A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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Flames of Kinship [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2008 10:10 PM

[Human-y form]

Day...Night...Time really made no difference to a creature like her...
Night, night, yes, that's what it was currently.
Of course, none of that actually mattered, despite what Neon was. She didn't even appear like stereotypes. What really mattered was what someone like her was doing in this city, of all places. There was nothing even remotely interesting here, just streets lined with hospital after hospital. Albeit, the buildings were very pretty in their brilliant shades of silver and white, but there were no entertaining public places. The only crowd you could hang out here were overworked doctors, busy medical students, or sickly patients, none of which made for good company. She didn't like most company, but crowded places where she could watch people, that's what she liked. She needed subjects to observe. Yes. And not one's that were busy in such ways found here.

The scent of medicine, as well as the vague scent of death, burned in her nose as she slipped slightly through the lamp lit streets. She avoided direct contact with any of the rings of light cast down on the street, stepping around them. Her pink hued eyes practically burned with an eternal flame, looking for something, anything, to capture her mild interest. She needed some sort of eventful night, having been locked away in her room for some time now...

If it wasn't odd enough that a random girl, seemingly mysterious at that, was wondering the streets of a medical based city late at night, she stood out among any crowd here. That all had to do with her bright pink hair, some twined into delicate dreadlocks, which weaved a crown around her head. The rest of her hair draped down, straight and fine. Her attire consisted of decently tight black stretchy jean pants, black and pink converse, a pink tank top with a black long sleeve fishnet 'shirt' covering it that reached up her neck, the end covered by a black choker adorning spikes, plus one pink glow-ring necklace, and another one slightly longer, still pink, to give a sort of layered look. Her tails, of course, were forever burning, and her ears were there too, poking up from among her hair.

Out of complete boredom, she began twirling one of her fingers as she randomly navigated the streets. Rings of pink fire were created from the little movement, burning out, and replaced by another ring simultaneously.

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Postby crow » 05/26/2008 10:30 PM


The reek of dead things was unbearable. It hung on the air, like a mist, but not so much to the sight as to smell. And although one could easily see their path, those aware of this particular mist had just as much trouble wading through it.

But he would not let it hinder him. He never did. Death followed him, too, in a sense... In traces, or, if the kill had been recent, in a great cloud that engulfed him completely. Many failed to notice, but every so often, there would be a curious glance his way. Though that could have been his clothing, or his hair, or maybe the flames that sometimes popped out around his form. He smiled. Whatever it was, it made them shuffle away from him in a hurry. And he drank in their fear, reveled in it, the sweet acrid taste of it.

Why had he come here anyways? He didn't know. It was impulse, and he hated them, tried to suppress all that he could. But he found himself here anyways. Maybe it was fate, and he would be someone's grim reaper today. After all, he was named for the underworld, the place of death. Was it not so fitting?

He walked with a sulky sort of confidence that was hard to put a name to. Snarky. Know-it-all. Gothic. None fit quit right, but they came close. His hunched shoulders only emphasized the ghostly winglets, composed of nothing but the acid-green fire that also adorned his twin tails. He sported everything leather- boots, pants, open-finger gloves, even a leather collar. He wore a white t-shirt, but that was covered by a leather jacket. His hair was long for a male, and flopped down to cover half his face at any given time. It was streaked with green, the same green as his eyes.

And then he saw her, or what appeared to him at first to be a bright flash of neon pink. Blinding though it was, his eyes eventually adjusted and identified a figure. She had flames too... But he did not at once think that she was his kin. No, there were many with flames, and he had only two siblings to speak of.

But what a pity he wasn't alone this time. People these days were nothing but trouble.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2008 11:15 PM

At some vague point of her steps and fire spinning, the wicked stench of death found it's way to her nose, which wrinkled up right away in attempt to reject it. So suddenly the scent had went from mild, to practically burning her nose off. Her type wasn't particular about death, or maybe it was just her. But death meant a lack of living energy, making the being useless to someone as she. It came off, to her instincts, as a waste. [Needless to say, death, and torturing to near death, were both very different.]

But its sudden rapid growth here as a whole, the scent, made her pay less attention to her own matters. It wasn't a natural occurrence, not at all. It acted as an unwanted reminder of something. There was a second reason to hold distaste in death, one she preferred not to speak of...

And there it was, the apparent source. She clenched her teeth, the hidden fangs pressing into the inner lip, not quite enough to will blood to surface. She failed to recognize the stranger as anything more then that, and a blasted creature here to annoy her senses. A reason for being here was to search for some entertainment. She failed, and this wasn't any better.

None the less he was, how do you say, interesting. How so? Well, here he was, seemingly out of place in this city in the mid of night. Likewise, here was she, same situation- out of place. Both appeared to simply be wandering, that was that. If she wanted to get some revenge on him for brining that nasty smell with him, she'd definitely have to interact.

A hand patted over the area of a pocket in her pants, as if checking to see if something was there, before closing the good amount of distance between the two of them. Her stroll was casual, her tails flicking back and forth. When she stopped, she stood in the middle of the street, avoiding the light of the lamp on either side of her. She was still five or so yards from him.

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