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Re: Normal Shopping Day with ℳaurice and ℋellen

Postby dirtylion » 08/02/2015 1:12 PM

As Hellen called the guild Maurice had to calmly sit in the car for a few minutes. Everywhere he went things like this happened, he made up his mind that he would just let Hellen do the shopping. He would save extra money for the bills when she wasn’t looking. After collecting himself he got back out and started to load their groceries into Brucey. Even though Hellen had been persistent that they should get their stuff for free due to the zombie incident Maurice left money next to one of the cash registers. It just didn’t feel right, it seemed as if they were stealing the stuff. He sat down in the passenger seat still a little shaky, he reached behind him and grabbed a candy bar and took a large bite out of it. After eating it he would try to get a nap as they waited, Hellen could handle the citizens, he was still working on not passing out.
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Re: Normal Shopping Day with ℳaurice and ℋellen

Postby DeadAlice » 08/02/2015 11:59 PM

Hellen waited outside the grocery store until two carrier vans from the guild pulled up. Easier to say the guild members that were more like a SWAT team arrived and gave Hellen permission to leave the area. Hellen’s swayed as she walked back to the car, her hair had been damp from the rain, but was now just a little fuzzy on top. When, she got the car she saw that Maurice was sitting in the car in the passenger seat. She guessed that he must have had a long day and needed a break. Hellen assumed that when they got home he’d head straight to the couch and watch what rerun of his favorite tv show that they were airing.
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Re: Normal Shopping Day with ℳaurice and ℋellen

Postby dirtylion » 08/03/2015 12:11 AM

Some time during the ride home Maurice fell into a sleep and dreamt of a shopping trip that hadn't involved zombies. When he woke, they were pulling back into the guild and he was in a much better mood and was happy to unload the groceries. He was a one load type of person and ended up with all the bags around his arms stumbling through the apartment into the small kitchen. Maurice heaved all the bags onto the counter and then plopped his lazy butt onto the couch. He found the remote, flicked on the TV and started to doze in and out listening to a rerun that was playing thinking how the day was just as normal as any other day was with his partner Hellen.
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Re: Normal Shopping Day with ℳaurice and ℋellen

Postby DeadAlice » 08/03/2015 12:42 AM

Hellen decided that Maurice didn’t need to her unpack the groceries. Once Hellen took care of all the groceries, she decided to make herself a hot chocolate. She made enough for Maurice has well, she walked it over to him and gently set it on the coffee table in front of him and headed off to the bathroom. She lit her scented candles, turned on some music and filled the bathtub with cold water. Undressed, untied her hair and with her hot chocolate in hand lays back in the bathtub. Hellen did in fact love taking cold baths.
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Re: Normal Shopping Day with ℳaurice and ℋellen

Postby dirtylion » 08/03/2015 12:10 PM

The sweet scent of chocolate woke him and he sat up to notice a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the coffee table. He smiled knowing it was Hellen who had placed it there. He picked it up and took a sip, it must had been sitting there for a bit because it wasn’t scolding hot. He got up and walked back into the kitchen, he set the cup on the counter and stretched pulling his hands high in the air so his back would pop. Maurice let out a content sigh then went to rummaging through the cabinets looking for something to fuel his empty stomach. In search through the snack cabinet he found that they had forgot to buy more spicy and mild (spice didn’t agree with him) pepperoni sticks. What were they going to snack on when they go on their next mission? He decided in his mind they would have to go back, no where else sold the large packages of the pepperoni sticks that tasted that good, “Hellen!”

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