A mysterious area, explorers tend to go missing and never return. A low fog constantly blankets the forest floor and strange sounds have been reported being heard during the day. Not much else is known about the forest. (+3 Speed, +2 Endurance)

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Merged spirits, passing through lands of spirits...[P]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 06/22/2011 8:20 PM

Kelp (body of Entay)




Where are we?
Heck if I know, I know nothing about this "modern world", remember?

Let's go back, Kelp. I don't like it here...
Deal with it!

A lone girl marched through the haunted woods known as the Whisper Forest. Actually, it only appeared to be a lone girl. Truth was, she was a fellox whose body was currently inhabited by the spirit of a young man about the same age as herself.
Shut up!

These two had been trapped together since the girl, Entay, had walked over the spirit, Kelp's burial place...the place he had died long before. That...incident occurred in the Vast Plains, and Kelp, being the new inhabitant (somehow) of Entay's body, took them to Aldrect. A week had passed since that day, with many arguments and fights between the two of them. Tired of staying in one place, Kelp had left the city, wandering aimlessly...
I'm scared.

Kelp stopped dead in his tracks, not even looking at his surroundings as he turned his eyes to his mind. Slowly, the small, dark world in their mind replaced the gloomy forest around them. Likewise, Entay's slender (appealing) figure appeared in front of him. She was truly frightened. She seemed skittish somehow, glancing around at the darkness as if a murderer stalked its depths. Seeing Kelp's spirit form, she darted forward and flung her arms around him, squeezing him as if for dear life. Irritated, he pried her off, and after a struggle, settled with her just clinging to the green shirt his spirit form wore, holding the ghostly fabric in an iron grip.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Merged spirits, passing through lands of spirits...[P][PG?]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 11/10/2011 2:32 AM

Kelp glared down at the shaking spirit before him. He was a bit surprised that the girl who had been fighting him so vigorously for the last week was suddenly so frightened. But his irritation was stronger.
Get off me.
Kelp, please.
The girl buried her face in his shirt.
Please... She whispered softly to him, her voice breaking. His resolve wavered for just a moment before he pushed her away and returned to the surface of their consciousness. Around him, the fog seemed to have deepened, and hating the way his body shook from fear of that harmless substance, he pressed forward. Out of old habits, he had his senses on high alert, ready for anything or anyone that could come upon them unnoticed. Of course, he knew that the chances of someone (or thing) coming after them was much smaller, almost non-existent in fact, compared to the days he had been alive.
After what seemed like a lifetime of walking, Kelp stopped and looked around. The trees were thicker and closer together here, so that no sunlight breached the black canopy above them, nevermind the thick fog around them. Assuming, of course, that it was still daytime. It was then that he noticed that his companion had been silent for quite a while...
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Merged spirits, passing through lands of spirits...[P][P

Postby Jaden Wolf » 03/24/2016 8:03 PM

((Good gods I have left this forever. Putting in Entay's pet image here so she gets the proper posts - click it for her human form))

Entay had gone completely silent, despite Kelp's prodding. In a huff, he'd continued on through the forest, purposely stomping on sticks and twigs as he fumed. If she wanted to give him the silent treatment, then so be it!

Swatting a branch angrily out of his way, he cursed as it snapped back into his face.
He jumped back automatically, before sidestepping the opposing branch and kicking a stone in frustration. The stone skittered away and vanished into the mist where it hit some object with a satisfying thunk. He swung his leg to do it again with another rock only to discover it was thoroughly embedded into the forest floor. Shouting a colourful word, he collapsed against a tree trunk, sitting down hard as he fought back tears. He probably broke a bone or two there. Furious, he bit his lip and waited out the pain. As it subsided, he looked up at the thick forest canopy in the eerie silence.
Come on, Entay. I didn't take you for a wimp.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Merged spirits, passing through lands of spirits...[P]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 03/28/2016 3:57 PM

He'd been sitting there a while, and the silence was grating on his nerves. He was actually starting to understand why they called this place the Whisper Forest, as he swore he was starting to hear voices on the breeze.
It's just the leaves, idiot, he muttered to himself mentally.
Resting his head back against the tree trunk, he ignored his throbbing foot and turned his thoughts inward. Reaching into the eerie darkness of his mind, he probed at every corner he could find.

As usual, there seemed to be a locked door deep down one area. Touching it felt like trying to recall a forgotten word - a...tip of the tongue feeling. No matter how much he pried at it, it wouldn't budge. Yet, when he wasn't thinking about it, he could feel it loosening, only to snap shut again when his thoughts turned back to it. It was tantalizing, and he wished there were some physical...thing he could blame and beat the answer out of. But Entay was the only cause, and she was no physical being. Not anymore. In fact, he suspected she'd shut herself up in her little fortress. It would explain why she was nowhere to be found.

Visualizing the barrier as a door in his mind, he knocked on it. When no response came, he knocked harder. After a few minutes, he was practically hammering on the thing when a small flicker drew his attention.
For the love of the gods! I've been trying to get your attention for hours! What is the matter with you, woman!?
Entay just glared back at him with a bitter expression, arms crossed in a manner that screamed 'one more word and I'm gone'.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Merged spirits, passing through lands of spirits...[P]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 06/20/2016 3:25 PM

Kelp hesitated for a good long while, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to grapple with his emotions. On one hand, he wanted to mentally throw something at this godsforsaken woman. On the other hand he just wanted to deal with her moods so he could go back to doing his own thing (albeit in her body). Everything he thought to say or do would probably just make her disappear on him.
Damn these passive-aggressive mood swings of yours.
She could probably hear the barely contained thought, but he didn't really care. She just stood there, arms crossed, watching him. Oh what he'd give for her to be a tangible thing he could smack. Yeah, so he was a little violent, whatever. Soldiers didn't need to be nice, much less dead-but-not-dead ones.

Finally, his fury won out and his avatar strode towards her quickly. She hesitated.
This is my body now, so you need to shut up and stop being all... he trailed off, flailing his arms furiously in her general direction. Whatever it is you're doing! (My, that was specific.) Clearly, Entay thought so too, as she huffed and rolled her eyes.
Well, I'm not stopping you! Her tone was venomous as she snapped at him before turning and vanishing into her little fortress. Left in the silence, Kelp fumed.
BAH! He threw his arms up into the air. Women!
Bringing his mind back up to his consciousness, he strode off. He'd just go in a straight line ahead until he got out of this damn forest.

If only he could just get out of her damn mind - or, better yet, she could get out of his. Damn women and their damn mood swings. He'll never understand them!
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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