A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/14/2012 12:28 AM

“Well,” Yoshi replied, even as she scrutinized the woman behind the counter like a hawk. “I have no problem finding things like that. It shouldn’t take me long tog et one for you. I can visit you and bring it with me! And I’ll be sure to bring you some foil and my masterpieces, of course, so you can have something pretty for your office.” She took the bag that she was given, making adorable little squeaky sounds that, coming from anyone else, might’ve been rather disturbing as she hugged her bag close. “Oh, foil, foil, pretty foil,” she sang softly to herself, twirling in place and causing the cashier to give her very odd looks as she lifted her free hand to grab Morwena’s.

“I don’t know if I like other people touching my foil,” Yoshi remarked offhandedly as she tugged on Morwena’s hand to drag her towards the door. “So maybe I’ll just take your advice and open portals everywhere! It’ll be like when I get donations. No one will see me, I’ll be sure of it.” She glanced up at Morwena, and a shrewd look entered her gaze. “You and Mister Bentner are acting a bit odd. You don’t want anyone to know you’re here, huh?”

((Hehe, that'd be so much fun. O.o imagine Yoshi being a mediator. Horrible. xD Sorry for the shortness of this post. Are we going to have them travel to Pandovia, btw?))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/14/2012 12:39 AM

"You find so many amazing things!" Morwena wished she could do that, too. How happy with her her Dear would be! He would maybe even reward her! Too bad she didn't have any portal-powers. "I would be so grateful! And well, I sadly don't have an office. Only my Dear has one. And I'm not sure if he could actually put your drawings or foil up there...because...uhm..." Morwena tried to quickly think of something. "Well, you know, we have lots of important work to do. And imagine there would be your masterpieces and foil in my Dear's office! He would be distracted by all the awesomeness all the time! And then our allies might get upset if he doesn't get his work done!"

Morwena quickly took Yoshi's hand and indeed steered towards the exit. The sooner they got out of the supermarket, the better. "I'm sure you'll do awesomely! You'll have lots of work to do then, to cover everything with foil at your home." How would she even make the foil stick to the wall in the first place, without it actually ripping? "And well, yes...this place is not too far from the portal to our home and if anyone else from our world would know that my Dear and I are here, we would be in trouble since the other people pretty much want us dead."

((That would only work until either a bunny or a duck would poop on the foil. XD; Then there would be terror. XD; And yuh, I think Bentner will want to head home. o3o He wants to secure his new items in his treasure room and also get back to work - and some rest, really. xD))

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/14/2012 1:14 AM

“Of course!” Yoshi replied, looking rather smug. “I can find anything!” It was rather more of a boast than actual fact. There might be something out there in the universe she actually couldn’t find, but Yoshi didn’t see it that way. In her mind, she was the ultimate collector. As with every dragon, she believed her hoard of treasures was never complete and always needed more and more and more, so in her logical dragon mind, there wasn’t anything she couldn’t have.

“I never thought of that,” Yoshi admitted, looking a little wilted. “I guess it wouldn’t be good if he couldn’t work. That’s why Halibel-sama won’t let me put my masterpieces in her office. She says that she has too many important matters to attend to, and she can’t afford to be distracted by such beautiful works of art. So maybe Mister Bentner is the same!” it made sense. Important people couldn’t be distracted. If they had work to do, her art would only capture their attention and wouldn’t allow them to do anything but stare at it’s awesome-ness. She skipped along behind Morwena, swinging her bag of foil happily and keeping a tight grip on the woman’s hand.

“Oh, that makes sense. There used to be people who wanted me dead too, but we all came to a truce. They didn’t like me much because I tried to kill them on multiple occasions. They deserved it though! They tried to destroy Hueco Mundo, and Hueco Mundo is my home!” She looked righteously indignant. “At least I got to almost kill them. They were too strong to just outright kill.” She shrugged nonchalantly, as if it didn’t quite matter. “So, are you and Mister Bentner going to go home now?”

((….I never thought of that. Then there would be hell to pay. XD All right. So time skip, then? To where she arrives to bother them? XD))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/14/2012 1:35 AM

"My! That is quite the claim!" If it was true, though, and Yoshi would maybe be willing to find a few things here and there for Morwena and her Dear... "So, what was the most amazing thing you have ever gotten as a donation?" Surely, it had to be something awesome!

"Exactly!" Morwena beamed. "My Dear isn't a king, but he was advisor to a king and the second most important man in the kingdom. And even if he isn't that anymore, he's still the most powerful mage and needs to research artifacts all the time so that people can use their power. It's very unfortunate, but he really has to work a lot..." Morwena sighed. It would be so much nicer if her Dear had more times for other things (like sex, mainly). "I'm glad you understand!" Morwena was tempted to tell Yoshi to maybe shower that stupid king of Pandovia in art - in the hope that the king would maybe be not smart enough to recognize the danger and get killed - but she didn't want to take her chances of Yoshi befriending that moron.

"These must have been really powerful people, then. And it's good that you guys came to a truce. The people in my kingdom are sadly not smart enough for that..." Morwena sighed and then nodded, entering the park again and locating her Dear's aura. "I think my Dear will want to go home, yes. We humans need rest and before we met you, we walked through a desert and all. It was a pretty exhausting day, no matter how awesome it turned out to be."

"Morwena, there you are." Bentner had waited on a bench. "Has someone recognized you?"

"Dear!" Morwena beamed like the sun upon seeing her Dear again. "I don't think anyone recognized us, but I'm sure that...people will remember us." Morwena's smile grew a bit strained. "There was a lot of excitement about the foil. We found it and got all there was."

"Ah." Bentner sighed. "We should probably indeed go home, then. Not only am I exhausted, the last thing I want to risk is someone being able to point someone from Pandovia into our direction." He looked at Yoshi. "I am...glad that the effort wasn't in vain, though. Now Miss Yoshi can go and cover her room in foil." Which was really the most idiotic thing, ever, but if that kept the dragon girl happy, Bentner wouldn't say anything against it. Morwena was almost as strange with her obsession with green things, after all.

((xD Exactly. Lots of potential for things to go wrong. XD And I'd say let's make one more post of them saying goodbye and heading home and then we do the time skip. Shall we skip to just the next day or some longer amount, though?))

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/14/2012 2:22 AM

“The most amazing thing?” Yoshi repeated, and then brightened considerably. “Well, this one time, I got this whoooollleee duck made out of foil. Can you believe it?! Of course, someone had put food in it, which I don’t understand at all, so I got rid of the nasty food, but the duck was made of FOIL! It was amazing.” Of course, amazing to Yoshi was not the same as ‘amazing’ to Morwena. But according to the dragon girl, that was definitely the most amazing. She tipped her head to the side as she skipped along.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m only allowed to put my art in everyone else’s rooms. But Halibel-sama won’t allow me to put any in her room. She says it’s distracting. Great art can sometimes be too amazing for you to work around, after all!” She hummed along, hugging her bag of foil closely and rejoicing in the idea of covering her room in it. “Oh, they were. The truce wasn’t my idea though. I would’ve preferred to kill them. But they did have a nice human with them. Remember me telling you about Orihime? I liked her.”

When they reached the park, Yoshi lifted her arm and released Morwena’s hand, waving and bouncing excitedly as she made her way over to Bentner. “Oh yes. And I have SO much foil. I’ll be able to cover an entire wall!” She glance dup between Bentner and Morwena, and smiled, almost sadly. “Well, I know humans needs their rest and everything. So I guess this is goodbye.” She giggled, spinning in place. “For now of course.” A Garganta opened up behind her, and her smile sharpened. Tia might’ve had a difficult time opening portals, but for Yoshi, it seemed to be no problem. “I’ll see you again soon, I promise!” she called as she bounced into the darkness of the portal. “Bye-bye!”

((How about a month or so later? XD Element of surprise. They’d never see it coming. ))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/14/2012 4:29 PM

"I...see." That hadn't been at all what Morwena had meant. "So your extensive collection of magical items is only so large because you couldn't switch over to foil so far because you didn't know where to get it until now? Then, uh, that duck must have been a really amazing find indeed." Well, if Yoshi ever wanted to throw her artifacts out to make room for more foil, Morwena would gladly take them all.

"Yes, exactly." Morwena smiled. As long as Yoshi wouldn't demand to put her art in places where it would bother Morwena or her Dear, she was fine with it. Then, she recalled what she had heard about Orihime. "If she's so nice, does that mean you visit her a lot, too?" After all, it might help to figure out how often Morwena and her Dear would have to expect Yoshi to stop by.

It was, to Morwena, then quite surprising that the goodbye went over rather quickly. "Bye-bye, deary!" She waved when Yoshi opened her portal. Bentner merely nodded, clearly focusing on Yoshi's magic instead in hopes of finding out how it worked. As soon as the portal closed behind Yoshi, he looked at Morwena. "Let us head home, especially if people took notice of you. We can discuss everything else at home - we have lots of work to do, now, too. I will take care of the items and you will go and see the doctor to see if he can figure out what exactly that potion did to us and if it worked."

"Of course, Dear!" Inwardly, Morwena sighed. Her Dear was obviously pretty tired, but if he still wanted some work to get done today, that meant that she wouldn't get laid again. Life was hard.

((Sounds good! Do the time skip now, then. 8D))

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/15/2012 11:41 PM

(Tiiiimmmmeeee skip~)

It had been nearly two months since she’d seen her ‘newest, bestest, most awesomest best friends’ and Yoshi was, truth be told, starting to feel a bit lonely. Hanging around Hueco Mundo with the same old people day after day could get a bit repetitive, and she was feeling the urge to stretch her legs, so to speak. After she’d managed to practically mutilate one of Nnoitora’s favorite outfits, insulted Apacci, and messed with the hallways enough to get even Halibel-sama lost, she felt it was a good idea to ‘skip town,’ as it were. She didn’t want to stick around to get yelled at, as was sure to happen if Halibel-sama ever caught her. So Yoshi had quite literally skipped out of Hueco Mundo and opened a portal near the two reiatsu signatures she was so familiar with.

Of course, as powerful as Yoshi was, she wasn’t always great at managing to show up exactly where she wanted. So when she tumbled into a deserted corridor with a yelp and a lot of colorful squeaking, she wasn’t exactly sure where she was. But the walls looked ridiculously bare. She scrutinized them carefully, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. “They could use some color,” she decided, and on a whim, she summoned her beloved paint set. It hovered near her elbow as she took out a brush and, quite happily, began to pain stick figures of Bentner, Morwena, and herself  and their time in Hueco Mundo onto the walls.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/15/2012 11:55 PM

The fortress of Bentner sat right in the middle of Pandovia, which was a bit of a problem if you were the most wanted criminal, and Bentner solved that problem with an immensely strong, magical field. So, unsurprisingly, it was him who noticed at once when a signature much like magic that he had felt before suddenly appeared behind the field, seemingly passing it or simply being able to ignore it in the first place. Two months were quite some time, but he immediately had a good idea what - or better, who - had caused it. To his dismay, he was currently in the process of enchanting an item and couldn't very well leave the chamber he was in, so his only hope was that Morwena had noticed as well - which she should have or she would get punished - and arrive before one of the patrolling guards stumbled over the intruder.

Morwena had indeed noticed, however, she, too, was quite a bit away from where Yoshi had appeared. She wasn't totally sure what had caused the odd signature, but since she couldn't reach her Dear during one of his spells to ask if he knew about it, she decided to check it out at once. After all, she would not tolerate anything that would endanger her Dear. Hurrying through the hallways, she walked as quickly as her high heels allowed her, but that was still not quickly enough.

Two of the guards who worked for Bentner and who patrolled the hallways at all times, however, were just rounding the nearest corner and stopped when suddenly, there was a child casting magic in the middle of the hallway. "H-halt!" one of them called out - neither knew the girl, but her odd horns and the fact that she obviously had some powers pretty much identified her as a threat in their eyes. "Who are you?!" Both men carried swords and wore helmets and armor. They didn't drew their weapons yet, but were wary.

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Your voice tears me asunder
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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/16/2012 12:02 AM

Yoshi turned, very slowly, and blinked owlishly up at the guards. “I’m Yoshi. Who are you?” she replied, obviously unconcerned with the fact that both men were carrying weapons and were many times larger than she was. She continued painting nonchalantly, not even looking at the now very crooked and squiggly stick figure that had been created due to her negligence and inattention. “You’re blocking my light.” A little crease appeared between her eyebrows as she frowned, turning back to her squiggle of a drawing. “And lookit what you made me do. My lines are all squiggly and they look horrible!” When she turned back to the two men, her face had darkened considerably, her blue eyes flashing briefly with pure fury, before she turned towards the man, paintbrush in hand.

“And if there’s one thing I hate, it’s when people mess up my masterpieces.” Her voice was a low hiss as she advanced one them, teeth elongated into fangs, and fingernails lengthening into claws as she brandished the brush like a weapon, the eye blinding yellow tipped on the end looking more menacing than cheerful. "How about if I kill you now, and then use you to wipe off this mess you've made?" Her face brightened momentarily, eyes flashing with amusement. "Then I can start all over! Doesn't that sound fun?"

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/16/2012 12:16 AM

"It's a demon!" One of the two men drew his sword while the other turned around. "Yes, ring the alarm! Come, demon, I am not afraid of you!" The man, actually, was pretty scared since he guessed that the girl was a demon serving the dark god - and only the real powerful demons could take on a human form - and all of them were immune to normal weapons.

"Whaaaat is going on here?!" Morwena entered the hallway from the other side. "Yoshi, deary! Is that you?!" She didn't like the atmosphere here right now, being able to sense that Yoshi was about to do something probably very powerful. "Now, now, men, Yoshi here is a friend of mine and of my Dear! Treat her kindly, will you? Deary, please don't attack the guards if it can be helped, we pretty much need them." Well, Morwena had gotten rid of guards that had bothered her before herself (it was quite fun sometimes, actually), so she didn't mind much if Yoshi would end up killing them, but her Dear always complained about how good men were hard to find, now that they were criminals, so he would probably prefer them not-dead. But well, it wasn't Morwena who would do the killing and her Dear would probably forgive Yoshi, simply because he didn't want to anger her himself. She dared to approach a bit closer, also noticing the paper, but seeing the paint and Yoshi's paintbrush in her hand, it wasn't hard to guess what Yoshi had been doing.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/16/2012 12:23 AM

Yoshi brandished the brush like a weapon, and hissed, muscles coiling as she prepared herself to change and spring and wipe the floor with them. The good part would be that she could do all kinds of pretty pictures with their blood; it was such a lovely red. However, when Morwena rounded the corner, Yoshi stilled, paintbrush hovering in mid-air, and the atmosphere quickly switched gears. “Helloooooo!” Yoshi called, waving her hands frantically and getting paint spatters everywhere. “Miss Morwena! I came to seeeee you!” She giggled and bounced on her heels, but her eyes darkened when they slid to the two men. “And these two were in my light. They messed up my beautiful pictures!” she wailed, pointing to the wall and the squiggly stick figures that looked worse than normal. It was quite obvious that she had no idea painting on a wall was frowned upon. She did it at home all the time.

“Look at those horrible lines! All squiggly and…and…and…HORRIBLE!” She seemed unable to find another word to describe them. “You know, if I killed them, they couldn’t ruin anymore masterpieces,” she suggested innocently, brandishing her brush and folding one arm over her chest as she turned back to the wall. She’d smeared a bit of paint on her fingers, and as she gripped her chin thoughtfully, she left a cheerful yellow blob on her face. “What do you think? It’s you, and Mr. Bentner and me! Can you tell? I know my lines are HORRIBLE AND SQUIGGLY, but I think it can be salvaged.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/16/2012 12:37 AM

Well, it was good to see that Yoshi was getting more cheerful with Morwena around, but the situation was still pretty bad. "And I'm happy that you came to visit us, too!" Seeing how Yoshi was still able to be all happy, despite wanting to kill the guards, Morwena dared to approach even more and looked at the wall. "Ah, that is...unfortunate." Her Dear would be really, really unhappy. "Oh yes, I can indeed tell, deary, despite the problems you encountered here, it clearly shows what it is supposed to be. And well, we sadly have a lot of guards here. I think their problem was mainly that they had no idea that you would be here and since no one is normally able to enter this fortress without my Dear and me announcing it, they thought you were an assassin or something." She sighed. "Why...don't I just punish them for ruining your picture. Maybe it would be better if you would just use paper anyway? Because look, the paint drips down the wall and that kind of can ruin pictures, too? Normally, you do this on paper so that it can dry so that you can hang it on the walls then without any wet paint accidents. So maybe I can punish the guards by forcing them to...hm, buy you paper and more paint? After all, they ruined your picture and you wasted resources. I think that may be better than killing them - not that I can stop you if you want to go ahead with it." She glared at the poor guards. Surely these morons were able to understand that, while they hadn't done anything wrong, they better agreed to everything?

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/16/2012 12:58 AM

Yoshi considered her masterpiece with a critical eye. “I suppose you’re right,” she sighed at last. “The paint does drip. I hate it when that happens. But at least they’re almost life-size!” She spread her arms wide, little droplets of yellow paint flying everywhere as she did so. She was infinitely caring towards her paints, but seemingly careless when it came to keeping them from getting all over the place. “You like it, right, Miss Morwena?” She leaned forward and dabbed a large amount of the yellow above the three stick figures. “It’s sunny,” she explained, making little sun rays. “I think that looks better.” Nodding to herself, her eyes finally slid towards the men who had accosted her upon her entrance to the fortress. “Oh, so you don’t have unexpected visitors, then? I guess their actions were justified.” her smile sharpened and turned steely.

“But it doesn’t excuse them ruining my art. I guess some more paint and paper is an adequate offering. It would save me the trouble of having to kill them.” She pointed her paintbrush at the men, and probably would’ve ;looked menacing if not for the fact that she put on an adorable face, her cheeks puffed up and eyes wide. “You! You must requisition me paper and paints! If you do this, I shall reward you with a masterpiece of your own and you will remain death free!” She glanced up at Morwena, her face still as adorable as it could be and her eyes wide. “Was that good?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby Shieba » 06/16/2012 1:13 AM

"Yes, yes, of course I like it!" Morwena was quick to assure. "Though I wonder...with the dripping paint, the fact that the wall is dark - which will show through the paint once it's dry - and the fact that your work was ruined, it might be a good idea to take it as a practice painting nonetheless and recreate it on paper. It might leave more of an impression that way. I'm sure we can get such a big piece of paper somewhere..." She glanced at the guards. "You heard her. Get her more paint and paper or she will kill you. She even offered you art for yourselves! You better appreciate that!" After all, she had told Yoshi that they would put the 'masterpieces' in the servant's wing. They definitely didn't need them here, where their allies might see them...

"Y-yes, ma'am...!" The guards looked at each other, clearly having no idea what was going on but well aware that the girl was able to kill you and displeasing Morwena also tended to result in death, so no matter that they weren't at fault for 'blocking the light' (they had been on patrol, after all!), they decided to hurry off to get the requested items from...somewhere. Hopefully, one of the servants was a closet artist.

"That was very good, deary! Very kind of you as well!" Morwena was glad that the danger was over. "My Dear is right now creating a magical item, but I am sure he felt you arriving here and will join us soon!" Morwena beamed. Normally, she wouldn't have seen her Dear again until the evening, so this was an amazing thing. For now, she better had to stop Yoshi from painting more walls. "So, how is the foil hunt going, deary? Did you get more? How much of your home have you covered yet?"

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: S1: Shieba and Millie [Whisper Forest]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/16/2012 1:31 AM

“I could…Halibel-sama lets me paint on the walls in my room at home, but there the walls are white. And we can change them whenever I want.” She giggled and bounced. “I change the halls so much that Apacci got lost. You should’ve seen her shouting!” Abruptly returning to topic, she watched as the men scrambled to find what she’d instructed them to get, and tilted a considering head. “You think they’ll appreciate my art?” she asked hopefully. “I’ll make sure to draw them really pretty, with flowers and stuff, so they like it better.” Nodding to herself, she mentally visualized the masterpiece she’d be drawing the two unfortunate men, and over-exaggerated their gratitude in her head, thinking she’d be showered with hugs and cakes, and maybe, happily, some foil.

Placing her paintbrush back on it’s little floating rack, she banished it with a wave of her hand, looking excited. “Oh, foil!” she cooed, looking happy as she pressed her hands to her cheeks, effectively smearing the globs of yellow paint. “I’ve got so much of it now! Halibel-sama made Starrk-kun and Lilynette-chan help me gather it. We opened Gargantas all over the place! We got donations from lots and LOTS of markets of super-ness!” She puffed up her cheeks, and shook a finger. “What about you and Mister Bentner? Did that potion do any good?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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