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It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/03/2009 6:56 PM

((This is sort of a past roleplay for Lanai, but technically, it's the future. Her past, Evelon's future.))


Lanai walked around Medicai. The city was still the most hi-tech city in Evelon, although every place else was atleast as hi-tech as Medicai was in the past. The only exceptions were Idalini and a few places spread throughout Tengel, Roraldi, and the plains. Even the Cathedral was covered with computer screens and wires, mostly for tracking the rare mekkayena, which was extremely low tech technology. But, rarer then the faulty computer chip was the organic Evelonian, which meant Lanai. She was one of few that weren't robotic or anything like that, which meant that she could never live up to the average Evelonian standards. She didn't have an almost unlimited computer chip memory, or lasers or anything like that. She watched as Medicai College passed by. She had once dreamed of going there, but instead fate hnad taken it's course, pulling her into something completely different from being a doctor. Besides, doctors were barely needed, now that almost every resident of Evelon was a robot of some sort. Really, if you went there and wanted to make it big, you became a scientist. The title was still Dr., so they counted it as medical, since you would be doing maintainance on the robotic Evelonian residents. Lanai sighed and kept walking towards a small coffe shop. Well, it mostly served oil and stuff, but it had some real food. Today was her day off, she needed to start enjoying it, and she might be able to, here.
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (Self RP)

Postby potterchic » 06/03/2009 9:17 PM

Lanai walked into the shop, looking for an empty table. It wasn't very hard, since this place wasn't exactly crowded. It wasn't like the things here weren't good or anything, it's just that todays economy was fueled by a few large companies, and those were the only ones that most Evelonians bought from. It wasn't really a coincedence that almost all of these companies were run by the Travelers (which was the only name any of her organization could think of for it), the enemy of her organization, the Resistance. (Another name that just seemed right at the time.) It wasn't like no one had seen the discovery coming. The Travelers were bent on world domination, and what better way to get it than through business? EVERYONE trusted the companies, and it would be easy to get Evelon to believe that the Resistance was behind the war that they were starting, once it began. Yes, they were starting another war. The thing was, no one had any idea why. She sighed, realizing that she'd sat down while she was thinking. The owner of the shop came up to her table.

"Hello, Kliaudos. How's business?"

"Ah, Lanai. Good. Guro and Minos are in the back room. Come on, I've been needing to give you a key anyway, we'll fit one for you right now, once you're in there. I'm pretty sure it's urgent, otherwise they wouldn't of asked me to use my... Talents to urge the nearest Resistance member over here." the anthro sky slynx whispered. He had certain... Talents. He could spread his mind out for at the most a mile, urging the people he directed himself at to do as he said. For some reason he never used his gift to bring customers to his shop, but instead used it only to help the organization. I wonder why?

"Don't you know? Today's my only day off for a few weeks, what, with the Traveler's rapid growth during the last few months." she sighed. It was always work, wasn't it? "Just how urgent is it?"
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/05/2009 9:50 PM

The machines clanked.
The wires fizzed.
The lights buzzed.

Scientists wearing the normal uniform of a white lab coat, thick glasses, and a devilish smirk like someone who was playing god stood around a circular contraption. A few stood by, taking notes, while the ones who must have been behind the making of the machine pointed at different parts and whispered what they did.
The head scientist smiled as the machine chimed and went into overdrive.
"My dear collages, the Trap* has caught its victim! Now, in only a matter of moments, a creature from the past will emerge!"
One scientist raised his hand. "Do we know what era this creature is from?"
The head scientist stuttered. "Er, n-no, not yet, but we are--"
Then, there was a loud thud and warning beeps began emitting from the Trap. Steam poured out and the lights flashed red. In a flash, the scientists were fleeing to their corresponding positions to see what was wrong with their beloved machine. Shouts and yells rang out, until--
The pod door opened, all the noises ceased, and the mist stepped out.
A form was clearly seen in the fog, but it nether seemed real or fake. It seemed...Not quite there. As the mists cleared, a canine creature was seen standing rather awkwardly in the center of the room, its white eyes glaring with fear.


"My god, what happened?"
"Is that a Dreamsnare?"
"Why, it looks like a ghost!"
"From its wings and facial features, I think it's a Yonyuu..."
"Can you speak? Can you hear me?"

The yonyuu glared at the scientists like a deer trapped in headlights and spoke in a clear yet oddly hard to grasp voice.

"I am Cole. Who are you?"


((* Random name I made up for the machine-thinger, since I don't know what it's called. So, yeah.))
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/06/2009 6:11 PM

((That's fine.))

Lanai and Kliaudos walked to the back room. He first took her to a small machine in the corner, and then ha her put her holo-chip into it. EVERYONE had holo-chips. They were given at birth (or creation). The holo-chips held any information the owner may need, had the money the person had right there, programmed into it, and also held anything else the person might want to carry with them. Such as a key. Keys were all holographic, too. You shined the light onto your key pad, and it registered the key and the person holding it, opening whatever it was that needed to be opened. Keys were very personal, since the person who owned the key's DNA was programmed into it. If the person holidng the key wasn't the person it was given to, whatever they were unlocking would start shooting lasers. Many people were killed these days because they borrowed their spouses key to get in the house and the door shot through them. Evelon was becoming quite a bad place to live in, it seemed. "Thaks, Kliaudos. You'll stay out to take care of your customers?"

"Yeah. It's Vliada's day off. She didn't want to go, she knew that something would happen today that would be urgent with her foresight, but I told the poor girl that she needed to spend sometime with her husband. You know the one, the soundscape kuhna? Yes, a great match for an echo kuhna. I think that they'll be going to the lab soon to try for kits." the slynx rambled on.

Lanai sighed. "You're babbling again. Wish Vliada and Boflion luck for me. It'd be great for them to have kits. Now I'm sure someone's out there wondering where you are, see ya'." she walked over to a small door at the end of the room, typing in  her code as it scanned her feathers for identification.
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/07/2009 2:05 PM

The scientists muttered restlessly between themselves.

"I said, who are you?"
The yonyuu who dubbed himself Cole had a smooth, even voice, yet slightly melencholy. His fur gleamed dully in the electric glow of the room, his white, orb-like eyes gazing at the head scientist.

((Taylor Errins; Head Scientist; Human))

The head scientist looked helplessly at his machine, which was now deathly silent, and back to the creature before him.
"I am...Taylor. If I may ask, how do you feel?"
Cole shrugged. "If feel half awake." He closed his eyes, grimacing for a second. "And, my heart's irregular. It's giving me a headache."
Taylor nodded and stepped closer, the lights bouncing back off his spectacles. "Yes, yes, we'll have to get you checked out...Most definitely," he muttered to himself.
"Where am I?"
"You, my friend, are in the year 2348*. We have brought you back from the past!" At this, his colleges clapped, nodding in approval.
The hair on Cole's neck rose and his eyes widened. He said nothing for a few minutes, waiting until the capping died down before saying, "You...brought me to the future?"
"Yes! Isn't it marvelous? What modern scientific studies can do today is--"
"You took me away from my home, my family, my life for some...Some experiment?! Is that what you're telling me?!"
Taylor looked back at him, aghast. "Well, er, well, yes, but we can create replicas of your family, make you a new home--"
Cole cut him off with a howl. "You fools!" He began cursing the scientists, their machines, their mothers, his teeth bared and his eyes aflame. "You fools!"
"Now now, calm down--" Taylor reached out, to try and calm the reckless beast, but as he reached his head, his head continued to slip right through.
Cole stepped back quickly, his mouth in a gasp. "What...? What have you done me?!"
The scientists muttered to themselves and checked the machines.
Cole knew the news was grim from the astonished look on their faces.

After a few moments, one of the scientists walked up to Taylor, whispering the results in his ear. "My gods..." he muttered, his eyes widening.
"My...My dear friend, it seem as though part of you was...Lost while coming here."
"What part?" It was clear Cole was trying to keep his cool by the straining in his voice.
"Your...Body. You're just a soul now."
There was silence for a long time as the scientists prepared themselves for another outburst.
Then, Cole fell into a sniveling heap, yelping miserably. "Mother! Father! Sister! Wife! I shall never see them again!"

Taylor turned towards the closest employ of his and said, "Get one of the Resistance members here now."
"I'll get Kliaudos on it right away, sir!" The young scientist jotted away to call the one called Kliaudos as the rest stared and watched the depressing heap that was Cole.


((*DIdn't know what year it was, so I just guessed. And yeah, decided to throw my scientist in there anyways.))
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/07/2009 2:45 PM

Kliaudos nodded, listening to the young scientist. "Yes... We already knew that Taylor had finished the Trap. Now, listen closely. Do you still have that key of yours? Anyway, in the back room are threee Resistance members. I'm going to send the plush gyrraptor, Lanai, over to the lab, got it? She deals with situations quite well. I would come also, but I have customers, and I'm trying to pull more agents here. If I do, I'll send them. If I don't, then I'm afraid that you'll have to work with just Lanai. She is very devoted, today is heer day off and she came in to talk with Guro and Minos about the Trap anyway. She'll certainly help. I'll have her expand* her holo-chip and take a route without much traffic right away. I know of a road that'll help. Now you run along and try to keep the poor bloke that you brought here under control." he turned and walked back to the place he'd just come from. Lanai had just been filled in on everything except for what just happened.

Lanai touched down at the lab, shrinking her holo-chip and putting it in her feathers. She walked in, and saw the soul that was in the room, looking angry.

((*holo-chips can now expand into hover boards. Cuz I couldn't think of anything cooler to ride to the lab.))
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/07/2009 3:41 PM

"Ah, good, you're here! You must be Lanai. This fellow here is named Cole. Do mind taking care of him, like getting him a place to rest and perhaps getting him acquainted with the town?" Taylor pointed towards the poor yonyuu, who was now sitting in a corner of the lab, crying quietly.
Cole looked up to greet Lanai with a low 'hello' before resting his eyes back on the ground.
"Cheer up, old boy! There's no use crying now. Think, you're in the future!"
Cole sighed and was able to make a small, weak smile. "Yeah...Future..." Inside, he still hated everyone and wanted to go back home, but Taylor was right; he couldn't do anything about it now.
Taylor gave a small frown; he was rather new to this whole ruining-people's-lives-with-science bit, but every genius goes through it once in his life. "I'll come and see how he's doing later; give him a full check up. Now, you two can get going while I see if there's anything to do with the Trap."

Wiping away his tears with his paw, Cole rose onto his feet and trotted over to Lanai, trying to seem friendly. "Er, hello, Lanai, was it? So, what's this future-place like?"

she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/07/2009 4:18 PM

Lanai nodded, listening, watching Cole. He asked what the future was like. She sighed. "At the moment, it isn't good. There are these people who want to take over the world, their starting a war. We figure that it'll start by next year. And that's if they stay at the pace they're at. But you... You're helpng us. By showing that the Trap worked, we may be able to send people back or forwards to help stop these people." she sighed again, "Look, I understand you want to go back to your family. Some people just don't feel right in the future. I don't, I'm a rare breed: the organic Evelonian. It's hard, living in the future. Trust me, I'll do whatever I can to get you sent back. And I'll try to find away for you to have your body again. Maybe you can learn the animator trait and get another body, go into it and use it as your own. I'm sorry about what happened." she tried push away the unhappy thoughts. "So, is there anything you'd like to do...? I can bring you someplace. Taylor probably wouldn't mind if we went for an hour and did something."
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/08/2009 2:15 PM

Cole cocked his head, laying his ears firmly down on his skull in remorse.
"You couldn't have at least started with some good news? For Xai're's sake, I just lost my family and my body, and you're telling me the whole planet's almost in war?" he shook his head. "Well, that's life for you."
He stretched his crumpled wings, letting them pass through the machines that lay around him. It felt good to be able to move how ever he pleased, without walls or objects being able to deter him. He wondered if he could still fly?
"I have this gnawing emptiness where my belly is, but I'm guessing I can't eat. So, er, I guess I might as well see what the town's like..." he said, beginning to walk towards the door.
Stopping momentarily to ask one more question, he turned his head around.

"By the way, what's the city called?"

she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/08/2009 2:23 PM

"You couldn't atleast start with some good news?" Lanai responded with a shake of her head. There wasn't really any. She heard him say something about being hungry. "Are you sure you don't want to try to eat something? Your still alive, and I don't think your immortal, so why can't you eat? You have to to survive." he asked where they were. Lanai chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you've heard of this city, seeing it's home to Medicai College."
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/08/2009 3:09 PM

"Medicai...?" his face went blank. "I went to school here. I lived here."
He swallowed hard and felt his stomach twist into a knot. Over three hundred years has passed; what has become of his beloved city?
He shook his head, dispelling any bad thoughts that swarmed into his head. "No, if I can pass through walls, what's not to say that food will pass through me, too?" he gave a long sigh. "Plus, all of this has given me an upset stomach. Let's just find me a hotel or something."

He continued out the door, his tail drooping. He was in such a sorry state, it almost hurt to look at him. He didn't even bother to look up as a flying car, gliding dangerously close to the ground, skidded towards him. A few kind fellows belted out, "Look out, dog!" but it was no use as Cole wasn't listening.
The car honked as it collided into Cole, yet Cole was barely even bothered by it. It passed through him like everything else did, without much disturbance. People stared at the ghost dog, amazed that he wasn't even slightly moved.
He let out a depressing yelp, starting to cry again.
"I can't even die! I have to live forever watching everyone else die while I'm stuck here, between two worlds!" he moaned again, shaking his head terribly as his tears fell from his face and dissolved in midair. "What has become of me?"

People gasped and shook their heads. "Crazy mutt," they murmured and continued on with their daily lives.


((This guy's depressing me. D:;; Poor fellow. ))
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/08/2009 3:42 PM

"Cole, NEVER do that again. Even though it did pass right through you, people do not need to know what happened in the lab, understand?" Lanai ran across the street as she yelled this, and then waited for Cole to come. She sighed. "Well, you want a hotel room? I guess you should have one until we can send you back. I give you permission to ride Taylor's - er... Butt until he gets you home."
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby Owl » 06/18/2009 7:33 PM

Cole spun around with a sneer on his face, looking like he was about to attack, but the growl faded away into a longing, grief-struck frown.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, raising his head to look at the city he once knew.
The sight took his breath away. The pristine buildings rose towards the stars, which were covered in a mask of pollution and light. Lights flashed, cars rushed back and forth, and there was a infernal clicking sound of millions of mechanical hearts beating, beating, beating at the same time.
"My gods..." he blinked and swished his tail, his eyes glowing with the glee of a young child staring a new toy. "This place has certainly changed!" His demeanor suddenly changed, a big, goofy smile covering his maw.
"What? Oh yeah, a hotel room would be wonderful. Mind directing me to one?"


((Yay, he's happy. :D Also kind of bipolar.))
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 06/20/2009 3:42 PM

Lanai jumped back. Was something wrong with Cole, did she really make him that angry? Then it faded, he frowned. Uh-oh. Was this good or bad? Why wasn't she good with emotions? Cole apoligized. Wait, what? Okay... He was looking at the non-visible sky now. She looked up. There wasn't anything special about it. In fact, it seemed horribly ugly to her. She looked back at Cole, who had a goofy smile on his face. "Oh, umm... Sure. There are really hotels and stuff all over the place. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for? I can get pretty much any room for you, this job unexpectedly pays."
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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Re: It's Supposed to be My Day Off!!! (P, Ravean/Me)

Postby potterchic » 07/07/2009 1:38 PM

Lanai waited. Cole still hadn't responded, and it had been a while... Had she done something wrong? She looked ovewr towards a building filled with lights. Okay, so what was going on over there? Should she leave Cole and go figure it out? Noises seemed to be coming from in there... Usually that place was pretty quiet... Most of the rich people in Medicai lived over there, and they generally stayed quiet, in fact, they weren't in the building that often. Usually they were out at fancy dinner parties or something... Maybe it was a mass burgarly? "Cole... I think something's going on in there. Do you mind waiting somewhere while I go check it out? Or maybe you'd like to come with and help... I don't think that anyone could harm you..."

((Okay, so it's been a while since you last posted. I'm going to give you a few days to reply, until the 17th, then if you haven't posted I continue this as a self RP and it'll be as if Cole just dissapeared back to his time. You've got a week to post, and I'm sending you a PM asking you to post, so... Now I'm just going to wait.))
Oh, what a guy, that Gaston!

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