As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Postby Jaykobell » 11/22/2007 10:53 AM

Dismas nodded. "Yes. I guess there are about three or so Lucain that are the strongest of them all on the whole Lands." She had done her research, of course. She then looked away, squinting her eyes, which were glazed with anciouxness... and fear. "I hope so. Even though my father's mate isn't my mother, and even though I don't come from her, I know my father still loves me like a father loves his children. He's the only family I've got at home... I... wouldn't manage if he would die." She must be sounding ridiculous, she thought... Showing her soft side just like this. But only thinking about this, thinking about her father getting killed was literally traumatizing her. She shivered.

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Postby SpringsSong » 11/22/2007 12:46 PM

Lennox looked over at her as he listened to what she said.  "My mother's mate is not my father either, but I know that he loves all his step-children like a father would love his own children." He said, his head lowered to try and hide his own fear-infested eyes.  "Sometimes I wonder why they went to war.  I know that they are both on the same side, but I do not find myself compelled to agree with the morals of the Imperials, if you dare to call them that.  Sometimes I wonder why they went to fight at all; what, so soon after becoming lifemates..."

Lifemates.  Lennox was almost jealous how lucky his sister and three of his half-siblings had been with love.  "I know I wouldn't go to war if I had a mate, no matter what.  My friend Ryen went because there were none stronger than him ashide from Ashilata.  I fear for them all... but sometimes, I fear for my own self more when speaking of this war.  The last thing I need is for a letter to come saying that one of Fire's three warriors has fallen in battle, or that... that someone I was a... a very good friend of... had fallen." He shook his head and asked himself, What is wrong with me?!

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 11/22/2007 2:12 PM

Dismas swiviled her ears to show him she was indeed listening, but she didn't say a thing to reply. She was glad, however, that he showed the same thoughts as hers. He was scared for his companions as well, just as much as she was. "It's... good to see someone who thinks the same," she replied finally, looking back up, her eyes slightly clearer. "All we can do is hope for them to be alright, can't we?"

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Postby SpringsSong » 11/23/2007 4:28 PM

"It would seem that way, Dismas." Lennox replied, his eyes still somewhat clouded with fear.  "While we can hope, that still does nothing if they actually fall.  Truth be told..." Here, he shook his head.  "Truth be told, I'm scared for my mother.  I know that both of my parents are in the war, but I'm still scared for her.  I mean... she only wanted the best for us, and... I hardly call not even knowing my own sister that lives with me the best..." He sighed.  "Sometimes I feel... sometimes I feel lost." He said.  He reflected that he had never opened up to someone this much before...

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 11/24/2007 1:07 AM

The female Lucain nodded slowly. "Yes. I know how it is." She approached him, and she tenderly buried her muzzle into the fur that was covering his neck. She nuzzled Lennox affectionately before letting go. "Sometimes, we need to let it out. It's hard to remain focus when all of these things are happening around us." She looked up at him, smiling softly, her ears swiveling. "That's why we all need a trustworthy friend." She licked his cheek. "Follow the path you think is right. You can't always make the right choices; but it's the fact that you were the one who made them that they are still right."

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Postby SpringsSong » 11/24/2007 10:43 AM

Lennox seemed quite flustered at first when Dismas nuzzled him and then licked his cheek.  He sat there for a minute, puzzling over what to say next as he lsitened to what she said.  "The path I think is right..." He murmured as he looked back at Dismas.  "I... I think my path just came to a fork in the road; a path to the left and a path to the right..." He sighed, realizing that usually, only his sister talked this way from what he'd heard.  "Either path is... desirable, but from the way things look..." Here, he paused.  "One path leads to, as far as I can see for now, a solo career for me, and the other one..." He stopped for a minute.  Didn't he sound completely ridiculous right now?  He shook his head, continuing, "The other one shows that I might very well have just found the love I've always envied my mother for." He said, looking at Dismas but then looking away.  Did I seriously just SAY all of that? He thought.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 11/25/2007 1:38 PM

Dismas tilted her head as Lennox started speaking, finding his way of expression very poetic and charming. She hadn't heard of many males being so philosophic and pensive. It was nice to see that there were boys who had the same taste for deep matters, such as which path one should take in his or her life to find happiness.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled mischievously as Lennox continued along the right path of his fork. "I see..." She approached him, sitting down beside him to curl her tails with his. "Is this a declaration of love?" she asked him, running her small, lithe paw over his cheek.

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Postby SpringsSong » 11/25/2007 3:11 PM

"Yes... it is something of that sort." He said, smiling as Dismas ran her paw over his cheek.  At last, there was no more debating in his mind.  At last, he felt certain of what he was about to ask.  "Dismas..." He began, taking in a deep breath.  "It would seem that I have indeed fallen in love with you... and I must know.  Would you... would you give me the honor of being my lifelong mate?"

There, he'd asked her.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 11/29/2007 10:20 AM

Dismas set her paw down, back onto the ground, as Lennox started speaking again.  She felt her cheek become slightly red as the male Luain declared his feelings for her. "I must say that you aren't so bad yourself... for a male," she replied, chuckling teasingly. She then approached his face, her heart beating faster. Getting closer to Lennox, she settled her muzzle onto his; which she considered to be the equivalent of a kiss. Most likely her answer to his question.

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Postby SpringsSong » 11/29/2007 12:15 PM

Lennox felt his face go hot as Dismas laid her muzzle on his; and he smiled.  He chuckled at her comment, letting his tails wag happily.  He thought for a moment, This is the happiest I've been since I was but a pup... Chuckling, he said, "It's just too bad that it will be a while before my parents--or yours--know about this.  My mother would be very happy." Indeed, she would.  And so, he sat there still, with his new lifemate.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 12/05/2007 6:17 PM

Dismas shrugged. "Well, I suppose we could always send a letter or something of the like somehow," she replied, tangling her tails with his own. "I don't know what my father would say to this, though. He's always been a bit protective." She chuckled, poking Lennox's arm with her small forepaw. "Besides, news spread around pretty fast. Maybe they'll get to know it somehow," she replied, leaning against him. Indeed, it felt odd to be like this, snuggling with a male that was now her lifelong mate. But it was a good feeling, one that was both mysterious and soothing.

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Postby SpringsSong » 12/05/2007 6:37 PM

Lennox smiled, but his smile seemed weak.  "I doubt the news would do her any good now..." He said.  His head hung low for a minute, nuzzling Dismas.  "I fear that... well, I fear that your father and my mother finally met in battle." He said.  He sighed.  "I had hoped this day was rather far off..." He finished, sighing.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 12/08/2007 7:07 PM

Dismas shrugged lightly. "Well... yeah. Truly, it was kind of inevitable. After all, they're amongst the strongest pets of the Lands," she said, returning the nuzzle. "I feared it would go that way, but what can we do? Only hope for the best..." she whispered, flicking her tails lightly as she stared at the ground around her paws. If their parents were facing each other, then it meant one of them would have to die.

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Postby SpringsSong » 12/08/2007 7:27 PM

Lennox smiled and said, "Well... It might as well have been like one of them had Subduing Strike--however unlikely--for my mother was revived shortly after the battle." He said.  He knew that Senervel would never have Subduing Strike, from what Galen had told him.  "I knew that it was inevitable, but... my stepfather could have also gone after him--and he probably still will; considering his bond with my mother." He said.  "I wish not to talk about war anymore, though... Have you any siblings of full blood, or are you an only child?" He asked.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Jaykobell » 12/09/2007 2:40 PM

Dismas blinked as she raised her head. "So that means my father won, doesn't it?" She tilted her head, looking at nothing in particular. She felt relieved to know both of their parents were indeed alright. "That's good that both of them are alright, though..." she replied, flicking her tails.

"I have a sister," she replied, licking her arm. "She lives with my mother, but that's it. I haven't seen her much, but I don't really care for people outside the Pen, anyway," she said, licking her chest fur. "You're a different matter, obviously," she added, licking her lips. "And now I'm starving," she continued with, ears tweaking.

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