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Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/05/2009 12:02 AM


The young Sherbert kuhna crouched in the wet sand, staring with wide pink eyes at the approaching water. He wasn't brave enough to go in, but that didn't mean he still couldn't have a bit of fun with it. Every time his father caught him acting childish he always said that his son would have to grow up some day and raise some kids. Yeah, but that's someday, that's not now. He could play now, he just couldn't play someday. So why not play now? Because he's grown up and will have to woo a female eventually? Right, like he'd ever be able to do that. He has a shyness and nervousness around every female except for those in his family, so he rarely went out. But for some reason his owner sent him out now, and he though it had some pleading from his father. Didn't his father realize that a not sociable kuhna found it hard to make friend? He probably did, but still wanted to try.

Zadar jumped back as the water licked at his paws. What would his sister say if he came back soaking wet? She'd probably give him a good talking to. She acted like the mother he never had. He had faint memories, but those of his father were strongest. He never really though he needed a mother. His father did a fine job of raising him and his sister. His father had been protective before, and now was sending him out alone? Zadar ran back onto the wet sand as the water retreated back into the ocean and laughed as the water almost caught him coming back in. But he was too quick. He usually either played by himself or with his sister, and that relied on the mood his sister was in. His half brother never really played. He was always too tired. But Zadar never really blamed him. His sister could be scary sometimes when her temper started to flare.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/05/2009 9:14 PM


Kirye walked alongside the water and sighed. Sometimes, she wished that she were not quite so attractive. She had so many suiters, but hardly any of them knew who she really was! And how was she to know if they were truly in love with her, or just her looks? She just wished that she could get away for a while, somewhere that no males would be to drool over her looks.

Suddenly, she realized that she had been so absorbed in her thoughts, that she had walked straight into the water. Aah! She leapt back away, only to trip over something she couldn't see and get a mouthful of sand. Mmm! Augh! She gagged, spitting out the sand, and rolled over onto her back. Eww...that tastes so nasty! Looking around, she spotted another kuhna standing not too far off. You! Yes, you! Could you go fetch me some clean drinking water, please? I have seemed to...er...had a spill, and now the taste of sand is on my tongue. Moving closer so that she was right beside him, she batted her eyes at him, using her feminine charm. If you were to get me some water, I would be eternally grateful.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/05/2009 11:27 PM

Zadar ran back onto the wet sand as the water retreated once again and laughed as it came rushing back, trying to get him. His ears twitched as he heard someone speaking, but he was so absorbed in his game that he barley noticed. Then that person called for someone, but he ignored it, thinking that the call wasn't for him. But when the persona called again he looked up and froze. He realized a female kuhna was standing right next to him. She was pretty, but he didn't really care about that. The fact that she was female stunned him. He didn't notice the water rushing over his paws.

Water. She wanted water? Where the heck would he get water from? But then...She batted her eyelashes at him and asked again in a strange voice that made his pelt burn. Was she...flirting? "Uh..." He took a small step back as he tried to regain his thoughts and composure."I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'm n-not really s-sure w-where I w-would get s-some water." Zadar was just here because his father and owner wanted him here. He hadn't actually planned on meeting anyone. He took another step back and heard the water start to rush in again, and this time he jumped out of the way instinctively back onto the dry sand. "I-I'm s-sure I could find s-some s-somewhere, though." Now he was just trying to be polite. If he didn't care about manners he would have bolted without a second thought.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/06/2009 1:18 PM

Kirye softened when she realized that the other kuhna seemed to be afraid of her. Well...if you don't know where any water is, I'm sure I'll be fine. I just have a mouthful of sand...I'm sure the taste will go away soon.

She studied the other kuhna closer. He seemed quite handsome, even if he was a bit shy. Smiling at him, she said, My name is Kirye. And what is yours? She gazed into his eyes, knowing that it was quite hard for any male to resist her when she stared at him like this. Kirye was lonely, and perhaps this male could provide at least some company.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/06/2009 2:24 PM

Oh, good. He was off the hook. Maybe this female would leave alone now. His sister would be laughing at him after seeing how pathetic he had probably sounded. he could here her laughter in his head, and it sounded a lot like his laugh. He looked like his sister and he ever sounded like his sister. They weren't even twins?! Well, he thought, triplets must be close enough.

Oh great. It didn't look like the female was just going to walk away after all. Well, this is what his father wanted after all, wasn't it? To get out there and socialize. The first person he met just had to be a female, didn't it. "Zadar." He said. Zadar had no problem saying his name. The z was probably what kept him from stuttering somehow. He looked at Kirye again. Yes, she was pretty, very pretty to be exact. She looked like a Sugarberry kuhna. Didn't he have a half sister that's a Sugarberry? he couldn't remember her name, since he'd never met her, but he knew it started with a K. Kirye's name started with a K, but there was no way she could be related to him. She didn't seem at all like his half brother, but then again most people didn't look or act like his half brother. he racked his brain for the name of his half sister and didn't realize he was staring straight back into Kirye's eyes.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/06/2009 2:58 PM

Kirye moved closer, pressing herself lightly against Zadar in a practiced way. Zadar? What an interesting name. But I'm sure it's not half as interesting as its bearer.

He was staring back into her eyes, which could be either a good thing or a bad thing. This kuhna confused her. He wasn't stumbling around trying to take care of her every command like most males she knew. Perhaps he was just what she had been wishing for. But still, she wasn't sure that a scared, stuttering kuhna was exactly what she had in mind. But he was cute...in his own way.

So, Zadar, tell me. What are you doing out here alone, without a gorgeous female at your side. Surely a charming kuhna like yourself must have females falling all over themselves to get to you. Am I right?

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/06/2009 5:56 PM

He was not going to hyperventilate. He was not going to hyperventilate. But she was so close. This is what he had practiced with his father. Stay calm, and things will get easier. Stay calm. Stay calm...Zadar kept breathing through his nose, long and deep. he was barely moving. How could he, when Kirye's touch froze almost every cell in his body. She still sounded like she was flirting, and that did not help Zadar. If this is what it's like with females outside the breeding rooms, what's it like inside the rooms with them?

"Well, um..." Great, now he had to explain his nervousness to her. He was explaining himself to someone he didn't know anything about. Only her name. Maybe this will go a lot quicker and easier if he just answers her questions. "I-I'm not the most s-social kuhna, really. I-I don't get out very much, a-and the only girls at home are either older than me or related to me." That's it! Kirani. That's his half sister. Well, that's one problem he won't have to worry about anymore. "I usually spend time with my sister or half brother." Zadar usually went to his sister for help if his father was trying to get him to do something. Somehow she could get anything she wanted from Dad.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/06/2009 6:06 PM

Kirye suddenly felt horrible at having made this poor kuhna so flustured. Dropping all flirtacious tones, she said, Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you or anything. If I'm just upsetting you...I can leave, if you like?

Her head down, tails drooping, she slowly turned away from him. For some reason, she had really enjoyed his company, even if he had been stuttering and all. He wasn't fawning over her like all the other guys. And oddly enough, it felt...good. But she didn't want to upset him anymore. Although, she secretly hoped that he would perhaps allow her to stay. She glanced back and caught his eye, waiting for him to tell her either to leave or stay.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/06/2009 6:20 PM

Great. Why did he always end up ruining things. Now he'd upset her. But this is what he wanted, wasn't it? For her to leave him alone? No, not like this. "No, no, it's not your fault, really. I have nervous issues, and I told my Dad this would happen, that I'd meet someone and get all nervous and shy and they'd think they freaked me and feel sorry, but no, he didn't believe me. He still treats me like a child and he's always telling me to grow up, but then I tell him that I only act like a child because he treats me like one, but again, he doesn't believe me." Zadar took a deep breath after saying all that, and then spoke again, this time a bit slower and softer. "So you can stay, if you want, and we can hang out. You didn't do a thing wrong, it was all me, and I'd be happy to get you that water now, Miss Kirye." With his ears back a faint smile played at his lips. "Whaddya' say?"

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/06/2009 6:24 PM

Kirye smiled at Zadar, a beaming smile, not the flirting one she usually used. She bounded back over to him, and almost pressed herself against him in thanks. But then, remembering what he had just said, she took a step back, an apologetic smile playing on her face. Umm...sorry about that. She said, sheepishly.

Thank you for being so kind to me, Zadar. The other males...they treat me differently. But you treat me like a normal kuhna. Thank you. She pressed her nose to his, briefly, trying not to upset him. And I'd gratefully accept your invitation of water.


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/06/2009 6:48 PM

Zadar let out a small sigh of relief. That hadn't been so hard. So maybe he'd gone a bit overboard with his explanation, so what. It did the job. He stayed calm and collected as she got close again, and he laughed as she apologized. "It's fine. I'm over it now. I usually confide in my sister when our Dad gets annoying, but since I haven't seen her in a while that's been in there for a pretty long time and I guess I needed to get it out." He wasn't completely sure if that was an excuse or not. It seemed right, so he guessed it just added to the nervousness, not created it.

Did she just thank him? He should be thanking her. "It seems my Dad's genes started up there. he's a sucker for the puppy dog face." He laughed a bit at that, but then froze. Did she...Did she just touch her nose to his? he looked at her and blinked before the smile reappeared on his face. "I have to confess that I haven't been totally honest with you. I actually saw a vendor a ways down the beach selling food and drink on my way here. I hope your not offended by this in an way."

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/07/2009 7:50 AM

Ugh. I know how it is with annoying fathers. Kirye shook her head, thinking of her own father. And it's fine if you needed to get that out. Everyone needs to be able to confide in someone, right? She smiled at him, feeling the oddest sensation at simply talking with a male. Not flirting, just...talking.

No, I'm not upset. The way I came to you earlier... Kirye looked down for a moment, but then looked back up, smiling. Well, I'm not surprised you didn't mention the vendor. But if it's all right with you, perhaps we could go there now? If I don't get this sand taste out of my mouth soon... Kirye gagged dramatically, then giggled.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/07/2009 11:59 AM

Zadar nodded understandingly. "Fathers can be overprotective sometimes. In my case I guess he's trying not to be overprotective of me, since he wants me to be independent from my sister a bit." His father might think he was shy and nervous around others, but now that Zadar thought about it, Dad never really kept Zadar around long enough to see the after. Only the before.

"Okay, just one thing? I wasn't that scared. I mostly wasn't in control of myself, but your flirting was a bit scary. And it might not be wise to be like that around a complete stranger. For a second I thought you'd been following me and knew everything about me." He chuckled at that. Zadar then laughed at Kirye's attempt at acting and tried to smother it quickly. "Okay, so if I do decide to take you to the vendor, you have to promise me something. Promise, you will not flirt with me again, please. And another thing. Would you like to race?" He said, laughter still in his voice and a playful glint in his eye.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/07/2009 12:12 PM

Kirye giggled. Sorry...I didn't mean to act all stalker-ish. I guess, to tell you the truth... She took a deep breath and then let it out. I'm used to every guy I come across falling head over paws for me. I've learned how to flirt to get what I want. She looked at the ground. I know that it's not right, but...it kind of feels good to feel wanted...for once.

She shook her head, trying to get rid of thoughts of the one male who had broken her heart... I'm truly sorry about the whole flirting thing. I promise not to do it again. Although, I must warn you. It's become a bit of a habit for me, so if I start to do it again, feel free to give me a good kick. She laughed, although it was a bit of an empty laugh, because the thoughts of him were still there in the back of her head...

A race? Sure! I assume that I'm not allowed to use my wings?

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/07/2009 2:05 PM

"It's fine really. I'm sort of used to it. My sister stalks me sometimes when she's mad at me. She'll leave creepy notes in my room and everywhere in the house and stuff and find out all about what I'm doing and stuff. It gets annoying sometimes." Zadar laughed when she said that guys fall head over heels for her. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. Please don't take that offensively. It's just that my sister wishes guys did that for her." He laughed again.

He listened to her apology and smiled. "Seriously, it's no problem. You just found the easiest way to get what you want, and I can understand that. My sister begs and my Dad's a sucker for that." He listened to her laugh, and it sounded...off. Like she wasn't entirely into it. But he forgot about it when she agreed to the race. "I have wings too, you know. It's pretty fair, but I'll give you a head start anyways." He kept a straight face, even though he knew he'd probably lose. His sister always beats him in races, even his half brother who usually tries to stay away from physical work can beat him.

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