A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Re: Grim Forests, Dark Mists [M/E - P]

Postby Middy » 03/28/2012 3:21 AM

Titus was still confused on Art's questions about using mundane weapons, but quickly cast aside those thoughts and directed his attention back at the mural. He felt Art come closer to him and smirked, he knew the boy wasn't one for getting close to him, in fact this whole time he seemed weary about getting too close. He admitted that he wanted to reach out and place his hand on Art's shoulder and pull him even closer, but remained in his typical serious and stiff posture.

Titus tried brushing away some of the crusted blood on the mural but found that is was almost embedded into the stone, as if many many years had passed when this event occured. There was really no way of ridding the slab of the blood covering it without some kind of liquid to help loosen it off. For now he would just ignore it, there was no use trying to make sense of it right now, and maybe if he was lucky enough he could find more carvings in these ruins. As far as he could tell they went on quite a ways. He was also keeping in mind of any traps that might have been placed here.

"We are going to head down further into these ruins, maze or not, there is always an entry as well as an exit. Perhaps we will even find more missing pieces to this mural puzzle," this time he put a hand on Art's shoulder to direct the younger male in the direction he wanted to go. "This way."
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Postby Redd » 05/13/2012 8:10 AM

(Argh. I'm so freaking sorry about the lack of a reply. I'm... still up for continuing this if you are though...? :C)

Art squinted at the mural, his disregard for it evident on his face. He wasn't sure what the man was getting from it, and of course he was being stubborn about actually co-operating with him. What Titus paid any interest too, Art was sure to completely disdain. It was childish, when the half-seraph had chosen to follow him to begin with, but he was still pissed off, still confused and still lusting and he'd be damned to make this easy for him.

When Titus touched Art to steer him in the right direction, the man could barely put a damper on his reaction. He flinched, his usually calm blue eyes flashed angrily and made to pull his lips up in a snarl but he stopped the latter before it was a full drawn snarl.
Instead, he snorted and pulled himself back to full-height and glanced in the direction Titus had pointed out.
"Right. Perhaps." His words came through gritted teeth and tight lips, again hating himself for visibly reacting. He agreed with his earlier thought, it was childish but part of him still thought it would be a good idea to express his frustration with the other man. And he was quite literally frustrated to the point of wanting to bite the sleeve, or collar of his shirt... or something. But he did restrain, fortunately for him.

He pre-emptively started walking off, ahead of Titus, just to put some distance between them.

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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Re: Grim Forests, Dark Mists [M/E - P]

Postby Middy » 05/25/2012 2:06 AM

(No problem, I am always up to continuing~)

Titus was now feeling an air of tension between them, and now it was evident that Art wasn't too pleased to be in his presence afterall. Then if he was so hesitant about going with him and now feeling regret, then why was he still here with him? Surely there must have been another reason for him staying, but for the moment Titus would need to put those thoughts aside and focus on them when the task at hand was complete.

He gave an audible growl when Art went ahead of him, always so headstrong that one. Titus followed him close by anyway, ignoring the fact that he had the guts to go ahead of him. Normally he would have chased after anyone who defied his leadership and proven to them that he wasn't a feared commander of the dead for nothing, but he made an exception for Art. For now. He kept in mind that they were very much on an equal standing during their fight long ago, but with the new knowledge that the boy might have lost his old weapons put him at ease. If such a thing were true he could toss his weight around more without having to worry abut being injured by those damn blades again if Art decided to attack him for whatever reason.

When he was up to Art he chose to travel next to him, now finding themselves down a winding tunnel that took them further into the dungeon. He would periodically turn his head in Art's direction to see if he was hiding anymore of his emotions, then back to the tunnel. When they drew nearer to the end Titus could swear he heard the familiar scraping sounds of flesh and bone grinding against the cold stone floor. The undead were surely on the other side.
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Re: Grim Forests, Dark Mists [M/E - P]

Postby Redd » 06/03/2012 3:59 AM

Art would have flicked his ears back against his head, if he was any more Lucain, when he heard Titus growl at him for getting ahead. He almost was a little abashed at earning that response, but since his head was a jumbled mess right now, his emotions had already shifted back into confused anger before the embarrassment could manifest as a visible emotion.

He forced himself to relax just a little, just to give his bunched up muscles a moments break, and let out a drawn out sigh. This again only lasted a few more seconds, before he started fidgeting with the cuff of his jacket. There were many prices to pay for picking out the life of solitude, and not venting to someone, was making Art wanting to say something about their last encounter, and he was almost bursting at the seams because of it.
When Titus turned his head to Art, the Fallen Seraph would just lower his eyes, or direct them in a searching manner to the walls of the tunnel.

"How big is this place?" He finally spoke - though it was slightly rhetorical in nature - in an undertone. Not because he heard the noises - because he hadn't yet - but the sombre nature of the place almost forced him to. He'd managed to get another grip on his emotions, for the time being. His mind was already not quite together, before Titus came but if he was to survive any encounter that involved the man, he'd need a large amount of mental clarity. "I also trust you know what you're doing here. I would hate to die from a trap, or something as anti-climatic as that." He stated sarcastically, an all too familiar, confident smirk falling over his features. He could deal with this, he just needed to fall back into his usual smug, arrogant bravado.

It's now or never
Don't surrender
We came too far to die
So claim your weapons
This ain't heaven
We came here now to fight

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Re: Grim Forests, Dark Mists [M/E - P]

Postby Middy » 06/24/2012 3:52 AM

Titus tried his best to keep his mind focused on the matter at hand instead of Art who was clearly off in another world, possibly trapped in his own mind. He didn't risk taking a second glance at him this time and instead carried on with travelling further in until he stopped at a large stone door, putting his ear against it. He listened carefully for any familiar sounds so that he could compare it to any undead he already knew of. He smirked when he picked up the creaking and grinding of bones and rusted metal, skeletal warriors... he thought. A rather low class of undead, but he would take what he could get from this place. He just hoped that stronger, more rare undead were further in.

Not moving from his position against the door he replied to Art's first question, "I am unsure of how large this dungeon is, but I would say we are maybe halfway in by now," sure it was a given estimate, usually areas leading so far down would place them at the catacombs, and after that it was one long maze until the end. Of course that was just the basic rundown, this place however, he had no idea.

"Trust my abilities... I have been doing this type of thing for many many years," he ran his armor clad hands across the earthen door searching for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing. He then checked the walls around them to see if there were any holes in which arrows would shoot from if they tripped a trap by entering the next room. Still nothing. Thinking it was safe for now, Titus pushed open the door, stone grinding hard against the floor. In doing so the skeletons stirred, bones rattling as they moved to investigate. 'Now is my chance to see them...' Titus peeked in the room and was actually stunned for once. They weren't any ordinary skeletal warriors, their bones matched closer to that of a lizardman, except they had long spiraled horns attached to their skulls, and ragged bony wings. 'Dragonkin?'

Titus pulled the door shut once more to collect himself in his next attack, they would be a formidable foe for sure, no dragon-like creature was ever easy to take down. His attention turned to Art, a frown creasing his face, "We have dragon warriors on the other side... be prepared for anything."
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