A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Return to Whisper Forest


Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 12:51 AM

“Yes trouble and we’ll deal with them properly later, but for now but in another order for a large pink cookie and medium espresso.”
Megan handed the desert to the customer who stood first in line, she received payment and a tip. While the Hellen sat and waited the boys had taken a liking for her, they asked if she wanted to play cars with them and Hellen accepted. She wasn’t one to pass up a game of playing with toy cars. Hellen and the boys made “vroom vroom” noises the customers and Megan and Ron carried on.
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Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 12:53 AM

After the line had cleared Megan came over and set down a coffee and large pink cookie. Hellen could feel her mouth watering from the delicious smell that filled her nose.
“Thank you!,” Hellen said as she took a quick drink of her coffee, the blended chocolate in the coffee gave off a wonderful smile that made Hellen’s groan. “This is amazing,” she practically whispered. She could honestly say that she was in nirvana.
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Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 12:57 AM

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it and it’s on the house for your troubles,” Megan said with a smile.
“I could not take that offer, please allow me to pay you,” Hellen said in between drinks.
“Your enjoyment is payment enough,” Megan laughed.
“I can not accept that, please allow me to at least clean your shop.”
Before Megan could answer her husband, Ron walked out off the kitchen with big grin on his face.
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Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 12:58 AM

“By all means, please do!”
“What? This girl isn’t going to take no for an answer so why not take her up on her offer?”
Hellen smiled, “Yes, I will not take no for answer, now it’s a done deal. I’ll clean up the shop after closing time, you and your husband can relax with the children,” Hellen finished simply.
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Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 12:59 AM

"Sounds like a plan," Rin finished for his wife. Megan looked at her husband with annoyance, however sighed.
"Fine geez," she said exasperated while placing a hand on her forehead. Hellen smiled at the family. After closing time Hellen tied her hair back into a ponytail that hung high on her head.
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Postby DeadAlice » 05/08/2015 1:00 AM

She had a broom in hand and swept the floor while humming to herself. She'd done this all the time at home, she preferred to clean by herself because she like do it efficiently and quickly. Hellen began to clean the tables and countertops that customers sit at to enjoy their coffee while enjoy their surroundings. While Hellen was cleaning while the children were playing and following Hellen around the shop. Megan and Ron were sitting together on a couch that had been laid out for customers watching their children play, they talked and laughed together peacefully.
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/27/2015 6:34 PM

Hellen almost felt at home until a large man with a group of men behind him wearing black suits arrived and roughly pushed open the door of the coffee shop. The kids quickly dropped their toys and rushed to find their parent to hide behind. Megan and Ron had stopped their conversation and stood together with no expressions on their faces. Hellen didn’t understand the situation at all, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to keep quiet about it.
“Who the hell are you?”
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/27/2015 6:35 PM

The large man walked into the coffee shop even more and smiled at Hellen with lustful eyes. The men behind him all entered to and blocked the windows from the sunset’s rays that were falling behind the city’s buildings. “My name is Tony Stone, I’m the mayor of this fine town. Whoooo-o might you be?” the man finished with a large smirk as he looked Hellen up and down.
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/27/2015 6:36 PM

“I’m a traveler who was just happening to passing through your town,” Hellen stared at Tony with annoyance and then looked at his bodyguards that stood shoulder to shoulder with black sunglasses, gelled slicked back hair and stood quietly without looked at anything in peculiar.
“Well, Hellen you’re a beauty. I must say you should be staying with my at my manor. Don’t you agree Mr and Mrs Jade?” the man looked at with an even larger smirk than before. “You two also agree that you were in the wrong for not informing the city’s office of this visitors stays.”
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/27/2015 6:37 PM

Ron held his wife’s hand and pushed his twins behind his back more in order to block their view of the man.
“We weren’t expecting a visitor, she was just a friendly lady who helped us out at the shop earlier today Mr. Stone. My wife and I lost trac-”.
“I’ve heard enough,” Mr. Stone said as he took a seat at one of the tables. “You know that visitors must be called into the town officials’ office and given a city pass in order to stay here. I don’t understand why that is so hard to do.
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/29/2015 9:07 PM

Maybe you two should be punished.”
Hellen had enough of the mayor, she stood up with her broom in hand and looked at the guards. Hellen was already annoyed with herself for not bring her sword in. “There is no need for punishment if anyone should be punished then it should be me,” Hellen said.
The major smirked, “You? Huh, how noble of you,” he finished with a grin. “I’ll agree with you taking the blame…”
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/29/2015 9:09 PM

Hellen nodded her head in agreement, “but, you will not harm this family, correct Mayor?” Hellen watched his expressions she wondered what he would say or do next.
“Yes, I will not harm them in any way, that is a promise, my dear,” the Mayor said with a smile. Hellen was escorted out the door with the large bodyguards and the Mayor behind her. In front of the cafe was a large black SUV with the door opened, two of the bodyguards went to the back-backseat while Hellen was in the middle seat with two other bodyguards in beside her, the Mayor sat in the passenger seat.
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Postby DeadAlice » 06/29/2015 9:11 PM


The driver started the engine and sped off into the night. Hellen was looking at her lap, she needed her sword. She closed her eyes and talked in her mind to her sword named Yoru, “Yoru follow me, I give you permission for your release.”
“About damn time!” said a harsh voice back. “I thought you just gonna leave me back there!”
Hellen smiled but didn’t reply back, Yoru would be able to sense her when she arrived at wherever the Mayor was taking her.
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Postby DeadAlice » 07/24/2015 1:49 AM

Yoru changed into his human form in the back of Bronze. He had to move uncomfortably in the small car, but he managed. He unlocked the door, stepped out to stretching his arms over his head with a yawn. It’s been awhile since the last time Yoru got to transform into his human form. He wrestled through his black wavy hair, “I’m assuming you left my clothes correct?” he asked Hellen.
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Postby DeadAlice » 07/24/2015 1:50 AM

Hellen responded on the placement of the clothes in her travel bag. Yoru dug around in the back and found her bag. Hellen always packed clothes for Yoru in case of situations like these where he’d need to be in his human form. Yoru pulled out a pair of his jeans with a gray t-shirt and a black jacket. He grabbed Hellen’s belt and his sheath, he thought about what else needed to be taken, but Hellen hadn’t mentioned anything else.
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