A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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Re: Blooper Heroes: Origin Story (P:Bug/Jedi)(M:LV)

Postby Kitsumi » 01/08/2021 8:46 PM

"Beck! You can't just go around breaking windows!" Carly began to chastise her younger sister. But arguing was just going to waste time, and the risk of getting caught was already high considering the sound of shattering glass. So she simply hurried over and gave her sister a boost through the window.

When it came time for her to climb through however, she found herself struggling. "It's... kind of a... tight fit!" she exclaimed, as she tried to wiggle through. Just as she looked up, she noticed a man in a security guard's outfit entering the room... and slipping in his own spilled coffee.

"Oh my god," Carly groaned, as she finally made it through the window. "Did we just kill someone?" Then, as he stood, she grabbed Beck's arm and began pulling her towards one of the rows of shelves, stacked with bottles of various chemicals. "Come on," she whispered. "We have to hide, or we'll get arrested!"

like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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