A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Postby crow » 05/13/2014 10:21 AM

Blake looked behind him at the ghost. He could see her, but he could always see ghosts, and he knew roughly where to look for her as well as what to look for. But in the dim, grey fog, her almost equally dim grey body was difficult to make out even for him.

It was a good question. Could Alain see her? He had never been able to see ghosts before; despite his powers, that realm was still solely Blake's. However, if Blake's suspicions held true, then it was entirely possible that there was some kind of resonance between the two.
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Postby crow » 05/13/2014 10:30 AM

Blake asked a different question. “Does he look like anyone you know?”

“No,” Ellevera replied immediately, but then she paused to think. “No,” she said again more slowly, “but he...” She drifted closer. Alain's eyes didn't follow, but Blake was sure he saw a slight shudder go through the barrister when Ellevera drew close. “He looks a little like my kind,” she said incredulously, as if not daring to believe it possible. “But that isn't--- we were all---”

“Who are you talking to?” Alain asked. His voice had gone sharp.
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Postby crow » 05/13/2014 10:31 AM

Blake kept deliberately calm and detached when he said, “Just a client.” 'Client' was his codeword for 'ghost'; it had been that way with them for a long time now. What was more, Alain should have been long used to him speaking to thin air. It wasn't as if this was the first time a 'client' had followed him around. As long as Blake didn't freak out any of the customers, Alain usually ignored it.

But this time, Alain looked... not surprised, that wasn't the right word for the face he was making, but as if this hadn't been the answer he'd expected. “Ah, yes,” he said, remembering himself. “A client... Yes, of course.”
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Postby crow » 05/13/2014 10:33 AM

He blinked his eyes, and rubbed at them. “I must be... very tired.” With those mumbled words, he turned and walked back into the shop. Ellevera and Blake looked at one another. The latter shrugged, and followed Alain through the door. Ellevera had no choice but to drift in after him. The cafe evidently still made her skittish, but Blake's presence seemed to reassure her somewhat. He was glad of that. Some ghosts didn't trust him even after he had helped them a few times, and it was always more difficult to work with the ones who didn't. But then, it had been Ellevera's idea to come with him in the first place. He supposed she wouldn't have wanted that if she thought he would harm her.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 1:56 AM

Everything within the shop fascinated Ellevera. Blake watched with a mixture of mirth and bemusement as she flitted around, inspecting the lighting fixtures and the coffee machines with a wonder that felt wholly undeserved. Perhaps he was too used to their customers, or not enough used to such an outdated ghost. He wondered, not for the first time, just how long she must have been in that forest.

Alain had gone to bed, which made things easier on them both. Blake was sure that the barrister had sensed Ellevera's presence, though weakly. With her residing in the shop, he would likely have to address that soon, but at the moment he didn't know what he would say or do if the topic came up, so it was just as well.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 1:57 AM

Plus, they needed to get her settled in. He didn't often bring work home with him, so they weren't in the habit of accommodating ghosts. It would be good practice for the future. It wasn't, admittedly, the first time they'd had such an arrangement, and somehow Blake doubted it would be the last.

“You need a place to stay,” he said. Ellevera was surveying the cake display, and looked more than a little wistful as she did. He smiled now. “Do you eat? Are you hungry?” Ghosts were all well and good, but feeding people was Blake's calling in life.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 1:59 AM

It was therefore ironic that he interacted with so many people that couldn't eat. Ellevera was not quite a ghost, so he figured he ought to ask, but from the way she looked at him, he knew what the answer was going to be. “Sorry,” he said.

“No, it's alright. I don't mind. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what I'm capable of anymore... But eating is beyond me,” she added hastily, when Blake began to look hopeful again.

He laughed a little self-consciously. “It's a habit. I'm a baker, but Alain can't cook, so I make all the meals and... I like watching people eat.”
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 1:59 AM

“Are there a great deal of people here during the day?” Ellevera said, her eyes widening. He thought for a moment that she might be frightened, but she burst into a smile when he nodded. “I have missed people. I have... forgotten what they looked like,” she said. She sounded a little sheepish about it. “Sometimes even the words come slowly--- it has been so long.”

It was, in a strange way, like watching a child. He couldn't help but smile along. Still, Alain was only going to be asleep for so long, and they had to figure out how this was all going to work--- where she was going to stay, what she was going to do during the day.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:00 AM

Blake knew he'd have to break the news about her to Alain sometime, preferably sooner rather than later, but now wasn't the ideal time to do it with him half dead on his feet and Blake pretty tired out himself. And there was also the off chance that one of their customers would see her. He didn't know how rumors of hauntings would affect their sales, but it was the kind of thing you were supposed to discuss with your partner before you tried it.

“Ellevera, where do you... Do you sleep?” he asked. It hadn't occurred to him before then, but he honestly didn't know. He didn't know if any ghosts slept, having never had to live with one around the clock. They usually just sort of... went off and did their own things, after they were done with him.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:00 AM

Ellevera looked up from where she had been admiring Alain's collection of mugs. “Please don't touch those,” he added. “Alain is particular about them.”

“Oh, of course!” Ellevera said, looking slightly embarrassed. Her cheeks didn't exactly color, but she went rather less opaque in the face, which might have been almost the same thing. She paused a moment before answering his question. “I... drift in and out of awareness sometimes, but I don't believe I sleep, no. The drifting isn't tied to time, rather.” She stopped there, with that uncomfortable expression passing over her features again. Blake's eyes narrowed, but he didn't want to press her now.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:30 AM

“Then, would you mind keeping out of sight for the night? I'm not sure if Alain can see you, and I'll have to explain to him when I have a chance.” Ellevera nodded. “You can stay in my room, or... If that's awkward, we also have a spare closet. It's a bit cramped, but everywhere else is in use during the day.” When was the last time he had spoken this much to someone besides Alain? It felt sort of bizarre, but not necessarily in a bad way. He could even get used to it, probably, if given time. For now though, all he wanted to do was get Ellevera settled in, then adjourn for bed himself.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:31 AM

“I'd rather stay with you,” Ellevera said plainly. “I've... Forgive me if it's forward of me,” she added, darkening again. “I have simply been alone too long, and company is such a relief.” Blake did his best to smile reassuringly at her, and she managed a small smile of her own in return.

“It's not a problem. As long as you don't wake Alain...” He raised a brow at her, and she nodded. With that, he led the way to his room. Now it was his turn to feel self-conscious. Not that he thought anything would happen, but he didn't usually have visitors in his own sleeping quarters. It was just the kind of thing that never came up, that was all. He had friends, to be sure, but the cafe's interior was a private place.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:32 AM

He opened the door, and found it the same as when he'd left it, right down to the rumpled covers. Sometimes Alain came in and made it up, but only if Blake had been gone a long time. The baker had always figured that Alain must have missed him a lot then. It wasn't something Alain would ever own to out loud, so Blake didn't ask, but not even the barrister went into this room most of the time.

Blake didn't blame him. It wasn't an impressive place. The walls were the same soft cream color of the cafe area's, mostly bare. A few small paintings hung opposite the bed, painted for him by Alain. They had agreed to swap works a while back; a similar array of paintings were hung somewhere in Alain's chamber.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:32 AM

The closet was filled with his clothes, though 'filled' was used loosely here. Blake didn't own too many clothes, and half of those were just multiples of his work uniform. There was a drawer beside his bed, and a small ornate lamp rested on it, its shade made up of panes of translucent orange glass. He flicked on the light switch, and the larger light built into the roof switched on. Ellevera drifted in after him as he shed his outer clothes. Thankfully for his modesty and her peace of mind, he wore a tank top and boxers underneath. It was still a sort of exposure, but not the kind that had to be mortifying. Nevertheless, he was quick about pulling on a loose t-shirt and some longer shorts. Usually he just slept in his underclothes, ditching the tank-top entirely during the summer, but as it turned out, he had a special protocol for guests. Even he hadn't known that. This was starting to look as if it would be an enlightening experience for him too.
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Postby crow » 06/15/2014 2:42 AM

After he changed, Blake went to the light switch. When he glanced at Ellevera, he found her looking at the paintings instead. That was a relief. Maybe she hadn't seen him change at all. “I'll be turning the lights out now,” he said, figuring it best to warn her. Ellevera looked up long enough to nod absent-mindedly, then returned to looking at the paintings. Blake didn't know if she'd be able to see them in the dark, but she didn't object, so he flipped the switch. Sliding under the covers, he mumbled a goodnight, turned over onto his side, and closed his eyes.
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