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Re: The New Recruit and The Unfortunate Tumble

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/04/2015 7:54 PM

Once they were back on the road they sat in silence except for the classic music Obsidian put on earlier.

“Ugh gross,” Maurice leaned forward and changed the channel. The next few minuted consisted of them battling over what radio station they were going to listen to.
Half an hour later they were back at the guild with Edith waiting out in the parking lot in their parking spot with her hands on her hips and a not very pleasant face on.

“Oh shit,” Maurice sighed, he didn't know how but Edith alway seemed to know exactly how things went and by the look on her face she wasn't to happy with them.

They parked and stepped out of the van, "so what has brought you out here on such a lovely day?" Maurice asked.

She gave a thin lipped smile, "well last night I didn't have two of my hunters come back and then earlier today I get a call about there being gun shots going off down at the docks, so you tell me?"
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Re: The New Recruit and The Unfortunate Tumble

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/04/2015 8:56 PM

They now sat in Edith's office after a silent walk of shame from the parking lot. Obsidian sat not really knowing what to say because this was his first time through this but Maurice had been through the rant many times before. It wasn't as intimidating now as it was before. Him and Hellen had been through it so many times it was ridiculous, Edith should know by now that that's just how he worked.

After Edith's long winded rant she sighed, "did you guys at least get the information?"

Maurice grinned, "we wouldn't be sitting here right now if we didn't."

"Yeah the gang is doing something with exotic endangered animals," Obsidian finally spoke up.
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Re: A Boring Day {Self} (L,V)

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/04/2015 11:40 PM

"Endangered animals huh?", she questioned. "Alright thanks, I'll inform Raz of what is happening and see what steps are needed to be taken. She motioned to them that it was time for them to leave.

On there way out of the door she called, " Maurice I better see a report on my desk tomorrow morning on how Obsidian did."

Maurice frowned, "alright." He sighed and made his way to the guild hall. Some place mid way there him and Obsidian chose different paths, neither one of them had said goodbye and both were glad that their time spent together was over.
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Re: A Boring Day {Self} (L,V)

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/04/2015 11:50 PM

Maurice found himself sitting back at his bar stool all by himself again. He was drinking apple juice with a bendy straw just waiting for Hellen to come walking in. He didn’t expect it to be tonight or for the rest of the week but he would wait up every night just in case.

He couldn’t wait to tell her that he was now part of rank two and they could both ponder over the reason why Raz allowed that. He let out another sigh when he remember that he had to do paperwork. Yuck, he did not want to do shit especially when it came to the Obsidian kid.

He really didn’t want to write a good review on him but he knew that it wasn’t about if he liked him or not, it was about how he did and since it was only recon Maurice wasn’t going to accept him yet just because he hadn’t seen what he could really do. By the looks of it he thought that Obsidian would be successful with a partner.

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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/14/2015 10:27 PM

Maurice was lounging on his couch, dozing in and out of sleep waiting for dinner time to roll around so he could get out of the house and find food. He had just rolled over onto his back when there was a knock at his door. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and mumbled out loud, “who could that be?”
Maurice stood up and made his way to the door, when he opened it he noticed a very eccentric woman standing on the other side. She had flaming red hair a scar that was a little similar to his but ran from the top of her forehead all the way to the bottom of her ear. It looked as if it had been stitched up by unprofessional drunk. She wore a large grin on her face and a just as large brown cowboy hat on her head.
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/14/2015 10:44 PM

“Howdy!” She stuck out her hand in greeting.

Maurice was slightly taken aback, “hello? I can help you?”

“Are you Maurice Orcus?” She asked, she acted and looked as if she wasn’t from around here so Maurice took an educated guess that she had traveled far.

“Uh, yes I am, is there something I can do for you?”

When Maurice didn't accept her hand shake right away she put her hand down. People around this area seemed a lot more wary than back where she was from. “You sure can. May I come in a explain?”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 1:16 AM

Maurice hesitated but the lady’s smile was contagious and soon enough he was smiling to and beckoning her in, “yeah sure come in.”

“Oh by the way my name is Kevlar.”

“Hiya Kevlar, so what is it that I can do for you, because I am not very skilled in many things.”

Kevlar chuckled, “oh I know I got your bio sheet from Edith and the longest thing on there was your weakness.”

“Yeah about that-” He got cut off.

“Can't handle the sight of blood, loud noises, stressful situations, extreme cold weathers, dodgy people, spicy food, slobbery dogs, Hellen when she is angry, and itchy sweaters.” She finished with a smile after reading off the piece of paper that was in her hand, she looked up to see a very pink and embarrassed Maurice.
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 1:18 AM

“Ah shit, don’t take offence that isn’t very many things to be afraid of. I know of a kid who has a lot more.”

“Then I guess you didn’t see page two of my bio then huh?” He sat on the couch.

“Oh I don’t like reading, I got bored half way through this page. Actually that’s sort of why I’m here. You see back where I’m from, the soldiers are trying the close in the borders to eliminate any more free land and ruffians like me and my group that live on it.”

“Are you from the Vast Planes?” He questioned a little more curious of the situation now.

“Yes I am. I’m leader of a group called-”

“The HellRunners, I’ve heard of you, isn’t your group in association with the guild?” He asked.
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 1:19 AM

“Yeah it is, one of my friends have been up here before, and you might have met her.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Maurice snapped fingers, “Morgana right?”

“Yup that was her. How did you meet her?”

Maurice laughed, “long story.”

“Yeah that sounds like her, anyways got off topic. The HellRunners need your help because sadly none of our skills consist of conning people or persuasion. The border patrol are saying that our bar is on their land and they have given us 30 days to get off it or they will remove us from the property and lock us up.”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 1:19 AM

“Are you on their land is the first question?” He became serious as he thought about the correct measures to go about this.

“No, the property is ours.”

“Hmm… okay, have you guys told them that?”

“We’re not stupid, of course we have.”

“Okay, okay don’t freak out on me. Do you have the papers to prove that you own the land?” If they did then he could take the legal approach to things and it would go a lot smoother.

Kevlar let out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know?”

“Okay, I think I can work with this, but I will have to go there so I can handle it myself.”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 1:30 AM

Maurice scribbled down a hasty note to Hellen who had left to go to the grocery store telling her of where he went and to not spend all their money while he was gone. He packed his bag for hot weather and met Kevlar at the front gates.

“So how are we getting there?” He asked looking around for a safe covered vehicle.

“In this beast here.” She patted a dirt and mud covered doom buggy. She then wiped her dirty hand on her jeans and then threw his bag into the back with the spare tire.

Maurice instantly turned green and just about threw up at her feet.

“Oh buck up and get in or him going to hoist you in there myself.” Maurice shook his head vigorously and started to back up but Kevlar caught him by the arm and shoved him through the hole where there should have been a door.

She made her way into the driver seat and turned the beast on making it roar to life, “buckle up!” She yelled over the loud engine.
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 11:57 AM

Maurice gripped the side bars the were next the edges of his seat and closed his eyes for the majority of the ride, only opening the up occasionally to see where they were before promptly closing them again.

He felt the off road vehicle come to a stop about an hour or two of driving. He opened his eyes finally to notice they were stuck in a traffic jam, however they were in the middle of a desert surrounded by two canyon walls.

“Why are we stopped,” he asked.

“Because the border patrol needs to know who comes in and out of here, mainly out but there’s only one gate so we have to take turns. You need a pass to enter through this area before your reach the free lands.”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 11:59 AM

“Do you have a pass?”

She pointed to the slip of paper that hung off her mirror. The beast lurched and the cars in front of them started to move forward. Maurice let out a nervous squeak when he saw the soldiers holding rifles at the gate. One of them saw her pass and nodded to them allowing them access through.

“Um just curious but what happens if you don’t have a pass and you try to get through?”

“Well they don’t just carry those guns to look intimidating. Good thing that fake pass looked believable enough.” She looked over and smiled at Maurice.

He paled instantly, “that’s fake?!”

“Yeah, like hell was I going to pay 500 ks for a pass? That’s bullshit!”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 12:02 PM

They cruised through one perfect town after another until they reached another gorge that had bob wire fencing blocking the path, there was cut in the center to make and opening and a do not enter sign next to it.

Kevlar handed Maurice a pair of goggles, “here put these on.” He put his on quickly as she did the same with a pair of her own. “We are now going to some real off roading.”

He shut his eyes quickly and didn’t reopen them until she had the beast stopped and completely turned off. They were now in a shed that looked as if it could have been a barn. He unbuckled and got out leaving the goggles behind.

“Where are we?” He asked as Kevlar grabbed his bag and started walking outside. “We are in free country now. Welcome to Gunns Port home of the Hellrunners.”
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Re: Cowboys and... More Cowboys

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 06/17/2015 2:02 PM

They walked out of the shed and onto a street of old western shops and houses, “uh is this real or some kind set for an old western movie?”
Kevlar laughed, “your funny suspenders!” She slapped him on the back, “this is real… this is home.” They continued down the main road until she grabbed him by the collar and pushed him down a small gap between two buildings. “This way, it’s the fastest route to the bar.”

“Are all ruffians so forceful?” He rubbed the back of his neck where she had pushed him.

She chose to ignore him and continue on, she had made it out of the small walk way and was going to turn and tell Maurice that the bar was just right up the road but a yelp distracted her. Kevlar turned around and saw that Maurice was caught on some of the junk that had piled up around the sides of the path.

She cocked her head to the side and nodded a bit as she thought to herself.

“Can you help me!? Please.” He yelped again.

She smiled and walked back over to him, she took the point of her boot and kicked the crap out of the way releasing Maurice, “I think while you’re here we need to get you a new wardrobe.”
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