A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Re: Very Wrong Turn (OPEN/Self)

Postby Chaoswolf » 08/12/2010 12:14 PM

Jester felt annoyance rolling around inside of him like the balls in his jingly tail-bells. He followed Vash from tree to tree, his light paws skimming the bark easily. Some of the thinner branches swayed dangerously and he had to leap to others. All the while his ears were perked and alert for other creatures. While Jester was not a fearful creature, he loved his life too much to risk his neck. He snorted. Especially for a good-for-nothing Chaos Tali who doesn't even appreciate it! All the same he followed, keeping his mouth shut. Why bother with more clever rhymes of warning? They were wasted on Vash's dumb ears.
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Re: Very Wrong Turn (OPEN/Self)

Postby Chaoswolf » 08/12/2010 12:22 PM

Vash padded confidently through the trees. He had not a clue where he was going without the map (not that the map had helped much in the first place). Yet, he was certain that he was in no danger whatsoever. Jester was a fool. It was the definition of his name. Vash was a danger to everything and he was fast and cocky. No way could anything touch him. Except maybe the rustling in the bushes behind him. He froze and looked back.
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Re: Very Wrong Turn (OPEN/Self)

Postby Chaoswolf » 08/12/2010 12:28 PM

Jester felt his throat strain and his stomach flop as he glanced back through the trees. He tried to see behind the bush that Vash was beside, but he was unable to. What was it? It sounded big, but he could not because it was not sticking at all out from the bush. His eyes stretched wide, and he tried to force his power of Foresight. Yet he was unable to see the future through his own blind fears. In desperation he parted his jaws, "Vash RUN!"
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Re: Very Wrong Turn (OPEN/Self)

Postby Chaoswolf » 08/12/2010 12:38 PM

Vash did NOT need to be told twice! Turning on his heels, he burst full speed through the forest, kicking up mud as he went. The fog had thickened somehow. Was it the monster doing that? Or was it nature telling him to give in? Pretty soon, he could not see trees that were only yards away. He had to put real effort into dodging. He veered, left and right. The ground seemed to be shaking under him. What is this THING?! He dared to look back, and he saw a hulking mass of shadow in the fog. With a yelp, he smacked into a tree.

The world spun around him and his legs went weak. The rumbling made him bounce. Is this the end?

ooc: Note, Vash grew to level 3.
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Re: Very Wrong Turn (OPEN/Self)

Postby Chaoswolf » 08/12/2010 12:44 PM

Jester tore through tree leaves with the speed he was going at. The fog had gotten thicker suddenly. What in the name of Evelon was happening?! The very trees were shaking. Jester looked down for Vash but could not see beneath the thick gray moisture. He was frightened for his companion. What he did see, shook him to the core! A huge, hulking shadow running on the ground. It was three time's Vash's size and five times his own.

His eyes widened suddenly. And what Jest saw was the future. For once, without any rhymes or riddles he called down, "WATCH OUT FOR THE TREE!"

But something was wrong, Jester could tell. He knew his warning had come to late! And to make matters worse, his branch snapped. Down the Venom Fenling tumbled, crashing into the soft furry back of this monster. Was he doomed?

ooc: Note, Jester grew to Level 3.
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