulder, he looked around again. Boinedal spotted a large dark cave, chills ran up his spine. "Umm... Chan" He was scared now.

Chanleyeya looked at the direction Boniedal's back was facing. "It looks like a cave entrance Einstein" At time Chan can be rude. Shaking his tail feathers, the Treasure Roosken walked towrads the entrance of the cave. "I'm not sure what's inside" He walked inside the cave. "This is the only other way, unless we decide to jump off the cliff." The Roosken looked back at the dark skinned trainer.

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Re: Epic Journey (Myself)

Postby Sappheara » 01/19/2010 2:23 PM

Connecticut flew off ahead of Cheyenne. Getting the chills just standing there Enne looked around bit and walking. She didn't want to wait for Connie to come back to her. They where almost to the top. Enne just hoped nothing was waiting for some dinner and a snake. Shaking to clear her thoughts, Cheyenne started to hum to herself. I just hope we be okay. She looked around even more. Her heart started racing with she walked passed a grayish black boulder sticking out of the ground. "Connecticut!... Wait for me!... Please, I'm starting to get scared!... Enne's sentence started to trail off when she spotted a large dark cave entrance.

Connie looked back when Cheyenne called to her. There's a few creatures in there I could smell them. Looking back to the cave entrance, she had to be the one with Cheyenne. Why am I the one stuck with her? Someone's this girl can be a little irradiating. Shaking her head at her thoughts. I shouldn't think bad thoughts about this trainer, she a good girl at times. "We need to go into the cave, the only other way is to walk off the cliff." Connie settle down of the ground about 15 feet away from Cheyenne.

"Let's go..." Cheyenne trailed off form her sentence. Taking a deep breath "Umm... Let's go back down and go home. What do you say?" Enne stopped next to Connie.

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