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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 09/22/2015 9:11 PM


"What's your name son?" a menacing man leaned over the small child intimidatingly. The child shook his head vigorously instead of answering. "Fine don't give me your name. I really don't need it," the man leaned back up. "My name is Cyclone Black," Cyclone raised his eyebrow at the boy and thought for a minute. "I'm going to name you Hurricane, Hurricane Black and I'm going to make you great so you better get used to being around me you hear?" he more of demanded than asked.

In a barely a whisper the boy spoke, "but you are a crazy murder."

"No I'm not crazy. I don't go around killing random people leaving behind trails of messy blood. I'm an assassin, it's a job. I get paid for what I do and one day now you will do the same," he corrected the kid.


Hurricane laid on the floor too sore to move. He tried to pull himself back up, his eyelids started to flutter closed. "Get up boy! I'm not done with you," Cyclone grabbed one of Hurricane's arms and wrenched him up back into standing position.

"I can't do this," he whined.

"Yes you can," Cyclone sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "go get out of my sight."

Hurricane rushed out of the room before his new 'father' changed his mind. He made it outside and around back where there was a large quiet pond. It was the only peaceful place at the estate. He limply made his way to the edge and sat down leaning against a willow tree that's roots grew out from under the dirt and traveled down to the depths of the pond. Nearby was an ivory bird bath that had two ivory daggers crossed standing on the back of it.

Letting his eyes close he let his mind wander. It had been two years since Cyclone had found him and decided to take him as his own. He had never asked to be dragged into this and he knew he wasn't cut out for it, he'd rather just die. It was hard, all the training that most of the time went late into the night. Hurricane was also never allowed out of the estate so all his education happened by himself with a lady who stopped by for a few hours each day. Then when she left it was back to training. All kinds of training; physical, mental, and then other stuff that he didn't really understand.

A rustle made him open his eyes and look up, Cyclone was making his way towards him. He sat right next Hurricane and looked out over the large pond but didn't say anything.

"Do I need to head back inside?" Hurricane asked expecting that he had to go back to training.

"No not yet," he paused then let out a defeated sighed, "I'm sorry."

Hurricane's eyes grew wide in surprise, "what?"

Cyclone shoved him slightly, "don't act so surprised. It's just that in order to get better you have to push yourself farther than your limits. This world is filled with greedy people and at the end of the day wouldn't you rather be on top of the food chain looking down on them than on the bottom looking up at everyone that can and will step on you," he let his sentence trail off.

Hurricane sat on what his father told for a bit and watched as two birds fluttered around the bird bath. When they both took flight and sprayed water everywhere leaving it to fall from the air making it sparkle in the light as they flew off into the sky did he decide to put his past finally behind him. Accept that this was his life now and he would push farther than his limits, he would make his new father proud.


Hurricane shook the last bits of the memory from the front of his mind, "thanks Raz and I actually can't see it... but uh I'll take your word. This isn't my ideal place for my orphanage but it will have to for now since we have a lot kids that probably don't want to be a part of this." He listened as workers moved in and out of the large building, "I think I'm going to name it Ivory Pond." He started laughing, "does this mean I'm on the right side of the law now, because it has been a long time since that has happened."
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