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[-- Silly Games and Useless Banter (Self/M-E/Hunt)

Postby Redd » 02/12/2011 9:41 PM

(All Kuhna's are anthro - like the two legged, furry Lackadaisy kind of anthro. The proper kind of anthro 8| )

Damion huddled in the corner of the prisoner cell with his ears flat against his head and his tails wrapped around him tight. He looked worse for wear and his last few nights down in this cell alone and aside from his noisy watcher - who was now presently bored of him - he had no other company. Especially not from him.

Ugh. That night... he wanted to forget about it. How his stupidity had landed him on this ship, first as an unwilling partner for a cooped up pirate, then discarded down into the holding cells until he found another use for him. Damion had maybe hoped that he would be set free after the torture but no such luck. Instead he was taking up a small corner in the prisoner hold and wrapped he himself up into a little bundle of misery. Even the Rattegans chose to stay away from him.

"Yo, Kuhna." The Sauria Battleheart-Woman stood in front of the cell, hands on hips and inspecting the mess of a Kuhna. "I know you're awake! Listen to me you stupid lump!"

"No." Damion quietly muttered, curling up even tighter if it were possible.

Tammina unlocked the door of the cell and strode in - Damion flinched at the sound of the keys - and picked up the Kuhna by the scruff of the neck. Damion squeaked as he was lifted; the chains that bound his paws and the collar around his neck rattled in protest of the movement.

"I said listen, you pathetic pile of fur!" The gruff woman barked. Damion flinched and dropped his eye, not really phased by the treatment. "It looks like today is your lucky day. I have no idea why Aren's filth is down here, and if you ask me I think you should stay like this and rot until you die, but Etony's decided he's going to let you out for a bit."

Damion's eyes widened and he let out a cry of panic at the name. "No... I'd rather stay down here."

Tam raised a curious eyebrow at the response. "Too bad kiddo, what Etony says, goes unless the Cap'in declares otherwise. Plus, I'm curious now..."

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Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: [-- Silly Games and Useless Banter (Self/PG-13)

Postby Redd » 02/13/2011 2:13 AM

Tammina dropped Damion on the ground, where he quickly resumed his previous position as a living ball of fluff. Tam rolled her eyes and pried the Kuhna apart and unlocked the chains binding the Kuhna to the boat. Yet, even with the chains loose the Kuhna did not move, rather it looked like it wanted to remain down here. Strange... and very curious. She knew Etony was very good at undercutting rivals but this Kuhna was either positively terrified of everything, or it was extremely terrified of Etony and she considered the latter to be more of the case.

"Right-io Kuhna, up we go." She declared, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and bodily picking him up.

Obviously as fearful and as terrifying as the Kuhna found the first mate, it was still resigned to the fact that it was going up; there was no expected fighting, crying or pleading. He really was just a doormat, Tam mentally declared, pushing open the hatch and crawling out onto the deck and daylight.

The daylight didn't bother the Alder Kuhna, as much it would have bothered any other Kuhna - he had lived in a cave for most of his life and was used to spending days on end in the dark and having to quickly adjusting his eyes to cope with both bright light and darkness. Well, Etony hadn't arrived yet and Damion was glad of it; he was in no position to fight back and he had no idea what the Kuhna was up to. He obviously couldn't do anything in the eyes of his crew, as they obviously didn't know what had taken place that night. So... what was going to happen?

Maybe... he was going to be reunited with the rest of his gang. That was a comforting thought.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/13/2011 7:49 AM

Etony gripped the rails of his bed and peered at his reflection in the mirror. As charmingly scruffy as always, he noted with a happy wag of his tails and shuffled around to vainly examine his body at all angles. Sure, this was a daily ritual thing but he took more time than normal today, to make sure that he was doubly normal and didn't do anything stupid to tip the rest of the crew off about his liaison. It was risky, since he was at port with one of Arensis' lackeys and if he were at sea it wouldn't have mattered who Damion was; he would have been just another prisoner.

Still, keeping him as a prisoner presented it's risks. If Rysk saw value in him then she'd sell him off without a second thought, yet there were ways to devalue prisoners and Etony had gotten around Rysk in the past. Though, those prisoners he knew he'd get bored of and he had gotten bored of them. They were the desperate kind (boy just remembering that Doom Kitty sent shivers down his spine), thinking that having a long term relationship with the first mate would save them and it never did. After Etony deliberately made sure they were in good health, Rysk would sell them off straight-away.
Etony knew he was running a huge risk with Rysk, but she did give him such liberties if only to keep him quiet and settled and not protesting at her constantly.

Still, he knew he wouldn't get bored of that silly Alder Kuhna, which made him more eager to try and convince him to be mates, or at least long term partners. And this was what the little trip through town and out of the crew's eyes was supposed to do - since they'd all be preparing for the shipment of slaves that was supposed to be coming soon.

Taking a deep breath, the Nightlight Kuhna pushed open the door and swaggered out onto the deck towards Tammina and Damion. He frowned. He knew he'd have to break Damion to at least get him on board the ship but did she have to be so rough?

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/13/2011 9:02 AM

"Got 'im for ya Tony." Tam called out to the Nightlight Kuhna, waving a hand to catch his attention.

Etony acknowledged Tam with a quick nod of his head and clambered down the deck towards the pair, noting Tam's curious glance. She realised... something was up, then again she had been watching Damion for a few days, so his behaviour or something he had blurted out could have tipped her off. But he saw no suspicion, only a burning and hopefully never to be sated curiosity.

"Bloody hell Tam, he's not going to run away or anything." He replied.

Tam shrugged and unceremoniously dumped the Alder Kuhna on the deck. "Yeah, I got that. What did you do to him Tony. He certainly doesn't like you too much."

Etony shrugged. "Nothing. The prisoners don't really seem to like me much anyway. Good thing too. They know their place."

"Eh, whatever. I got the kid for you, was that it?" Tammina asked, resigning to the fact that she wasn't going to find out anything interesting soon and it wasn't probably her place to question anyway.

"Yep, that's all thanks." Etony replied, dismissing the Sauria Battleheart. "I'll give him back when I'm done."

All throughout the spoken conversation, Damion had resumed his fetal position on the deck, his heart pounding in his chest and falling with each word spoken. Had Etony returned for him again... for the same reasons? That could be the only possible scenario in the Alder Kuhna's mind. He had mentioned giving him back to that Sauria Battleheart, so the hope that he was going home had quickly faded. Ugh.

Although he had heard Tammina stalk back off to the lower deck, Damion was too afraid of what awaited him next to lift his head - he was a coward, after all he was only the smugglers look out. While he had been taught how to defend himself he had never felt the courage to practice.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/19/2011 6:10 AM

Etony bent over the Adler Kuhna and fixed a chain to his collar and tugged it until Damion climbed warily and hesitantly to his feet.

"Get moving prisoner." Etony growled harshly, jerking the chain more abruptly causing Damion to stumble forward and almost fall back over again. The Adler Kuhna caught himself just in time and sullenly followed Etony off the ship and into the docks.

There wasn't a word spoken between the two, as Etony lead Damion through the crowded port, into one of the darker districts and down an alleyway, shadowed by overhanging rooftops. Damion became more and more anxious as each corner was turned and every metre that they traveled into the tangled labyrinth of the poorly designed pirate port.
Suddenly, the Nightlight Kuhna whirled on the Adler, pinning him against a wall and lightly pressing his sharp claws into Damion's neck. Etony's expression was impassive, if not sporting a slight frown and Damion's breath caught in his throat - what in Yepha's good name was happening - and he was really starting to feel terrified now. If he hadn't before.

"Did you tell anyone? Does anyone know?" Etony growled, increasing the pressure on Damions throat and bodily pressing him up against the wall.

"I-what?" Damion spluttered in fear, Etony growled again in anger causing Damion to squeak in fear.

"Did you accidentally or purposely let slip to anyone aboard the ship?"

"N-no. N-never." Damion would have cowered, if he were in the position to do it. He wasn't that stupid to let slip about that night. Not unless he had a death wish - and like everything else... he was terrified of death, more so than this situation.

Etony took a step back and let Damion breath and he to, took a breath of relief. So Tammina was just probing again, hopefully she wouldn't develop any interesting theories then. Damion reeled away from Etony, trembling and holding a paw to his throat. Seriously, why didn't he just lie? This game would probably lead to his death anyway. No. There was still a way out of this mess and death... death was too final and probably too painful. That was a stupid thought.

"I guess you must be wondering why I decided to let you out? Hmm, no?" Etony asked. "I was thinking you might want to reconsider my offer, I could offer you much more protection out at sea. We don't want a repeat of the incident with another pirate, would we?"

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/21/2011 5:12 AM

Damion spluttered. "What!? No, no. Never." The Kuhna wailed, distraught. "I can't stand you. I can't stand the dragon-woman, I can't stand the bloody ship, I can't stand the bloody sea and I -aarh."

Etony cut off Damion's ramblings by flicking his claws out and pressing them to his throat and drawing a deliberate line across it, before grabbing the keys and unlocking the collar. The heavy iron collar fell to the ground with a thud. The Adler Kuhna flinched but made no other move.

"You really do talk a lot, don't you." Etony purred.
Damion gulped and clamped his mouth shut, making a deliberate note not to do that again. He really should have learnt something from the other night, if he hadn't been so drunk anyway. Why where things so hard to remember while you were drunk ugh.

"Anyway, come on I want to show you something." Etony said, watching Damion's mixed reaction to his comment and being freed from the collar and, consequently Etony's control.
The freedom seemed to tempt the Adler Kuhna greatly, though he didn't seem to know what to do with it.

The Kuhna stumbled forward a few metres, then turned around and bolted the other way.

Etony crossed his arms with a smirk and watched him run. Then, he turned and casually sauntered off towards the docks. There was a point to be made, and proven.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/23/2011 10:55 AM

The Adler's light paws and lithe form darted fleetingly through buildings and down alleys, in some random, haphazard kind of fashion - he had no idea where he was going, nor could he remember the route that the Nightlight originally led him down. It all looked the same, and he had the perks of being a Kuhna to help guide him - he had unusually good eyesight due to his breeding, an exceptional sense of smell and an acute sense of hearing. He had to follow the smell of fish, and the sound of the waves, and he'd soon come out near something recognisable at least.
And at last, there it was - the port, with the seas and the gulls. Finally he'd be able to get back home and - his thoughts were cut off by a harsh laugh.

"Oh hay, wha do we have 'ere, huh?" Suddenly a rough claw gripped the Kuhna's throat and threw him onto the ground. Damion hit the ground with a thud, what... was going on... more bloody pirates? There wasn't enough time for questions, as the Kuhna was rolled roughly onto his back, staring down at him, was a male leery eyed Calamikuhna, a female Common Rexxel with a crooked, twisted grin and a mangy female Void Taigra.

"Well lookie 'ere." The Calamikuhna barked, inspecting the Kuhna like a piece of fish. "A pretty little Adler, what's 'e doin' in such a place."

"He looks to... precioussss to be in this kind of place hahahaaa." The Taigra burst out laughing, a spine chilling laugh that reminded Damion of a blood thirsty Mekkayena.

"Oho, I think he'd be fun. And sell for a pretty penny too." The Rexxel placed her hands on her hips and peered down at the fearful Kuhna. "Even though he looks used and dirty, I think he'd scrub up nicely. It's not like we wouldn't leave him looking the same maybe a few times before he leaves us either, right?"

"Ah like the way yer speak. I'm convinced, through an' through." The Calamikuhna grinned evilly, before drawing a wicked knife out of his belt. The Taigra reached down and grabbed the Adler's arm, and before he had time to react, the Kuhna was pulled off down the street and steered towards another boat. He dared not struggle, this time he exercised extreme caution, since he was heavily outnumbered against three armed pirates, each looking more and more dangerous compared to Etony.

Etony... he had said something about this. A warning. Then, realisation struck. Damn that pirate, had he set this all up?! Was that why he hadn't made too much of a move when he had run?
Either way, the Kuhna didn't really have time to think about that. They had stopped... somewhere. Damion, had been too preoccupied in his thoughts to notice where they had taken him but it appeared to be some small room, perhaps in a tavern. What... was going to happen?

"Heheh... Don't look so nervous. We ain't gonna hurt you... much." The Rexxel pulled Damion away from her companions and wrapped one arm tightly around his waist, the other hand - the one now brandishing the knife - was poised at his throat. "We just can help it, that we might want a little fun with a fresh new slave. Even if you do look a bit used."

The Rexxel slid the knife down the Adler's throat, barely pressing down - only enough to tickle the skin lightly, before jerking it down in a more purposeful and methodical fashion, slicing away his shirt and leather vest. Then she tossed the knife to the Taigra with a quick flick of her wrist and pushed Damion against the wall, one hand on the wall, the other around his waist and leaning heavily on the Kuhna.
With the wall against his back, the Rexxel blocking all ways to escape and her keen companions not far off, Damion -albeit begrudgingly - was wishing that Etony had set this up, and that he would come and bail him out. Even if it did mean putting up with his goddamn behavior.

"Damion, Damion!" A strangely familiar voice roared through the door. "Don't worry, I'm here to kill that pirate scum."

The Adler Kuhna felt the Rexxel freeze in fear and after a moment, she stepped back from Damion and grabbed the knife that was offered to her by the Taigra.

"Move. And I will kill you slave. Don't think that pretty face of yours will stop me from killing you." The Rexxel hissed, pointing the knife threateningly, before returning to the Calamikuhna and Taigra who were cautiously opening the door.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 02/23/2011 9:16 PM

Tristan had been hanging around the port as most of the gang members had for the last few days, trying to gather any kinds of clues about the whereabouts of their newest member, Damion. So far it had been unsuccessful, there simply had been no trace of the Kuhna at all. At first most of the gang had blamed Rysk's crew simply because the she-devil had pulled up in port and their crew where known for the silly games that they played when it became close to pick up time.

Tristan turned his scarred face to the sea and spat in disgust. Human and pet trafficking wasn't exactly his favourite past time, but it paid off well and he got along very well with the other members of his gang. Yet, he cursed the same members of his gang - most of them had given up on Damion. Some had said leave it until Rysk and her crew come to pick up their precious cargo, others had said that the Adler Kuhna (due to his nature and vulnerability) was a goner and there was nothing they could do about it, and others simply didn't care.
So Tristan had automatically picked up the responsibility of hovering around the docks and surrounding port looking for his missing friend.

And it just so happened to be that luck might have been on his side today, as he saw an Adler Kuhna being jostled away by a trio of rough felines. Quietly and as to not attract attention, Tristan slunk after them tailing them through the docks, past a few boats and into a run-down old house. Ugh, he'd have to act quick - these pirates were all the same with their goddamn games.
The Sun Leawolf hammered on the door, and bellowed some curses and threats into the room, before drawing a saber. At least that would allow Damion some breathing space.

Etony causally saunted off onto the docks and watched the trio he had paid successfully catch and contain the Adler Kuhna. What surprised him was that, instead of dealing a little violence to the Kuhna, as he had paid and asked them to do, they marched him off. Well, it didn't surprise him - pirates had the same amount of honour as a rogue thief - it made him frown. Where they going to double-cross him and enslave the Kuhna... or... a thought struck him and that frown turned into a scowl and he became filled with a jealous rage.
Etony scurried off after the trio, that was before he noticed the Sun Leawolf man tailing them too. He ducked into the nearest alleyway, and double-checked to make sure that he hadn't caught the Leawolf's eye; he'd recognise that scarred mug anywhere, and that Leawolf was one of Arensis' lackeys. It was too risky being seen by any of that gang, in any kind of proximity to the missing Kuhna, but he know knew that he had lost this game. Ah well, there was plenty of opportunities to steal back his friend at a later date. The ship set sail in 5 days.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Redd » 03/02/2011 4:37 AM

Tristan snarled, and whipped the door open, coming face-to-face with the three angry felines. He tightened his grip on his saber and eyed the three pirates off. It didn't look like this was going to be an easy, or fair fight; a three on one was never really fair and he didn't know what kind of condition Damion would be in and it wasn't like the kid could fight anyway.

"I know you three have my friend in there." Tristan growled. "Either, you can make this easy... or make this hard..."

Tristan trailed off, the look on the cat's face was of utter confusion. The Calamikuhna - obviously the leader - shook himself out of his daze and peered around, before giving the Sun Leawolf a look of disgust.

"Eh, whatever kid. The boy is yours." He replied, glancing back at his companions. "We ain't want no deaths, an' I don't remember you being part of the deal. C'mon girls."

And with that they were gone. Tristan stood dumbly watching them leave, before coming to his senses and proceeding inside. What the hell was that all about? Deal? What dea-

"OhmaiYephaTristan!" The Sun Leawolf gave a small 'oof' as the little Kuhna collided into him and wrapped his arms around him.

Tristan was shocked to see the state of the Kuhna, his fur was dirty and matted, his face was drawn and tired and his eyes, teary and relieved but still wary. Instantly the Sun Leawolf was pretty pissed; the Kuhna was probably the closest thing he had to a younger brother and in that respect he didn't want anyone messing with him - aside from Tristan himself anyway.

"Heeey Damo! I can't believe I found you!" Tristan stepped back to examine Damion. "Geez, was it those cats who did this to you? Say the word and I'll kill them, I swear."

"N-no. It wasn't them. I don't k-know who it was. I n-never saw their face. I-I escaped and they found me." The Adler shook his head, but Tristan detected that Damion was lying. It didn't matter right now anyway, he was just happy that he had finally found the little guy. He'd definitely have to give him some tips with how to use a blade.

"Alright, that's fair enough then." Tristan said, nodding his head. "C'mon then mate, we might as well get you home and washed up, eh?"

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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