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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 05/18/2015 8:10 PM

Hurricane was an assassin, one of the best in the world at the moment. He was only 23 and had a bounty of two million keystones on his head. If he was to have friends he would definitely brag about that except sadly assassins didn’t have a monthly gathering where they all sat around drinking tea and talking about their latest kills as if they were hunting deer.

She made her normal turn down Ash Street and he soon made the turn himself except what he was not expecting was the sound of her feet stopping. He stopped as well and slipped into the shadows.


Hurricane was roughly searched and then pushed into what he assumed was the back seat of the mans vehicle. He sighed and leaned his  head forward expecting to rest it on the seat in front of him but instead his head met fencing. So he had guessed right this man was indeed a bounty hunter.

The man was now on his phone and thanks to his extremely good hearing he could eavesdrop on the conversation quite easily.

Did the lady say Raz? As in Raz Faraway from the Black Wrath guild. Holy shit, and did he just mention a cage. Maybe death would of been a better option.
50 hours, that was about two days away, it would make since that the man was indeed Raz from Black Wrath.

"So Raz about this cage you speak of. I am not a animal, I am quite civilized you know. A cage seems a little extreme don't you think?" Hurricane said after Raz hung up the phone.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 05/18/2015 9:44 PM

"The Cage is just a term we use. "The cage" should be plural actually, but we all call it The Cage. It's basically a short term living house with walls built of stone we call "Ichor" that makes you incredibly weak and make you unable to attack my guards as they take care of you ."
Raz then reached into his glove box and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out, putting the cig in between his lips and cupped his hands over the lighter as he lit the end. He took a deep breath and then threw the smoke out while he exhaled. Raz out the truck into reverse, backed out slowly and then shifted to drive.
"I'll be civilized if you do the same," he said as he sped off onto the street.

(This is mainly for me to remember what the hell the words I use mean because I'm super forgetful.)
New term! Ichor:"a deep blue stone that has the power to make humans weak. Causing them to have a difficult time trying to do anything that would cause the use of a lot of energy. It can also make magic powerless to use."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 05/19/2015 3:41 PM

“You can come out, my lovely starker. Honestly I’m flattered but I know that was all going to end tonight, am I right?”

Hurricane sighed and stepped out of his hiding spot, “you are not a normal person are you?”

“Oh no sweetie, I am a much greater opponent than even the great Hurricane can handle.” She walked closer.

Hurricane was done with the chitchat, he swiftly stepped forward and let go of a throwing knife. It headed straight for Ailey’s neck. It would of been a quick death but the knife stopped midair and fell to the floor as if it hit an invisible wall.


Hurricane let out a sigh maybe dying was the better option. "I don't recall ever be uncivilized." He put his head into his cuffed hands. "So Raz, how has running Black Wrath been? Stressful?" He had smelt the smoke from a cigarette and assumed it was from the stress that comes with owning the number one guild around.

"Meditate, a few minutes of practice per day can help ease anxiety. Research suggests that daily meditation may alter the brain’s neural pathways, making you more resilient to stress." Hurricane didn't know why he was helping Raz but he didn't have anything else to do so he thought why not.

"Also smoking isn't the right way to go at relieving anything besides a long life. Studies have shown that in reality, lighting up has the opposite effect, causing long-term stress levels to rise, not fall. For those dependent on smoking such as yourself, the only stress it relieves is the withdrawal between cigarettes."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 05/21/2015 1:39 AM

"Thanks for the advice and statics however I'm not interested in quitting. I smoke because I want to and I'm fully aware of the risks. I'm more curious into hearing why you put my friend Lewis into the hospital. How about you talk about that instead so you help your case when I hand you over to Lewis's men that treasure that man like family," Raz replied to Hurricane's advice gable hoping to shut him up about Raz's well being that he apparently care about all of sudden and learning more about the situation that got him into Raz's hate list. Raz didn't get any details from Lewis's men about the attack. They were all too dead set on finding Hurricane and killing him on the spot.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 05/21/2015 9:52 AM

She let out a cold laugh, “magic will always win out, you are quite talented but not enough to take out a witch.”

Hurricane wasn’t sure how to react, he had never run into a magical enemy, he had heard of them just never had the opportunity to meet one until now. The witch walked forward towards him but he didn’t move. He wasn’t a coward, but he bet this women must of made many people cower under her gaze.

"You are going to learn a few lessons," she raised her hand to his eyes. His heart was pounding, what the hell.

"If you say so..." He could never understand the appeal of smoking but he guessed other people were different.

"Lewis... Lewis..." Hurricane sat in silence for a bit quite puzzled. He decided to speak his uncertainties out loud, "the only Lewis that I have made any contact with recently was a... horrible man. What I did to him was purely out of anger. No one hired me to take care of him, as you can see I'm kind of out of business for the moment. Pun not intended, also the man didn't seek me out like a normal bounty hunter would. I am assuming the he was one since you know him. However what he was dabbling in was something I wouldn't expect a hunter to do."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 05/22/2015 11:02 PM

Raz didn't understand what Hurricane was talking about. Something a hunter would get involved in? What would a hunter be involved that would seem odd to an outsider? Raz blew more smoke and kicked off ashes off his cigarette before he put it between his lips again. "What are you talking about?"
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 05/23/2015 2:15 AM

"Ahh!" His head started pounding and his eyesight went blurry. He fell to the ground holding his head, he let out another cry of pain. His eyes were shut tight and when the pain ceased he opened them. He could see murky outlines of his surroundings. This was his chance the moment she wouldn't be expecting him. In one quick movement he took out a dagger, swung his arm out and sliced her neck.

He stumbled back and sat on the curb because his head was pounding to hard for him to stand. The sound of the dying witch gurgling was the only thing he heard and when he looked up, instead of seeing the clear dark sky and the million of stars that stretched across it, everything was just dark and empty. His sight was gone. The night ended in an impossible outcome that he had never for saw coming.


Hurricane rolled his sightless eyes, "I'm talking about something that I wouldn't even be associated with. Its filthy, sick, and repulsive. Child trafficking is what your innocent little friend has been involved in. I find it humorous that in this world I am considered a bad person and while you are running after somebody like me who is just trying to doing their job taking out scum, you are letting sadistic little fucks like him go around under the nose of the law and get away with things like human trafficking." Hurricane scoffed, "pathetic." By the end of his little rant the volume of his voice had increased into shouting. He hadn't meant to get carried away but just the thought of it infuriated him. He decided to remain silent since he thought he had said everything that was needed to be said.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 05/25/2015 12:49 AM

The more Hurricane spout the tighter the grip got to the wheel. Hurricane didn't know shit about Lewis. Hurricane talks of innocence as if he knew of it like the back of his hand. As if Hurricane knew anything about it. Fuck him. Raz thought of the satisfaction he'd feel when Lewis's men came to pick him up from the cage. How Hurricane would suffer under those men's wrath and maybe he'd think twice before spouting stupid shit like that to him again. Even though Raz's rage grew he kept to himself, he's dealt with worse. Raz drove ahead without another word and continued to blow smoke from his cigarette into the car so Hurricane could hopefully die from secondhand smoke. The ride remained quiet the rest of the way.

✕ ✕ ✕

Raz had finally come to the gate of the guild, granted permission to enter and drove on the main road to The Cage. When Raz had arrived at The Cage, the members of the guild that were assigned to The Cage unit were lined up outside armed with Edith standing in the middle with her arms folded across her chest. Raz only need to take one look at her to see her annoyance. Raz parked in front of the entrance and killed the engine of his truck. He got out, walked around the front, unlocked the backseat door and grabbed Hurricane's arm and carefully helped him down. Raz walked him over to his special unit.

"Take care of him," were the last words said to them.

They took him inside to be processed into the guild's system, be re-clothed and locked away for the time being. Hurricane would only be at the guild for two days, then he well be taken to Lewis and he dealt with there.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 05/29/2015 7:43 PM

Hurricane leaned his head against the wall in the cage. He felt weak, not physically but mentally. He really didn't care for the guild or anyone it but he had to give some respect to whoever decided to build a prison out of Ichor, it was indeed quite clever. He didn't think it could be Raz but his father, now he was someone that he could give the credit to.

It was as if his brain was telling him that he didn't want to move or do anything no matter how hard he fought it. It made him feel depressed, it pulled his biggest worries and amplified them. If he didn't know any better, that this cage had magic oozing from it, he might just up and cry from how horrible he mentally felt. Sadly even if he did let loose and attempt to cry nothing would come besides dry sobs. He wasn't really sure of all the effects to his blindness but being able to cry was now impossible.

He started to drift off into an uneasy sleep hoping that when he woke that he would feel different, he didn't care if that was anger or uncontrollable happiness. He wasn't a big fan of either of those emotion but both were better than what he felt now.

He perked up and became more aware of his surroundings when he heard talking and then a creak as his cell door was opened. No time for sleep now, this was it, show time.

He knew these to either Lewis himself or people in close contact with him. They had smelt familiar? That was knew, he hasn't realized that he had gotten such a good whiff of them to recognize the smell. They grabbed him roughly and shoved him through the cell, he took a deep sigh the next few hour or days were going to be hell. Yep, death would of for sure been the better option Hurricane finally decided.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 06/01/2015 1:58 AM

A few hours after Raz had left The Cage, listened to Edith yell at him and deal with more paperwork. Raz finally had some time to relax. He thought about how much stress it was tracking down Hurricane, then sending members of the guild to capture him only to come back mangled and the anger he experienced with getting no information about him. It was finally all over. Lewis could give justice to his attacker. That's how he felt before he had talked to Edith, sudden Raz was questioning whether what the man had said what really true.

✕ ✕
Earlier that day, after Hurricane was locked up.

Edith had mentioned more about the child trafficking case that strung up red flags in Raz's mind. She had mentioned that some of the guild members were spotting weird crates and cash in various items being shipped to Lewis's warehouse. Raz and Edith thought that it must be drugs and illegal guns. Lewis had a side business that had been going on for a while that Raz and Edith knew about but didn't get involved because it wasn't causing too many problems. Not to mention Lewis knew of some illegal business that the guild was in apart of and didn't intervene. However, the information started bring up more. A variety of human blood, hair, bones, fresh limbs and other disturbing finding were seen at the shipping yard of Lewis's, yet the worse part of it was the fact that the bones were that of children.

✕ ✕

New Term! "Apricity: a peach / yellow colored crystal what was specially engineered (created by future character) to counteract Ichor's powers and provide the guild's special unit a upper hand with prisoners in The Cage. The raw version of the crystal is described as a sun's heat on a winter day. Also, depending on the person the crystal can feel cool or warm to the touch, the reason for that hasn't been given at this time"
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 06/05/2015 3:03 AM

Hurricane spat blood out of his mouth and he heard it splat onto the cement ground. He had been hung by his arms with a metal chain having his feet barely touching the ground. His attackers had left him for a minute to go and deal with what sounded like an intruder. He could feel the cold sweat dripping off his forehead, it made his body shake the same way someone feels after puking.

He violently shook his head, he refused for this to be the end. He grabbed to chain that was suspending him and hoisted himself up until his legs were above him. He was upside down with his legs tangled up in the chain. Pulling up with his legs made the chain slack around his hand giving enough room for him to remove his hands and jump down.

The impact made him crumple, all the strain on his already injured body made him give way and fall to the floor. After a minute of heaving he mentally pushed himself forcing his body up.

A slight movement in front of him made his head jerk in that direction, he knew he wouldn't be able see what it was but it was now a horrible habit that he had to get out of.

"Who's there?" Hurricane spat.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 06/09/2015 3:55 AM

Against Raz's better judgement on the situation he answered, "It's Raz" as he slowly appeared from the shadows. Before Raz had come to the warehouse, he prepared his special pistols, few knifes, smoke gas, and a long distance phone that wouldn't be affected if the lines were to be suddenly turned off. He wanted to make sure that he had the ability to call the guild in case of emergency where he would need help. Not to mention, if he hadn't had left without taking one Edith would go bat-shit crazy and called the special enforce unit to go after him. Raz quietly snick over to Hurricane. He had already taken out a few of the men in order to get in here and then the men who fucked up Hurricane, however this warehouse is full of Lewis's gang and not to mention cargo that isn't supposed to be cargo are here too and that's when Raz well need to phone Edith for more transportation. Raz wasn't going to leave Hurricane and the rest of the children here that were still alive in this warehouse.
"I'm going to help you get of of here. I don't need to holding me down. I have Lewis that I have to take care of and the children to grab too," Raz said, he hoped that the comment about slowing him down didn't offend him too much he just needed Hurricane to get out of here in one piece.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 06/11/2015 11:24 AM

Hurricane became a little peeved with Raz, "seriously, I know I'm fucked up but you take care of yourself, I’ll take care myself. Just lead the way and I will follow." They slowly made their way out of the room and into a hallway, they walked straight for a while and Hurricane started to wonder if they were turning anytime soon. Thoughts of Raz being a bad guy and this whole thing just being some kind of sick torture for him struck his mind. He shook it off when he remember how worried Raz sounded when he spoke of the abducted children, some emotions people just couldn't fake and that was one of them.

They entered a larger room maybe warehouse size, he could tell by the sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls. It was empty in the room because he couldn’t hear any distant conversations. He stuck out his hand and felt large cargo crates. They slightly vibrated every once in a while from movement within.

Hurricane assumed these were the crates that held the abducted children, "how many crates are here and what are your plans with the kids?" He asked softly, barely a whisper. Before he could get his response he put hand in front of Raz informing him not to move, "listen." The noise was growing louder, footsteps," there's about five or six men heading this way from the north."
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby DeadAlice » 06/16/2015 2:31 PM

Raz looked at Hurricane when he had mentioned the amount of men. Hurricane's aura had become less cloudy and the colors mixed like oil around him. Not really around his body so much, but rather Hurricane's eye. Raz watched the slightly less clouded aura move around his eyes like a storm ready to happen. Raz smirked, Hurricane was being to accept his fate with his eyesight and started to use it for his advantage. Raz turned back towards the corridor where the men would walk through and waited for them silently with a handgun pointed towards the light switch. He was going to use the darkness to take out these guys. Suddenly the wide doors open with men in black suits flooded out right after Raz had shot the light switch. The place fell victim to the dark and the men started fumbling around trying to make sense of the sudden event that came upon them. Raz quickly jumped out his hiding spot and shot the men in the head.
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Re: "Hurricane for an Ally" With Leander (L & V)

Postby dirtylion » 06/24/2015 12:58 AM

Hurricane knew the lights went out, he felt it. The small amount of warmth that instantly disappeared gave it away with the sound of a gunshot that sound far louder than guns used sound went off. It gave him enough information to understand that what Raz planned on doing. It was a good tactic, using the shadows as your ally’s. It wouldn’t a difference for him though since he saw darkness all the time except for the rare occasion when he dreamed but even his subconscious was only swirling clouds of grey.

He moved and kept himself quiet and alert but out of the way just as he promised. Hurricane was already extremely sore from the intense beating from earlier and on top of that he wasn’t on his best game at the moment. He patiently waited listening to the fight that broke out.
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