As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Postby Yomegami » 07/18/2008 11:20 PM

And they say this place was supposed to be harsh.

Flitting in silence through the hot, somewhat steamy air, a reddish Lunafly transversed the area surrounding the great Nori Volcano. The heat of the air right now would do in most who came here, but unusually, Fyra barely noticed the heat. In fact, she seemed to find it mildly enjoyable.

However, she had not come here to enjoy the heat. The main reason the Firefly was here was to toughen herself up. But for what?

When she had first arrived in the Lands, she had heard tell of a War. Eager, she tried to find a way to join it - only to find out that it had long been over.

Well, that certainly reduced her spirits some. However, if there was one war that had taken place, certainly there had to be others coming. And when one came around, Fyra was certain she would be ready for it.

However, there might be a slight obstacle in getting into the ranks - and this obstacle involved her species. No one ever expected much from Lunaflies. Well, she'd show them. But first, she must train.

As she alighted upon a hot rock, she gazed around.

Right now, she thought, someone to talk to might be nice.
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/19/2008 6:34 PM


The smell of burning fur and the sound of scraping hooves and claws rose with the boiling air. He'd been killed in his first fight! He'd trained here and the Wilt'no AND the training grounds for days, yet he still wasn't enough to take down a sentimental Garudor?! The Leebra remembered it like it was yesterday. The beak flying in for the fatal blow to his chest, feeling the life catapult out of him, then waking up in front of a shrine amongst others who had fallen in battle. Warrior had died.

An angered roar escaped Warrior's maw as he broke into a run, pushing himself toward the top of the volcano. Every muscle in his body strained to go faster, to run harder. He had to get stronger! He'd show everyone in the next war that Warrior wasn't a force to be taken lightly. The scent of magma grew stronger as he drew nearer to the mountain's peak. He'd already climbed most of the way before the run. Wait, what was that? It looked like a Lunafly, but red. The Leebra trotted over, looking at it curiously. Scars riddled his body in varias places where the Garudor had slashed him. One across his forhead, one up his back, a few on his flanks, and one that stuck out the most; the one that marked the fatal blow on his chest.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
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Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby Yomegami » 07/20/2008 5:06 AM

The sound of hoofbeats and an angered roar brought Fyra to the realization that she wasn't the only one at the Volcano. She twisted her head, trying to listen for more.

Judging by the hoofbeats, she guessed it was some kind of equine. But what kind of horse roared?

While trying to detirmine what it was, she was made vaguely aware that she was being breathed on. Rotating herself so that she was more comfortable with looking around, she saw the face of a battle-scarred Leebra glancing at her curiously.

Although she couldn't blame him for not seeing a firefly before, she had to ask just the same.

"Yes?" she said, with a voice that sounded a lot more like a polite lady from the city, and not from a warrior who was trying to toughen herself up.
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/20/2008 7:17 PM

The Leebra was a bit startled when the small creature spoke. "Forgive me for sneaking up on you like that." he said, sitting on his fhaunches and raising a paw that she could perch on if she wished. "I am Warrior. I don't believe I've seen your kind before. What exactly are you?" Obviously, Warrior wasn't one to spice up his wording. It didn't matter. He'd figure out what this lovely creature was and what she was doing up here, then he'd get back to the task at hand.

"What is someone like yourself doing up here, anyway?" he asked finally. Smoke was beginning to billow from his backside, but he ignored it. "I myself am here to regain my position. I was killed, you see. I trained for days in many locations, especially in Wilt'no, and yet I wasn't enough to take down a meager Garudor." The Leebra cut his eyes down, an irritated growl escaping through his teeth. "See this?" He pointed to his chest. "This is where her beak peirced me for the killing blow."
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby Yomegami » 07/21/2008 11:33 PM

Fyra did not feel the need to respond to Warrior's apology. She had heard him coming long before he actually got there, so his arrival did not startle her too much.

The Leebra, Warrior, had several questions he wanted to ask. The first one involved her species.

"I am Fyra, a Lunafly. Or, to be more specific, a Firefly." she answered, "the only Firefly, as far as I know, in Evelon."

To answer his second question, she added "I am here to prepare for the next war, should there be another coming. I heard there was one here, but it seems to have ended before I arrived." It could be noted that she said that last bit with a mild disappointed tone.

Then, Warrior mentioned that he was killed by a Garudor, despite doing much training. He even had a scar to show for it.

Although he called the Garudor "meager", Fyra had passed several of them on her way here, and they certainly didn't look like they would go down easily.

But no matter. Warrior probably had a tale to tell about the previous war, and that got her interested.

"You were in this war?" she asked.

It was then she noticed the smoke coming off of him.

She tilted her head some. "Are you aware you're on fire?"
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Postby Yomegami » 07/25/2008 9:45 AM

((These two posts don't have any relevance to the current plot. This is just so I can get out of Nori, and so I can get used to roleplaying my other lunafly.))

Where could she have gone?

Close by, but not close enough to be noticable, a normal Lunafly carved his own path amongst the steaming rocks of the volcano. Frankly, he would rather be anywhere but here.

However, although he had heard the creature he was trying to find had been allowed to leave, it was just as well he try to find her. Fyra was easily one of his owner's most liked pets, and to have her come to harm was not something he'd like. Then again, he didn't appreciate Forza trying to eat somebody else's slynx, either.

So, that's what drove him out of the Ruins for the time being - find Fyra, make sure she was okay, and then get the heck out of here before he suffered heatstroke.

But, so far, he wasn't having much luck.

((Bad post is bad. >.<))
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Postby Yomegami » 07/25/2008 9:56 AM

The lunafly sat down upon another rock, close by to, unknown to him, the creature he sought sat, conversing with a leebra.

Why did this creature have to be drawn to the hottest place around? He hadn't been here for an hour, and already the heat was beginning to wear him down. His wings spead flat against his perch, he thought that if he continued trying to fly without a rest, his wings were going to fall off.

Unlike Fyra, who was here to prepare for the next war (and, he thought, to have some time in a hot place), he had little intention of joining a war. In his opinion, Lunaflies are best confined to their native habitat, and kept out of combat. His kind were fragile creatures, the kind of creature that could be taken out with a hit. Although, he knew very little about Fyra's kind, so she might have been different.

Turning off his thoughts so he could return to the task at hand, he crawled along the rock he was sitting on, having decided that flying took too much effort in this hostile land.

Turning around, he noticed Warrior's smoking pelt a little before he actually noticed the leebra himself. With a mild hint of curiousity, he flapped his wings a few times to help him reach a nearby rock closer.

Sadly, his expectations about his strength right now were right. Although he managed to land on his target, he didn't land right and instead of making a graceful landing, he landed off-balance. Trying and failing to keep himself erect, he skittered off the edge of the rock and flopped downwards, finally landing on his back.

If I live through this, I vow never to come back here again, he thought. At least, he didn't land in a lava pool. That would most certainly bring his life to a quick end.
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/26/2008 8:51 PM

Warrior let out a small chuckle at Fyre's comment. "Yes I am. I'm learning to ignore and endure pain. If I'm actually going to live through any other wars, I'm going to need a tough hide." And Cameleon Hide... he thought. During the war, he had gone to one of the shrines and asked for the Cameleon Hide skill. His color was already fairly camo, but he not only wanted to be strong, he wanted to be sneaky. Unfortunatly, his burrowing in Wilt'no hadn't proven very useful on the hard, rocky battlefields.

Suddenly, a very small, hardly audible thwimp hit the leebra's ears. Warrior turned his head, careful not to move around too much. On the ground behind him was a normal lunafly. "I seem to be attracting bugs today." he said jokingly, "At least it's pretty bugs." Taking note that the little guy seemed to be having trouble withstanding the heat, Warrior gently scooped him up in his paw and held it up. "What are you doing here if heat wears you down so much?" he asked curiously, hoping he wouldn't seem offensive.

OoC: Arg I'm sorry. I haven't had much time to get online latley.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/29/2008 10:59 PM

OoC: I've got some roleplays I need to get to so I'mma throw in another character as well. ^_^


Skittaskittaskitta. Small pebbles tumbled down the mountain as a small, glowing creature scuttled along it's side. It had been a wile since he'd been outside the pens, he couldn't even remember who he'd met. All he could remember was Wilt'No was involved, along with alot of jumping pets. Ahh yes, scaring. His favorite game. The shartile lifted his nose to inhale the sweet fragrances of intense heat, magma, and steaming rocks. Wait, what was that? Burnt fur? What kind of furred pet would be up here? Well, whoever it was, he was going to find them.

Clutching his skull protectivly, he followed his nose, slowly making his way up the rest of the mountain. Now it was getting strange. This thing didn't smell like an equine or any other creature that would enjoy being up here. The war was over, wasn't it? The smell was getting stronger. He turned his head toward where the source was coming from and put the skull to his ear. Far-off voices echoed about in it's hallow cavity. Laying his tendrils down, he quietly krept closer.

Finally, he saw the leebra sitting on his smoking hindquarters. What was that on his paw? And that on the rock? Both things looked like glowing bugs. Seeing as he'd never seen a Lunafly before, he had no idea what they were. He only seen glowing biolune pets, but not glowing bugs. The leebra looked familiar. Didn't he live at the pens? Then the shartile saw the many scars. Ahh, it was Warrior for certain. A sly grin spread across his maw as he krept up behind the leebra. "SKRAAHH!!"
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby Yomegami » 07/31/2008 3:12 PM

"Well, setting your bottom on fire doesn't really sound like a good idea...." Fyra sai, "Well, for a leebra at least." She could actually set herself on fire, and then extinguish the flames without any damage. It helped that she was a firefly.

Then, the thwimp reached her hearing. If that's what I think it is....

Fyra took of, weaving an agile (if unintentional) dance in the air around the Leebra, catching sight of the normal lunafly who was currently laying upside down in Warrior's paw.

"Ah no...." she grumbled.

The lunafly, almost to unconscinous by the time Warrior picked him up, managed to hear hia question.

"Why am I here? I'm looking for another lunafly, who-" he began, but cut his question short when he saw the red lunafly flitting about nearby.

"Ah, Fyra. There you are." he said. In response, he got a few grumbles.

Fyra alighted again, this time on the rock where the creature she apparently knew had tried to land.

"He's from back home..... Why he's here is beyond me. He doesn't have a name yet...." she said, but as she was trying to say more, a loud SKRAAHH interrupted her.

"AHOYA!" yelled the normal lunafly, flopping around so much he fell out of Warrior's paw, down to the ground again.

Fyra cast a glance behind Warrior, taking note of the Cursed Shartile that had appeared, before sighing and flying down to air-lift her unexpected companion from the ground.

((Sorry about the late replies, my muse has been dead....))
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Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 07/31/2008 4:16 PM

((It's all good. Happens to me too.))

Warrior spun around at the screech, snarling viciously until he took note of who was behind him. "Your from the pens!" the leebra exclaimed, his fluffed fur settling back down. Warrior's tail-end was still smoking, so he figured he'd stand for a wile to let it cool before it actually did catch on fire. He turned back to the two lunafly, still wondering why the normal one was here. "I kinda know this guy. He's from back home too."

"Yesss I thought it wassss you, Warrior." the Shartile said with a hissing accent. "Your sssscars prove quite ussseful in finding you." He let his tendrils relax and wave about in the heated air. "I am Demon'ssss Child, but it issss Child for short." The creature set his glowing skull on the ground, keeping a foot on it protectivly. "Who are your friendssss?"

"The red one is Fyre, the one you nearly scared the glow off of is..Well, I'm not quite sure yet." The leebra began fanning his tail, trying to cool off his still smoking hindquarters. "I hope that fur grows back." he muttered. The last thing he needed was to go into battle with a half-balled backside.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

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Postby Yomegami » 08/06/2008 12:19 AM

((I've lost track of my lunafly's levelage here, and this is really getting nowhere. So, if you don't mind I'm going to close it now and pull Fyra and my other lunafly out.))

"I told you that it wasn't a good idea to let your backside catch fire like that...." Fyra said as she watched Warrior try to fan off his backside as he talked to the Shartile from his pens. Although the Shartile was hard to understand, she guessed that his name was Demon's Child, or Child.

"Alright, Dumb-butt, what are you doing here?" she asked of the second lunafly who had arrived.

"Don't call me that!" hissed the normal Lunafly. "Master wants you back at the ruins."


"Don't ask me, ask him!"

Fyra sighed as she turned to Warrior and Child.

"It was nice meeting you and all, but apparently I've got to leave now. That is, if Dumb-butt is to be believed." she said, before grabbing her companion, and with some difficulty, flying off.

Of course, Fyra's nickname for the normal Lunafly wound up making him yell at her some more for calling him that.

((Fyra and Lunafly have left the RP.))
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