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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 1:11 AM

It wasn't clear whether it was the proximity of her head to Komo's chest or if it was simply that the boy's heart was beating so loudly, but Rebi could hear his heartbeat loud and clear. It was a surprisingly comforting sound, and it caused her to begin to relax into him.

Which, of course, set her off panicking for a whole new reason. Jerking away from him, she stared at him as if he were a murderer, instead of the man on the screen. How was he able to make her feel so safe? How had he managed to make her treat him kindly, when she had been determined to hate him?

There was only one obvious conclusion: Komo was a master manipulator, and was extremely dangerous.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 1:20 AM

Crap! I did it again. I got her mad at me for some reason. Now I can't seem to pay attention to the movie. I'm trapped in my own horror. I got Rebi angry at me again. This must've been the dozenth time so far today. How do I make it better now. "I've gotta use the bathroom. Will you excuse me?" When I make it to the restroom, I empty myself and hit flush the toilet. While doing so, I run a few thoughts through my head.

She got mad when she got close to me. Obviously, she needs her own personal space, but maybe I'm the one getting too close. I must've gotten just a little closer and she noticed. Now she probably thinks I'm a creep or something. What if I can't make it better? No, I can't focus on that. The question is how do I make it better? I've got to make amends somehow. But how?

When I get back, all I ask is "What did I miss?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 1:34 AM

Once Komo was gone, Rebi was able to get her thoughts under control. Obviously she had to be more wary about letting her guard down around her "partner". So when he returned, she barely acknowledged him other than to answer his question. "The blonde girl died, and now they're trying to follow the killer back to his hideout to hopefully find the friend that was kidnapped."

This time, when she got scared, she made sure not to touch Komo. She don't put her arm on the armrest, in case she accidentally brushed against him. And whenever he got close, she put more distance between them. She refused to let him control her, or her emotions. She couldn't trust him, she just knew it.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 1:41 AM

I couldn't pay attention to the movie at all. Though my gaze was aimed at the screen, I couldn't help but dart it to the left, at Rebi. I can't help but notice that she's intentionally keeping her distance. When this movie is over, I'll apologize for whatever I did. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's my fault. And I have to fix it.

The rest of the movie passed in silence. Afterwards, I completely forgot what the movie was about. All I cared about was that my partner was okay. "Rebi, are you okay? You haven't said a word since I went to the bathroom. Did I do something wrong? If so, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for invading her personal space, or for making this seem like more than it is. I was just scared from the movie, is all that meant. I didn't mean to grab your hand."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 10:15 AM

The apology seemed sincere, which was exactly why Rebi couldn't trust it. Obviously she was the one pulling away - she was being a bitch, and she knew it. It was what she was trying to do. So why did Komo keep trying to take all of the blame? It had to be some sort of manipulation tactic. He pretended that he was letting her be in control, while he tried to control her without her even knowing it. It was clever and the sort of thing that Rebi might do, but she wouldn't let herself fall victim to Komo's act.

"You didn't do anything," she said, in a tone as cold as ice. "I'm just sick of being so close to you. Can't you make any friends of your own to follow around?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 10:23 AM

Apparently, Rebi doesn't want to be my friend at all. Maybe I should just let her have what she wants. After all, I'm probably not good enough for her. But I don't even know if I can make friends on my own. Before I came here, I didn't know anyone. I didn't even have neighbors. But if she doesn't want to be my friend, there's no sense in forcing her to be. "Okay," I say with just a bit of heartbreak in it. "If you don't want me around, I understand. I'm sorry I inconvenienced you." That's when I start walking away, back towards where the bus had dropped us off at.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 10:41 AM

There was a sudden, intense rushing of emotions when Komo turned to leave. They took Rebi's breath away, and caused her to sway, stumbling towards the wall behind her to keep from falling to her knees. Her eyes widened, and she watched Komo, hoping he hadn't felt anything similar.

This was the bond between them. Somehow, perhaps through the simple, innocent act of holding hands in the movie theater, it had been formed. And now Rebi was feeling the boy's emotions as if they were her own. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, and she wanted to take it all back and apologize. Anything to make that feeling go away.

But she couldn't. Even this was a way for a sacrifice to control his fighter, and she refused to give in to it. Turning around, she quickly darted into the nearest building - a music store - to hide her reaction from Komo.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 11:04 AM

As my feet carry me on, my brain keeps replaying all the hurtful things that Rebi had said to me. About how she was suppose to be the sacrifice, not me. How I didn't dress well enough for her mother's approval, and so it wasn't good enough for her either. About how all I've been is nice to her and yet she still hates me. And how I was too weak for her. Maybe the last one wasn't said, but it was felt in her intent. But if I wasn't good enough for her, then perhaps she's right, in her own way. Perhaps we aren't meant to be together.

I was just getting back to the bus stop when I saw the group of girls who had been mean to Rebi. Not wanting to cause a scene, I keep my mouth shut.

"Look," one of the girls says. "It's the freak's pet. What's wrong little puppy dog? Lost your master?" I refuse to answer to them Rebi was at least right about one thing. These girls are nothing but a bunch of brats. "Look, it's just as much a freak as her." I don't know why, but that makes me snap.

"Shut your mouth!" I yell at her.

The girls are a bit surprised, but they start surrounding me. "So it does speak." "So are you just waiting for your master?" "That freak's gotta be around here somewhere."

"You leave her alone." I demand of them. "She's done nothing wrong to you."

Immediately, they start pushing me around. "Aw, what's wrong? Baby gonna cry?" I can't seem to help it, but in my mind, I find myself calling out to Rebi. "I think he is gonna cry. He's nothing but a little bitch."

"I don't care if you hurt me," which is a lie. "Just leave Rebi alone."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 11:12 AM

Barely any time had passed before Rebi began feeling a strong pulling sensation. "Shit," she groaned. There was no way she could deny their partnership now - the fact that Komo was able to call to her and that she could feel it simply proved that they were a pair.

Knowing that Komo wouldn't have called her without reason, Rebi took off at a sprint towards the pull of his call. When she rounded the corner and spotted the three girls surrounding him, her expression immediately changed to one of rage. It was bad enough that they picked on her out of sheer jealousy, but now they were messing with a kid who had done nothing to them.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Rebi growled, shoving the lead girl, Ellen, away from Komo.

The girl seemed startled by the physical confrontation, but recovered quickly. "Why don't you make me? Come on, now that you have your Fighter, try to take Krista and I on in a wordspell battle. Jen's Fighter isn't around, so you don't have to worry about us ganging up on you."

Any other time, Rebi would have found it amusing that Ellen - who usually was on top of all the latest gossip - still didn't realize that Komo was supposed to be the Sacrifice. But at the moment, she was too focused on the challenge in front of her.

Smirking, Rebi said, "You want a battle? Fine, you'll get one." And then, without hesitation, she pulled back her fist and slammed it into the girl's nose.

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 11:26 AM

Just when it seemed like they were about to hurt me, I see the leader get pushed a foot away. It's Rebi! Thank goodness she showed up. I set the bags of clothes off to the side and get ready for a fight. Not a fistfight, but a word spell battle. But then I hear something I hadn't expected. Did they think that I was the fighter and Rebi the sacrifice? That can't be right. Unless the word hadn't gotten out about our roles yet.

Before I can think anymore on it, I see Rebi's fist make contact with the other girl's face, sending her to the ground. She's not knocked out as far as I can see, but I think I spot a few drops of blood coming from the nostrils. I know I can't hit a girl, but I can at least shield Rebi from some of the blows. I stand beside her and get ready for the imminent fight. That's when I see the bus just down the street. "Rebi, what if someone sees us fighting?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 11:33 AM

The girl wails and holds her nose. I feel nothing but satisfaction when I notice the few red drips of blood leaking from between her fingers. When she looks up at me, she is no longer looking at me with scorn or jealousy. Now she's looking at me with fear - and I wonder why it took me so damn long to actually stand up to her like this. Before, I was afraid of being expelled. Now, I basically don't care. My mother's going to be disappointed either way when she realizes I'm not a Sacrifice.

But Komo obviously seems concerned about it. As the bus nears us, I turn to the other girls, who are still standing in shocked silence. "Tell anyone about this, and I'll hit you, too," I threaten. To Ellen, I say, "You've been asking for that for months now. From now on, don't go picking a fight you can't win."

Semi-confidant that they aren't going to tell on us, I step on the bus, which has just stopped in front of us and opened its doors. "Come on, Komo," I say. "I want to get a good seat in the back of the bus."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 11:41 AM

I follow close behind, not out of duty or fear, but I still want to be close to Rebi. I'm still hurt by what she'd done, but I won't give up now. Not after what she'd done for me. I sit down next to her, tempted to grab her hand in mine again. But this isn't a horror movie. I probably shouldn't push my luck. I've already pushed her far enough today. I want her to be my friend. I don't want to get on her nerves.

After about a minute of silence, I decide to break the ice. "That was a good punch." It's not the best thing to say right now, but it's the best I can come up with. "My dad always said to take a bully out in one punch. Of course, he also said I should never hit a girl."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 11:49 AM

Rebi surprised herself by laughing. "I wish I had a dad like yours, then. My mother always wanted me to be the picture of elegance." She frowned, remembering her mother's reaction to being told that her daughter was bullied.

"Families like ours are the source of much envy," she had said. "It is up to us to respond with dignity and grace. Simply ignore those who are trying to upset you. Don't let them see any sort of reaction. Appear strong and confidant at all times. You must not appear weak, and you must not sully our family name."

Snapping back to the present, she said, "Yeah, my mom's advice to me wasn't nearly as helpful. I probably would have gotten rid of those bullies years ago, had I been given advice like your dad's."

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Jedi » 07/15/2017 11:58 AM

"Yeah. We may not have had much," I start to say. "But we took care of each other."

My memory goes back to when I was about eleven and bullies started picking on me. He'd bought one of those stand up punching bags and wanted to show me how to defend myself. You might be small son, but that's no reason to let others get the best of you. You show them that you're big on the inside. Remember, if you can't use your weight to your advantage, use theirs.

"He taught me how to take down someone twice my size. He even used himself as practice a few times. I miss him," I say before I realize what I was about to say. I don't want to think about that. "I mean, being in school so far away from him get's kind of lonely. What about your dad? What's he like?"

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Re: When Sunlight Shines Through Leaves (M - L)(P)

Postby Kitsumi » 07/15/2017 12:01 PM

Instantly, the girl's expression became blank. She had to shut her emotions down at the mention of her father, lest she feel the familiar sting of pain that she usually felt when he was brought up. "My father isn't around," she said. "And it's not something I'm ready to talk about with someone I've barely known a day, so I'd appreciate you not pressing the matter further."

Just to make sure he wasn't about to ask more questions, she changed the subject. "So, did you not know about fighter units until recently? It's weird that you're only just now coming to the school."

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