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In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 10/30/2010 4:13 AM

{Lessee. Don't be intimidated by the length of the first post or two! I'm scoping out the backstory for myself. I'd love to find an RP partner once he's worked his way to the present, so feel free to join~!}Image
@Qereset, male@

I used to know what was going on, but now... Now I feel lost. For the first time I can remember, I miss my parents. My human parents. At least they couldn't help leaving me. They didn't mean to die, honest. These others left on their own! They abandoned me!
I should... start from the beginning.
My name is Qereset... but it shouldn't be. Just listen to me, and you can find out why... Yes, please. Just listen.
Six years ago, I was born. My mommy and daddy were happy, but they didn't really know how they were going to take care of me. They were young, and they didn't ever have very much food or money... They didn't have much of anything. But they loved me, and I know they tried real hard to do what's best for me. Mommy and Daddy would talk about scary people called Sharks who wanted their money, and wanted it now... One night, they told me to hide under my bed and stay real quiet. I hung on to the wooden slats and tried not to breathe, because I had never seen Mommy look so scared. I just wanted that nasty game to be over with, and I wanted those Sharks to go away and never come back...
I don't know how long I waited under that bed. All I know is that when I crawled out to see what was going on, I didn't have a mommy or a daddy any more. I had two things floating on the floor, things that were pretending to be like a mommy and daddy. They didn't move, and I was afraid to touch them. They smelled real bad. I felt like I hadta puke, but that woulda been bad because then I would lose all the food in my belly. And I wanted to keep that food in my belly, because I knew even then that it would be the last thing Mommy and Daddy ever gave to me. I was four years old.
There's a real big hole in my head there. Not like the holes that the floating things had, a hole like some things I can't remember real well. I went from being all alone in a dirty wooden house to living with a bunch of animals by the ocean. They were a bit bigger than me, and they made little circles so that I could sleep in the shade of their leaves at night. I really loved them, and they loved me, too... At least until I had an accident.
Hey, do you know how it feels to drown~?
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 10/31/2010 12:15 AM

It's not very much fun.
I was running along the coast, seeing how high of a splash I could make with my hands as I went. I think that one of the animals nudged me, or maybe I just tripped... But somehow I was being sucked into the ocean. Waves kept crashing over my head, and I couldn't break the surface. I don't think I've ever been that afraid, not even when I was hiding from Sharks under the bed. Everything was going in slow motion. I was choking, choking, and I couldn't see anything save a flash of red here and there...
Then it was silent. I swear, the world stood still... Where there was panic, there was calm. I exhaled a stream of bubbles and drifted away.
They woke me  up with their crying. It was so peaceful in that silent place, though... I wish that I was back there. I don't want to be stuck here as this soft blue thing. I want to escape back to that little world of mine, away from all this sadness and confusion... I don't understand why they've all given up on me. None of my old family will even look at me. They ignore me when I call out to them, and they won't let me get close enough to touch them.
"Now look at this thing we have created, this Qerest..."
That was the last thing they let me hear before they abandoned me. At least I have a name, now...
No. I still want to die.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 11/01/2010 8:05 PM

{Yup, definitely not as long as they might've been xD}

I wonder if I will be stranded here forever, wandering on these endless sands... I want to run away from it all, but I don't know if I can. I've been here for so long that I don't really remember what the rest of the world looks like. I'm scared to do things on my own. If only there was somebody who would walk with me, and help me find my way...

A tiny Pure Kuhna staggered about the beach, looking drunk. Actually, some creatures might have thought that they were hallucinating, looking at him; he was crawling up the beach on his stomach, dashing back to the waves, melting into the water, and reforming. He'd then repeat the process. There was turmoil raging inside his head, and he cried silent tears.
"Why...?" he mewled softly, scuffling the sand with the pads of his feet. He glanced at a faraway place, searching for something, then drew his chin to his chest and grimaced, as if just the thought of the thing he was searching for caused him physical pain.
The Pure Kuhna sunk to the ground half way up the beach. He looked utterly broken, defeated... What he needed was a friend.

{This is now open~ <3}
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Sagicorn » 11/01/2010 8:23 PM


((Click on her picture to see her human form.))

Wylo had been walking for what felt like ages. The soles of her soft, human feet were scratched and bleeding from overuse. She scowled down at them. How she wished she had her old form back instead of this fleshy bag of brittle bones and fragile skin! She could almost feel the tiny human contraption lodged in her head taunting her with it's effectiveness.

Even stripped of her ability to shape shift, Wylo took some small comfort in knowing that she had escaped the watchful eye of her minder. At least she could snarl and bare her teeth all she wanted to without being reprimanded or punished.

She felt the sting of saltwater on her open cuts and leapt back in surprise. She hadn't even noticed how close to the shore she had gotten. She winced, hobbling back towards the sandy beach. She glared at the sea. Something in the waters caught her eye. At first, it looked like an oddly shaped wave in the distance. As it drew closer, it seemed to become more solid and as the waves ran up the sandy beach, the form of a Kuhna materialized. Wylo watched as the little creature tucked it's head to it's chest as if in pain.

Wylo walked up to the creature curiously. She searched her limited vocabulary for the right words, "How.. how you did that?" She demanded, pointing to the ocean waves, "...And why?"
Talk nerdy to me.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 11/01/2010 10:06 PM

Qereset didn't want to breathe. He truly, honestly wished for the end. Morbid thoughts ran through his head, uncommon in one so young; would he suffocate if he melted into the sand?
The Kuhna was about to try when he noticed that he was being spoken to. At first, he barely even twitched his ears, assuming that it was a trick of the wind on the ocean. But then he realized that he, too, was a trick of the ocean.
Wearily, Qereset lifted his head and drank in the sight of the human.
"Oh, I haven't seen one of you in so long," he tried to say, though his childish voice was thick with his tears. He didn't realize that his statement might be offensive; it was just a shock to him. There had been no humans on his section of beach beside him, so the last ones he'd seen were his parents.
The twinge in his heart that he expected did not come. Did they no longer matter to him? The answer was unclear.
Actually, the girl's appearance didn't stir much emotion in him at all. He felt numb, but it was so much better than the grief he'd clutched onto before.

Qereset wasn't inclined to be distrustful, so he explained his situation as best as he could. "...I melt. Before, I was a person like you..." The Kuhna had to take deep, staggering breaths every so often. For some reason, the sensation of drowning was returning to him; he could tell that his eyes were widening as adrenaline was pumped through his veins. Strangely enough, his words stayed soft and unhurried. "When my parents died... I came to the coast and... Found a new family. But then I drowned and... Came back as this. My family couldn't even... look at me any more. I'm alone again... I was trying to get away. The water... pulls the sad from my heart. Now I just... want to leave, but I... have to find someplace new."
The child was grateful to have somebody to spill his feelings out to. Now, things were so much clearer to him. He finally knew what he was going to do, even if he still didn't have the drive or the means to do it.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Sagicorn » 11/01/2010 10:32 PM


Wylo listened intently to the Kuhna's story. At the end of it, Wylo merely tilted her head, regarding the little creature appraisingly, "You and me... very different. I start out as Battleheart. They take me away. Make me into human." She frowned, moving one of her hands to brush against her forehead. Stupid little chip, buzzing away in there.

"Do not be sad. You have great luck you not human no more. Humans weak. Humans no can melt into waves." She smiled wistfully, looking down at her own woefully human body. She looked back up at the Kuhna, "Human parents... maybe they have fear of you. They know you not same as them no more. They know you now are better than human. You better than them now." The former Battleheart didn't know if she was comforting the creature correctly. It was hard to tell when dealing with something that used to be human.
Talk nerdy to me.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 11/01/2010 11:22 PM

Qereset struggled to his feet and peered at the human intently. He was filled with a sudden, overwhelming desire to run and to never look back... This one was dangerous, or maybe just alien... Either way, her presence made his fur stand on end. The Pure Kuhna began to grow lightheaded as his heartbeat escalated, evaporating some of the water in his body. He dimmed and faded from sight as his molecules effectively mixed with the air...
Hacking and wheezing, the child staggered to the water's edge. Even his thoughts were grinding to a standstill now, with the blood drying in his veins...
Qereset managed to barely dip his paw into the ocean, but it was enough. He filled back out; solidified. One thing was sure in his mind: that particular (wounded?) human was detrimental to his very life. He needed to leave, and he needed to do it quickly. With all the strength that remained in his body (as well as a good amount of pure adrenaline), he melted into the water and rushed away.

D: Sagi. Sorry lovely, but I couldn't wait any longer for you to come back. When you do, I'd be glad to resume roleplaying with you. But for now, this is
o p e n    a g a i n  ! ! !
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 11/23/2010 1:39 AM

/Still open, lovelies~
Qereset was unsure how long he stayed one with the waves, but when he reemerged, he was nowhere near the strange human he had met before. He stepped from his safe haven cautiously, checking for signs of life around him. They were minimal; a footprint here, an extra whisper in the wind there. The young Kuhna did not know if this was beneficial or not, but he figured it couldn't hurt to be alone for a while. After, all, he had quite a bit to work out for himself...

"Help," he whispered as he dragged himself up the beach. "I'm alive."
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 12/04/2010 12:07 PM

To any onlookers, Qereset's emergence would probably have seemed strange. Here's this pale Kuhna, fizzling into existence like something from a low quality sci-fi film. The sand is barely disturbed by his appearance. His pelt blends perfectly into his surroundings; the ultimate camouflage. The white bands on his fur look like the foam on the crests of the waves, and he smells of salt, although that may be because of the time he'd spent in the water.
He was a tiny thing, perhaps the size of a 6-month-old kitten, with oversized ears and tails that dragged on the ground. He twitched them only occasionally, perhaps regaining hope, perhaps to dispel something unwanted from them.
It seemed that he would never be noticed. He simply melded too much with the background. Unseen, unheard, unloved.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 12/05/2010 1:19 PM

(Y'all wonderful roleplayers. Come here, please! D:> I don't wanna do this alone any more T~T)
By now, Qereset felt utterly broken. For the third time in his life, he was absolutely alone. He mewled dejectedly to himself, no longer fighting back the tears that fell from his sorrowful eyes. Why, exactly, did Fate hate him so? Was there some gigantic final tragedy looming around the corner, waiting to pounce and steal his life from him? He used to think that the gods favored him; after all, they had saved him from drowning. What had he done to disappoint them so? There were too many thoughts buzzing about the Kuhna's head when all he wanted to do was feel the silence... For real this time.
He cast his eyes up the beach, to the line of seaweed that separated pebbly sand from the fine sand continually caressed by waves. Scenarios unfit for a child to see crossed his mind. Was the seaweed pliable enough to hang himself by? If he tried to turn to water while he was on land, would he eventually suffocate? It had felt like that before...
But he was afraid. He wanted a guardian so badly, pined for somebody to turn his life over to completely... he needed to be free from his worries.
Qereset needed a tangible god.
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Kat-Wolf » 12/26/2010 4:42 PM

She loved the beach, there was no doubt about that. The Arkuhna skipped along merrily, utterly oblivious to the dangers that some of the waters possessed, her paws splashing up sand in her wake. The feline threaded between seaweed, bouncing across the smooth, warm beach, her eyes sparkling with joy.

The ebbing tide washed up on her ankles, and she giggled, enjoying it's cool touch, the way it shifted her fur, made it soft and wet. The particles of broken rock stuck to her sopping paws, coating them in a grainy white film, bits of hot pink showing through every so often. Her heart yearned to play in the waves, to swim in their depths, to roll around within the sea. Tentatively, the female began to wade forward, shivering a bit as the coldness permeated her thick coat. The water gently prodded her belly, and she grew more confident, more excitable. The female began to jump around, sending splashes flying in her midst, her entire small frame now drenched with the brine.

A sharp breath came from the Arkuhna as she spotted a bedraggled figure of her own kind pulling him... or her? self from the ocean a bit farther down the beach. The pet began to trot towards the creature, soon breaking into a lope, a run, and finally an all out sprint as she came to the Kuhna. Upon her arrival, she could see that it was, indeed, a boy, and quite a young one, somewhat the same age as herself. Rangi grinned, her ears perked and eyes glimmering, completely indifferent to his ragtag appearance. "Hiya!" she greeted, practically bounding around. "I'm Rangi, and I like the beach! What's your name?"


((I saw your roleplay advertisement. Hope you don't mind me joining ^.^ ))
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 12/26/2010 6:18 PM

[:D Hi! I don't mind at all; actually, this is exciting! <3 Don't mind Qereset if he's a little... testy. c:]

Qereset raised his head, bone-weary. What, had someone come to put him out of his misery? Had the gods changed their minds and decided to favor him again?
The Pure Kuhna sighed. No, they hadn't. It was only an Arkuhna; loud, peppy, and... Wait.
"Have you come from off of the beach?" he begged in a voice that belied his age. What had he done to sound so ancient? "Please, oh, I must know!"
Were he not in the situation he was in, he would probably regret disregarding her introduction. It was rude of him; his parents had given him manners, if nothing else. It was disrespectful to them to not be mindful of that. It was common courtesy, after all.
Qereset allowed himself a tiny flare of hope, though he had been mislead by such feelings so recently before. Could this other Kuhna, who appeared to be around his age, truly provide him with a way out of here?
How he hoped that she would be...

Sorreh! It's small... :/
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Kat-Wolf » 12/26/2010 6:41 PM

The Arkuhna was slightly surprised by the urgency of his voice; after all, she had really just come here to play around in the water and look for some friends. Still, she smiled, answering in the most chipper way she could. "Yep!" she responded, beaming. "I only come to the beach sometimes, but I try to a lot, 'cause I like it so much. It's really warm and fun to play on! I like the way it smells and the way it feels and it's really pretty and..." Rangi seemed to gush on, ignoring the fact that she was rambling.

"...and I really like boats and the water is so fun and I like it a lot and--" The pet snapped her mouth shut, and looked down, ashamed. "Sorry," she continued, shuffling her paws. "Everyone says not to keep talkin' because the person you're talkin' to will get bored." She tried to remember her etiquette. Ask about the other person! "So... um..." She squirmed awkwardly, trying to think of good questions to ask the Pure Kuhna. "Where do you live? I live far away from here on a mountain but--" Teeth clacking together as he jaw closed suddenly, she realized she was doing it again. Trying her best to be a good little Arkuhna, she waited with attentive ears.


((Tis fine :) And testiness makes for an interesting roleplay xD ))
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Chayden » 12/26/2010 7:12 PM

Qereset widened his eyes and pulled himself to his paws. Here was his chance..!
The Pure Kuhna smiled genuinely down on the Arkuhna, finding that he was a bit taller than her (perhaps because he was a male). "Hi, Rangi," he mewed, remembering her name after a moment. She was quite the little babbler, but Qereset appreciated it. It had been too long since there had been someone who talked to him so freely. He felt refreshed, just by listening to her voice, though that might be because he now knew that she actually knew the way out of here.
He plotted swiftly in his head, nearly being able to taste freedom on his tongue. But he'd have to be patient if he truly wished to leave all of this dreary sand behind him...
"Uhm, would you like to play in the water for a bit? I'll show you a cool trick that I can do!" The Kuhna took a few steps toward the waves again, trotting in his eagerness. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm just Qereset; I won't get bored. I haven't had anyone decent to talk to in a long time," he murmured, his eyes growing distant as he recalled the way he had been abandoned. To be truthful, he had run away from the last one to cross his path, but she might have been dangerous. There was no way for him to know...
He shook off the feeling of foreboding that had begun to steal over him and did his best to put a playful grin back on his face.
Why was it so hard for him to act like a child again?
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Re: In A Graveyard By the Sea.

Postby Kat-Wolf » 12/27/2010 11:00 PM

((Sorry for the wait D:))

Rangi glowed, her joy blossoming. She had done it! She had made a friend! "Yeah!" cried the Arkuhna enthusiastically, looking over to the slightly larger male. Her body shook with anticipation when he talked about a 'trick'. What a better way to spend time with her new companion than learning how to show off in the water?

"Care-ess-set..." she pronounced slowly, trying the word on her tongue. She looked to him hopefully. "Did I get it right?"

He was happy but... what was that? For but a moment, the Pure Kuhna appeared to be troubled, distrustful. Worry pierced the tiny feline's heart. He wouldn't run away from me... Would he? Something about his demeanor told Rangi that Qereset was not just at the beach for sunbathing.

Shaking the feeling off, the female bounded forward, stopping a few yards off, a beaming smile upon her face. Qereset seemed to have cheered up, that was good. She turned back to the pet, eyes wide. "You coming?" Without another word, Rangi turned and launched herself into the waves.

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