A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2009 1:25 AM

(Rukaj is in human form of course.)

It had been a good while since he had gone anywhere without Darian. Really, he wasn't going much of anywhere now even. He was still in Medicai after all, which was where he lived with the other doctor. Both their jobs and home were in this city. Currently though, he was out shopping to restock the medical supplies in the house. You know, the basics that could help out in any situation that happened to come up. He tried to keep everything well stocked, as Darian tended to get sick a lot.

Walking out of one of the few stores, Rukaj moved over to a large fountain and put his bags down beside it so he could sit down for a moment. It was quite nice to be outside for once. So often all he saw was the walls of the Medicai college, patients in wheelchairs, and other general sights that would be found in a hospital. Out here the air was nice and fresh, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. Ah yes... Quite the needed day off.

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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/21/2009 1:38 AM

Quick, quick, quick! need to get the letter there quick! the humanoid figure's thoughts were racing so fast as she darted about the halls, searching for where her mistress had told her to go, a Fenling collar around her foreamr, along with the all-important letter she bore. She had her four tails and their gems yet, though she also had human arms, legs, and body. She wore a black, long-sleeved top, contradicting her blue-and-white hair nicely, and had pale blue eyes to match, and black chain pants.
Trailing behind a ways, not quite comfortable with the city and crowds, was Giroko, the Fenling's brother, with his friend, Irukaya, clinging to his red-tipped, black hair, which was long, down to his waist, and pulled into a ponytail. He wore a white muscle shirt, and grey pants, also chained, with his own collar around his left forearm, whereas she wore hers on her right. He turned; he had a different destination, naturally...
Komodai, meanwhile, was still going so fast she nearly didn't catch the vision she saw as she turned a corner...and almost ran another humanoid over. Luckily, she was maybe 85 pounds soakiing wet, so he wouldn't be permanantly injured...But, given her velocity...She was dazed and more than a little confused when she bumped into him and fell.
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Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2009 1:49 AM

Having just set his bags down, Rukaj wasn't expecting for anyone to run in to him so close to the fountain. As Komodai ran in to him, the pale doctor almost fell right in to the water. He quickly caught himself on the fountain's edge though, thankful that even though he was now a Lucain, he still had the reflexes of a Doom Kitty. Ignoring his now slightly scraped palms, the guy turned around and bent down next to the young lady that had fallen.

"Are you already, ma'am?" His soft silver eyes glanced around for any possible wounds as he extended a hand to help her up. "The streets of Medicai can sometimes be quite crowded, so running might not be the best thing to do." Standing back up, he kept his hand out to help her up. For someone that had almost been knocked over in to a fountain, he was being awfully kind.
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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/21/2009 1:58 AM

Komudai still seemed a bit dazed, and had conked herself on the head. "Owie...Oh! I dropped a pearl..." she moaned slightly, and did a quick tail count, and blinked again. Her pupils had gotten big, but quickly went back to natural. "Oh! I'm sorry! I saw you a little too late to stop from bumping...My sight's not quite so good right now..." she apologized, and took his hand, pulling herself up, then glanced around. She spotted her pearl, and snatched it up with one of her tails. She did a quick check of herself, and smiled at the male brightly. "No injuries on me, save a conk on the head...Did I hurt you?" she asked, tilting her head at him.
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Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2009 2:08 AM

"It's quite alright." Honestly, he was just glad to hear that she hadn't been hurt. Well, there was the smack to her head, but that wasn't exactly something that needed treating right now since she seemed quite well. "I'm alright. It'd take quite a bit more than a small run in to do damage to me." Well, he had been through the war after all. He had almost killed someone even. People tend to do crazy things with rage takes over, but he had been lucky enough that one of the deities happened to stop him.

"Are you sure you're alright? Nothing at all wrong?" He just wanted to be safe and make sure she was fine.
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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/21/2009 2:18 AM

"I'm a bit dizzy...And there could be three of you..." she blinked, and reached up, to rub her head. "Must've hit a bit harder than I thought," she sat down at the edge of the fountain, and shook her head, trying to clear it. "I think I need to sit still a few minutes..." Komudai muttered something about her pearls not doing their job right, and then looked at him. "I'm Kumodai...Who're you, mister?"
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Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2009 2:30 AM

Seeing three of him...? Maybe he should keep an eye on her for a little while and make sure that bump to the head wasn't all that bad after all. He sat down beside her, careful not to step on the bags that he had put down before she ran in to him. "Oh. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner." He held out his hand once again, this time in order to shake her hand if she wished. "My name is Rukaj. I'm one of the doctors at the Medicai college. It's nice to meet you, Komudai."

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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/21/2009 2:38 AM

She smiled, and shook his hand, smiling a bit. She closed her eyes a moment, because her eyes hurt a bit. "I've heard a bit about Medicai College...I was thinking of maybe seeing if Seru-chaan would let me go to school there...Seru's my mistress, ya know?" She glanced at the bags he'd stepped around, curious. "What's in there?" she asked.

Meanwhile, Giroko was wandering back, his message delivered, and the prescription for Seru filled out. He hated the city...Why Seru sent him these places, he'd never know...At least the Kodile kept him company. ~Hey, Giroko-kun! I think Komu-chaan is hurt...She's up ahead, talking to someone...~ a childish voice sounded in his head, and the little Kodile poked his nose. He paused a moment, to look around. He trusted the Kodile, naturally...
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Postby Kyrit » 08/21/2009 1:21 PM

Mistress...? Oh! She meant sort of like an owner probably. He had never really had an owner. There was a woman that took care of him as a kitten before he learned how to take on a human form, but after that he had left off on his own. After glancing down at the bags for a second, Rukaj looked over at her with a smile. "Basic medical supplies. Bandages, rubbing alcohol, and other such things. Never know what could happen, so it helps to keep the house stocked up."

(It's a quick crappy post, but I wanted you to be able to get your fifth post so you wouldn't be stuck while I was gone.)
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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/21/2009 1:39 PM

Irukaya flapped over to them both then, and flopped down on Komudai's head. She would act as a natural cold pack, of course, as she chattered. ~Komu-chaan! Where's the ouchie? Who's the guy? Is he nice? His aura's nice...Can I lick him?~ she thought-spoke aloud to them. Giroko slipped through the crowd, and smirked at Komu slightly. She seemed less than pleased to have the Kodile on her head...
Komudai herself had been about to say something when she got a faceful of kodile, and the little beastie squirmed up to her hair. "Uh....Hi, Irukaya..." she muttered, wincing slightly. "You're on my sore...His name'sRukaj, and he's nice enough...Ask his if you can lick him, not me."
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Postby Kyrit » 08/27/2009 2:04 AM

Oh...? She had been traveling with someone? Well, that was rather nice to see. It meant that someone would be able to watch her on her way home and make sure that the headache didn't get worse. "Well, hello there little one." A soft smile spread across the humanoid Lucain's face, watching the little Kodile. Since he hadn't noticed Giroko, he couldn't help but wonder to himself as to why the little one had been all on her own. She seemed a tad too young to be roaming the city by herself.

"Irukaya was it...? It's nice to meet you." Holding out a hand, he continued, "As Komudai said, my name is Rukaj. Although, some do call me Ru. I don't mind if you'd like to call me such as well. Also, I don't mind."
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Re: Getting out for a change. {Seru and me}

Postby seruame » 08/28/2009 11:34 PM

Irukaya flapped over to him, and landed on his shoulder, snuggled in happily...And ran an ice cold tongue over his cheek. The saliva froze as soon as she pulled her tongue away. Then she smiled. ~Hehe...Cold tongue. You're cute. You smell like a puppy...Are you a puppy? I want a puppy...But Seru says I can't have one...Can you get me a puppy?~
Komudai sighed, chuckling slightly at the hyper little Kodile as Giroko snuck up behind her, in his fenling form. He had jealousy in his eyes as he suddenly shifted forms, and playfully shoved her into the fountain. She fell in, and came up sopping wet and madder than a fly-bitten horse. She growled at Giroko and then yelped, and checked her message. It was still dry, luckily.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/17/2009 5:30 PM

Rukaj let out a small chuckle and rubbed his cheek so that the ice would fall off of it. "Well, I probably smell slightly like a dog because as an animal, I am actually a d-.... Lucain." Open upon a time he had been so used to calling himself a Doom Kitty. He even had the usual Doom Kitty collar around his neck, even in his human form. That had all changed along ago during the war. He had Darian had both turned in to Lucain. Darian had once been a Bleached Fellox. He had even kept his flames and chains.

"Sadly I can't give you a puppy though. If I were able to I'm pretty sure Seru wouldn't let you keep it if she has already told you that you can't have one." His silver eyes were torn away from the Kodile for a moment, looking over at Komudai. "Are you alright? Would you like for me to go to one of the stores and get you a towel."
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Postby Kyrit » 10/14/2009 7:05 AM

Gently taking the Kodile from his shoulder, Rukaj set the little one down on the edge of the fountain before standing up. "Ah... I'm terribly sorry, but it's getting terribly late. I need to get these supplies back to the college..." He would have loved to stay with them for a while longer, and he really wished he had the time to run in to a store and get a towel for the girl. Still, she had someone else with her now at least.

"Please take care." He bent down to pick up the bags before heading off on his way. There was much work to get done, and it seemed as though he was now possibly running a bit behind.

(Sorry, but I'm going to go ahead and pull Rukaj out in case I need him for anything.)
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