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How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 06/14/2009 2:31 PM

Kayneena~~~~~Rocket (Secondary form; primary form is a Jewel Gorgeel)

She'd never missed Acacitus more until this day.

She'd seen cities come and go; she'd passed up and down dozens of boulevards in too many worlds to list since loosing hers. None of them had had much effect on her. But here, in Medicai--something about the arcitecture, the people, even the chemical smell of the place cast her back in time. A naive fourteen-year-old, sprinting down the shopping avenue with Kayneena, Kyhorlet, Rorygon, and Rocket in tow, laughing carefreely at everything that lived in the world. Maybe it was all the hipster teens, decked out in overly asymetrical fashions and thinking they were going to save the world here. She wasn't a year gone from being a teenager herself, but already she felt distant from them and their attitudes.

"I'm too young to be a grouchy old woman," she sighed to herself.

"What now?" Kayneena asked.

"Nothing," she replied.

Just Kayneena and Rocket today. Kyhorlet had used up her human hours burning the midnight oil, and she didn't like going outside in Cuniflare form. And Rorygon claimed that the teleporters to Lambastia made him sick. Oh well. Rocket had wanted to show off his mechanized Khalmar suit, and Kayneena was always up for a jaunt outside.

According to what she'd read, Medicai was supposed to be one of the most learned cities in this land, with libraries and colleges and who knew what else.

There was a tiny inkblot of a creature sitting on her shoulder. It looked around suspiciously. For its sake, she hoped the rumors were true.

[31, 1]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby cmf25 » 06/17/2009 1:37 AM

Arcticpaw Image Eveningpaw Image
Kaylisk Image

Few stars were visible in the night sky thanks to the bright lights of the city. Night certainly was the best time of day. It felt good to be away from home and out exploring. No mentor to tell her what to do or how to do something, peace at last. Sure the clan might be worried, but she'd be back before she was missed. Dark violet eyes glanced back at the Common Kuhna walking behind her. She had taken him along for the company and she enjoyed talking to the apprentice. Her ears flicked backwards when she no longer heard his paw steps amidst the hubbub of the city. The shadows and darkness helped to camouflage their pelts and hide them, why had he stopped? She turned her head around to look at the Kuhna and she felt a ripple of fear rush through her. Something had startled him and his pelt was bristling. What had spooked him? She was getting ready to approach him stealthily when he suddenly turned and shot past her, almost knocking her down and with a cry of "RUN!" From what though? Her answer came quicker than expected. From the shadows a creature resembling a raptor appeared. This creature had black skin and brightly colored markings, making it a Biolune Serraptor.  She didn't ask questions and followed him. The  glacial Werecain was closing the gap quickly between them and rounded the corner. Unlike the apprentice she heard his mishap. Like a galloping Penticorn trained in reining she skidded to a stop, only a hair away from what Arcticpaw had slammed into.

Unease made his fur stand on end and he couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. All of his senses were on the alert and his pulse quickened. Sightless eyes wearily stared ahead while his radar like ears never stopped moving and helped him to 'see'. A familiar scent wafted to his nose carried by the slight breeze. He paused mid stride and lifted his nose higher in the air to try and pin point the source among the strong herbal scents. The smell of herbs disgusted him and made him feel nauseous.

A low voice rang in his ears and he bristled with fury as his brain put a name to the voice. He would not return to camp now. Arcticpaw turned and ran, he would not fight her but simply out race her. The Common Kuhna could careless were he ran as long as it was to freedom. If they could just lose her in this city by turning it into a maze then they would be home free! The male kuhna rounded a corner with surprising speed, perhaps too much speed and slammed into someone or something. He had been to busy with his thoughts that he had again blundered into something.

Kaylisk silently trailed behind the pair of apprentice's ready to bring them back as planned. It was nice exploring and seeing new things. Perhaps they were too. Well it mattered not she had been ordered to fetch them back. They had been gone for days now and their wandering had to come to an end. Eveningpaw had been sent to fetch herbs for the sickness that plagued her family. Their time was up and it was time to pay up.

Aquamarine eyes watched the pair carefully, taking care to ensure she stayed light on her feet and not to  draw attention to herself. The Serraptor had managed to dull the light she naturally gave off and had ultimately prevented it from showing by covering herself with mud. She cursed herself when they ran and gave chase. They were no match for her speed and agility and they had led her to a group of others. Her shy nature prevented her from getting very close.

((Blah no muse for Kaylisk, sorry for the bad post.))
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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 06/17/2009 1:51 AM

"Are we going the right way even, Rocket? None of these look like libraries to me..."

"Analyzing the signal from GPS right now," the Gorgeel replied, his voice magnified from deep within the Khalmar suit. With such a dark, imposing interior, one might have expected the reply to be similarly deep. But Rocket's voice was surprisingly light and small. It was almost childlike, in a fashion, though no one knew how old Rocket was when they found him, and he'd never bother to reveal the details himself."

Gloomy and homesick though she was, Freezair tried to stick her head up and enjoy the cool night air. She'd always loved the night--the eerie, misty light of the moon, the rosy smudge of the clouds, and the exciting, rustling sounds. She didn't understand people who were afraid to go out at night, or of the dark. The mystique of it all enticed her.

"Woah!" Rocket said suddenly.

"We're not that lost, are we?" Kayneena asked.

"No!" Rocket replied. His wings flapped excitedly. "According to my radar systems, there's somebody running right toward us."

"Somebody...?" Freezair and Kayneena both trailed off in tandem.

Freezair suddenly had to find herself moving very quickly as a--Kuhna, yes, that was it--skidded past her, followed by--who now? There was a rush of color and people streaming past her, she couldn't even count.

"I think they're being chased!" Rocket said.

"WAIT! WHAT'S GOING--" Freezair tried to call after them, but stopped.

Sydell had crawled off her shoulder. Somehow, the tiny little dark creature had managed to slink its way over to an equally-dark creature, one of the same species that Kayneena was now--he was trailing after it in a misty cloud, his tiny crescent mark pulsing somewhat angrily.

[32, 2]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby cmf25 » 06/18/2009 12:22 AM

Arcticpaw felt himself brush past clothing and then the stone of a building rub against him and cut through his flesh. The stone only left bleeding scratches they were not deep thought, but they hurt like heck. He bounced of the building and he quickly turned it into a roll. His claws slid out to grip the road and he used his momentum to place himself back on his feet in a crouch ready to attack. Arcticpaw felt proud of himself that he had finally mastered the move.

Eveningpaw looked around her to take in their new surroundings. What ever had chased them had stopped and melted into the darkness. Perhaps she had been wrong about what it had been. Well Arcticpaw could start explaining himself. "Way to go genius you ran into something else again. Honestly why don't you just 'open your eyes and use them'? And what exactly was chasing us, why did you run?" For the moment she was ignoring the Organic Serraptor, Jewel Gorgeel, and of course the human.

Her past dealings with humans had never been very pleasant, so naturally she was weary of them. This one she treated no different. With weary eyes she now watched the small group before her. The Kuhna would be fine, besides she didn't want her ears clawed off by the prickly apprentice.

Arcticpaw felt his pelt bristle as the Werecain insulted him. So what he hadn't paided attention during his flight, he hadn't hurt anyone and he could tend to his wounds just fine. Why had they run, what kind of question was that? "To answer your question human and Eveningpaw we've been tracked. I don't know about you Eveningpaw but I don't want to return home, I'd rather explore some more first." the white furred creature with red and blue stripes paused as he realized that the human wouldn't have understood him, or the Werecain since neither were capable of even the simplest human speech. He could understand it at times, but he had a rough time speaking it. The only one who could have possibly understood him were the other pets. Well perhaps one of the three would interpret for him.

He turned his attention again back to their pursuer. She still lingered somewhere nearby. "Come out and face me stranger, I challenge you to a fight!" Well this stranger was at least not of the clan and so had not come to bring them home. Perhaps Eveneingpaw could enlighten him more. He strained his senses trying to picture her exact location, but failed in doing so with all of the new smell from the pets and city noise.

Kaylisk stood in the shadows watching the scene play out before her. "So the little Kuhan wanted a fight eh?" she muttered under her breath. Well she would see about that. Why so many spectators though? She hated crowds as did most Biolunes. Well what had she hear had they sent someone to talk to her. She turned to face her new opponent. Anger burned in her eyes, but her posture was neutral. The Serraptor would have never noticed the little creature if it hadn't been for the marking on it's forehead.

((Sorry it took me so long, I had trouble with the computer.))
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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 06/18/2009 12:34 AM

((No prob, Bob.))

"What the crud...? Oh, this is not going to fly, nuh-uh." Freezair had come here for a nice, relaxing evening doing research in a library somewhere in Medicai. Well, perhaps not relaxing--she had a nasty habit of getting distracted by every book she didn't need to look in, and trying to focus for too long tended to give her headaches.--But the point was! Certainly more relaxing than wandering in the middle of a fight.

"Kayneena! Rocket! Assume a fight position! Prepare to subdue! If anybody tries something, stop 'em!"

"...There she goes, trying to sound cool again," Kayneena tutted. But the Serraptor braced herself and scythed her jaw. Her crest began to glow softly in the city night, like a glow stick, ready to unleash spectral energy.

Rocket stood still, apparently fiddling with the controls inside his suit. One of his tentacles opened up, the ringed sheath around the end pulling back to reveal a wide-mouthed gun barrel. "Goo gun ready, captain!" he said miltarily.

"...Concentrate on self defense," she said, her voice wavering. "And--Sydell, get back here."

The little Moonling turned around. It seemed to be considering her request. With an ornery look, it slid back to her leg, but didn't return to her shoulder.

[33, 3]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby cmf25 » 06/19/2009 12:09 PM

Fine she would go and face the Kuhna and collect upon the debt owed by the Werecain. The Biolune Serraptor stepped out from the shadows calmly, her eyes fixed upon the Werecain. "My friends, I mean do harm for my business is with this Werecain and with her alone. Sorry to disappoint you young Kuhna but I'm in no mood for a fight." Her voice was calm and level but it apparently had no effect on the Kuhna. Well she couldn't please everyone. Now back to business.

Kaylisk turned her attention from the battle ready group and to the one called Eveningpaw. "You my friend have had long enough. Three moons time is longer than we had originally agreed too. My people can wait no longer. We are dying while you are here playing. You said you'd have it ready by now and would teach us how to use it, but no you lied!"

Eveningpaw's eyes widened with horror. She had forgotten all about her promise that night three moons ago. Now she had to collect only some of the herbs needed to make the remedy. She had come here with a purpose, and it was to buy more herbs. It took too long to collect them out in the wild, but she didn't have the KS to purchase anything. "Fine you want your remedy then give me 1,000 KS and I'll have it ready with in the hour. Otherwise you'll just have to wait some more." She knew this was a dangerous remark but it was the truth.

Kaylisk's eyes narrowed with anger and her lips curled back to reveal sharp teeth. "Does it look like we use human currency? No we have no need to collect it and keep it. More time you ask? Your time is up; we gave you a whole two more moons worth of time!"

Eveningpaw didn't flinch or shy away as the Serraptor snarled and leaned in closer. She stood there defiantly and refused to budge. She didn't a book or books about herbs and where to find them. Wasn't there a library somewhere in here?

Arcticpaw growled and remained unphased by the raptor's words. He growled and a warning to the creature as he felt tensions rise. "Back off or we'll make you." With the word 'we' he had included everyone.
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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 06/21/2009 10:30 PM

"Wait, what? WHO'S dying now?" Freezair looked around bewilderedly, her mouth hanging lax. "You people have some kinda problem? Woah, woah, woah! Hold up here!"

Kayneena tried to tuck her face under her claw, moaning shamefully while Freezair stepped in front of the tall, dark Serraptor. Rocket did not do much--he always seemed to trust Freezy, no matter what madness crept into her head--but Kayneena peeked warily just in case she had to jump out and save her friend.

"Hey, man! There's no need to go hittin' people up for medicines or whatever in Medicai! If you can't get a medicine here, it doesn't exist, pal. So I don't think you should be harrassing random people for it."

"Freezy, cut it out; you don't know what's going on; this isn't your fight..." Kayneena didn't quite mutter loud enough to get her message across.

Sydell, quite independent of the others, had tottered uneasily over to Evening paw. His voice, as thin and ephermeral as the rest of his body, hissed out of his tiny, pointed beak. "You... heal?"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby cmf25 » 06/29/2009 4:55 PM

Kaylisk's eyes burned with anger and her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. "Silence human! The medicine I seek is not made by your kind and this apprentice has known for a long while what I seek. It is my people that are dying! Three moons ago this Werecain found a sick Sharptile and healed it. An elder of our tribe tracked her down and begged her of her services. She agreed to make more of the remedy and show us how to do it ourselves. We agreed to give her one month to gather the needed herbs. When she never came to the meeting we guessed she needed more time. Our tribe put it to a vote and more time was allowed. My people can wait no longer. I am one of the few yet to be infected."

The shame and guild weighted down upon her like sodden fur and it hurt so much that she wanted to scream. Her eyes widened and it looked like she was going to cry. Her violet eyes became foggy and a far away look replaced the sadness. She was being transported back to that cold winter night. She cold feel the thick grass covered in frost beneath her paws, her breath turning into a vapor as the cold air chilled it. Stars shone clear and bright like tiny dots of frost glittering in an abyss of darkness that couldn't be fathomed. The cries of Lucaine and other canines filled the air. It was the night of black moon or as the humans would call it new moon.  Huddled in a particularly thick part of grass was huddled a tiny Sharptile, barely able to breath and frigid to the touch. It's chest barely rose and it's shallow breath hardly caused the blades to stir. As she had vowed to help those in need and curled around the creature to warm it.

It had been a long sleepless night but the creature had survived. She carefully uncurled herself and left to prepare and a medicine that would help the creature to warm up and stay warm. Then she would tend to the sickness that plagued.

Just as quickly as the the image had appeared it vanished and she couldn't help but still feel cold despite the warm air that hung in the city. It had felt so real, could she have possibly just gone back in time to that night? It took many moments for her to clear her head and vision from the rather vivid dream.

She jumped as the Moonling spoke beside her. "Yes, I heal." It was the only thing she could manage to stammer. Her whole body was shaking in an attempt to warm itself up.

Arcticpaw relaxed a little and was stunned. This whole time through out their adventures it had been so that she could search for herbs for a debt she owed. He would have helped had she only asked, why hadn't she asked her mentor for help? The Orchid Leawolf was very wise and knowledgeable. The Common Kuhna sat down and just listened. He would wait for Eveningpaw to explain.
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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 06/29/2009 7:17 PM

Almost imperceptively, Sydell looked up at the Werecain who towered over him. His crimped purple eyes went wide, wrinkling his broad, goblin-like forehead. "Heal... me,"he said tinily. "You.. know... heal... me?"

Freezair, who had never been very good at noticing things when she wasn't trying to, breezed on ahead. Her face was very calm, but there was a stubbornness in the way her eyebrows crinkled that told Kayneena and Rocket to watch their backs. Freezy was going to let loose with some weapons-grade Meddling soon. She fidgeted thoughtfully with her arms. "Well, all I know is, chasing people willy-nilly through the streets of Medicai isn't gonna do you or anyone any good--'specially if you might knock someone down along the way. I don't know if I believe you that humans can't make it. You got the best doctors in Evelon, from all kindsa different cities and tribes, all workin' together here! I'm sure you can find either the medicine you need, or the ingredients to make it, without going all--all Tom and Jerry on everyone!"

"...Hey, Sydell, what are you doing?" Kayneena asked. She followed him with her eyes, looking at the one called Eveningpaw.

"Help... me... maybe..."

Even Rocket got distracted from the drama at hand for a second. "Woah! Sydell, what are you doing? I don't think I've ever heard you say more than a few sentences in one day before. Are you feeling alright?"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby cmf25 » 07/11/2009 10:45 PM

Eveningpaw looked down and considered the Moonling's words. She could heal yes, but could she hepl him? She knew nothing about Moonlings other than they lived in the Tengel Rainforest. "Yes, I'll heal you but you have to tell me what's bothering you and a little more about you." As much as she hated her abilities she hoped that at least one of them would kick in to help her.

Kaylisk narrowed her eyes and roared. "Enough! You, Werecain have other things to do then help this thing." She gestured at Sydell. "Have you forgotten so soon your promise? I will do as I please human."

"Alright! Every body just chill." Eveningpaw turned away from the Moonling and irritated Serraptor and toward Freezair. "Now then, would you be as so kind as to help me find a Library. I need books on plants." She couldn't believe that she was actually going to trust a human. After all the torture she had endured for their so called science who could blame her?

"Well Eveingpaw, why didn't you tell anyone? I would have helped you. We could always sneak into a hospital or pharmacy and take what we need. I don't have any keystones with me and I doubt you brought enough to buy all of this expensive junk." Arcticpaw approved of the human's words. At least someone stood up to the Serraptor. Arcticpaw wasn't a fan of his own suggestion but it would be quicker. He knew that this would be the last thing she wanted to do. Would this human and her friends help them?

((Ohhh, I love the Paragon girl. xD Sorry for this being late.))
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Re: How do you solve a problem like Sydell? (P)

Postby Freezair » 07/12/2009 12:17 AM

((She is awesome, yes she is. ^.^))

Sydell looked up thoughtfully."Me... hurt... Too... small... Make... big?" The Moonling had no arms, but if it did, it would have waved them plaintively. "Heart... too... small. Magic... too... big... Body... wrong..."

Freezair nodded. "We're actually just going to one. The Great Library of Medicai, on the Medicai College campus. It's one of the biggest libraries in Evelon; if there's a book of medical science in existance, it's there. Everything from diagnostic books to textbooks to stuff on alternative medicine. Rocket's been leading us there with GPS. Right, Rocket?"

"Affirmative," the Khalmar replied.

Kayneena had taken to noticing Sydell's plight, too. "Sydell? What do you mean, 'heart too small?' 'Body Wrong?' Do you hurt somewhere?"  

[36, 6]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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