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Confrontation (Kotsuzui, Ydin, and Moria) (Private)

Postby Azura Rayume » 05/05/2008 5:32 PM

Image ---- Image

Kotsuzui ---- Ydin

"We know you're 'ere, poppet!" the Hollow Tali shouted in a taunting voice, a devilish grin on his face. He'd stolen the line, but it worked just as well. Haishin had sent them on an urgent mission: capture one of his brother's most trusted family members. He'd given them only a bit of information. 1. She was going to be at the volcano. 2. She would probably be the brightest Albie there. And 3. She wouldn't go down without a fight.

He raised his voice again. "Come on out! It'll only make it easier on ya." A darkened tongue lolled out the side of his maw, shining spittle dripping onto the hot stone. His sides heaved from panting. His paws felt like they were on fire. One thing was for sure: he wasn't coming here for a vacation.

His companion plodded along behind, quiet save the soft clopping of hooves on rock. Ydin didn't say much. he'd much rather just hang back until something interesting happened. His tail swished unhappily behind him in rythmic strokes. His ears flicked as the occasional hot-climate insect nipped at the fleash hidden beneath his black and purple coat.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/05/2008 5:40 PM


Moria cringed at the sound of the shout. Of course those thraitors would have to show up today. And, of course, she didn't listen to Anthony when he said it would be dangerous. Why didn't she ever listen?

Oh yeah. She was overly headstrong. And now look where it had gotten her. Crouching behind a boulder while couple of Haishin's thugs were shouting random movie phrases to try and get her to stop hiding. Well, it wasn't going to work. She was going to stay right where she was until they left. Hopefully they wouldn't find her.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/05/2008 5:57 PM

Kotsu growled in frustration. "I guess she won't come peacefully. Just as Haishin-sama said." He lept onto one of the larger boulders to get a better look aound. "See anything, big guy?" he asked.

Ydin shook his head, neck craning to see over a mound of rocks. This shouldn't take too long. Unless they were in the wrong place. Something told him they weren't.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 3:31 PM

Well, Moria thought, I guess they won't be giving up... She took a quick peek around the boulder to see who was after her. There were two of them, a horrid looking Tali who did all the shouting and a quiet Gyrophant. Both looked rather... well... mean, and would probably try to kill her if the ever found her. Her only hope was that they never find her. She prayed a silent prayer: Don't let them find me!

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 3:34 PM

"There." Ydin's baritone voice echoed across the mountainside. A flash of yellow had alerted him to the presence of another, quite possibly the one they were searching for.

"Huh?" Kothsu had been distracted by something off in the distance. Probably just a bird or something. "Where?"

Ydin gave a heavy sigh. One black hoof lifted to point at Moria's hiding spot.


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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 3:38 PM

Moria froze. Apparently, her prayer hadn't worked. They had found her. She uttered a quiet curse at the thought. Why were the gods on their side all of a sudden?

A horrible thought crossed her mind. He body, bruised and bloodied, laying at Haishin's feet like some ghastly rug. No! Her mind shouted in defiance. I'll fight them! And I'll win! I won't become some trophy they cam parade around that dank hole they call home. I won't!

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 4:28 PM

Kotsu crept forward, ready to spring if the girl moved. She's probably seen them, and was hoping they thought she was someone else. well, they weren't making that mistake. The Tali had known plenty of Albies in his life. Most of them were so gullible and outging, they would have trotted out from behind that rock with a friendly expression of their face.

But this one was different. She wasn't moving, making his job all the easier. He lept atop the boulder, head hanging upside down in her face. Ah, she was a pretty one. Too bad they had to beat her up a bit.

Ydin plodded up beside the rock, preventing their prey from escaping. The Albie was prettier than he'd expected. a pang of guilt stung his mind. What he was doing wasn't right! He shook his head, clearing the thought. This was his job. Haishin-sama had given him a home, a hope, a life. Now, he was paying the Sahound back. Still...

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 4:38 PM

Moria gasped, a horrible skull-like face so bery close to hers. And it was drooling. She pressed herself as close to the rock as possible, trying to find a way to escape. She was about to dart to the left when that big purple... thing ambled over to block her path. There was no escape, and she knew it.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 4:46 PM

Kotsu let out a hollow chuckle, licking a ruvilette of slobber from his lips. "It's not gonna work like that," he taunted, jumping down to land heavily on his feet. "Ya won't be gettin' away on your own, poppet. An' there's no one here ta here ya yell, so don't try that either. Screams tend ta hurt Ydin's ears, and we wouldn't be wantin' that." He had, unknowingly, slipped into that annoying accent again.

The Gyrophant nodded in agreement, smacking a hoof on a smaller rock and shattering it.

"Right. An' we wouldn't want that bein' your pretty lil' head, now would we? Why don't ya just come along with us and 'ave a bit of tea with Haishin, huh?"

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 5:38 PM

"Have tea... with that monster... Are you joking?" Moria's tone spoke of more confidance than she really had. Maybe these guys weren't so tough. She'd done plenty of training with anthony. She might be able to take them on. Maybe... There certianly were a lot of "maybe"s to this.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/06/2008 5:54 PM

A growl rumbled in the Tali's throat. "How dare you!" he barked, a savage snarl on his face. "Haishin is the greatest! No one can even compare! And he is, in no way, a monster!" His rib-painted sides heaved from his yelling. He was prepared to fight for his master. "And what of your precious Anthony? Do you think he'll come to save you? He's sitting high and mighty on his stolen throne, wearing that stolen circlet like a crown. He believes himself and angel, but is nothing but a demon on the inside!"

Ydin just hung back. He didn't like the yelling, in particular Kotsu's. He wasn't that great at it himself anyway. If Kotsu was going to pick a fight, the Gyrophant would more than happily assist. He just wasn't about to get involved before that.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/07/2008 5:12 PM

Moria felt confident now. She'd managed to get him riled up without much of an effort. He might just be too angry to think straight. Just one more insult would do it.

"What are you planning on doing, bone boy? Play fetch with your leg? I bet you con't even take a hit!"

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Postby Freezair » 05/08/2008 5:02 AM

((Dear mods: I am here but to mediate this battle. If this is inappropriate, then please inform me via PM and I shall leave.))

TEAM 1: Kotsuzui and Ydin

Level: 2
Toughness: 7 (+3)
Exploration: 8 (50% hit chance)
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 8
Battle Traits:
-Great Bite (+3 to Toughness)
-Stoneblood (-3 damage)

Level: 2
Toughness: 10 (+10)
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 6
Battle Traits:
-Crush (+10 to Toughness)
-Tail Sweep Knockdown (+25% chance to do double damage)
-Pyro (This attack does +5 damage. It is Fire type and must be activated in a post.)

Intelligence: 6 + 8 = 14


Level: 2
Toughness: 8 (+3)
Exploration: 10
Endurance: 8 (+5)
Intelligence: 6
Battle Traits:
-Great Bite (+3 to Toughness)
-Mountain Warrior (+5 to Endurance)

Intelligence: 6

Kotsuzui and Ydin attack first.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/09/2008 2:21 PM

Kotsu let out a harsh cry. This girl sure was stubborn. And niave. Not to mention she had horrible judgement. There was probably more, but he just couldn't think of them right now. Whatever was wrong with her, he was going to teach her a lesson she wouldn't forget with his Great Bite.

So, she was going to attack. Ydin sighed, neck arching. He was going to use his Pyro attack, hoping not to hurt her too much.

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Postby Azura Rayume » 05/09/2008 2:42 PM

Moria tensed. That disgusting Tali was charging at her. Not to mention the fact that the Gyrophant didn't look like he was going to do anything pleasent to he either.

She charged, aiming for the Tali's feet. One Great Bite should bring him crashing down. A low move, but if it worked, it worked.

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