As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 02/18/2015 11:20 PM

Alek Delique   --   Akata Delique

"Where are we, Alek?" asked the younger sister. "I don't know. My GPS isn't showing us on any planet we've been on before. It could be possible we landed on an uncharted planet." Alek and his little sister, Akata, had only just managed to escape their vessel before it went plummeting into the mouth of an active volcano. "I don't think we'll be leaving anytime soon, though. We might as well get as accustomed to this strange world as we can."

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 02/18/2015 11:26 PM


It was rare to see travelers so close to the volcano. So when the female Carapace spotted a pair of humans standing about without any equipment or provisions, she had an inkling that something was wrong. Hovering over the two of them, she circled lazily and watched. She wasn't yet sure whether or not she wanted to approach them. She lived here because she liked her privacy. But if they were in need of assistance, she wouldn't be so callous as to leave them stranded to die.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 02/18/2015 11:32 PM

They had to assess their situation before they could take any more steps, but Alek knew that they'd have to move swiftly. "Let's just get out of here before this Volcano fully erupts." Akata nodded in agreement. "I don't think we'd want to be around for that." They hastened their steps, making their way as far from the mouth of the volcano. Akata had already been panting from the sheer heat of the air, but Alek was barely breaking a sweat.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 02/18/2015 11:36 PM

It wasn't until the two began moving that the Paragon finally decided to make her appearance obvious. Flying directly over them, she let her shadow fall on the pair to alert them of her presence. Then she dived towards the ground, only pulling up at the last second. She landed several feet in front of them, her wings flapping to make her descent more graceful. "Who are you?" she asked in an overly loud voice. "And why are you here without so much as water or protection for your skin against the heat?"

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 02/18/2015 11:44 PM

As soon as he saw the shadow descend, he came to a hault. "Akata, STOP!" Alek drew his lightsaber quick as a flash, the purple blade burning from the hilt. As soon as Akata saw this, she drew hers as well. The yellow blade sputtered from the smaller saber. They were both surprised to hear the beast before them speak. Alek was the first to extinguish his lightsaber. "My apologies. My name is Alek Delique, and this," he gestured to Akata as she withdrew her blade as well. "This is my sister, and padawan, Akata." Akata didn't like that her big brother happened to be her master as well, but she held her toung. "Our ship crashed into the mouth of that volcano, so we didn't have much to bring with us. Who are you?"

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 03/08/2015 2:43 PM

Folding her wings against her back, the Carapace cocked her head at the two. She understood family relations of course, but the word padawan was unfamiliar to her. Their glowing sword-like weapons hadn't bothered her, although she leaned forward to sniff them curiously hoping to figure out what exactly they were made of. The scent was too unfamiliar to give her any information on the weapons, though.

"Hmm. Your ship must have been the burning object that fell from the sky, correct? I was following it - I suppose that's why I'm here." Looking around, she sighed. "You two are very strange, but I know you'll die out here without water. If you like, I can take you to my cave. I have plentiful amounts of water stored there." She didn't bother offering her name, even though the siblings had already given her their names.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 03/08/2015 9:04 PM

"That would be much appreciated," said Alek. He didn't bother asking for a name, as perhaps their guest did not wish to disclose it, but Akata took the initiative in asking for it. "What should we call you, o great dragon?" Alek held up his hand, letting her know that he thought it unwise to ask. "Never mind," Akata withdrew. "I guess I'll just call you Dragon." Alek gave her a look of frustration. "You've overstepped your boundaries, young one. We are guests and shall address him if he requests it." Unknown of the gender of their large host, he assumed her to be male.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 03/08/2015 9:45 PM

At Akata's words, a loud rumbling noise came from the Carapace. It sounded like a growl at first, but was soon revealed to be laughing. She leaned back on her haunches as the laughter died down and then she stooped low so that she was at eye level with the young woman. "I believe I'm going to like you," she said in a gentler tone than she had used before. "But I can't have you calling me 'Dragon'. You may call me Aerr. And as for you," she turned to the male. "You may want to refer to me as 'she' unless you plan on being roasted where you stand." Her tone was filled with humor and not malice, although she was firm in her command. "Now if we are done with the introductions, the two of you may climb on my back and I will take you to my home."

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 03/08/2015 9:57 PM

"My apologies, ma'am," said Alek. Akata simply giggled at Aerr's friendliness with her. Alek loosened his mental leash on Akata's, knowing that she wasn't in any danger of angering Aerr. They both climbed onto her back, but were extra cautious with her wings, as they seemed to be razor sharp. Alek realized this when his hand brushed lightly against it, cutting his skin. "Be careful, Akata. I don't want you getting sliced up if you slip." Akata simply brushed it off, trusting in the Carapace's flying. "We're ready to go, Aerr."

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 03/08/2015 10:09 PM

"Your apology is accepted," Aerr replied. As they began to climb onto her back, she spread her wings out in order to keep the humans from sitting on them. She was as careful with them as possible, but she was a bit clumsy when it came to allowing others to ride on her back - it was something she had never done before. "I hope I haven't injured you," she said apologetically. "I assure you that I'm usually quite careful with my wings, although you'll find them a force to be reckoned with if you anger me."

Once the two were secured on her back, the Carapace began her ascent. She moved slower than she normally would, careful to ensure that her guests would not slip off of her back or be knocked over by the force of the wind. "Where are you from?" she called out over the sound of her own beating wings.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 03/09/2015 6:15 PM

The winds whipped against their ears, making it hard to talk to each other, yet they could still hear the paragon. Alek shouted aloud so as to let her hear. "We come from a place called Taris! It's kind of like a city, only planet-wide!" Akata felt the need to interject. "Actually, that's just where we were trained. We come from a planet called Nar Shaddaa! It's also a city-wide planet, only sleazier!" It was unusual for two Chiss to both be force sensative and found on such a vast planet as Nar Shaddaa, but the Force guided their master to them.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 03/09/2015 6:31 PM

Once again, the two strangers used words that were unfamiliar to Aerr. "I've never heard of such a place within Evelon. Then again, you aren't the only ones to come from a different world entirely." The trip wasn't going to be long, but it would feel much longer if it was filled with awkward silence. "You mention being trained - are you some sort of soldiers? Those weapons of yours fascinated me." She didn't even bother to mention the odd-colored skin.

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Jedi » 03/09/2015 6:58 PM

"We're not so much soldeirs!" began Akata. "We're... um." Just then, Alek finished her sentence for her. "We're keepers of the peace! Not soldiers!" He continued to explain how the Jedi are defenders of the Republic and how they've stood guard against the threat of the Sith for many millennia. As for the weapons, he explained it to the best of his ability. "Our lightsabers are an extension of ourselves. They are not what make us a Jedi, but rather are a symbol of our loyalty to serving the Order."

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Re: New Beginnings (Kitsumi and I)(Possible M)

Postby Kitsumi » 03/10/2015 10:24 AM

The Carapace remained confused even as the Jedi tried to explain. "Well I guess I'm just not going to be able to understand," she responded finally. "I would like to know how those 'lightsabers' of yours work, though." As she neared her home, she called back to them again. "Hold on tight, I'm about to make my descent!" Swooping down in circles that became smaller as she drew closer to the ground, Aerr couldn't hep but show off with her flying a bit. She finally landed gracefully, lowering herself to the ground so that her guests could easily slide off of her. "Everyone okay back there?"

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