Welcome to the Dead Coast, home to the world's largest bucket of salt! Located nearest the Re'nee Sea, this small port-city is home for all opportunists who would gather the sea's salt deposits left on the shores and sell them for profit. (+2 to Endurance)

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Postby Polaris » 05/20/2008 6:50 PM

Gweni shook Mimi's delicate paw and touched noses with Holly, "The pleasure is mine." He turned to regard the bleeder solemly, having a feeling that this one wouldn't warm up to him any time soon. He'd have to gain Sig's trust slowly. "I am, quite honestly, stranded. You see, my ship wrecked farther down the coast, and I was going to the city to find help, and perhaps repair materials. So for now my home is this strip of land." He fought back the slight gag reflex in his throught as he said 'home' and 'land' in the same sentance. The land would never be safe for him. To many people, to many eyes.

"But in the mean time, I  would be glad to help all of you in anyway I can." Truth be told, this Albie didn't know where the city was. He knew he was in the general vicenity of one, and had managed to land his bedraggled ship on this spit of land before sinking to Davy Jones Locker. He just hoped he had enough supplies back on the ship for the other inhabitants for as long as it took him to find the city.

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Postby LionKit » 05/20/2008 7:05 PM

"Oh, really! That's awful!" Holly said in astonishment. "Me and Mimi were stranded here becuase Mimi wondered off."

"No! We were stranded here becuase you didn't mark the place where you were going!" Mimi said in protest.

"And that wouldn't happen if you didn't wonder off!" Holly hissed back, making Mimi silent. Holly looked up to the sky. "It's getting dark...we might aswell make some shelter while we have daylight."

Holly: (3/5)

Mimi: (3/5)
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Postby Saroko » 05/20/2008 7:18 PM

Sig's claws clicked together quietly.  He continued to frown and his scowl persisted.  He still didn't trust this strange Albie.  But either way, they were all stranded, and he couldn't help that.  "It seems that we have to trust each other then," he muttered.

(Sig 1/5)

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See their bones littering the lands
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Postby LionKit » 05/20/2008 7:26 PM

Mimi glanced at Sig for a minute and then clapped her hands together. "Ok! This is how it is! Sig, you go find food! I'll  find some fresh water, and Gweni and Holly will start making the shelter, Gweni we will meet..." She ouased for a minute to put a rock infront of her. "Here!" She crawled to the tree's.

Holly: (4/5)

Mimi: (4/5)
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You ARE persistent, aren't you?
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Postby Polaris » 05/20/2008 7:44 PM

Gweni felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. Little Mimi was rather cute when she wasn't pouting. "Okay," he shrugged, she was right, the sunset had just started- bands of orange and yellow glowed into life accross the sky as the sun went down. He turned to Holly, "So are we making a fire and stuff first or the shelter?" He wasn't all that good at the whole 'living off the land' thing. Gweni would just have to hope these people were better at it than he was.

A rather important thought occured to him. He hoped there were edible plants or fruit trees in the area. "Hey Sig? Could you... I mean if all you can find is meat, would you try and watch out for any seaweed along the coast? I'm..." he looked slightly embaressed, "... a  vegetarin. I wouldn't want to inconvience you though," he added the last part hurridly.

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Postby Saroko » 05/21/2008 4:36 PM

Sig cocked a robotic eye at Gweni.  "I don't mind at all," he said.  "And please, there's no need to be embarrased.  Just because our stomachs can handle a dead carcass, doesn't mean you should be humiliated.  It's perfectly understandable."  He hopped torwards the shore, wary of large waves that could pull a small Bleeder under.

(Sig 2/5)

Hear the cries of the forgotten dead
See their bones littering the lands
Feel my sword cutting off your head
See the blood upon your hands
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Postby Polaris » 05/21/2008 5:56 PM

Sighing in relief, the albie reconsidered Sig. Perhaps there was a chance that they could be friends...? Anyways, he was glad that no one had attacked his eating habits- it was a very sensitive subject for him. He watched as Mimi wandered off into the trees... hopefully there weren't any hungry carnivors in the forest. But there are on the beach... His cheek muscles twitched in what could have been considered a smile, but resembled a grimace of pain more. He sighed again and looked at Holly.

{(5/24/08)Edit: I think I'm going to wait for Lionkit to reply so we're all on the same page. If she doesn't then I'm pulling Gweni out :/ }

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Postby Saroko » 05/23/2008 9:57 AM

Sig was taking his time.  He had no desire to become fish food so he kept away from the waves.

It looked like they would all have to eat sea weed tonight.  Not another creature could be visible for miles!  "No matter to me anyway," he muttered.  

(Sig 3/5)

Hear the cries of the forgotten dead
See their bones littering the lands
Feel my sword cutting off your head
See the blood upon your hands
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Postby Polaris » 05/28/2008 3:58 PM

[I'm pulling Gweni out... this thread has basically died. :'C]

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Postby Saroko » 05/28/2008 4:02 PM

[Not died.  Just once a day.]

Hear the cries of the forgotten dead
See their bones littering the lands
Feel my sword cutting off your head
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Postby LionKit » 06/19/2008 12:33 PM

Mimi grumbled. No water, not one. How could trees live without water!? Just the thought of it made her want to bang her head against the tree. Then she remebered one of the pets at her home had a billion of books about a bunch of stuff (most of it she couldn't understand.), and there was something....something that might make this easier...One of those How To's books and oddly enough it had a one about getting lost in the wilderness while on a camping trip. Mimi marked down the steps in her head.

#1. Always stay calm.

#2. If there is some form of life and you can not find water, keep on looking, there is always a body of water if there is a form of life.

That one was the one she had been looking for. She over looked every nook and cranny until she atlast found it. A stream. It was almost just a tiny puddle being cooked by the sun into a measly drop of water that it was a miracle to find it but sense it was flowing into the Dead Sea, it was a stream.

Mimi: (4/5)

Holly: (4/5)
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You ARE persistent, aren't you?
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Postby Saroko » 06/19/2008 2:16 PM

Sig skimmed the salt sands with relative ease.  Normally, the salt would break off into chunks and cause some damage.  But thanks to Sig's small weight, he could walk across with little effort.

(Sig 4/5)

Hear the cries of the forgotten dead
See their bones littering the lands
Feel my sword cutting off your head
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Postby Polaris » 06/21/2008 1:00 PM

Since Holly hadn't seemed to hear his question, Gweni went off to start on his own. They didn't really need a shelter, afterall. If it stormed, they could take cover under the trees. And a few sticks stacked together wouldn't help keep the cold of the dark out. Fire would have to be their friend tonight.

He walked to the treeline, looking for decently dry wood. He had found plenty of damp drift wood and green leaf fronds, when he came upon a realativly dry area, most likely created by the huge-leafed tree blocking any dampness from the sky, and the higher elevation of the area preventing any sea water from encroaching upon it. Picking up a stick in his mouth, he managed to drag it back to where Mimi had declared they would meet. He did this a number of times, untill he had a decent firewood pile on the sand. Of course, he didn't need the fire. Glancing at his softly glowing skin and fur, he reflected that he was perfectly happy in the cool darkness.

Of course, the others needed heat, or they would soon catch cold with the damp mist that had begun rolling off the liquid onyx waves.

((Back at Lionkit's request~))

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Postby LionKit » 06/22/2008 4:12 PM

Holly had also created a nice pile of wood. "With this much wood, we'll be able to have a two weeks supplie of firewood!" She said. Of course that was an exasperation, the wood would probaly be enough for aout 5 days, but it's always nice to keep peoples hopes up. "Want to go find some more?"

Mimi flippd and flopped over to the meeting spot. "This is one of those days I wish I had legs..." She grumbled after 10 minutes passed.

*15 minutes later*

"I'm back!" Mimi declared to the Albies. "It took what seemed for whatever but I found sme wtaer!"

"Great." Holly just simply muttered.

Holly: (5/5) level up

Mimi: (5/5) level up
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You ARE persistent, aren't you?
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Postby Polaris » 06/22/2008 5:30 PM

"Well water is always important..." Gweni added, "More? This seems like enough for tonight, and perhaps tomarrow night also." He sat down, curling his short tail around his haunches. As he kneaded the sand in front of him, he opened his mouth once more, "If you want I'll come with you of course."

He looked out to sea. Oh, how he wished to be back upon the gently rolling waves. But alas, he could not. Not in this condition. Yes... perhaps meeting these three had been a stroke of luck.

Wait, where was Sig? Hopefully the little bleeder hadn't gone and got himself hurt. How ironic it was to meet one here too... he wondered who's heart the little guy had been born of. Surely not Holly or Mimi's. Perhaps his heart had died, leaving him without a place to go to...? To join with again?

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