A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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Trekking has finished...We have arrived!! (Open)

Postby miragedtheory » 08/10/2008 10:24 PM

The world around them shone in bright silver and white stone, a beautiful and surely bountiful city shrouded of humans and creatures alike.  Blasphemy appeared first, stroking the air with her lax wing beats and barely taking note of Niru resting dazedly upon her back.  She landed, eagerly awaiting Eruin's approach to them as well as the rest of the gathering.  Soon Melgalore appeared, his large strides well overpowering the trotting mellow gait of Eruin who motioned up beside them.  Now they would read the parchment, that which had brought them all this way, reaching to the tiny satchel that curled in his tight mane Blaz plucked the parchment from the steed and handed it gracefully to Niru who gladly unfurled it.  Reading quickly the look upon his face soon showed frustration and somewhat humiliation as he looked down at Melgalore, surely one who knew exactly what was going on.  He growled frustrated at the trek as the others stared curiously at him awaiting an answer.

Mirri seems to have sent us on a venture...there was no goal, this parchment just says 'Come home'!  Unbelievable.

He sighed, Looking to Blaz who was looking equally as frustrated.  Two who were more than willing to follow orders gave no indication that they would disobey, their righteousness taught them better than that, soon taking to the sky the pair were quickly out of sight as Melgalore was left chuckling gaily.  

Yes, I knew this would happen.  I shall follow them to ensure they won't do anything drastic...

As he finished he turned a wayward stare to Eru who seemed rather calm of the situation.  Taking to wing the Garagnir was soon on the trail of the two high above them and just as quickly out of sight leaving behind one Cavallion.  Staring to the other two he smiled, mischievous and perhaps conniving beyond everything else.

I think today might be just the day to pit against the rules.

Now Eru, who said that was alright for you??

The second voice came from a distant crowd which did not drag his attention away in the slightest.  Three figures appeared of the gathering, two Yonyuus and a Gyrraptor, the darkest Yonyuu leading merrily displaying her sinister features.

Sanctity, Sacrilege and Pyramid...why hadn't I guessed.

Eru turned a sigh to the three, perhaps known to their entire home as the troubled three for they were always causing mischief.  Sacrilege, the Chaos Yonyuu smiled even more of his words as they all looked over the two dragons.

New friends?

A hiss escaped Pyramid, his ever glowing blue aura heightening with each syllable.  
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Postby shinigami70 » 08/10/2008 11:37 PM

Once Hania and Tyrant were through the portal, they saw Blaz and Niru leave. Apparently theor parchment told them to go home. Then, just as suddenly as they disappeared, two Yonyuus, a Sky and a Chaos, and a Gyrraptor appeared. Hania seemed skeptic of the three; they looked like they knew how to cause trouble.

Uh...yeah, we're friends of Eru. I'm Hania, and this Battleheart is Tyrant. What are you guys up to here?

Believe me, as much I would love to stay and meet more poeple, I was only going to stay because the Garagnir was here. Since he left, I'm going to go drop off this blood and head home.

You're going to leave me alone?

Only for a while. I'll have Shini send someone else. I'll see you guys later. With that, Tyrant made his way to a large hospital to finish his task.

Hania then began to feel frightened. She hadn't exactly talked much with Eru, and now there were three more pets she didn't know. However, she decided to stay. She knew that Blaz wouldn't get scared...she hoped.

So...um...what are we going to do now?

"How about a tour my friends?"

With that, Hania and the others turned to stare a human male. How had he snuck up on five pets like that, she wondered.
<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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Postby miragedtheory » 08/11/2008 10:35 AM

Eru watched as Tyrant made his way from the group, it seemed that everyone who had made it this far was just flying off to do other things now, but at least Hania was still around...he felt a tad easier with one member who kind of held back knowing these other three weren't so easy to follow.  Pyre stepped forward, looking over Hania with keen interest as her glowing blue stare flitted up and down then retreating back to Sacrilege.  Sassy, as she was boldly nicknamed, smiled ever more with the retreat of the battleheart, though they were interesting characters she wasn't so fond of them simply because they made foolish choices.  Not to say she didn't from time to time, but they only needed room for one fool in the group then.  Sanctity, or San, strode forward with a bit of attempt to block back the Chaos Yonyuu yet it was no use, this was why he was apart of the problem and not seen as a good pit against it...he was easily overpowered by his counterpart.  

The approach of the human brought their attention whirling as he offered to give them a tour.  Eru was more than wary, this individual hadn't been seen approaching and gave him a sense of unease, but for the others he was a welcome sight to perhaps find more mischief.  Sassy strolled forward, looking to the human wild eyed and curious now while San stood idly by with as much skepticism that Eru had.

Yes, we'll take a tour.  Thanks!

Of course, Eru would not leave such an immature group of creatures to their own devices, once she said yes he knew he would join and only hoped Hania would come along as a sort of support for him then...
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Postby shinigami70 » 08/11/2008 11:20 AM

Great. Well then allow me to-wait a minute. Wasn't there supposed to be a Battleahert? Now wher'd he go? Ah, that way, but we'll let him go for now. I also see that the Garagnir left as well. Anyway, like I was saying, my name is Drek. Now please follow me for the tour of your lives.

Hania felt unesay with this human. How did he know about Tyrant and Melgalore? However, Hania continued to travel them; believing that shed could help stop whatever scheme this human named Drek had.

Hania, you should really hurry to catch up. Also, I must say, Sassy and San, your coats are magnificent. Oh, and uh, Eru was it, you should try talking a bit more. I haven't heard you say anything. But for now, let me show you the Medicai University. This university is where all doctors who hope to make something of themselves aim for. Unfortunately, we can't go in because it's invintation only. So then, let's go over here.

Hania was becoming more and more suspicious of Drek. How did he know they're names? Hania didn't know Eru all that well, but she knew the he also must've felt a disturbing feeling from this human.
<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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Postby miragedtheory » 08/11/2008 12:47 PM

Eru watched cautiously as this Drek character took lead of them and began his 'tour' with much enthusiasm.  As he commented of the larger animals he grew restless, something was more than not right sinking down through his bones and wreaking havoc in him of this guy.  He drew close to Hania, straying a quick glance her way of unease while Drek's comment suddenly drew his attention once more.  He hadn't quite introduced himself and felt that it had all gone far enough when making such curious comments.  He stopped, the clank of his hooves bringing his own horde to a halt as they looked upon him curiously, Sassy more frustratedly than the others. He snorted, turning an angered eye to Drek as he stomped one dangerous hoof in warning.

This has gone on long enough for my tastes.  Something's fishy here, we have yet to have introduced ourselves and that puts me on a bit of a curve.  We will be leaving you to your vices now, Drek.

His name he strained purposefully, a warning in its own that he would not hesitate to defend the others though he was sure they would jump in defense if he threatened them...sure, the chaotic three were troublemakers but they did know when to protect themselves.
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Postby shinigami70 » 08/11/2008 1:28 PM

Hania and the others were ready to leave Drek alone, but it seemed drek had other plans.

You're right. I'm tired of this charade anyway. I did plan to keep watching you, but since that Sahound and Hallowheart have left, I can make my move.

Hania ad the others were stunned. They didn't know what he meant. Charade? What charade? And who is Drek really?

Oh, how rude of me. I forgot none of you know me. The human called Drek is merely my Anthro form. If you wait a moment please.


Then, just like Tyrant, the human was gone. Instead, what a appeared, was what looked like a flaming dog. In his true form Ssendrek gave off an evil aura. Hania was begining to feel the fear frow within her. She had never felt so much evil from a single being

There, I feel much better now. Now then back to my proposal, I want to offer you all a chance to join the side of the evils. Before you answer, I want you to know something: I've seen what you will do. So, if you think you're too "good," think again. I've been gifted with Foresight. I know every evil deed you will commit. I can also see the power you an wield if you choose to join us. Of course, there are perks, besides the power. Right now, all of you are resticted by your masters, however, if you join us, you will be able to do anything you want, without any restictions. So, what do you say, wanna join?
<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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Postby miragedtheory » 08/11/2008 8:53 PM

Eru wasn't in the slightest surprised, something seemed odd of this Drek and finding the human form shift to a feline formed demonic creature he knew perhaps they had found themselves in a bit of a pickle, not much of one though.  Searching about he was more than curious now if this was the only thing following them or if there were more out there willing to strike out at a wrong answer.  Sassy looked to Eru and emitted the same curiosity as she searched warily yet kept a narrow fix upon the creature now no longer the Drek they knew before.  His proposal was beyond idiotic, why would they give up all the perfection of their master's giving to become a dark and sinister follower?  The group merely scoffed in unison at the thought as they felt their chances were good of an escape with minimal harm to themselves.  Thus far it was five to one, they hoped it would stay that way.

Turn to darkness?  Ha!  That is something none of us would ever dare to do, whether you 'saw' us doing something wrong or not.  No, the future can change depending on which path we take, ours follows the righteousness of our master, our closest friend.  Now, dare to get in our way and you will die.

Eru always meant what he said, never one to put out something he couldn't support as he led the group back the way they had come.  They weren't prepared to leave, mind you, but they weren't going to stick around for this guy either.
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Postby shinigami70 » 08/11/2008 9:51 PM

As they wlaked away from Ssendrek, Hania turned around to see what it was that he was doing. However, what surprised Hania was that he wasn't moving at all. Instead he called out to them.

You'll see my friends. The evil within all of you will bloom. Matbe not today, nor tomorrow, but someday it will. That's when Ssendrek turned and began to walk away. Oh, and one more thing: I'll always be watching you my friends. There's nowhere you can hide from me. Then he continued to walking away, but stopped once again. And one more thing: beware of the two Sassy and San. They have a some delightful things in store for you that could be deadly. So, if you value your lives, you should make sure those two don't get the chance to do anything. Then, Ssendrek returned onto his Anthro form and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Hania began to ponder what Ssendrek had said. She knew he had the power of Foresight. What if he had seen what they would do? If they had something planned, she didn't want want them to get the chance to do it. Hania would have to make sure they didn't get the chance to do it. That meant, she'd have to treat them like Tyrant: She'd have a constant watch on them and strike if they even breathed wrong.

Then, before they realized what happened another creature appeared before them. This creature looked a lot like a dragon, except it looked like a Temple pet. The only other difference was, they didn't if this creature could be trusted.

<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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Postby miragedtheory » 08/14/2008 10:04 PM

Listening to the ill witted words of Drek Eru was apt to finish this conversation with a hasty retreat to elsewhere.  Pyre, San and Sassy felt just as eager, turning tail and ignoring the last remark without second thought as they wandered up the street a ways perhaps on the lookout for something fresh to satisfy their curiosities.  Eru was wary then, he had kept close watches of Hania and noticed something change in her eyes, something that told him Drek's words hit a sore spot for her in one way or another.  As he contemplated what might have been cranking through her head then another creature seemed to appear before them intent of keeping them from going any further.  He felt that now there were signs that this city saw them as unwanted and knew that it was time to leave by any means necessary.  Listening to the reverberating growls of Sassy and San and the gentile hiss of Pyre he knew they were just as fed up even though their trek was merely beginning. The two Yonyuu's drew close together, symbiotic creatures of a yin-yang relationship that always evenly weighed them as a perfect ally or a very deadly enemy...but right then a fight was not needed, not so far from home.  

He gave a glance to Hania, hoping beyond all hopes that she would catch wind of what they were about to do, then turning his attention to the giant dragon beast before them he reared and allowed a bellowing neigh reap the winds as he was engulfed in rains of scales and leathery parts.  He took to the sky with one mighty break of his wings, a Hollowheart form he had taken as one of his few choices to shift to and taken to account for their adept speed in the sky.  Sassy and San were within inches fluttering coolly beside Eru as he swooped upon Pyre and allowed the nimble Gyrraptor a place upon his shoulders.  Soon they were gaining speed, the four darting to the clouds to shelter themselves from sight long enough to find a landing place somewhere hopefully where the heat would wear off.  Eru leading proudly he made no sound as soon the cool mists of the high clouds kissed him and the others while they slowed and hid well among the wisps waiting, watching and hoping they would get out of there without a fight.
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Postby shinigami70 » 08/14/2008 11:56 PM

Hania could tell what the others were thinking when that giant creature appeared in the middle of Medicai City. When Eru had transofrmed into a Hallowheart, Hania followed after them. When they finally landed, it was in a clearing with no people around, and hardly visable. They were hoping to remain safe and not have to fight. Of course, if there's one thing they should've learned is that it's never that easy.

Very interesting if I must say so myself. Hania and the others spun around looking for the source of the voice. Then, when they looked up, they saw the dragon appearing from the clouds.It's pointless to run from me. So long as thet Temple pet travels with you, I will have a connection to him. However, that is besides the point. I do not have the time to tell my name nor the reson for what I'm about to say, but you ust believe me. You must leave Medicai City now. Drek has many plans for you. If you stay in this city any longer you will fall into thise plans. Head to the Roraldi Forests. There you will meet a Blossom Cavallion, she will give a scent that will be able to decieve even Drek and his tracking skills. If you don't, I can guarentee that one of you will fall to Drek, or even worse, his master. Again, leave this city, venture elsewhere.  However, once you leave this city, the five of you must never return. EVER! You have been warned.

With his final statement, the creature flew back beyond the clouds and disappeared. Hania didn't know what to think. Should they believe what this creature said? There was one thing that Hania sacared Hania the most. The creature said that Drek had a master. The aura she felt come off of Drek was bad enough. If Drek's master was worse, she didn't want to meet them.

So, then, I guess we're off to the Roraldi Forests aren't we?
<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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Postby miragedtheory » 08/15/2008 2:55 PM

The group watched the giant Temple coated dragon as he spoke ill of their approach to Medicai...Eru of all was more than haughty and knew that one day whether warned or not they would return, not then of course, but when they were stronger and wiser.  He did take the dragon's words into account and looked to Hania as she reiterated his words to head for Roraldi Forest.  San wasn't one to sit and hear it twice, heading off ahead of them with Sassy close in tow followed quickly by Eru who simply figured he should keep up with them.  He sighed, hoping that things would calm with their arrival in Roraldi Forest.

(Gosh, alright, there's a post!  If you want to start the thread in the forest...that'd be just peachy.)
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Postby shinigami70 » 09/13/2008 6:36 PM

Hania saw the others head off in the direction of Roraldi Forest.Seems I got my answer. With that, Hania caught up with the others and they made their way to Roraldi forest to find the scent they needed to get Drek off their tracks.
<center>ImageImage<br>Dreamsnare Hollowheart</br> Hania, the Dreamsnare Hallowheart</center>
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